Great Artist

Chapter 152

Chapter 152: 42Nd Street

…I think Lecce is very suitable for this show, and his taste of western cowboy adds a lot to the role. Gu Luobei had a gentle smile on his face, but after taking a sip of coffee, his brows wrinkled. “God, Travie, are you sure you don’t need to change to a coffee shop?” This coffee shop is still so bad, like the urine of a drunk monkey. “Traviy-Nane laughed when he heard Gu Luobei’s words. “That’s because you are too picky, or you don’t know how to taste coffee at all. …, for his famous disciple, Telavi can’t understand better, Gu Luobei is the one who brought it out.

If he can create a god, he can create a god. If he can’t, he can’t. He knows what he wants, and once he decides, he will go all out. Therefore, as soon as Travie Nahn did not continue to ask questions.

In fact, Telavi guessed from the beginning that Gu Luobei would not agree, so he did not notify Gu Luobei at the first time, but let Payne and Lecce stir up the slander first. It was only when the summer vacation came that I called my disciples to test my words. Although the ending was as expected, Travi-Nann did not have too many regrets.

Gu Luobei refused this opportunity, definitely not to take Joe, it is because his recent itinerary is already full. In one summer vacation alone, there are two things, the photo shoot, the design studio, and the most important thing is graduation, which is the top thing on his to-do list.

After the start of the autumn semester, graduate students will be selected as elective subjects, and preparations for the album will begin. If nothing else, “Death Illusion… should be released, and the “Pop Idol” that is about to start, he, the producer, must not let it go. , Therefore, Gu Luobei’s itinerary is already full this year. Neither Broadway nor movies will be included in his itinerary for the time being.

“When are you going to come back to Broadway?” Although Gu Luobei has made a name for himself in music and has made several movies, Travi-Nann has always believed that his disciple must have something on Broadway. a piece of sky.

“Not this year, but after next year, if there is a good script, there will be no problem.” Gu Luobei did not give a definite [answer], to be honest, even he did not know what he would do next, maybe It is also possible to pack a backpack and go on a trip one day. “Next year, I will study for a master’s degree. The schedule will be much more convenient, and there will naturally be more things to do to create gods.” Telavi nodded, with a doting smile on his face. To this disciple, he Always have a little more preference “I hope I’ll be an audience member offstage when you shine on Broadway.”

“Haha, if that’s the case, I’ll prepare the tickets for you, and it’s the first row!” Gu Luobei laughed. If he really wants to be held accountable, in this lifetime, it’s Travi Nanaen who opened Gu Luobei. Luobei’s musical dream began to enter Broadway at the age of eight. Without his life on Broadway, Gu Luobei would not be able to get to where he is today.

The meeting between Gu Luobei and Travi-Nann did not last long. After all, Travi-Nanen had to go back to organize another rehearsal, and then give up the stage to the “Phantom of the Opera” who was on stage tonight. . Gu Luobei and Travi Yinan walked to the door of the theater together, stood there chatting a few words, and then prepared to wave goodbye.

Before he had time to turn around, he saw Payne and Lecce standing not far away, his face hidden under the light was uncertain, and his eyes that worried about gain and loss could not be concealed in the dim light. Obviously, seeing Gu Luobei’s arrival, Payne immediately became vigilant as soon as Lecce came.

Gu Luobei glanced at Payne Lecce, didn’t say hello, just nodded with Travi and then turned and left. Payne and Lecce looked at Gu Luobei’s back, and couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, but soon became tense again: he will definitely seize this opportunity, definitely!

Leaving the Broadway Theater and walking along Broadway Avenue towards Times Square. The streets of Broadway are crowded with theater audio-visual advertising companies. When night falls, this second-largest entertainment destination in the United States after Hollywood is full of flying lights and bright lights. It is crooked in the center of Manhattan Island, attracting people from all over the world. tourists stay here.

Broadway Boulevard presents a north-south direction, spanning the Times Square and extending infinitely out of sight. Times Square extends in all directions. From east to west, this street is 42nd Street, which is the main road of the island and cuts off Manhattan Island in the middle. It is different from the vast majority of Manhattan’s one-way one-way or multi-way one-way. The main street on this Manhattan island is a two-way thoroughfare. Linhe in the eastern section is the headquarters of the United Nations, and Linhe in the western section is the Consulate General of China. On the other side of the Hudson River is New Jersey, and the scenery is infinitely beautiful.

Centered on Times Square, Broadway cuts 42nd Street into two worlds. To the east is the office building and the New York City Library with the world’s largest collection of books. The Central Park behind the library opens up a steel forest. A rare piece of green.

Contrary to the east side, the scenery on the west side is desolate. Although there are Loulou buildings, supermarkets, groceries, and video stores are within sight, but the buildings are obviously much worn out. This is the oldest area on Manhattan Island.

Starting from Times Square, with Broadway as the boundary, the east side of Forty-Second Street has become more and more prosperous, and the west side has become more and more depressing. Of course, this so-called comparison is only for Manhattan Island. Compared with Brooklyn and Queens, this place is still full of feasting and prosperity.

Going to Times Square, Gu Luobei walked west along 42nd Street. It was past six o’clock, and the time to the east was rubbing shoulders. If you want to enjoy the prosperity of the city, it is a good place to go. But for Gu Luobei, who was going home, it was much easier to take a detour from here to the subway station.

There are many industries to the west of the Plaza, most of which are the surrounding industries extended by the popularity of Broadway and Times Plaza, and of course the most famous service industry. At this time, the sky hadn’t completely darkened, but the red lights of blood had already started to light up along the street, forming a clump, reflecting all the scenery along the street covered with a layer of fluorescent red. From time to time, you can clearly see the silhouette of the full fruit woman on the passing taxi, not to mention the **** posters that can be seen everywhere on both sides.

Yes, 42nd Street is the famous red light district in the United States. From 42nd Street to 46th Street, when night falls, it is the time of xìng industry carnival.

Although the U.S. government has many regulations on the red light district, “xìng” is here as a business, as a means of making money, and the regulations do not work for the bosses.

For example, it is stipulated that teenagers under the age of seventeen are not allowed to watch xìng performances, but there is absolutely no one at the door to check their ID cards. Gu Luobei was a minor when he was on Broadway, but the dancers standing at the door of the dance floor in bikinis still greeted Gu Luobei with smiles, hoping to attract more customers.

Another example is that it is stipulated that striptease performances cannot be taken off completely, and at least something should be left on the body. But in fact, none of the performers wore an inch of thread, just a pair of high-heeled shoes on their feet. If you take the rules to detain them, the boss will definitely say, “Don’t they have anything on them?” Those shoes allow the businessman to take advantage of the loopholes. However, this playful sophistry has now been tacitly accepted.

Therefore, the women on the posters along the street are all naked silhouettes, with a naked body and a pair of high-heeled shoes below. This is a peculiar and ironic typical image of the red light district in the United States.

Walking on the slightly wet street, tourists from all over the world pass between different storefronts. The constantly rotating neon lights, the loud music, and the laughter of Yingyingyanyan make the Forty-Second Street swept away in the evening. Depression, showing prosperity. As a scene in New York, it is strangely intertwined with the Statue of Liberty on the Hudson River, the picturesque Central Park, and the skyscrapers that showcase the great creativity of mankind. The grotesque magically becomes a seamless whole. In New York, it’s always amazing how gods can be created.

The tall and handsome Gu Luobei, who wears a rib among the not crowded tourists, still attracts the attention of many bikini girls, and they come forward to do business. In this area, the xìngyù aura floating in the air was not his favorite.

It was only a hundred yards away, and the grotesqueness of Times Square was still making noise behind him, but Gu Luobei’s footsteps stopped unexpectedly. There was a middle-aged woman in front of him, playing a violin at the entrance of the noisy red light district. Also played a small drum. It seems out of place in the xìng industrial area where people come and go, and the tourists around are not willing to stop, and more people can’t wait to go deep into the street to appreciate the night sales.

“ Gu Luobei knew this woman, walked a few steps forward, and shouted, “Why aren’t you in the subway station today, why did you choose 42nd Street? ”

“Evan.” Susan-Sullivan took the violin off her shoulders and smiled, “A group of newcomers have come to the subway station, so I will come to Times Square to try the hair.” Although the words I didn’t say everything, but Gu Luobei understood it.

Gu Luobei met Susan-Sullivan during a street performance. The two of them are not really friendly, but they would chat a few times when they met during the performance, but this kind of simple friendship has lasted for several years.

Susan and Sullivan used to perform in the subway station. It is estimated that a newcomer has come to the subway station recently, and her eyes have been taken away. She can’t get more income, so she wants to come here to try her luck. However, the competition in Times Square was obviously more intense, and Susan-Sullivan had to move to the entrance of Forty-Second Street, where street performers were not very popular. Although there is a lot of people here, they all come here with a purpose, and they don’t stop for street performers, so other people don’t like to come here.

“How is it? Do I have the honor to work with you again today?” Gu Luobei quickly figured out the twists and turns, and temporarily slowed down the pace of going home, smiling.

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