Great Artist

Chapter 2262

Chapter 2266: Star Brand

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Above the Avenue of Stars, in the Vine Street area between Sunset Boulevard and Slan Street, the 2398th, 2399th, and 2400th stars will all be Write Evan-Bell’s recommendation, and leave a mark that belongs to Evan-Bell on this famous road.

At the request of the reporters and the media, Evan Bell knelt on the red carpet on both sides, holding a star-shaped mask in his hand, giving reporters enough time and space to take pictures. Anne Hathaway, Chris Totao-Nolan, Leonardo-DiCaprio also knelt down and joined the group photo.

Although Evan-Bell had a smile on his face, he choked out vicious words word by word between his teeth, “Join us to make fun of me? Huh? Go back and you three are all dead!” In the ears of the three people, they couldn’t help but smile brighter, including Christopher Nolan, it was a really worthwhile business to make Evan and Bell fall into such a huge somersault.

The photo was still in progress, but Evan-Bell took his eyes away from the flash of white flowers and looked down at the stars on the ground. Involuntarily, he reached out and touched the marble-lined ground. There was a hint of coolness coming over, and the fingertips slowly rubbed on the ground, and then touched the entity of the star.

This is the camera logo representing the film industry, the 2400th star. Evan Bell carefully touched the floating particles with his fingertips, and the subtle ups and downs seemed to be transmitted directly to the bottom of his heart, making people feel as if they were standing barefoot among the crystal clear streams and let the sweet and refreshing The stream slid between his feet, and the soles of his feet could clearly feel the rounded pebbles undulating, a little itchy, and a little slippery, so that the curvature of the corners of his mouth rose to the sides involuntarily.

The fingertips are like feet standing in the stream, using the skin to directly feel the ups and downs, the protruding names, and the embossed black film lines of the camera in the ring logo below the names, which are uneven. camera texture. This project itself is nothing special, it can be seen everywhere, even on the Avenue of Stars, you can see a lot, but it becomes special because of the name floating on the logo.

At this moment, everything became real, he was reborn, he realized his dream, he enjoyed life, and he left his footprints. This made Evan Bell’s smile slightly swayed in an arc. Satisfied and happy, comfortable but unassuming. This is his own moment, not because of the honor represented by his name on the Avenue of Stars, but because he is in this time and space. He left a mark, belonging to Evan-Bell and Gu Luobei’s mark, which proves that he has come and that he did not live in vain.

This reminded Evan Bell of the ending of “Saving Private Ryan”. After the Normandy landings during World War II, Captain Miller took a small group of eight people and went deep into the enemy’s hinterland to save Private Ryan. The individual survived, and Private Ryan also returned to his homeland alive and lived a happy life. The gray-haired Ryan came to Captain Miller’s tomb, and he said to his wife, “Tell me, I’m a good man; tell me I have not lived in vain in my life.”

Of course, Evan-Bell is not sure that this is the original meaning or the meaning of the words. Because Ryan knew that his life was saved by Captain Miller and five other soldiers from the front line regardless of their lives, although this was just an order for them, and an order that soldiers could not disobey .

But for Ryan, he survived, and he could not and dare not live up to the friendship of his comrades:

And what about Evan Bell? He was born again, and he won a second chance that no one else had. There is no regret medicine in the world, and the time machine has not yet been invented, so people have no way to turn back, and can only passively keep moving forward. No matter right or wrong, they can only move forward. But people will live at least once, thinking “if I could at that time”, “how good it would be”, “if I could live again, I would definitely not be like this”, unfortunately, such “if” does not exist .

But Evan Bell’s “If, come true, he won the second chance that everyone can dream of, whether it’s God or Buddha or some scientific principle, he won the change to make a difference. Opportunities. So he worked hard, he indulged, he was firm, and he came to the present step by step, no matter what achievements he had achieved, but at least he had worked hard for his dreams.

If a **** or an angel or the like asks him, “Do you think your life is in vain?” Evan-Bell doesn’t need someone to tell him the answer, he can confidently answer, “I don’t. ,, the star in front of him is one of the proofs, proving that his dreams are worthwhile; and the friends standing behind him, as well as his family, are also one of the proofs that he is not alone?

The value of life is not its length, but its width and thickness. At this moment, Evan Bell’s 28 years of life, although short, is enough to make him think that he has not lived in vain in this life. So, looking at the stars in front of him, Evan Yibel smiled and smiled contentedly, as if he owned the whole world.

At this moment, Li Mu witnessed the shallow smile on Evan Bell’s face with his own eyes. This smile is neither bright nor flamboyant, but with a gentle warmth, just like the ten o’clock sun in the morning in the cold winter. It is warm but not strong, but it is enough to make the whole day beautiful.

This kind of Evan Bell is so unreal, as if the sunlight projected over Los Angeles isolates him from everyone around him, and the amber light imprints everything around him into memories, time and The space stopped in this military capital. Although Li Mu is a man, and his sexual orientation is definitely of the opposite sex, at this moment, he couldn’t help but be moved by the man in front of him:

Li Mu raised his right hand subconsciously and recorded this moment with the camera in his hand.

But soon, Evan Bell raised his head and talked to Anne Hathaway next to him. The scene of Zhou Cai just flashed by, almost as if it didn’t exist at all. Think about it again. The unreal smile of Bell, the state dog, turned everything into a dreamlike illusion. Li Mu lowered his head, looked at his SLR camera, and made sure that the scene was truly recorded in the lens. Only then did he know that everything was real.

Not long ago, “Entertainment Weekly” held a charity fundraiser in order to sponsor Haiti, which suffered from earthquake damage at the beginning of the year. William Wood took out the photo of Evan Bell’s debut recorded at the Sundance Film Festival this year for auction. , Because Evan Bell was unknown at the time, most of the reporters’ lenses were wet with snowflakes that day, and the photos taken were not clear, so this photo of William Wood was the first appearance of Evan Bell. photo. As a result, this photo was auctioned for a high price of $150,000, which is almost a shocking price.

And more than ten years later, when Li Mu was looking through the photos of his green years, he found this photo of Evan Bell, and then he realized that it was the only historical evidence recorded on the scene that day. Li Mu didn’t plan to auction it, but he still put it on the Internet to see the market reaction. The result was that the highest price was $360,000, and the seller personally called him and strongly demanded to buy this photo. This really surprised Li Mu.

Evan-Bell then stood up and briefly looked at the other two stars. The eyes were the same, but the part of the camera logo was replaced with a TV representing the television industry and a gramophone record representing the record industry. After the photo session was over, it was the reporters’ turn to formally interview Ewen Bell. Previously, the reporters passively listened to the speeches of the guests and Evan Bell’s testimonials. Now it is finally time to send the cannonballs. Naturally not to be missed.

In fact, the star-giving ceremony is already over, and the climax has passed, but the people at the scene still haven’t left. The crowding of Vine Street has not been relieved, but more and more people have gathered: Seeing this Situation Evan-Bell asked the reporters to take a moment, but picked up the sub-microphone and cooperated with the on-site staff to evacuate the crowd.

The sun overhead is climbing towards the sky, and the temperature will continue to rise, which is easy to cause heat stroke, dehydration, high temperature, etc., not to mention that so many people gather here, it is easy to cause crowding and stampede accidents, so evacuate Crowds are very necessary.

With Evan and Bell, it took nearly twenty minutes successively, and more than a thousand people at the scene dispersed, leaving only one or two hundred people standing scattered at the door of the merchants near Vine Street— —Or inside the store, viewers and reporters’ interviews.

Li Mu had planned to leave for a long time, but he couldn’t move his footsteps in this competition. He didn’t really “fall in love” with Evan-Bell, but he was very curious about how Evan-Bell and the reporters would confront each other. , after all, of all the rumors about Evan Bell, the relationship with the media is always the most exciting part. Although Li Mu didn’t know the special focus of today’s interview, it did not hinder his curiosity about the reporter’s interview:

After hesitating again and again, Li Mu decided to temporarily put aside the other plans of the morning, and went to “The Pig’s Whistle”, sat down on the second floor of the coffee house opposite the club, and still watched the interview session across the street. Sure enough, Evan Bell Li Mu was not disappointed, his confrontation with the reporters was indeed a highlight.

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