Great Artist

Chapter 2218

Chapter 2222: Year Woman

Today’s second update, please recommend, please subscribe!

Tonight’s Best Actor and Best Actress awards are also quite special. Five different guests are specially invited to introduce the actors who won the nomination. Although this is not as strong as last year’s five previous winners, it still looks very special. The most important thing is It is still up to the guests to introduce the outstanding points of the actor winning the nomination, which has a very intuitive effect on the audience, so this introduction method has been continued this year.

After the introduction of the five guests, Evan-Bell took the envelope handed over by the staff and walked onto the stage amid applause. After Evan-Bell stood in front of the microphone, the five guests left one after another. up the stage. Evan Bell stood in front of the microphone with a big smile, “Very good, we meet again. Although I really want to take the initiative in my hands again, Steve and Alec stopped me very severely just now. So I thought,” Evan-Bell raised his hands in a gesture of surrender, “Sorry, I really didn’t mean to take your jobs.” Listening to Evan-Bell’s easy ridicule, the guests at the scene They all laughed.

What’s interesting is that this is the first time Evan Bell has served as the presenter. For various reasons, Evan Bell has never held this position on the stage before. Today, he is responsible for the final announcement. The task of the first award of the four major awards, it seems that he seems to be able to do it with ease.

“I know, I should open the envelope, after all I’m not the protagonist at the moment, even if I want to, but biologically I’m not allowed, God knows, maybe someday I’ll learn Jay-Davidson , maybe it can be done.” Evan Bell’s words caused the laughter at the scene to explode, and even many people began to whistle and coax.

Jay Davidson, this is a very special actor in Hollywood history, he is a man, but his most famous work is a woman, and he relies on this role in the “Crying Game” released in 1500. He was nominated for an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor and was a sensation.

Evan Bell used Jay Davidson to make fun of it. At this time, it was natural to have a different taste, which caused the scene to burst into laughter. Since it took some time for the previous five guests to introduce the nominees, Evan Bell could not make too many words, so it was really overwhelming, so Evan Bell went on to say, “Then let us Focus on the protagonist of this moment, the winner of the 82nd Academy Award for Best Actress is…”

This year is a small year for actresses, Meryl Streep in “Julie and Julia”, Carey Mulligan in “Growing Up Education”, Sandra Bullock in “Weakness”, “Cherish” Five actresses, including Carey Mulligan, Sandra Bullock and Gabrielle Sidibe, were nominated for the first time. Gabriel Sidibe was nominated for her career debut.

In addition, Anne-Hathaway and Meryl-Streep’s works are not strong enough this time. In other words, there is not so much room for them to play, so in terms of average strength, five The nominees are relatively weak, and any actor who won a nomination last year could easily win this year. Maybe it’s called luck.

Evan Bell opened the envelope in his hand and opened it with a slap, as if he had opened a Pandora’s box, which made Evan Bell a little excited. He took out the card inside and looked at it. Looking at the answer above, the smile on his face immediately bloomed. It seems that history has not changed at this moment, and it is still unfolding according to the original trajectory.

“Sandra Bullock, ‘Point’.”

All the guests stood up and gave Sandra Bullock the hottest applause! In 2009, this is the year that belongs to Sandra Bullock, and even Evan Bell must resign.

Sandra Bullock first became the first actress in North American film history to earn more than 200 million at the box office with her starring works, which even the box office superstar Julia Roberts among actresses was not able to do. , Sandra Bullock became the first person in history, and the box office of “Fake Marriage” is not far from 200 million.

Secondly, Sandra Bullock won the Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Actress two days ago, and today she won the Best Actress Award, becoming the first actor in film history to win both the worst acting and the best acting in the same year. What’s more interesting is that Sandra Bullock has always made fun of herself from the People’s Choice Awards to the Radio Filmmakers Association, from the Golden Globe Awards to the Screen Actors Guild. So it makes sense that Sandra Bullock won in the end.

Evan Bell gave Sandra Bullock a big hug, and he said with a big smile, “Congratulations, a wonderful year!” Sandra Bullock’s “weakness” is to represent Eleven Studios. Yes, it would be great to be able to achieve such a good result.

And Sandra Bullock’s gratitude to Evan Bell is even more expressive. “Fake Marriage” and “Weakness” are both excellent works produced by Eleven Studio, and they have also achieved the most brilliant year of her acting career. “Thank you, thanks.”

Sandra Bullock took the golden figure from Evan Bell, then walked to the microphone, and Evan Bell walked down under the guidance of the emcee. On the stage, Sandra Bullock’s acceptance speech came from the stereo, “I don’t know if I deserve it, thank the Academy for having the opportunity to meet many outstanding actors in the past few months, some of whom I have worked with. , collaborating or wanting to work together in the future. We thank the four Star actors nominated with me, they have inspired me a lot, and I want to share this award with Gabriel Sidibe, Carey Mulligan Your elegance and talent make me jealous, Anne Hathaway is like my family, Meryl Streep, you’re a real kisser.”

Sandra Bullock spoke quickly, but the trembling in her voice could be clearly heard, showing her excitement, “Thank you to my family for giving me the opportunity to do extraordinary things, and to the people who supported me even though I am not. Great entry, thanks to Evan Bell for believing in me, giving me two opportunities to show myself, and receiving this trophy from him today is really meaningful; thanks to those who hate me, I still remember it to this day George Clooney threw me in the pool. Thank you to all the mothers in the world who treat their children as their own, so I want to thank my mother for not letting me ride a motorcycle with boys when I was 18, and for pushing me to practice every day Piano ballet, because that’s what an artist should do, she kept reminding me that there are no races and religions in human beings and everyone deserves equal care, so I want to take this opportunity to thank my mother.”

It’s not unreasonable for Sandra Bullock to win the love of the whole people. This silly big sister-style actress, with her outspoken personality, wit and humor, is indeed easy to win people’s favor. After these acceptance speeches, the audience was definitely full of laughter, making people applaud.

Evan Bell’s understanding of Sandra Bullock began from the distant Ryan Gosling. When the two had a relationship when they filmed “The Murder by Numbers”, Evan Bell had a relationship with Sandra at that time. Bullock stayed. It’s a good impression, and the latter two had a cooperative relationship when they filmed “Crash”. I have to say that Sandra Bullock’s personality is very likable.

So, at this moment, Evan Bell stayed on the side stage, and when Sandra Bullock stepped down, he was the first to give himself another hug. Sandra Bullock patted Evan-Bell’s back hard, and said with a laugh, “The next time there is a filming, please remember to reserve a spot for me.” This is Sandra Bullock Thank you to Evan Bell.

“Only if I can afford your salary.” Evan Bell’s teasing also made Sandra Bullock laugh, and then hugged again, she let go of Evan Bell and moved on, Accept the blessings of colleagues.

At this time, the introduction of the best actor nominations has already begun on the stage, and it is Charlize ‘Theron’ who is responsible for introducing Evan Bell. In previous years, as an introducer, it naturally has enough weight.

Anne Hathaway also came over at this time, and exchanged glances with Evan Bell when they passed by. Anne Hathaway also seemed a little excited, although the actress awarded by Evan Bell was not for Anne Hathaway. Wei’s, but the two former film stars and actresses have both won nominations this year, which is really a rare thing.

Anne Hathaway didn’t have the time to talk carefully with Evan She was soon guided by the staff onto the stage, and Evan Bell was the best actor candidate , it was too late to return to the seat at this time, so I stayed in the background and waited for the awards to be announced before leaving.

“I finally know what the difference is between standing on the stage and sitting in the audience, that is, I am not nervous at all standing here, on the contrary, I am a little proud, compared to the five candidates who are anxiously waiting for the result. For the other guests, I have that little bit of an edge, which makes me very satisfied.” Anne-Hathaway’s voice came from the speakers, causing a low chuckle in the audience. Although Anne Hathaway has never been an eloquent actor, under the influence of Evan Bell for so many years, her level is naturally not bad. “As the first actor of a movie, many times you need to shoulder the responsibility of The responsibility of the film, this is not an easy task, at least for women, this task is too heavy, so far, only Sandra has completed the task well, so she just left happily stage.”

Anne-Hathaway made fun of Sandra Bullock as the first actress in film history to have a female lead with a box office of more than 200 million, which made the audience burst into applause and laughter, “So I think , I’d better not continue the suspense, lest I put more weight on your shoulders.”

Anne-Hathaway raised the envelope in her hand and was about to open it directly!

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