Great Artist

Chapter 138

Chapter 138: Future Plan

The banquet of ‘Chasing the Murderer in the White Night’ was held ten days earlier than expected! It was officially finished on the first weekend of June. For the most difficult part, after Gu Luobei finished filming in one go, it was a smooth journey. Although the right foot was slightly injured, it did not affect the shooting too much.

When Christopher Nolan uttered the last “card”, Gu Luobei’s first feeling was that he could finally create a **** and leave this **** place. In the past, I always thought that it should be an interesting thing that the sun never sets twenty-four hours a day. But after the actual experience, Gu Luobei knew the test of the spirit.

Although you can sleep at night in Alaska, the sunshade curtains are tightly drawn, and there is also a sleeping environment indoors. Just like in Boston and New York, where night falls occasionally and carnival all night, there is not much difference in life. , but getting used to the alternation of day and night, here you can see the dazzling sun all the time, it is really easy to make people anxious.

More importantly, without the spectacular sunrise and sunset, life is always less interesting, isn’t it?

When Gu Luobei returned to Boston, his right foot was almost healed, but after years of Broadway career, as well as fighting in the streets, Gu Luobei had a lot of invisible injuries. Teddy… Bell was still three. Tianliang ran to Gu Luobei’s dormitory, and only after making sure everything was fine, did he focus on his studies.

When Gu Luobei came back, Eden Hudson was not in the dormitory, and the cold room seemed to be unoccupied for a while. Gu Luobei knew that this week, Eden Hudson went to two New York law firms for interviews. As an outstanding junior at the best law school in the United States, there are many interns like Eden Hudson. Law firms are fighting for it. Of course, in the same way, Eden Hudson can enter an excellent law firm for an internship, which is also very helpful for future career planning.

Gu Luobei came back in time. There were still two weeks before the submission of the project on June 18th. The subject is the second draft of the graduation project of the Department of Architecture, which has been revised, and the first draft of the psychology graduation thesis that has been written in time. It is necessary to meet the advisor again before the summer vacation. Only in this way can Gu Luobei take time out during the summer vacation to make revisions and submit the revised manuscript again when the fall semester of his senior year begins.

Senior year, it’s going to be senior year in a blink of an eye. Gu Luobei was a nerd in his last life. He didn’t graduate until he was a graduate student in the Department of Architecture. Although he studied early, he was already twenty-six years old when he graduated. I didn’t expect that my life would be so fast, and I would be able to graduate from the University of the Gods before the age of twenty.

Sitting in Muller…Lance’s office, the heat of summer in early June seems to have not yet set foot here. The natural wind in the hall fills the office with a touch of summer heat and the fragrance of books, which makes it seem quiet and peaceful.

“Very outrageous… Lance only turned the first few pages, and the last few pages.

Gu Luobei knew that the professor was reading the introduction part and the research question part including the research method, which is the basic framework of a paper. “But there is too little background information. You have only read 30 references? It shouldn’t be enough, right?”

Muller…Lance raised his head and helped the burgundy frame on the bridge of his nose to look at Gu Luobei from above the frame. Gu Luobei couldn’t help twitching the corners of his mouth and whispered “eyes are really good”, “Yes, there are still twenty references to read.” During the filming of “White Nights”, he not only read most of the two books First, after returning twenty papers, I wrote the first draft of the graduation thesis, and the result was immediately seen by Muller…Lance: insufficient theoretical background information.

Gu Luobei’s graduation thesis chose a relatively complex topic, whether split personality can become a criterion for determining a crime. To put it simply, it means that a person has sinned, but he is a split personality, the sinner is an evil personality, and his other personality is good. Although split personality is a kind of mental illness, it is relatively special. With the help of a psychiatrist, it is possible to eliminate evil personalities. Then, if under the authoritative appraisal, the criminal’s evil personality disappears, and what remains is a kind personality, whether it can be the evidence of the criminal’s exoneration is the core issue discussed in Gu Luobei’s thesis.

This topic involves social psychology, criminal psychology, law, ethics and other aspects. If it is only a topic at the end of the semester, Gu Luobei can make a **** and use the method of discussion to demonstrate. But as a paper, it’s not that simple. Gu Luobei must inquire about the background information of various disciplines, construct the framework of the background, research questions and directions of the whole paper, confirm a core point, and then start the discussion.

However, because the scope of the disciplines involved is too broad, Gu Luobei’s current investigation is still far from sufficient, and what is currently handed over to Muller…Lance can only be regarded as a framework. Even so, the research value of Gu Luobei’s paper is still outstanding. It not only covers the more complex topics of split personality in psychology, but also plays a role in the discussion of social crimes. If it is said in a big way, it may have an impact on the jury and even the law when similar cases are tried in court.

Therefore, when Mueller…Lance saw several topics selected by the disciple, he once expressed his praise. In the end, Gu Luobei chose the most difficult topic…because it involves social and ethical issues, and there is still no conclusion about whether the split personality can be cured. These are all specious judgments. simple thing. Muller…Lance expressed his appreciation and satisfaction for the disciple’s spirit of facing difficulties.

Of course, all this is empty talk, and Gu Luobei’s thesis has not yet been finished. The publication of the framework does not mean the publication of the entire thesis. For now, Gu Luobei has only 50 references, which is far from enough to support the grand framework of this paper. If possible, Gu Luobei would have to turn to Eden… Hudson to inquire about the relevant case information, so Mueller… Lance could see the inadequacies of this paper at a glance, and he had to complete the paper in detail. Existing theoretical background information is definitely not enough!

“Go back and list a list of one hundred and fifty articles for me, and I’ll help you choose it.” Muller…Lance took his eyes back and said lightly. Gu Luobei’s eyes began to twitch. One hundred and fifty articles, it would take a lot of time to make a list. It is estimated that Mueller…Lance would need at least eighty articles to pick and choose references. Must be tossing. “But this research question is really interesting and has social significance.” Mu Le. After Lance finished the bombshell, he held his chin and smiled at Gu Luobei’s thesis 1ù, obviously very satisfied with the framework of the proud disciple’s thesis, “I will also help you find this aspect, and it will be written. It’s a brilliant paper.”

Muller…Lance looked up and saw Gu Luobei’s bitter face, knowing that his disciple was complaining about too many references, he couldn’t help but smile, “Your paper is well written, maybe you can create a **** Published in the ‘Journal of Psychology and Social Psychology’, use more snacks.” “Journal of Psychology and Social Psychology…” is one of the core journals of psychology in the United States, and its academic performance is very high. Gu Luobei did not analyze the above in class. ‘s thesis.

As we all know, the level of papers to be published in professional journals must be strictly reviewed, which also marks the professional level of the authors of the papers. Therefore, in general, the graduation requirements for master’s and doctoral students include the item of thesis in professional journals, which completely separates the professional distance from the bachelor’s degree.

As an undergraduate student, Gu Luobei received such recognition from Muller…Lance, although it may not come true, but it is also a supreme affirmation, but at this time there is no happy expression on his face, instead He slumped his shoulders, “I’ll try my best.” It’s not that Gu Luobei is not excited, but whether it can be published or not is completely illusory. Now that the paper has not been written, he will not be happy for something that has not been determined. Woolen cloth. There are more than 150 papers to read in front of him. This is definitely a huge project. Gu Luobei still worries about this first.

Gu Luobei chose this topic because of his interest on the one hand, and he really wanted to write a good thesis on the other hand. But now it seems that this subject is very profound, and even Mueller … Lance has to take it seriously. In the end, Gu Luobei could only complain. However, although the creation of a **** could indicate hard work, Gu Luobei was not someone who gave up at will. Complaining was the same thing. He would definitely work hard to finish the thesis when he went back. Not only is it completed, but also the appearance!

Muller…Lance saw Gu Luobei’s dejected appearance, but the smile on the corner of his mouth became bigger, “Is there no class next semester, what are your plans?” Gu Luobei’s credits will be completed this semester, according to The conventional way of thinking is, of course, to go to an internship and find a job while writing a thesis, but Gu Luobei is different, so Muller…Lance has this question.

“I’m considering whether to continue my studies.” Gu Luobei said seriously, but Mueller … Lance was a little surprised by this answer.

Gu Luobei took care of his career and studies in the past two semesters. Obviously, it was very hard. The candle was burning at both ends, and the iron man couldn’t hold it. Now, Gu Luobei’s music career is on track, and it will only get busier in the future. It is not an easy task to take care of his studies. Therefore, hearing Gu Luobei’s answer, Muller…Lance was indeed a little surprised, but after thinking about it, it was not unexpected.

No matter how busy he is in his career, Gu Luobei still hasn’t pulled down his studies in the past two semesters. Last semester’s full-Q transcript was very eye-catching. Muller … Lance can create a **** to know that Gu Luobei is still working very hard.

“Very well, if you continue your studies, I am willing to write a letter of recommendation for you. There should be no problem with the full award.” Muller…Lance just paused for a while, then said with a smile. The subtext of these words is that as long as Gu Luobei has the idea of continuing his studies, Muller … Lance is willing to accept him as his graduate student. If the other applicants who had crossed the threshold and hoped to become Müller…Lance’s disciple knew, the jealous gaze projected would be enough to drown him.

Muller…Lance looked at Gu Luobei with some hesitation in his eyes, and knew that he was still thinking about the measurement. After all, this was also a question related to the future exhibition. Muller…Lance couldn’t understand it any more. As soon as he rolled his eyes, Muller…Lance thought of another possibility, “Why, that guy Richard also wants you to continue your master’s degree?” Muller…Lance said Richard was the Harvard Architecture The head of the department, Richard… Wendy.

It’s not news that Gu Luobei got a different look from Richard Wendy in the Department of Architecture. Muller…Lance and Richard Wendy are also friends, so naturally it becomes clearer.

Gu Luobei nodded and admitted Muller…Lance’s speculation. Yesterday I went to see Richard… When Wendy, his graduation project basically had no problems, just some revisions in details. It is estimated that the third draft can be considered as a final draft. Next, I will go to see the associate professor and prepare for the defense. God is created. Richard… Wendy took the initiative and asked Gu Luobei if he had any idea of continuing his studies. If so, he was willing to accept Gu Luobei as a disciple and provide a full scholarship.

As for the future, Gu Luobei has certainly thought about it. Whether it is the Department of Architecture or the Department of Psychology, Gu Luobei hopes to continue his studies, not only to experience school life, but also because he has indeed gained a lot of happiness in his studies. The time arrangement for postgraduates is also more broad and reasonable. Graduate students in the United States are still on the credit system, and they can earn credits by writing papers. This is undoubtedly more humane for those who need to balance their studies and careers. UU Reading Schools, as long as they regularly submit topics, can create gods and earn credits.

Therefore, the time arrangement is not what Gu Luobei considers. The point is, “Professor Wendy hopes that I can help with the basic design course of the freshman.” This course has professional teachers, but there are also senior grades in many cases. It is not uncommon to bring a master’s or doctoral degree. Richard Wendy had this idea last semester and asked Gu Luobei, a junior, to take this class, but Gu Luobei, who was so busy that his feet touched the ground, refused.

If you have the task of teaching, you will be more tired when you are busy than in college.

“Hehe, it’s normal.” Muller…Lance was not surprised at all, “If you study a master’s degree in psychology, you will probably also take the basic psychology in your freshman year.” The United States has always been an open education. , I will not be worried because of the low qualifications of graduate students. On the contrary, many basic courses will be entrusted to masters and doctors to teach them, so that they can apply what they have learned.

Mueller…Lance’s words made Gu Luobei smile bitterly, “Professor Lance, should I feel flattered?” This self-joking made Mueller…Lance also laughed.

Today’s first update, although it’s not a blast, but a big chapter of 4,000 words is here, thank you for your support, hehe. a.

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