Great Artist

Chapter 2375

Chapter 2379: Waving Sleeves

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Eden Hudson looked at Evan Belle in front of him with a puzzled expression, “What do you mean by leaving this circle?”

“Your head is also frozen?” Evan-Bell’s ridicule immediately made Eden-Hudson fly over with a dagger, which was like the usual Eden Hudson, “You put Thai Di called in, I have something I want to discuss with you.”

Evan Bell turned his head and looked at the brilliant sunshine outside the window. He thought about this for a long time, experienced the confusion of his career, experienced the pain of Steve Jobs, and experienced death again. Fear is not only because of the worries of Katherine Bell and other family members, but also because he feels that now the time has come, maybe now is the best time.

Teddy Bell and Eden Hudson walked into the room together. They stood at the end of the bed and looked at Evan Bell, who was sitting on the bed. At this time, Evan-Bell’s face was still a little pale, but he had recovered some blood, and those deep eyes could see vitality again. Such Evan-Bell at this time they were familiar with Evan-Bell, confident , calm, uninhibited, casual.

“I was thinking, maybe it’s time for me to leave.” Evan Bell wanted to find a suitable entry point, but found that there was no entry point, everything was so natural, “I wanted to achieve I chose to enter Broadway because of my musical dream, and it was also for this reason that I left Broadway. Ying Ran’s melancholy mood failed to realize my dream, but an unexpected opportunity as an actor made me who I am now. In retrospect, this journey was really hard. Amazing.”

The words of Evan Bell took the memories of both Teddy Bell and Eden Hudson to a faraway madness. In 2009, the Eagle Rock Music Festival in that summer can be regarded as a story. After that, Evan Bell’s magical entertainment story kicked off. Ten years have passed in a blink of an eye. From the year of Blade D to 2011, there are too many ups and downs along the way. Of course, there are too many splendors along the way. This is a unique journey, and it will never be replaced. The journey will become an eternal imprint in life.

“In the past ten years, I have realized my music dream, my dream of being an actor, and my dream of directing that I never imagined. I have been very satisfied. My ten years, one-tenth of my life, has been very satisfying. It’s full.” Evan Bell showed a bright smile, which was a kind of satisfied happiness.

Once Evan Bell had his own life coming to an end, but he got a second chance, and this time, he lived so brilliantly, as gorgeous as summer flowers, along the way, the sun was shining , with the fragrance of flowers, the beauty of blooming, he really has no regrets.

“So I thought, since the dream has been completed, why continue to go on, maybe it’s time to change the road and find a new direction for the journey.” Evan Bell remembered last month’s meeting with Steve Jobs Talking, who can know that what was said at the time actually came true now, “You all know me, I never want to spend too much time on one thing, I insisted on Broadway for ten years, and I also insisted on the entertainment industry. Ten years, it’s time to start the next decade again.”

“You mean, you want to leave the entertainment industry completely?” Teddy Bell finally understood. He knew that his brother’s ideas had always been wild, but he didn’t expect that this time, the struggle between life and death actually made Evan -Bell made such a decision so suddenly that he didn’t react at all at first.

Evan Bell nodded with a smile, “What do you think?”

Eden-Hudson knew that although Evan-Bell was asking for their opinions, he had already made a decision and would not change it. Evan Bell is about to leave the entertainment industry. In fact, it makes no difference to Eden Hudson, because they are still friends, but Eden Hudson knows clearly that if Evan Bell Really leaving, this is such a terrible news for the entire entertainment industry, tsunami plus earthquake plus volcanic eruption are not enough to describe, even if it is not the end of the world, it is not far away.

“Then have you decided what to do after you leave?” Eden Hudson asked, but it wasn’t what he thought in his heart. Because the uproar in the entertainment industry has nothing to do with him, he doesn’t care.

Evan Bell pondered for a while, “Maybe I will travel around the world with a camera and shoot a documentary, which is what I have always wanted to do. Or go to the world to do rescue teams, or go back to University for further studies,” “Speaking of this, Evan Bell’s expression suddenly lit up, “By the way, it is a good idea to go to the South Pole to explore. Otherwise, architectural design or psychological research seems to be good. “.

After finishing a long list, Evan-Bel became excited, “Wow, how wonderful this world is, I can’t wait.” After leaving the entertainment industry, the whole world is so vast and there are countless unknown new things. Waiting for Evan Bell to develop and explore is really exciting.

Evan Bell’s yearning for freedom made both Teddy Bell and Eden Hudson smile. They can also imagine that Evan Bell, who has left the shackles of the entertainment industry, will meet For a wider world, on this stage, maybe he will create another world.

“What about the company?” Teddy Bell thought of this. Eleven Studios is now an incomparably huge organization, no longer a small studio that can be disbanded at any time.

Evan-Bell pouted, “I’m just talking about my personal affairs, which has nothing to do with the company. The company can still operate as usual. Now that everyone has started, my departure will not have any impact.” This is a matter of course. But it’s a matter of fact, “Besides, when I leave the entertainment industry, maybe I will do some behind-the-scenes work, such as filming documentaries. If I leave this industry, it doesn’t mean that something big has happened, and I have to make a clean break. “After that, Evan Bell laughed heartily.

“Actually, maybe after I leave, I will still miss it. After all, there is my passion here.” In fact, Evan Bell is not losing interest in music and movies now, he still loves music and movies, but he I just want to see the wider world outside, “Maybe three or five years later, I will decide to come back to shoot a movie, or republish my music mood diary, especially for those who can understand it. Friends, this is not impossible.”

Teddy Bell and Eden Hudson both smiled and nodded. They believed that Evan Bell was likely to be like this. After all, it is Evan Bell’s style to be unprofessional.

In fact, for the two men in front of them, they will unconditionally support Evan Bell’s decision, not only them, but everyone, including Catherine Bell, extrajudicial fanatics, and others. So, that’s not a problem at all.

But Teddy Bell still thought of one thing, “Is that a press conference to announce this news to everyone? After all, you know, there are so many fans and fans who support you, not to mention you Give everyone an explanation, at least you have to say goodbye?”

This is actually what Eden Hudson thought just now. Now Evan Bell, once he leaves, it will have an unpredictable impact on the entire North American entertainment industry, and even the whole world. If Evan-Bell takes the burden without saying a word, it is estimated that the situation will be very serious.

How could Evan Bell not think of this situation, he revealed a calm smile, “It is true that I should tell everyone, but it is not necessary to be so solemn.” Evan Bell looked out the window. The sunshine in the sunshine, the brilliance in the smile blooms proudly, “Life is as gorgeous as summer flowers, and death is as quiet and beautiful as autumn leaves, I just need to leave quietly, just like autumn leaves falling silently, ten years of show life That’s enough, there’s no need to leave with another show, just turn around quietly this time.”

“As for the farewell,” Evan Bell paused for a moment when he said this, “I was at the Oetuska Awards Ceremony, looking for an opportunity to announce the result, and there would be no need for a press conference. If the awards ceremony If there is no chance, then the night of Odeska.

It was originally an occasion where reporters gathered, and it was officially announced, which was no different from the scale of the press conference. ”

Evan Bell’s idea is simple, but it is conceivable that there will be huge waves. But no matter what, Teddy Bell and Eden Hudson still didn’t refute They both gave tacit approval to Evan Bell’s idea.

As soon as Evan Bell looked back, he saw the loss in the eyes of Teddy Bell and Eden Hudson, not to mention the fans and fans, even themselves, they would be disappointed, after all, in this circle from zero From the beginning, step by step to the present, no one can just walk away.

Evan Bell chuckled and comforted the two and said, “Don’t worry, the entertainment industry is a place where you like the new and hate the old, and this is the eternal rule. Even if the waves are rough at the beginning, no matter how turbulent, no matter how incredible, it will eventually calm down. Come down, then get back on track, and finally forget me. This is the cruelty of the entertainment industry, and it is also the charm of the entertainment industry. ”

Evan Bell suddenly remembered Xu Zhimo’s “Farewell to Cambridge” and waved his sleeves without taking away a cloud. Evan Bell has imagined many times what kind of artist he will be defined as after he leaves the entertainment industry, or can be called an artist. But when he really decided to leave, he realized that it was not as difficult as he imagined. No matter how people define him, he has at least been here and worked hard. Fortunately, he is more fortunate than countless others. He has succeeded. It’s enough to spread your own ideas and ideas.

Even if he doesn’t take away a cloud, he will have no regrets.

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