Grass Story

Chapter 9: Going around.

Just a heads up, you might notice quite a few time skips throughout the story. Keep in mind that the narrative style leans heavily towards a slice-of-life approach. Oh, and don't forget, Kusa's abilities have grown to the point where she can manipulate her height. She's quite the shapeshifter, capable of being a petite 3ft girl or shrinking down to a fraction of her usual size – even palm-sized!

Within the serene atmosphere of the Hakurei Shrine, a gentle transformation was taking place. The once weathered and rundown shrine was undergoing a remarkable revival, thanks to the efforts of a diminutive figure with an innate connection to nature. Kusa, with her small form, was diligently applying her skills to mend the shrine's wooden structures, infusing them with renewed vitality and making them look as good as new.

Her voice carried a hint of earnestness as she shared her limitations, "I can only help with the woodwork, but I can't assist you with the tiles."

Reimu's elation was palpable, and she couldn't contain her joy as she enveloped Kusa in an exuberant hug. The embrace, however, was a tad too tight for Kusa's liking. "Too tight..." she managed to squeeze out amidst Reimu's excitement.

Apologizing with a sheepish smile, Reimu explained, "Ah! Sorry, I'm just so thrilled to see the shrine looking new again."

Her eyes surveyed the shrine's refreshed appearance, and she voiced her relief, "Now I don't have to worry about leaks or the shrine collapsing during an earthquake."

Kusa's response was modest yet heartfelt, "Glad I could help..."

Turning her attention to culinary matters, Reimu inquired, "What would you like to eat?"

Kusa's curiosity piqued, and she responded, "Hmm? I didn't think you had food here, considering your shrine doesn't seem to have many visitors."

Reimu's explanation shed light on the situation, "Sometimes money appears in my shrine surroundings, some are gifts from Marisa, and some come from completing requests..."

Kusa absorbed the information, her understanding deepening as she continued, "I see..."

Before her, Reimu presented a plate of bread, a simple yet comforting offering. Kusa's delicate consumption of the bread carried a sense of novelty. She savored each bite with a measured pace, savoring the taste. As she took in the unfamiliar sensation, her words held a touch of reminiscence, "Bread... the first time I've eaten human food in a long while."

Curiosity compelled Reimu to inquire, "How do you normally sustain yourself then?"

Kusa's reply was candid, revealing her unique nature, "Mostly fruits and meat, but eating isn't truly necessary for me. I am, after all, a plant spirit."

Reimu's voice held a note of perplexity as she ventured, "I find your species a bit confusing... you aren't a yokai, a ghost, or a god."

Kusa's response carried a touch of contemplation, "Hmm... you can treat me like the avatar of the world. Though mostly, I'm incomplete."

Reimu's curiosity deepened, prompting her to inquire, "So you mean you aren't in your peak state yet?"

Kusa's admission was candid, "Far from it... honestly, I can't even imagine myself being complete."

Reimu's next question was laden with intrigue, "Why is that?"

Kusa's voice held a hint of uncertainty as she replied, "I don't know what the requirements are to be complete. So, for now, I'm simply passing time in the hopes of reaching that state."

A poignant question followed, laced with concern, "And what will happen if you don't manage to become complete?"

Kusa's answer was tinged with solemnity, "I'll disappear."

Reimu's surprise was palpable as she probed further, "Does Marisa know about this?"

Kusa affirmed Reimu's inquiry, shedding light on Marisa's awareness, "She already knows. Despite her appearance, she possesses a keen perception."

A moment of quiet reflection ensued, punctuated by Kusa's finishing the bread.

With a gentle sigh, Kusa presented a gesture of gratitude, conjuring a sizable basket brimming with an assortment of vibrant fruits. The sight elicited surprise from Reimu, who exclaimed, "Eh?!"

Kusa's words were imbued with sincerity as she explained, "Just a token of appreciation for your hospitality."

With that, Kusa bid her farewell to the shrine, her departure marked by a peaceful and unhurried stride.


In a realm stretched between the known and the enigmatic, Kusa found herself at a considerable distance from where her journey had begun. As she halted her steps, a sense of anticipation lingered in the air, accompanied by a certain calm assurance. The silence was soon disrupted by the appearance of a gap, unveiling a figure that exuded an aura of profound mystery.

Before she stood Yukari Yakumo, a being with golden eyes and flowing blonde hair. Clad in a deep purple dress adorned with intricate details, Yukari carried herself with an air of elegance, her presence enhanced by the delicate pink lace parasol and the paper fan she wielded. Seated upon a red gap that led to destinations yet unknown, she was a creature of both poise and intrigue.

Kusa's voice, steady and unwavering, broke the silence. "So... what is your business with me, Miss Yukari?"

Yukari's gaze, imbued with a hint of amusement, met Kusa's. "My, I didn't expect you to be aware of me."

Kusa's reply was imbued with a sense of insight. "The plants informed me, after all."

Yukari's acknowledgment was tinged with a note of intrigue. "Despite being relatively new, you possess a depth of knowledge surpassing many."

Kusa's response held a certain wisdom. "Knowing something is one thing, but the true value lies in one's ability to wield that knowledge effectively. Isn't that right, Yukari Yakumo?"

A sigh escaped Yukari, carrying with it an air of resignation. "You may hold the potential to become an invaluable asset, yet your reliability may also be your downfall."

Kusa's tone reflected her self-assuredness. "I'll take that as a compliment."

As the conversation continued, Kusa conveyed her intent with sincerity. "Don't worry, I have no intention of disrupting your plans. All I seek is to experience the essence of being alive."

Yukari's response carried a measure of understanding. "As long as you comprehend. Moreover, your presence does not pose a threat to Gensokyo, and for that reason, I shall turn a blind eye."

With a subtle shift, Yukari dissolved into the fabric of the gap, leaving Kusa to continue her journey.


Amidst the tranquil expanse of grass fields, Kusa's solitary walk was interrupted by the sudden presence of a shadow cast from above. Emerging from the aerial cover, a girl with a distinct appearance came into view. Her striking red eyes and semi-long black hair framed her features, while her attire consisted of a white blouse paired with a black short skirt, accentuated by the presence of a token upon her head. The enigmatic addition of black wings adorned her back, completing her unique visage.

Aya's voice, brimming with curiosity and playfulness, broke the silence. "Kusa! Tell me more about the interesting events of the day."

Kusa's reply carried a hint of exasperation. "Being acquainted with you is perhaps more of a curse than a blessing..."

Aya's demeanor remained unflappable. "Haiya... don't make me blush. I seek to learn from the source itself, the overseer of events."

Kusa's response held a touch of sternness. "Do refrain from referring to me as the overseer."

Undeterred, Aya continued her banter. "Technically, you do possess oversight, especially considering you probably know the color of my underwear."

Kusa's retort was swift and assured. "I do not know such matters."

In a whimsical twist, a blade of grass gently tugged at Kusa's arm, revealing a discreet message about the color of Aya's underwear. Kusa's subsequent words carried a mix of curiosity and amusement. "What do you mean by black?"

Aya responded with mock scolding. "Oh, you're such a perv, Kusa~ As a suitable punishment, you shall now indulge me by sharing details I wish to hear."

Kusa's gaze turned intently toward the grass that had facilitated this exchange, a silent acknowledgment of the reward it had earned.


Amid a vibrant flower field, Kusa stood enraptured by the graceful dance of the plants under her watchful gaze. Amidst this natural spectacle, an unexpected presence materialized – a green-haired girl adorned in a distinctive ensemble. Her attire featured red plaid pants paired with a waistcoat of matching color and pattern, layered over a simple white shirt adorned with a cheerful yellow ribbon tied around the collar. The ensemble was completed by the presence of a parasol, an accessory that seemed to exude an air of elegance.

"Kusa," the green-haired girl's voice carried a certain weight, accompanied by an undertone of familiarity.

"Yuuka," Kusa responded in kind, her tone holding a mixture of recognition and composure.

Kusa's attention shifted to Yuuka, who stood before her with an air of quiet authority. It was a known fact that Yuuka was one of the few beings immune to the aggressive tendencies of Kusa's plants within Gensokyo – a select group that included the formidable Aya as well.

The exchange continued, revealing a subtle game of approach and strategy.

"Rather than approaching me directly, you chose to wait here," Yuuka observed, her words laced with a hint of curiosity.

Kusa's response carried a sense of nonchalance. "Walking toward you seemed like a hassle. I prefer it when others come to me."

Yuuka's determination became evident. "Very well, then allow me to approach you."

Kusa's playful spirit interjected. "So instead of relying on your bullet barrage, you intend to challenge me using only your fists?"

A hint of determination flashed in Yuuka's eyes. "In a long-range battle, I can't defeat you. But face-to-face, with my strength, I will beat you!"

Kusa accepted the challenge with unwavering resolve. "Then come!"

The clash of wills reverberated through the field as both Kusa and Yuuka charged toward each other. The very surroundings seemed to respond to their conflict, as flowers and grass burgeoned, responding to their fervent clash. In the realm where nature and power converged, a fierce contest was underway, marked by the determined spirit of two formidable entities.


In the expanse of the snowy fields, Kusa's figure stood gracefully, wrapped in a light blue dress that complemented the wintry surroundings. Her presence exuded an air of tranquility, seemingly unfazed by the cold that enveloped the landscape. A pristine, white giant leaf rested gently in her hand, a testament to her natural affinity with the world around her.

"I may not be particularly bothered by the cold," Kusa mused softly, her gaze fixed on the snowy vista before her, "but I do hope Marisa doesn't fall ill."

As if in response to her thoughts, shards of ice suddenly materialized and hurtled toward Kusa. However, the very roots of the plants at her side acted as a protective shield, effortlessly disintegrating the icy assault.

"Cirno..." Kusa's voice carried a hint of recognition, her attention drawn to the source of the attack.

Emerging amidst the frosty landscape, Cirno made her presence known. The ice fairy had transformed sorts, her appearance altered to showcase a newfound growth. Her attire remained consistent, yet her once-modest pair of wings had multiplied, now boasting an impressive six.

"Kusa!" Cirno's voice carried a confident, even boastful, tone as she addressed Kusa.

With a grandiose flourish, Cirno exuded an intense coldness, summoning forth a blizzard that began to take form within their immediate surroundings. The air itself seemed to shiver under the weight of her power.

"Behold, Kusa! The pinnacle of my strength! Today, I shall defeat you!" Cirno declared, her determination evident in her words and actions.

As their clash ensued, the field bore witness to an intense struggle. Frozen grasses near Cirno's vicinity shattered upon impact, while the bullets she launched were deftly parried by the strategic growth of roots conjured by Kusa.

Yet Kusa had her plan. Drawing upon her innate connection with the world, she produced a spell card that radiated a radiant, golden light. It was as if the very sun itself responded to her call. In a brilliant display, a focused beam of sunlight streaked down from the heavens, landing squarely upon Cirno.

The result was swift and decisive. Cirno stood, her form now enveloped in a cloud of soot, a testament to the overwhelming power of the sun's strike. She lay unconscious amidst the snow, her fiery determination momentarily quenched.


Amidst the serene beauty of Gensokyo's landscape, Kusa's form moved gracefully, her light blue dress fluttering gently with each step. Her presence radiated an air of confidence, perhaps earned through countless victories that had come before. A wry smile touched her lips as she murmured to herself, "It seems I've won a thousand times."

Yet, even as Kusa's thoughts swirled with memories of past triumphs, her connection to the world around her remained keen. With a sense of heightened awareness, she inclined her head slightly, as if listening to a whispered secret carried by the wind.

"It seems trouble is near," Kusa spoke softly, her words a testament to the instinctual bond she shared with the plants that surrounded her. Her gaze shifted, no longer fixed on the vast expanse before her, but instead directed toward a specific destination.

With resolute determination, Kusa set her course, each step taking her closer to Marisa's humble abode. The path she followed was not one of hesitation, but rather a purposeful stride driven by a sense of urgency. The rustling of leaves and the gentle sway of the grass seemed to accompany her as if nature itself acknowledged her concern.

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