Great Artist

Chapter 191

Chapter 191: After Disaster

Rescue after a disaster is always frustrating. Sometimes I ran for a day without saving any lives, and I even had to watch lives disappear before my eyes.

Once, the crane and other rescue tools were already in place, but because the wall suddenly collapsed, Gu Luobei, who was next to him, was directly washed down by the huge air wave, and the right arm and the right tuǐ were rubbed with blood. But Gu Luobei didn’t have time to take care of his injury, so he immediately threw himself into the rescue operation.

After all the collapsed cement was cleared away, the woman who was still alive left this world after the second collapse. Looking at the face that was buried in the dust and dirt, it was twisted into a blurred appearance, and it was impossible to recognize the original appearance. Even the blood red color was covered by the dusty dust. In addition to pain and sadness, there was still a heart Desolation beyond words.

This is the ruins after the disaster. The tallest building in the world is now in ruins. The raging fire is still burning, and the air is filled with the frightening smell of charcoal burning.

Thick smoke emerged from the rubble, covering the gaps between the collapsed buildings. Looking up, you can’t see the blue color of the sky, not even the sky, as if you can grab the smoke above your head with a raise of your hand, but this thick fog screen can’t be opened, as if there is no end , The hopeless rescue work has never seen the bright future.

Standing among the rubble on the ground, Gu Luobei was a little dazed. Looking up, there is a thick fog, and behind you are burning cement stones. On the right hand side, you can see half of the tall buildings lying on the ground, blocking the view. Unpredictable black color. The left-hand side is more open, with fire trucks, ambulances, cranes and other rescue equipment parked. But at this time it was not lively but rather deserted.

The sand and stones on the ground were soaked with raw water, and the red and black blood water made the ground smudged, and the air was filled with a burnt smell and a cold, unfamiliar smell. Raised his head, there is a blur: on the right, a darkness: a deserted on the left. In the distance, the voices calling for rescue echoed scattered, but Gu Luobei only felt extremely quiet, so quiet that even Ling Hún was silent.

“After the Great Destruction, you stood there alone. On the edge of a strange land, what are you waiting for. And disasters are still coming, and you are crying “help me” in your heart. You are helpless.”

This is the main song of “Tianguang (ent. Gu Luobei’s mind is full of the process he witnessed on September 11th. Involuntarily, the melody recited in his mind. Gu Luobei didn’t hum and his eyes were fixed on the barren land. A few days ago, this was the most prosperous corner of the world. After a few days, everything here was zero.

“Do you feel cold and helpless? You create hope in vain but in vain it is all you have. Remember all this sadness and frustration, and let go, let go!”

The melody flows naturally in my mind, and the originally difficult and obscure tunes are automatically completed without any effort at this time. But there was no joy in Gu Luobei’s heart, only endless depression. The corner of my heart was gently pulled, and the strands of ice that covered the whole body, along with the melody, radiated little by little, and the bottom of my heart suddenly became dàngdàng, leaving nothing behind.

“A ray of light from the sky is enough to blind all the angels’ eyes, and the sky is split into stars by it. You can feel the martial arts, the holy king, make the holy king, kill the gods and seal the throne at night, ask the devil to be proud of the world Killing the God of God’s Seal Throne, begging for the Demon, Proud of the World, Jiuzhongtian’s Strongest Abandoning Young Master, Dazhou Royal Family The strongest abandoned young Dazhou royal family in the world-defining ninth layer has reached the neutrality of God’s Enwei, making you fall into a place of nothingness, where no one can give you a hug. Do you feel cold and helpless? You have created hope in vain, but in vain It’s all you have. Remember all this sadness and frustration and let go, let go!”

When Gu Luobei composed the entire song, from the melody to the lyrics, he hummed it again, which was heartbreakingly perfect. This song, which took more than a year before and after, was finally completed and exceeded expectations. The appearance is better than any finished product Gu Luobei originally expected. Moreover, Gu Luobei, who has experienced all this, now has the confidence to control this song. Even if the finished product of “Tianguang” is perfect and grand, Gu Luobei believes that he can create a **** to interpret the color! But even so, at this moment, Gu Luobei couldn’t be happy.

The desolation and spectacle that pervaded the sky and the melody and lyrics made Gu Luobei heave a long sigh of relief. He never thought that “Tianguang” would be completed in this way in the end.

The ruins in front of me, the disappearing life, made my heart cold. Suddenly, a ray of light broke through the layers of dense fog and shone in. The clouds and fog that had obscured the sky for several days and nights finally burst into sunlight, shining on the messy dust, and Gu Luobei’s eyes lit up. hope. Although soon, the ray of sunshine was blocked by the dense fog again, but when Gu Luobei raised his head again, he knew that everything was going in a good direction, and everything would be all right in the end.

“Let go, then let go ( Gu Luobei whispered the most important lyric in the chorus of “Tianguang”, with hope and firm belief in the sadness, this is what “Tianguang” wants to express spectacular picture. Gu Luobei let out a long sigh, turned and left this barren land. The friction between the soles and the sand and gravel made a rustling sound, which echoed alone in the open field.

Two stars have passed since September 11th, and the sāo movement has gradually subsided, but the family members who are waiting for news of their loved ones are still suffering. The terrorist attack suffered by the United States this time has also become a national tragedy, and various countries around the world are a little concerned, and they have begun to pay attention to terrorist organizations.

Gu Luobei knew that this was just the beginning. He had no interest in the struggle between countries, nor was he qualified to participate. He just hoped that the rescue operation could save more lives. The disappearance of a life is not just as simple as one less person in the world, but more likely to be a wound that cannot be healed by the family where the life belongs.

I still remember the gentleman in the ruins who remembered that his daughter Jenny was going to attend the homecoming dance. Gu Luobei bought two sets of homecoming dance dresses. According to the information on the work permit, he checked the address and sent it to him. Gu Luobei can make a **** and fulfill Jenny’s dream of a homecoming dance, but there is no way to keep her father in this world. For Jenny, the father’s position is a permanent vacancy.

All of Gu Luobei’s volunteer team withdrew from the rescue operation. In the later stage, the rescue operation became more and more difficult. The rescue team needed to be armed and go deep into the ruins to explore the breath of life.

The volunteers have not received professional training and can no longer undertake the task of rescue assistance.

Today was the last time Gu Luobei came to this ruins, but unfortunately he didn’t see his partner Andy.

More than half of September has passed, and the university has started for two weeks, but the brothers Gu Luobei and Teddy Bell did not report to the school. Gu Luobei was delayed because of volunteers, while Teddy Bell and Catherine Bell were helping the Hathaway family move.

After this incident, Gerald Hathaway decided to move to New Jersey, just across the river from New York. There, although the traffic is a little harder, not only the housing prices are lower, but also the safety is more guaranteed. Catherine Bell is very reluctant. After all, since moving to New York, the two families have been neighbors, and the friendship for more than ten years has also been very strong. But think about it, if you find a good design studio and sell out the eleven dry cleaners, the Bell family will also move, and today’s parting will come sooner or later. Catherine Bell also thought about it.

After the Hathaway family moved, Teddy Bell began to look for the storefront of the design studio. Although the mood of the whole people was relatively low during this time, life still had to go on.

After the September 11th incident, the economy of the entire United States has undergone a major boom, and everything from the stock market to daily necessities has entered a period of instability. During this time, house prices also fell sharply.

Especially in the area near the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, housing prices have fallen by nearly 40%.

Although the New York City government has issued a statement, after the rescue operation is over, the clean-up work will be carried out. After all the rest work is completed, the new World Trade Building will be rebuilt on the original site. But for now, lower Manhattan home prices are still languishing.

Gu Luobei left the ruins of the Twin Towers and took the subway to rush back home. Within a week at the latest, he and Teddy Bell will go back to school to report, so the volunteer operation is over, but it doesn’t mean that Gu Luobei will be idle. Sitting on the empty subway, Gu Luobei’s head was emptying. I have been under tremendous pressure for two weeks in a row. Although my emotions have been relieved a lot because of the song “Tianguang” just now, the tense nerves are still exhausted. Gu Luobei closed his eyes and rested.

I don’t know how long it took, Gu Luobei felt the phone vibrating in his pocket, he fumbled with his right hand in his pocket for a while, and took the phone out, without opening his eyes, he put it directly on his right ear “Hello, this is Bell.”

“Hey, this is Chester-Benington.” The voice on the other end of the phone was a little hoarse, and it was very recognizable. Even without self-introduction, people could recognize it clearly.

Gu Luobei still didn’t open his, but his mouth was raised, “Bennington? How do you know my phone number?” Although he met Linkin Park twice before and after, the two sides could not say that they were the same. Friends, no phone numbers have been exchanged either. Gu Luobei was surprised when he received a call from Chester Bennington.

“You know, I’m an artist from Warner Records.” Chester Bennington laughed twice. The relatively relaxed tone made Gu Luobei’s mood a little more relaxed. Come to think of it, Chester Bennington was the phone number of Gu Luobei that Claire Days asked for.

It is worth mentioning that the manager of Linkin Park is Claire Days. When Claire Days went to the Eagle Rock Music Festival to observe the scene of Linkin Park on behalf of Warner Records, they accidentally discovered the seedling of Gu Luobei. the series of events that followed.

“I’m looking for you to ask you something.” Chester-Bennington spoke very candidly, without detouring, and went straight to the topic “Are you free recently? To be precise, it’s the day after tomorrow, on the 28th, you have time. Is it? We organized a charity concert to commemorate September 11 at the Washington Square, hoping to create a **** to do our part for those who have passed away. There are not many guests, it is a few of us who used to be an underground band It’s organized naturally, so I wanted to ask if you’re interested.”

Gu Luobei’s eyes opened immediately, and the light in his eyes lit up “Of course!”@.

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