Grass Story

Chapter 7: Another petal fall.

As the weeks passed, an unexpected companionship blossomed between Kusa and Marisa. The once-reluctant grass spirit found herself increasingly drawn into the magician's whirlwind of activities. It wasn't so much that Kusa actively sought out these adventures, but rather that Marisa's infectious energy and enthusiasm had a way of sweeping her along.

Their escapades ranged from whimsical to dangerous. Marisa's penchant for yokai extermination became an opportunity for Kusa to observe the mystical creatures of Gensokyo up close, and sometimes even lend a helping hand with her unique abilities. She watched, hidden among the grasses, as Marisa deftly wielded her master spark against powerful foes, and occasionally intervened with her surprise attacks.

But it wasn't all serious battles and perilous encounters. Marisa's mischievous nature led them to borrow various items from Rinnosuke's eclectic antique shop, often leading to comedic situations as they returned the borrowed objects just in the nick of time. And then there were the times when Marisa's playful rivalry with the shrine maiden Reimu resulted in elaborate pranks and tricks that left the temple grounds in chaos, much to Kusa's amusement.

Through it all, Kusa found herself growing more accustomed to the company of the boisterous magician. Despite her initial reservations, she had come to appreciate Marisa's genuine and unguarded nature. Marisa, in turn, seemed to have developed a sense of fondness for the tiny grass spirit, and their interactions became marked by a sense of camaraderie and mutual understanding.


In the grand library of the Scarlet Mansion, a clash of magical forces was underway. Marisa, the energetic magician, and Patchouli, the mansion's resident bookworm, were engaged in a lively duel of spells and incantations. Bolts of energy crackled through the air, filling the vast chamber with a dazzling display of lights and colors.

Amidst the intensity of their battle, an unexpected interruption occurred. A single flower, delicate and beautiful, materialized before Marisa. Her lips curled into a mischievous grin as she recognized the meaning behind the gesture. Without hesitation, she seized the opportunity and made a hasty retreat from the ongoing magical showdown.

As Marisa's figure vanished from the scene, Patchouli's sharp intellect caught onto the anomaly. The normally meticulous rows of bookshelves were disrupted, a single gap marring the otherwise orderly arrangement. Concerned and intrigued, Patchouli's curiosity drove her to investigate the matter further.

However, the tranquility of the moment was shattered by a sudden cry of alarm. Koakuma, the diligent assistant of Patchouli, was the bearer of the unsettling news. She reported the abrupt disappearance of a shelf, leaving a conspicuous void in the carefully maintained collection.

Patchouli, her usual demeanor of calm and collectedness momentarily shattered, reacted with a mixture of anger and shock. The shock was enough to send her reeling, and she collapsed with a thud, either from the sheer surprise or the rush of emotions she experienced.

Koakuma rushed to her mistress's side, her worry evident as she called out to Patchouli. The scene was a blend of the surreal and the dramatic, all within the hallowed halls of the Scarlet Mansion's library.


In a tranquil forest clearing, the scene was an unusual blend of whimsy and camaraderie. Marisa, the spirited blonde magician, and Kusa, the diminutive grass spirit, were engaged in a peculiar task. Before them stood a towering shelf, an impressive structure that seemed almost out of place in the serene natural setting.

Amidst this unusual backdrop, Marisa's enthusiasm was palpable as she continued to dote on Kusa, peppering her with playful kisses on her face. However, Kusa's patience was wearing thin, and her annoyance was evident in her response.

"Stop it!" Kusa asserted, her voice tinged with exasperation as she pushed Marisa's face away. She was determined to assert her autonomy and shed the perception that she was merely a child in need of constant affection.

Marisa's smirk remained undeterred by Kusa's protests. "Don't be like that, Kusa. You've been a tremendous help," she stated, though her words seemed to gloss over Kusa's genuine feelings.

"I don't need your thanks. I'm more concerned about the owner of the library," Kusa replied with a touch of regret, her inner thoughts revealing her underlying unease about their actions.

Marisa attempted to assuage Kusa's concerns. "Don't worry, I'll make sure to return them," she assured, though Kusa couldn't help but doubt the sincerity of the promise.

Curiosity piqued, Marisa turned her attention to the impressive feat they had accomplished. "How did you manage to move the entire shelf here?" she inquired, clearly impressed by Kusa's capabilities.

Kusa's response was matter-of-fact, yet carried an air of mystique. "The shelf is constructed from wood, just like the books. I can absorb them into myself and then release them back outside," she explained, shedding light on her unique ability to manipulate plant matter.

Marisa considered this revelation. "So, you can only store things that are made of wood?" she deduced.

Kusa nodded in confirmation. "Yes, that's correct," she affirmed, her voice tinged with a touch of humility.

Marisa's next suggestion demonstrated both the practicality and the limitations of her own living space. "While I peruse some of the books I'm interested in, why don't you return the rest?" she proposed.

Kusa's response was concise yet understanding. "Yes, that sounds reasonable," she agreed, acknowledging the practicality of Marisa's proposal.

"I've chosen around 10 books, so you can put the rest back," Marisa announced with evident glee, her excitement palpable in the air.

"Alright," Kusa acknowledged, observing as Marisa selected volumes on immortality, life extension, and botany, her curiosity piqued.

The shelves that held the books seemed to dissolve into a cascade of shimmering green lights, a mesmerizing transformation that left Kusa both intrigued and somewhat perplexed. The verdant illumination merged with Kusa's form as if the very essence of the books was becoming one with her.

"Then, shall we?" Marisa's voice brimmed with eagerness, as she extended an invitation for Kusa to join her in her magical retreat.

Kusa, however, politely declined. "No, thank you. I think I'd like to take a leisurely walk for a little while," she expressed her desire to explore the world around her evident in her gentle demeanor.

Undeterred, Marisa persisted. "Well, let me at least accompany you," she proposed with genuine enthusiasm.

Kusa considered Marisa's offer, her keen perception noticing a hint of urgency in the magician's demeanor. "It's alright, Marisa. You seem to have something important to attend to," she gently pointed out, highlighting Marisa's preoccupation.

Realization dawned on Marisa, accompanied by a forced tone of regret. "Ah, right, my apologies. I can't accompany you at the moment," she admitted.

Kusa's smile remained warm and understanding. "That's perfectly fine. I did agree to do this after all," she replied, her tone gentle and reassuring.

Marisa bid her farewell with cheerfulness. "Well then, see you later, Kusa!" With that, the magician vanished into thin air, leaving behind a single petal from Kusa's accessories, a fleeting token of their encounter.

Observing the fallen petal at her feet, Kusa's thoughts turned reflective. "It's been five years since I reincarnated into this world," she mused, her gaze directed toward the changing season. Spring had arrived for the fifth time since her rebirth.

The flower nestled in her hair bore witness to the passage of time, its once-complete petals now diminished by two. Kusa's voice carried a tinge of melancholy as she remarked, "Five years remain until my time here comes to an end." The weight of the inevitable loss settled upon her heart.

"Yet, in the grand scheme of things, I am but a blade of grass," Kusa lamented softly, her introspection tinged with a bittersweet realization. The fleeting taste of life's beauty was beginning to take root in her heart, only to be uprooted once again.

A wistful smile graced Kusa's features, a delicate expression of acceptance. In silence, she began to walk away, her steps imbued with a newfound sense of purpose, embracing the world around her even as the specter of an eventual departure lingered in the background.


Seated upon a lily pad, Kusa glided gracefully through the water, her journey leading her toward the imposing expanse of the Scarlet Mansion. As she ventured, a chance encounter awaited her – the ever-confident Cirno, the self-proclaimed strongest fairy.

"You there! I, the mightiest fairy, challenge you to a duel!" Cirno declared, her bravado unwavering as she addressed Kusa. It was no secret that Kusa was often the orchestrator of Cirno's daily vexations.

However, before the challenge could fully unfold, an unexpected twist transpired. Vines, emerging from the depths of the water, snaked their way toward Cirno's legs with swift and calculated precision. She found herself ensnared, her protests stifled by the encroaching tendrils as she was pulled beneath the water's surface.

"AaaAAaaAAah¡¡¡" Cirno's startled cry reverberated through the air, a testament to her abrupt submersion. Despite her struggles, the vines held their grasp, and Cirno's voice was soon muted by the water that now surrounded her.

Undeterred by the commotion, Kusa continued her serene journey atop the lily pad, her focus fixed forward. The plight of the drowning fairy faded into the background as Kusa pressed onward, navigating the waters with an air of tranquility, seemingly oblivious to the chaos she had left in her wake.


Upon reaching the shore and stepping onto solid ground, Kusa continued her journey, her steps carrying her further into the heart of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. As she moved forward, she came upon the slumbering form of the guard keeper, nestled in peaceful repose. Quietly, Kusa treads onward, her presence evading the guard's slumbering senses as she entered the mansion grounds.

Navigating with practiced ease, Kusa ventured deeper into the mansion's sprawling gardens. Amidst the verdant beauty, she encountered a peculiar sight – a young child with ethereal wings adorned with a spectrum of shimmering crystals. Recognizing the child as Flandre, Kusa greeted her with a familiarity born from their past interactions.

"Flandre, it's quite unusual to see you outside," Kusa remarked, her tone carrying a hint of amusement. The overcast sky above seemed to match the unique ambiance.

"Kusa!! Let's play!" Flandre's eyes lit up with excitement at the sight of her companion.

"Before playtime, how about escorting me to the library?" Kusa suggested, her intentions veiled in cryptic words.

"Are you here to borrow or return?" Flandre inquired, her curiosity piqued by Kusa's enigmatic statement.

"I'm here to return," Kusa replied, her words carrying a sense of purpose.

With their agreement set, Flandre hoisted Kusa onto her shoulder, and the two embarked on their way, making their way toward the mansion. Along the path, their journey intersected with a figure – a silver-haired maid named Sakuya.

"Ah, young lady Flandre, and Kusa as well," Sakuya's gaze fell upon the duo, her interest piqued by Kusa's presence, her perceptive eyes noting the gradual loss of petals from Kusa's accessory.

"Sakuya, good afternoon, I suppose," Kusa greeted, a forced cheerfulness in her tone that contrasted with her previous demeanor.

"Is everything alright, Kusa?" Sakuya's concern was evident as she observed the shift in Kusa's disposition.

"I'm fine. It's just a part of my existence – a limited lifespan," Kusa responded with a nonchalant shrug, her acceptance of her circumstances palpable.

Perplexed by the conversation unfolding before her, Flandre interjected, seeking clarity. "What are you two talking about?"

"Nothing at all," Kusa replied, her voice carrying a sense of finality to the exchange.

"I see. Let's continue, then. Excuse us, Sakuya," Flandre chimed in, her cheerfulness unfazed by the cryptic conversation.

As they moved through the mansion, Flandre carried Kusa in her grasp, carefully navigating to evade the notice of the mansion's residents. Kusa's guidance led them to a hidden vantage point, concealed from Patchouli's view.

"Hmm? Who's there?" Patchouli's keen senses detected a faint whisper, triggering her wariness.

Seizing the opportunity, Kusa skillfully manipulated her roots, causing a book to topple from its shelf. The sound diverted Patchouli's attention, her ire was redirected toward Marisa, who became the unexpected target of her wrath.

"Marisa!!!" Patchouli's furious cry echoed through the mansion, a testament to her exasperation at yet another disappearing shelf.

"Let's make our exit before she finds us," Kusa whispered to Flandre, her voice laced with urgency.

"Okay," Flandre responded obediently, her compliance a testament to her trust in Kusa's guidance.

Silently and deftly, they retraced their steps, their movements careful and calculated. With Kusa's guidance, they successfully navigated the mansion's labyrinthine passages, evading discovery and ensuring a smooth return.

Their mission accomplished, Kusa and Flandre emerged from their covert venture, their actions unnoticed by the residents of the Scarlet Devil Mansion.


"Marisa, why do you seem so preoccupied today?" Reimu inquired as she encountered Marisa on the forest floor, her curiosity piqued by the magician's unusual demeanor.

Marisa, who had been energetically scouring the area for ingredients, abruptly halted her search. She hesitated for a moment, her internal struggle evident on her face.

"I..." Marisa's voice wavered as she grappled with whether or not to reveal her concerns.

Gritting her teeth, Marisa clenched her fist and made her decision. "I have a feeling that something's not right with Kusa," she admitted, voicing the unease that had been gnawing at her.

Reimu arched an eyebrow, clearly intrigued by Marisa's proclamation. "And what makes you say that?"

Marisa sighed, her gaze fixated on the ground as she explained, "Usually, Kusa isn't one to firmly disagree with me... but lately, it's like she's deliberately pushing me away."

Reimu nodded in understanding, acknowledging the dynamics of their peculiar relationship. "Perhaps she's grown tired of dealing with your antics," she suggested, a hint of amusement dancing in her eyes. After all, even Reimu could empathize with the challenges of spending too much time with Marisa.

Marisa, however, had more to share. "That's not all," she continued, her tone more somber. "When I first met her, she had two flowers on her head, each with four petals. But for a while now, she's been missing one of them."

Reimu furrowed her brow, intrigued by Marisa's observation. "But wouldn't a flower wither if it's removed from its stem?"

Marisa shook her head. "Yes, normally it would, but that's what's puzzling me. If she's missing a petal, why hasn't she replaced it? She changes her big leaf accessory every week, so it's not like she can't switch things up."

Reimu regarded Marisa with a mixture of curiosity and understanding. "You pay quite a lot of attention to her, don't you?"

Marisa shrugged nonchalantly. "We spend a lot of time together, so it's hard not to notice."

Seemingly convinced by Marisa's observations, Reimu offered her assistance. "Alright, I'll help you this time. If there's a chance she needs help, we should do what we can."

Marisa's determination solidified, and a small smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "Thanks, Reimu. Let's find the ingredients we need and make sure Kusa's okay."

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