Grass Story

Chapter 42: Photo and something…

Aya was flying toward the human village with Kusa snugly nestled in her pouch, humming happily.

Aya inquired, "It's a good thing that you two are already reconciled."

Kusa responded with enthusiasm, "Yup! That's why let's go to Hijiri's temple!"

Aya considered for a moment and then asked, "Kusa... is your story true?"

Kusa looked at Aya's eyes and replied, "Yes, but I changed it a bit."

Aya, with curiosity, prompted Kusa to tell her the true story.

Kusa hesitated for a moment before revealing, "I guess... the only people who knew this were Marisa, Reimu, and Mokou."

She continued with a heartfelt poem, "There's a girl that has the same name as the sun, her life is bright and happy like the spring, but an unfortunate thing happened and made her whole life fall. The girl continued her life as winter hugged her body until when summer came and gave her another chance. She became twisted and wanted to cause harm, but her spring has arrived and made her sprout, and now she's become a grass that is brighter than the sun."

Kusa looked at Aya, confident that she would understand the deeper meaning.

Aya, empathetic, responded, "I see... It's hard on you, huh..."

Kusa admitted, "At first... but with everyone here, I doubt it will make my life bleak."

Aya smiled warmly and reassured her, "It can't be helped. I'll be here with you until you wilt."

Kusa and Aya entered the temple, only to find that all of the residents were gathered for a meeting of some sort.

Kusa noted, "They seem to be in the middle of a deep discussion... We should wait for a bit."

Aya agreed, "Okay," and the two of them passed the time by playing shogi.

Suddenly, Ichirin addressed them, "Kusa and Aya?"

Kusa greeted everyone cheerfully, "Hello, everyone!"

Aya followed suit, apologizing, "I apologize for the intrusion."

Hijiri reassured them, "It isn't a problem at all."

Murasa looked at the shogi game and asked if it was one of Kusa's games.

Kusa replied, "It isn't mine; it's a game that is popular outside."

Shou then expressed interest, "Then can you teach us how to play it?"

Kusa agreed, saying, "Of course! But I have a request..."

Hijiri inquired, "What is your request?"


Nazrin and Aya continued taking photos while Kusa patiently taught Shou and the others the rules of shogi.

Shou challenged Kusa to a shogi match, but as expected, Kusa emerged as the victor.

The others expressed their interest in learning and sparring as well, so Kusa patiently guided them and played matches with each of them. Meanwhile, Aya continued her photoshoot.

After they had all finished, Kusa left the shogi board and pieces for them to continue practicing and gave them a basket full of fruits as a gift.

Kusa then mentioned, "They are out from the village..."

Aya agreed, saying, "Finally!"

Together, they flew towards the Aki sisters.

Shizuha and Minoriko were enjoying themselves after unloading their cart of potatoes when suddenly, an apple fell on Shizuha's head.

Shizuha was taken by surprise, and Minoriko asked, "Older sister, are you okay?"

Shizuha laughed and, inspired by the apple incident, playfully created the "three laws of motion."


Shizuha exclaimed, "Ouch!"

Minoriko, concerned, asked, "Older sister, are you okay?"

Shizuha reassured her, "I'm fine, but why did an apple fall from the top?"

To their surprise, the apple exploded, revealing Kusa.

Kusa chimed in, "You thought it was an apple, but it's me, Kusa!"

Shizuha, not amused, declared, "Kusa! You'll pay for that!"

The two of them engaged in a playful skirmish, resembling cats and dogs, while Aya gracefully landed nearby, close to Minoriko.

Aya apologized, saying, "I apologize for her actions..."

Minoriko, smiling warmly, responded, "It's okay! I'm glad my older sister is having fun after patiently waiting for me to finish. I'm pretty sure she was very bored with it."

Aya then inquired, "Can I take a photo of your bullet patterns?"

Minoriko enthusiastically agreed, saying, "Of course!"

Aya nodded and replied, "Then let's wait for Kusa to finish..."

Meanwhile, Kusa and Shizuha were still engaged in their playful battle.

Kusa taunted, "Is that all you can throw, dried leaves?!"

Shizuha retorted, "Shut up!"


After completing the photo shoot, Kusa handed over a basket of fruits to Minoriko and Shizuha. Shizuha, with teary eyes, initially seemed angry but couldn't help but smile.

Aya mentioned, "I guess that's all I had in mind."

Kusa then suggested, "How about Marisa, Reimu, and Mokou?"

Aya agreed, "Nice suggestion, Kusa!"

Kusa decided, "Then let's go to the Hakurei Shrine! They are gathered there."

Aya nodded, "Okay."


After completing the photo shoot, Kusa handed over a basket of fruits to Minoriko and Shizuha. Shizuha, with teary eyes, initially seemed angry but couldn't help but smile.

Aya mentioned, "I guess that's all I had in mind."

Kusa then suggested, "How about Marisa, Reimu, and Mokou?"

Aya agreed, "Nice suggestion, Kusa!"

Kusa decided, "Then let's go to the Hakurei Shrine! They are gathered there."

Aya nodded, "Okay."


Kusa and Aya arrived at the Hakurei Shrine to find Reimu waiting.

Reimu greeted them, "Kusa, you are late!"

Kusa chuckled, "Hahahaa~ I'm sorry, I was having fun with Aya here."

Reimu questioned, "Where did the two of you go?"

Kusa replied, "That's why I want to tell it to everybody."

Reimu agreed, "Okay."

As they entered, they witnessed Mokou and Marisa engaged in an arm-wrestling contest. It was evident that Mokou had the upper hand in terms of physical strength.

Kusa quietly approached Mokou and greeted her, "Good evening!"

Mokou, startled by Kusa's sudden presence, flinched and looked at her, allowing Marisa to briefly gain an advantage in their arm-wrestling match.

Mokou kissed Kusa passionately, simultaneously defeating Marisa in their arm-wrestling match.

Marisa protested, "As the main wife, I should be the first to receive her welcome kiss!"

Mokou chuckled, "Ah, it can't be helped. Kusa is cute today too."

Marisa conceded, "I can't retort to that."

Marisa then approached Kusa and kissed her as well.

Reimu decided it was her turn and lifted Kusa's chin, planting a kiss on her lips.

Aya, not wanting to be left out, declared, "Me too!" However, the other three women aimed their bullets at her, causing her to hastily add, "It's a joke!"

Kusa's mischievous grin grew wider as she concocted a devious plan.

Aya, sensing trouble, observed Kusa's expression and braced herself for what was to come.

Kusa, with mock innocence, accused, "Aya made me drink alcohol."

Aya immediately took off, realizing the storm of trouble that awaited her. The three girls, Mokou, Marisa, and Reimu, emanated an intimidating aura as they chased after the fleeing reporter.

Kusa couldn't contain her laughter. "Hahahahahahaha!"

Amidst the chaos, she turned her attention to the newcomer, a girl with dark green eyes, long green hair, and a distinctive attire. The girl wore a blue and yellow cap, a long white and blue dress, and a medium-length blue cape fastened with a yellow ribbon at her neck. As a ghost, she sported a light-blue tail instead of legs and held a staff with a crescent moon on top.

Mima appeared, commenting on Kusa's usual mischievous antics.

Kusa shrugged, her playful demeanor unwavering. "Well, she shouldn't have run away. If she hadn't, they might have taken it as a joke."

Kusa continued, defending herself, "But by running, she practically affirmed her guilt. I did give her invisible choices, after all."

Mima raised an eyebrow, skeptical. "The fact that the choices are invisible means there are no choices at all."

Kusa chuckled. "Probably."

Changing the topic, Kusa asked, "Want to help me cook?"

Mima agreed with a nod. "Sure."

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