Great Artist

Chapter 2387

Chapter 2391: 7 Years Later

Today’s first update, please recommend, please subscribe! The summer of 2018 was extraordinarily hot, making people think that the glaciers in the Arctic have completely lost control, and the sea level seems to be rising steadily within sight. It may break through the coast and drown the city at any time. The high temperature in the air is almost as high as Substantially invades the skin, igniting the blood.

However, the hotter the summer is, the more noisy the entire North American film market is. This year’s North American summer vacation is full of splendid, and the absolutely heterogeneous Eleven Studios in the entertainment industry has now become the three major North American rivals with Warner Bros. and Paramount. One of the film companies, but from the beginning to the end, Eleven Studios has not been listed, and has always maintained the form of a workshop.

However, the Eleven Fund established by Eleven Studio has also become the largest artist paradise in the world. Every year Eleven Studio will send out a sponsorship of 400 million US dollars to support various forms of artistic behavior, including painting, sculpture, architecture, etc. Cold art field, not to mention music, film and other fields. In addition, the fund established by Eleven Studio for poor children all over the world will invest more than one billion US dollars in sponsorship every year, and spare no effort to contribute its own strength to charity, which makes Eleven Studio even if No matter how much you earn, it is still not a big company.

But it is such a small workshop. The number of films produced every year is always below ten, but it has formed an iron triangle with Warner Bros.-Paramount. Five years of dominance in the North American market has created a glorious era; Paramount Pictures, under Brad Gray’s forge ahead, gradually regained its stability and revived the style of the old company; Eleven studios, which is the pattern of the American and even global film market today.

With the help of Lighting Entertainment, Disney only acquired Marvel and Lucasfilm, including the “Avengers” program and “Star Wars” program, and gradually returned to its peak. In recent years, it has become a stable player in Hollywood. Fourth place. Relatively speaking, Universal Pictures, Twentieth Century Fox, and Sony Columbia Pictures played more erratically, each winning and losing, but there was no way to seek a breakthrough.

Eleven Studio, which has been calling for wind and rain throughout the summer, announced that it will hold a press conference on July 1, and Thomas Lansing, the general manager of Eleven Productions, revealed that this will be an important news that will affect Eleven Studio’s plans for the next ten years. . As soon as this rumor came out, people all speculated whether Eleven Studio was going to go public, but this speculation has been vaguely guessed since 200 drunk, but it has not really been realized until now, so people are not sure.

Later, the “New York Times” unexpectedly discovered that Teddy Bell, Eden Hudson, Andre Lindbergh, Sean Mayer, these bigwigs, all came back to New York and even stayed in Paris all year round. Frank James, the general manager of Eleven Design, has also returned, plus Thomas Lansing, Kurt Laporte, and Tykes who have been in New York all the time. In short, the entire Eleven Studio high-level collective return , this is really abnormal.

Since Evan Bell retired, the leadership structure of Studio Eleven has also been slightly adjusted. Teddy Bell and Eden Hudson have assigned their work to varying degrees, and have also invested in them for many years. During the vacation, these two big bosses who haven’t shown up for nearly half a year have actually returned, which makes people have to guess that the “listing” thing is coming. But thinking about it carefully, if it is only listed, there is no need for all departments to come back, and things seem to be hidden.

Later, “Entertainment Weekly” discovered that Katherine Bell and Debbie Francis, who had traveled around the world for nearly fifteen months, actually returned to New York, and then Leonardo DiCaprio, Anne Hathaway, John The Serpent Gordon-Levitt, Blake Lively, Christopher Nolan, Natalie-Portman, Republic Times, Adele-Adkins, Taylor Neighboring Swift and other artists from Studio Eleven are back New York.

These artists are not only contracted artists under Eleven Studio, they are also friends of Evan-Bell, even if Evan-Bell disappeared for seven years, their friendship with Evan-Bell has not changed. . Therefore, they chose this time to return, and the press conference was held, which became more and more meaningful.

This time Studio Eleven’s action is too grand, so people don’t have to speculate too much. At this time, an idea has come out: Could it be that Evan Bell is coming back?

When this speculation came out, the entire American entertainment circle was boiling!

At this time, it has been seven years since Evan-Bell retired on February 28, 2001. During these seven years, Evan-Bell has really not appeared in any official public occasions. . In fact, the news of Evan Bell has been in the newspapers intermittently over the years, but he has refused any form of interview.

Evan Bell once rehearsed a play on Broadway abroad and achieved great success. He performed on the Broadway stage for three seasons. He was like a real Broadway actor, enjoying life on Broadway; later The show also landed in London’s West End, where it ran for two seasons.

Evan-Bell once made two feature-length feature films under the name “Watson-Gu”, one on water scarcity in Africa and one on Antarctic ecology, neither of which was officially released. , and did not land in any film festivals, and more just put it into the DVD market after a small-scale release in art theaters, which caused more repercussions among ordinary audiences.

In addition, Evan-Bell also entered Oxford University to study a double degree in East Asian literature and film art, and published academic papers in professional journals for many times. He also served as a guest speaker in the journalism department of Columbia University for two years. Professor position.

These are only activities that people know, because they are public activities that will come into contact with many people, but even in these public occasions, Evan Bell does not consider himself an entertainer, but rather conducts these activities as an ordinary person . In addition to this, Evan-Bell’s life in seven years has completely returned to calm and almost disappeared from the public eye.

As Evan Bell said, the entertainment industry is an industry that loves the new and hates the old. No matter how brilliant an artist is, there will be a day of decline; even if the popularity is at its peak, there will be a time to dissipate; no matter how hot the focus is, there will be a cooling down. During the period…Although Evan Bell was one of the most successful artists in history, with the advancement of time, his figure, his name, and his deeds gradually disappeared from people’s sight until people completely forgot , will never be mentioned again.

However, this summer, when the speculation of “Evan Bell is coming back?” came out, people were still boiling, not because people missed Evan Bell so much, but because Evan Bell seemed like a The myth of invincibility, like a spiritual totem, has an immeasurable influence on people.

As a talented artist, the historical records created by Evan-Bell need not be repeated, but Evan-Bell’s influence on culture can be seen in every corner. Now the new singers and actors who have stepped into the circle under the influence of Evan Bell have grown up, and the idea of “work first” implanted in the blood of the entire Grammy and Otelska award system has also influenced With the operation ecology of the entire entertainment circle, the influence of Evan Bell’s music and film works on the infiltration of related works on the market can be seen everywhere… This penetration of the entire culture makes Evan Bell as a Artist, reaching a whole new level.

Not to mention, Evan Bell interprets Tagore’s poem to the fullest, “Life is as gorgeous as summer flowers and death is as quiet and beautiful as autumn leaves…”, and the classic “One confidant is enough to blindly follow ten thousand is too little… …” is the target pursued by countless people, as well as No. 9 and No. 10, Princes Street, which are now the holy places in the hearts of independent musicians and independent filmmakers around the world. influences.

Therefore, when “Entertainment Weekly” guessed whether Evan-Bell was going to return, the influence that went deep into the bone immediately broke out. It is conceivable that if Evan-Bell really returns, it will happen to the entire entertainment industry. Earth-shaking changes, this is the deep imprint of Evan Bell in the entertainment industry, even if seven years have passed, there will not be much and “Entertainment Weekly” as the eleventh The studio’s best partner, and now William Wood has become the editor-in-chief of the magazine, his speculation is definitely not groundless, although even William Wood has been unable to interview Evan Bell over the years, but it is undeniable that ten A studio sells William Wood’s face, which makes “Entertainment Weekly,” sources consistently relatively accurate.

So does the speculation of “Entertainment Weekly” this time mean the truth?

On July 1, the press hall on the top floor of the Four Seasons Hotel gathered more than 500 journalists from all over the world, no matter whether the speculation about Evan Bell’s upcoming return was accurate or not, and whether or not Studio Eleven was going to be listed on the market. Another mistake, just because Thomas Lansing solemnly held a press conference, and just because of Eleven Studio’s status in the world entertainment industry, this press conference deserves reporters to gather on the scene. Not to mention that if today’s news is Evan Bell or listing, then the press conference will definitely explode.

The sultry atmosphere surrounds the room, and even the air conditioner is turned on to the maximum, but it cannot dispel people’s inner anticipation and anxiety. The reporters are whispering among themselves, guessing what explosiveness will be announced at the upcoming press conference. News, which also filled the venue with a suffocating sense of tension.

On the last day, hehe, reluctant to part. (To be continued [This text is provided by the Breaking Dawn Update Group @人世秀罗6]. If you like this work, you are welcome to (m) vote for a recommendation vote and a monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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