Great Artist

Chapter 2338

Chapter 2342: 1 String Of History

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Winning the championship for 27 consecutive weeks, accumulatively winning the championship for 32 weeks, and selling more than 10 million in nine weeks… “Six” has created a series of jaw-dropping records with the help of the right time and place. At this time, in the American music market, the only person who can be compared with “Six” is naturally Evan Bell himself. “Thug” is definitely not inferior to the album’s dominance on the singles chart.

After swept the top ten in the first week, after entering the second week of November, the entire list suddenly showed a new atmosphere, and Evan Bell’s singles in the top ten were immediately reduced to four. They are “Bully”, “If. I.e.ung”, “Radiated Energy (ve and “Rebel. Beat”, “Thug” reelected without suspense After winning the championship, the best score for the remaining six songs was “ned. Heart”, which ranked 12th, and the worst score was “Echo (, which ranked 39th. ,

Even so, it is still a staggering statistic that all ten singles remain in the top 40. It is an incredible record to know that all ten singles from the album are in the top 100, and Evan Bell’s The results were even more incredible.

After entering the third week of November, the list has returned to normal. “Thug” stayed at the top position, and the remaining nine songs all fell out of the top ten of the list. The best score was ranked 14th. The “emission energy” of a bit, but the ten songs still stay in the top 100, and the performance is still so sturdy that people are speechless.

“Thug” is a classic song that can be compared with “Tianguang (ent and “Va. La. da”, not to mention whether it can surpass the record of “Viva” winning the championship for 19 consecutive weeks, but at least the score There will never be a big gap, what’s more, the power of “Six” in the first month of its release is indeed amazing.

Sure enough, “Thug” won the championship for nine consecutive weeks without any suspense, and ended the journey in 2010 with “Six”, and then ushered in the dawn of 2011 as a champion. Driven by the album “Six” The sales volume of “Thug” is also very sturdy. In just nine weeks in 2010, the sales volume of 7 million was won, which did not exceed the record of 7.5 million recorded by “Long Live Life” in 2006. , but “Long Live Life” is only thirteen weeks, and the gap of a whole month is still very obvious.

Then after entering 2011, “Thug” and “Six” joined forces to move forward strongly. From the beginning of January to the end of March, “Thug” stubbornly stayed on the championship throne in twelve weeks, surpassing the “life” Long live” record, with the 21st consecutive championship performance, once again refreshed the historical record of consecutive No. 1 singles on the Billboard.

Although “Thug” failed to complete the 27-week **** with “Six”, the performance of “Thug” winning the championship for 21 consecutive weeks still made this single reach “Sky Light” and “Long Live Life”. It not only achieves a classic in terms of word of mouth, but also ranks among the classics in the minds of the audience.

“Thug” has sold 15 million in its 21st week of winning the number one, making it one of the most successful singles of all time, and even if it slipped from the number one spot, “Thug” is still the most favorable contender for the year-end singles chart in 2011, and it is not difficult to reproduce the glory of “Four” and “Long Live Life” as the year-end album and single sales champions for two consecutive years.

But the biggest competitor of “Thug” who once again created a historical record for Evan Bell is Evan Bell himself! In the first week of April, it was Evan Bell’s own single, “Dead Young”, that ended the 21-week winning frenzy of “Thug”.

After the release of “Six”, the two songs “Die Young” and “Radiant Energy” showed strong competitiveness, and even without the official release of the single, they still gained fans in digital music downloads their huge support.

Just a week after the official release of “Dying Young” in the fourth week of March, “Thugs” took down the horse and continued to claim the No. 1 spot on the Billboard Singles Chart under Evan Bell’s name . It was unexpected for the Eleven Concert to choose “Death Young” as the second wave of singles. More people are optimistic that “Radiation Energy” will be the first to debut. Of course, the singles in the album “Six” are all so good , any single debut has an absolute reason. Just look at the performance of “Dead Young” after its release.

“Die Young” sold 660,000 units in the first week of April, making it not only Evan Bell’s thirty-five number-one singles, but also placing Evan Bell since November last year. The momentum that began in the first week of dominating the Billboard Singles Chart continued.

After that, “Death Young” became very popular, and it took nine consecutive weeks to declare the end of its reign as the champion. In the third week of June, it was “Radio Energy” that succeeded “Die Young”, which means that Evan Bell’s absolute **** of the Billboard singles chart continues, even if “Six” has It slipped from the top spot, but Evan Bell’s work on the singles chart is still unmatched.

“Radio Energy” is still very popular. Although it has been half a year since the release of “Six”, it does not feel the passage of time at all. “Radio Energy” has received strong support from many independent music lovers, not only In the first week of its release, it successfully landed the champion, and completed the re-election of the champion. Finally, he maintained his champion for six weeks. In the fourth week of July, he was beaten by Bruno Mars and Amy Nam’s single “Firelight ( ghters)” ended the championship and it became a historic moment!

From the first week of November to the fourth week of July, Evan Bell completed a thirty-six-week **** of the Billboard Singles Chart, only fifty-four weeks in a year, of which more than three Two-thirds of the time single champion belongs to only one person, and the only historical record is really staggering. Among them, in 2011 alone, for 27 weeks, only the name “Evan Bell” can be seen in the championship position, not to mention that Evan Bell has always maintained the title after he came down from the championship position. The strong competitiveness in the top ten, such a result, is not only unprecedented, but also likely to be unprecedented.

In the face of such unprecedented dominance, the victory of “Huoguang” also added a touch of magic, which also made “Huoguang”, like “21” who ended “Six” consecutively winning the championship, relying solely on the end of Evan Bell’s this Behavior is enough to go down in history.

Interestingly, “Firelight” is a collaboration between Bruno Mars and Amy Nam, while “21” is a work by Adele Adkins, which means that the end of Evan- Bell’s works are all from Studio Eleven, which can also be seen as a clue of the current trend of the entire music market, and the work that will win the singles chart next week after “Fire Light” is Katy Perry’s work, It can be seen that Studio Eleven currently has too much control over the entire music market.

Although the victory of “Firelight” ended Evan Bell’s 36 weeks of absolute dominance, it did not mean the end, because “Six” only released three singles from the album, and the other seven Song, the release of any single is enough to change the entire billboard landscape, and this is the most powerful part of Evan Bell.

When a single is released, people are a little more at ease, waiting to compete for the runner-up position; but without a single, people are anxiously worried: When will Evan Bell’s new single be released? Just a name is enough to make people chill.

This is the answer handed over by Evan Bell, who completely dominated the Billboard singles and album charts, surpassed countless classic works, approached the record of “Thriller” in sales, reached the height of the Beatles in word of mouth, Inheritance has created its own era. Taking the American music market as the origin, it has experienced Europe represented by the United Kingdom, Asia represented by Japan, Oceania represented by Australia, Africa represented by South Africa, and South America represented by Sweeping the world, whether it is the release of the album “Six” or a series of singles, Evan Bell is using absolute advantages to open up a new history of his own.

Heart Radio Music Festival? The ants and the ants are not enough to hang their teeth. Usher? But don’t laugh, it’s a big difference.

After entering the 21st century, Evan Bell used his amazing talent to create a new decade. It is conceivable that ten or twenty years later, when people mention the top representatives of the music industry, Evan Bell Vin Bell is bound to become a figure like Elvis, The Beatles, Michael Jackson; there will be many of the newcomers saying, “I grew up listening to Evan’s music, and his music inspired I, encourage me to realize my dreams”; even in music culture, Evan Bell will become a cultural symbol, representing “work first”, independent music, and “confidant” Enough”, affecting an entire generation…

Looking back at the footprints of Evan Bell along the way, it is so incredible and amazing. I believe that many people will be like Adam Roy, with a bright smile on the corner of his mouth, lamenting that he has experienced all this, and sighing with emotion. Being a witness to this glorious era, I am glad that I am also a part of this miracle, and then proudly tell my descendants, “I once watched Evan Bell’s first performance when he debuted, it was a hot night… …”

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