Great Artist

Chapter 196

Chapter 196: Control The Stage

Are Blake Lively and Gu Luobei friends? should count.

A road trip together, through the magnificent natural landscape, and the dangerous loss of car control: followed by the sunset on the streets of New York, where Blake Lively witnessed the birth of “Just a Dream”: Then came the chance encounter at the Bōston subway station. Who would have thought that two people would meet because of a poster in the subway station.

No matter whether the two are friends or not, at least Blake Lively still cares more about Gu Luobei’s movements, such as the sensation on Oprah’s talk show, such as “Death Illusion” and “One” Another example is the volunteer action hyped by the media.

When Blake Lively learned that Gu Luobei had become a front-line volunteer, he felt a little complicated, some admired his firmness, some envied his bravery, and some worried about his safety. Blake Lively knew that, at least in her heart, she regarded Gu Luobei as a friend.

After September 11, the United States closed its airspace and prohibited any civilian flights from taking off.

On September 14, the no-fly order was lifted. The Lively family, who was in Los Angeles at the time, worried that Eric Lively, who was in New York, was Blake Lively’s brother, so Blake Lively’s parents decided to fly to New York to find their son. Flying in with him was Blake Lively, the youngest daughter of the Lively family who successfully persuaded her parents to take her out of the fall semester and come to New York to join her brother.

Although my brother was in New York, he was not affected too much by the incident and everything was fine.

New York did not fall into chaos, but after the initial darkness, it returned to normal just like the sun rises and sunsets. Although there is night, there must be a rising sun.

Later, Blake Lively learned from Eleven Music Blog that when Gu Luobei was going to participate in the self-organized charity concert, she decided to go there the moment she knew. Not only as an American, but also as a music lover, and as a friend of Gu Luobei, Blake Lively hopes to see with his own eyes that his friend is safe and sound.

When he saw Gu Luobei who was still smiling, Blake Lively’s smile showed again, and it felt good to see his friend safe and sound.

Fixing his gaze on the man in the white shirt on the stage, Blake Lively remembered the simple, brutal, vicissitudes, and hard journey of the two people’s road trip across the United States, but it became interesting because of someone’s company. The meaning of travel lies in the scenery along the way, but also in the friends you meet along the way. At that time, this man was only wearing a simple shirt, there were dazzling red, orange, and yellow, and there were quiet and deep white, black, and gray. No matter how simple and simple, the indescribable temperament of the man was still unmistakable.

The man on the stage pressed his hands down and picked up the acoustic guitar on the ground, replacing the electric guitar on his shoulders. “Raise your hand! Let me see everyone’s hands!” The man was like an ordering The general, under an order, the audience raised their hands. This move reminded everyone of the line in the chorus of “Just a Dream”, “If you’ve ever loved someone, please raise your hand!” Could the next song be “Just a Dream”?

I don’t want to, but the man gave a mischievous smile, “Next, this “crazy world” is dedicated to everyone. Many audience members smiled and shouted sporadically, among which the one suspected of being Joseph-Gordon-Levitt was the loudest just now.

seems to be expressing his serious dissatisfaction. Blake Lively also smiled brightly.

“All around are immutable faces, shabby places, tired faces: getting up early for the daily competition, nowhere to go, nowhere to run: their eyes full of tears, their faces dead and expressionless: Burying my head deep, trying to forget my sorrows, there is no future, no future.”

This song is obviously not written for September 11th, and its mood is more in line with the mood of “Death Illusion” Ritoni-Dake. But at this moment, the crazy world is like a sarcasm. New York was indeed insane on the 11th, and someone hijacked the plane to achieve their goals. The world is indeed crazy.

Both the lyrics and the melody of “Crazy World” have a slow heaviness. The fragmented and incomplete pictures are pieced together into a world. The sense of vicissitudes brought by the lyrics and melody is overwhelming, and even the breath becomes overwhelming. difficult.

This is indeed a ridiculous and sad crazy world. When Gu Luobei sang “This is really a very, very, crazy world, a crazy world”, the faint hoarseness in his voice was swayed to the maximum, swaying Drag out a long sadness, like swallowing clouds and mist, from the double chún, forming in the air, flying higher and higher, and finally disappearing into the air.

With his own singing, Gu Luobei easily broke everyone’s inner defense line, chanting like a sound of nature, resounding in the deepest part of his heart, and then making people sink and sink again. Unconsciously, a mocking and sad smile appeared in his eyes. It was an emotion that quietly rose from the deepest part of my heart. The nose was sour, the eyes were wet, and the tip of the heart was trembling. It couldn’t compare to the smile on the corner of the mouth. It was helpless, crazy, disappointed, and discouraged.

“This is really a very crazy world. . . . This sentence is what Gu Luobei said directly when he finished playing. The ending of the word “world” made a slight tremor in the air.

Quiet, very quiet. The Washington Square was as silent as five in the morning. Everyone was silent, and the thoughtful expressions in their eyes indicated the turbulence in their hearts.

“Hey guys, raise your hands again, I hope this crazy world is just a dream.” Gu Luobei brushed the guitar, and then his fingers flew on the five strings, each moving musical notation will “crazy” The sadness left in the air is quietly crushed.

“I’m thinking about her, thinking about me, thinking about us, where will we go?” Gu Luobei’s voice brought the prelude of “just a dream”, Blake Lively wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, The smile on the corner of his mouth began to rise with the lively melody, and the figure who was suspected to be Joseph Gordon Levitt not far away seemed to be a little sluggish, still thinking about something thoughtfully, until “It’s just a dream “After cutting into the verse, he raised his head again, nodding to the rhythm.

The melody of “Just a Dream” lingered in the air, successfully driving the atmosphere. Although the story of this song is still sad, compared to the “crazy world”, the darkness in my heart has been dispelled a lot, and Wen at the scene slowly rose again with Gu Luobei’s voice.

Avril Lavigne looked at the stage, and the light in her eyes was like two small suns. She knew that this was the real stage, which easily affected the emotions of all the audience, made everyone integrated, and firmly grasped the atmosphere. In her own hands, she was amazed by the power of control.

Avril Lavigne had to admit that this man was really outrageous. From the heat of “Tonight Tonight”, to the heart-warming “Crazy World”, to “Just a Dream”

The audience was unanimous, the scene of this stage was firmly in the hands of the man, and under those slender fingers, he flipped out various shapes at will.

If you want to talk about the reaction at the scene, of course Avril Lavigne and Gu Luobei are not comparable to each other. One is a nobody who has not debuted yet, and the other is a newcomer singer who has been in the limelight recently. The audience naturally resonates with highly recognizable singers. What Avril Lavigne and Gu Luoluo really compete against is not the audience’s reaction, but the control of the stage.

Avril Lavigne does a great job on this. Although she didn’t have any knowledge, she still managed to mobilize the atmosphere of the audience, and her catchy “ated” showed her personality vividly.

But Gu Luobei did a better job. He could not only use the songs to mobilize the audience’s most authentic oak feeling, but also use the songs to easily grasp the atmosphere of the scene. From [excited] to moved to [excited], this valley-shaped atmosphere map, under the control of Gu Luobei, transitioned naturally and harmoniously.

Avril Lavigne admitted that this man was indeed better than him!

In fact, this is also normal. Gu Luobei not only has ten years of experience in Old Way, but also has more than a thousand street performances. With such rich experience, he is able to perform today.

However, although Avril-Lavigne admired her, she was not jealous, nor was she dissatisfied, nor was she angry. Instead, she was inspired to fight even more. Gu Luobei is her goal, a goal that is clearly visible on her music path. She will definitely not be worse than Gu Luobei, no, to be precise, she will do better and better, one day. .

So Avril Lavigne followed the melody under Gu Luobei’s fingers and beat the rhythm from the very beginning, enjoying this beautiful moment and trying to learn from this wonderful clip.

When Gu Luobei’s finger stopped, the melody of “just a dream” remained in the air, and the man suspected of being Joseph Gordon Levitt was the first to shout, “Evan Bell! Evan Bell! “The rhythmic shouts were answered quickly, with Blake Lively being one of the quickest responders. The voice quickly spread throughout the audience” “Evan! “”Bell! ‘ with a clear rhythm, expressing the audience’s clear encore desire.

This song should only be heard in the sky, not in the human world.

Such is the scene today. All audiences are reluctant to miss this opportunity. The continuous encore call has even infected other artists on the side stage. Chester-Benington, Jason-Mayez and the others shouted the most vigorously, calling the name “Evan-Bell” with a smile on their faces, hoping to listen to another song.

Avril Lavigne looked at her colleagues around her, and then at the handsome figure on the stage. She muttered, “It’s up to you.” She raised her right hand and joined the shouting, “Evan-Bell!” When the first sentence was shouted, Avril Lavigne had the brightest smile on her face. @.

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