Great Artist

Chapter 2317

Chapter 2321: Number One

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The trend of “Sherlock” has also been continued at the Emmy Awards. After Evan Bell won the best actor in a miniseries or TV movie, he also won the best screenplay and best costume design under the department. In the bag, it’s a pity that Martin Freeman lost best supporting actor to David Strathairn of “Autism Journey”, and best miniseries and best casting lost to Tom Han. “War in the Pacific” by Steven Spielberg.

But even so, “Sherlock” became the biggest winner in the miniseries or TV movie department, bringing this British trend to the American market, which made the night very bright. And “Detective Sherlock” has also become a witness to Eleven Studio’s great victory at the Emmy Awards.

Different from the previous years, the dramas of Eleven Studio only had a flash of inspiration in a small number of awards. More often, the dramas of cable TV stations dominated the Emmy Awards. The performance of the TV station is obviously much stronger, and it has received a lot of recognition from the Emmy Awards, and Eleven Studios, as the leading TV production company in the United States today, has also received a corresponding position in the Emmy Awards.

In the drama category, “Mad Men” won three consecutive championships for the best drama series, as well as two awards for best screenplay and best casting, while “Breaking Bad” won He won two trophies for Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor, and “The Good Wife” brought the Best Supporting Actress award. Of the ten major awards in the sector, Eleven Studios took home six, a sweeping trend.

The excellence of “Mad Men” has reached a well-known height. In the past three years, it has become the industry’s most certified works together with the two dramas “I Am Comedy Crazy”. Compared with the ratings of “I Am Comedy Crazy” In terms of difficulties, because “Mad Men” is broadcast on cable TV, the pressure on ratings is relatively small. The average viewership rate of “Mad Men” in the third season has reached 2.9 million, although it is not as good as it is. 5 million on the TV station “True Love is Blood”, but the results are still exceptionally bright, making the TV station laugh from ear to ear.

Thinking back, no one was interested in the “Mad Men” series. Even if it was launched by Eleven Studios, no TV station was willing to broadcast it. Of course, the facts also proved that this series could not survive on public TV stations. Yes, cable TV stations can provide them with nutrients for survival. But with so many cable TV stations, only TV stations have seized the opportunity, which has to be said to be embarrassing for the king of cable TV stations-although Studio Eleven at the beginning was prosperous among public TV stations, the cable TV stations I look down on Eleven Studios. And now Eleven Studios has made the TV station the third largest cable TV station after HeMe in an instant with their best performance. The soaring speed is astonishing.

In addition to “Mad Men”, the second work “Breaking Bad” by Eleven Studios and TV stations can be called a wonderful work. The audience rating of the third season, which was launched at the beginning of the year, has exceeded 300. Wan became the most well-received drama in the history of the TV station, and also won a piece of recognition from the entire public opinion circle.

The compact plot, realistic details, excellent performance, proper rhythm, and profound themes have made the rise of “Breaking Bad” even more powerful than “Mad Men”.

Like “Mad Men” actor Joe Hamm, after Bryan Cranston starred in “Breaking Bad”, his personal acting career reached a new peak, and his superb acting skills made him complete the The three-peat for the best actor in the drama category of the Beauty Awards is the first three-peat in the history of the Emmy Awards, which is a height that is unattainable for ordinary people. Look at the “House Doctor” Hugh Laurie, “Mad Men”‘s Joe Hamm, “Double Forensic” Michael C-Hall, who will always be the escort, Brian Crane What a hard-won result for Ston.

And this year’s “Breaking Bad” went a step further. Aaron Paul defeated the two super-popular actors in the final season of “Lost” in the competition for best supporting actor, as well as the “Mad Men” powerhouse. John Slatley, who won the upset, can be called the biggest dark horse.

The most unfortunate thing about Eleven Studio is that the heroine of “The Good Wife”, Juliana Margulies, lost to the fourth nomination and finally won the first award “Criminal End” after winning overwhelming support. “The author” actress Kyra Sedgwick. Of course, although such a victory or defeat can be called an unpopular, it is also a highlight of the awards ceremony.

Compared with the great victory of the Eleventh Studio of the drama department, the comedy department is obviously in full bloom. “Modern Family” won the heaviest best drama, best supporting actor, best script, and most important. The Best Casting Award is the biggest winner; “The Big Bang Theory” won the Best Actor and Best Director awards, and the weight of the awards is not inferior; The “Glee Chorus” finally failed, and only won two awards for Best Supporting Actress and Best Guest Actor. The performance was disappointing.

The lone best actress award went to “The Nurse”‘s Edie Verke. The actress, who has won three Emmys on “The Sopranos,” definitely deserves it.

The comedy department in general is a fierce rivalry between “Modern Family” and “The Big Bang Theory,” two shows that smothered the big hit “Glee” and, more importantly, “I The era of “comedy madness” monopoly is over. In the end, “Modern Family” came out on top, but it definitely deserved the award. For example, Eric Stonestreet won the Best Supporting Actor Award and won the unanimous approval of the audience.

But what really shined in the comedy department was the award for Best Actor, with Jim Parsons of The Big Bang Theory finally taking home the award, beating out Matthew Morrison of Glee. A super-favorite and “I’m a Comedy Maniac” Alec Baldwin, the winner of the previous two editions, the award definitely lives up to its name. After the news of Jim Parsons’ proposal to his **** man was revealed after the awards ceremony, it overshadowed the limelight of Evan Bell’s award and became the biggest attraction at this year’s Emmy Awards.

As for the mini-series TV and film department, “Sherlock” was the biggest winner, while “Pacific War” and “Autism” were rivals. It is worth mentioning that the “Voice of America” also had the last laugh in the competition for the best reality show, fully taking over the era of “American Idol” domination.

Eleven Studio has won this year’s Emmy Awards, with not only the shining stars of “Mad Men” and “Breaking Bad”, but also the strong rise of “The Big Bang Theory” and “The Good Wife” , and a flash of inspiration from “Detective Sherlock”. Of course, Eleven Studio also has regrets. The much-anticipated “The Good Wife” before the awards ceremony finally failed to break the blockade of “Mad Men”, and unfortunately only won a Best Supporting Actress trophy.

The failure of “The Good Wife” is actually one of the biggest features of this year’s Emmy Awards: innovation and conservatism coexist.

In the drama department, well-received dramas such as “Mad Men” and “Breaking Bad” had the last laugh and joined forces to dominate, while outstanding new dramas like “The Good Wife” were ignored. is conservative. In the comedy department, the dynasty of “I am a comedy maniac” collapsed, “Modern Family” rose strongly, and with “Glee” in the nomination stage, the scene was infinite, and the innovation intention was very obvious.

In addition, the intermediary forces such as “The Big Bang Theory”, “Criminal Terminator” and “Top Chef” have also achieved impressive achievements. When it came to the best competition reality show, it attracted the attention of countless people. And the final season of “Lost” was not able to make more waves after all, and it is regrettable that it ended.

It can be seen that the Emmy Awards, like most awards ceremonies now, are at a crossroads. On the one hand, they are on the road of innovation, hoping to create a new world, but on the other hand, they are worried about too many breakthroughs. As a result, the whole game is lost, trapped in the cage of sticking to the old self, unable to stretch his arms.

This kind of contradiction is a problem that almost any awards ceremony will inevitably face when it develops to a certain extent. The 62nd Emmy Awards are no exception, but what will the future Emmy Awards look like, Evan -Bell as an outsider can’t grasp the pulse.

But what is worth affirming is that Eleven Studio has now become a deep-rooted part of the TV circle. Compared with the independent forces in the music circle and the strong rise of the film circle, Eleven Studio’s footsteps in the TV circle are obviously faster. Thanks to a series of popular masterpieces, Eleven Studio not only gained a firm foothold in the fierce competition of ratings of public television stations, but also opened up a world of its own in the battle of word of mouth among cable television stations.

From the TV screen to the Emmy Awards, Eleven Studio has become an indispensable part in this field, and it is also a top-notch figure. credit.

Moreover, what is even more gratifying is that the TV drama department produced by Eleven was the first field that Evan Bell let go. It can be said that the achievements of Eleven Studio in TV series are almost independent from Evan Bell. It’s good news for the entire Eleven Studios.

The 62nd Emmy Awards have come to an end, and Evan Bell has quietly completed the swept-up of individual awards for the four major art types in the United States, making a brand new history. The upsurge of “Detective Sherlock” will probably continue for some time. What’s even more amazing is that this is the new history of Eleven Studio’s creation, because “The Walking Dead” is about to be broadcast.

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