Great Artist

Chapter 30

Chapter 30: Universal Music

Someone once made statistics that performing on the New York subway can earn nearly ten dollars per ten seconds on average. Of course, this does not mean that performing arts for a living is a very comfortable and profitable thing. It just means that if you have the heart, you will not starve to death. In Boston, the earning of performing arts is naturally not as much as in New York, but after performing a day, two or three hundred dollars is still no problem.

Today, the three people who were in a melancholy mood came out after lunch. They originally planned to go back at four or five o’clock. Now that they met Gu Luobei who came back, even though it was only three o’clock, they still planned to end the performance and go back to school together.

“Is it fun to make a movie? Have you met any big stars?” Jacob-Tibo asked curiously, but the other two didn’t seem to be interested.

Gu Luobei said casually, “It’s very fresh and exciting. I didn’t meet the big stars, but I saw Drew Barrymore.” This year’s “Charlie’s Angels” craze hasn’t faded yet, and Charlie’s Angels are still very popular. Attractive, Jacob Tebow immediately sighed, and Gillen Haas couldn’t help but express his concern.

The topic of Drew-Barrymore made the young guys excited for a while, and they were very envious of Gu Luobei having this opportunity, which made three black lines on Gu Luobei’s forehead, “Then it seems that I will take more shots in the future. Now that the movie is over, I will meet more beauties, and let you slowly envy you.” This is definitely an idea with impure motives, but it makes Jacob-Tibo irritating enough.

“Has the record company responded?” Gu Luobei’s next sentence was like a bleak autumn wind, which immediately cooled the atmosphere. In fact, Gu Luobei just asked by the way, and he also knew that those big record companies would not reply so quickly. Although Gu Luobei didn’t know how the big record company handled the master tape sent to the company, the speed was definitely not fast. In the movies and novels, the fact that a top-level agent has discerning eyes and pearls is too rare. In reality, fairy tales are not staged every day. “Hehe, it’s alright, it’s only been less than a month, if there is a record company to reply so quickly, why did Linkin Park bother to hit the wall before?” Super popular, I’m afraid they are still exploring.

The school life is always missed, especially after entering the society, you will find that the days in school are relatively simple. Class, band practice, party, party, class, band practice… When you study hard and work hard, when you have fun, you are crazy. This is youth. Even the hard-working students at Harvard know how to enjoy life.

Boston’s summer is very pleasant, but winter is not so friendly. Before November, it snowed a little. This is the northeast coast of the United States, and it snows and rains every winter, which is very cold. But this year it only snowed at the end of October, which is still very unusual. It’s good to stay indoors with heating, but as soon as you go out, the oncoming cold wind pierces the bone marrow. Fortunately, London and New York are not cities that feel like spring all year round. For Gu Luobei, he has long adapted to the winter here.

In the first semester of his junior year, Gu Luobei was very busy. He had already completed all the credits in the Department of Architecture, and he could start preparing for his graduation project. The credits of the Department of Psychology have not yet been completed, but because he helped Muller-Lance prepare the thesis materials for two consecutive semesters, and got the approval of Muller-Lance, he has already started to look for the topic of the thesis, which is enough for him to toss .

Today, Gu Luobei is in the dormitory making a record for tomorrow’s social psychology, because he has already taken this course of Muller-Lance last semester, but because Muller-Lance is his thesis advisor, he will not take it again. Chosen once. This semester, he continued to take this course as a teaching assistant, and assisting Mueller-Lance in preparing for the class was the homework of each class. Fortunately, these contents have been learned last semester, so it is not too difficult.

The knock on the door of “bang bang bang” rang loudly in the quiet corridor. At this time, it was only after three o’clock in the afternoon. Most people were either sleeping or in class. The whole dormitory was very quiet. Gu Luobei looked up and kept looking. At the slamming door, stood up. Eden Hudson, who was reading a book on the sofa chair, put the book down and leaned his brow slightly in the middle. Although there was not much expression, Gu Luobei knew that the iceberg was disturbed by the interest in reading the book. , impatient.

Walking out of the door of the room and passing through the hall with sofas and fireplace, as soon as Gu Luobei opened the door, he was startled by the people who rushed up. He only had time to see Gillen Haas standing behind, and the whole person subconsciously He took a few steps back and avoided it. Needless to say, the one who rushed forward was Jacob Tebow.

Seeing that the attack on Gu Luobei was not successful or disappointed, Jacob Thibaut jumped and jumped on the spot excitedly. Gillen Haas and Bruce Sterwood also followed and came in and saw The two of them were also beaming with joy, including Brisbane Sterwood, who jumped up a little while walking, and the faint smile on the corner of his mouth was always hanging. What is the good thing that makes these three people so excited?

“Evan, did you know? Did you know?” Jacob Tebow didn’t look like his usual gentleman at all, and all the excitement in his heart burst out. Looking at the madness, he said he had won $50 million. Prizes are also believed.

But before Jacob-Tibo could say the real content, he found that the excitement on his face was a little stiff. Looking back, Eden Hudson was standing in the doorway of the room, staring coldly at the three excited people in the hall. Gu Luobei curled his lips. Except for Gu Luobei and a few friends, the iceberg of Eden-Hudson has an expressionless zombie face, and the horror index is definitely above five stars.

The excitement of seeing Eden Hudson, Jacob Tebow and Gillen Haas all subsided a little, and another man with what could be described as a zombie face, Bruce Sterwood, saw Eden-Hudson’s moment, instantly lost. Bruce Sterwood has no expression, but his eyes are still very rich. It can be seen that his inner emotions are very turbulent. After all, the blood of people who play in the band is also boiling. Strictly speaking, Bruce Sterwood is not an iceberg, he is a facial paralysis, his expression is underdeveloped.

But in Eden-Hudson’s dictionary, there are only two kinds of people, those who are close and those who are not. Although there is no other meaning in his eyes, it is just pure emotionless, but it makes people dare not look at him. This powerful aura is the real iceberg. Bruce Sterwood’s originally slightly smiling face froze unnaturally when he saw Eden Hudson, and then avoided his gaze.

Gu Luobei looked back at his roommate, Eden Hudson’s eyes flickered, Gu Luobei immediately read it out, meaning to keep himself quiet, even with his friends, Eden Hudson is a little affectionate Neither stay. Gu Luobei suddenly remembered that the excitement in Eden Hudson’s eyes when he was hurting and gossiping about others in the dormitory was so incompatible with the image of the century iceberg in front of him, he burst out laughing. As a result, the door to the room was slammed shut.

“It’s okay, don’t pay attention to him.” Eden Hudson seemed to be too powerful, suppressing the excitement of the three, but Gu Luobei knew that the iceberg was probably sitting at the door with a chair at this time. , eavesdropping on their conversations. No, not “estimate”, but absolute.

Fortunately, this was just a small episode. Soon, Jacob Tibo’s excitement revived, but this time he knew that it was a little suppressed. “Evan Evan,” this guy called Gu Luobei countless times, but the content never came out, “Universal Music called us, Universal Music!”

This news made Gu Luobei’s originally deep eyes suddenly enlarged a lot, and the slender eyelashes were turned up, and the crystal clear blue suddenly made people’s eyes shine. Gu Luobei turned to look at Gillen Haas and Bruce Sterwood, and the two nodded in agreement, expressing affirmation. Gu Luobei roared loudly, “Yeah”, and jumped **** the spot. When he landed, he made a “bang” sound. The three of Jacob-Tibo subconsciously looked at the door of Gu Luobei’s room again. UU reading seemed to be worried that Eden Hudson would appear again. But this time the door of the room didn’t move at all.

Gu Luobei’s voice was full of joy, and his whole heart was lifted. The feeling that he was wandering in the clouds was really happy. “What’s going on, tell me in detail?”

Universal Music came to call half an hour ago, and the first call was Gu Luobei’s mobile phone, but unfortunately Gu Luobei turned off the phone because he was preparing materials. Then, Universal Music called Gillen-Haas’ dormitory and informed him of the good news.

“This time, it’s to sign with our entire band, the whole band!” Gillen Haas growled excitedly. He was afraid that the other party would sign with Gu Luobei alone, so he confirmed it again and again. But Gillen-Haas overlooked a point. Universal Music listened to the band’s master tape, and had not officially met them. Naturally, they wanted to sign the entire band. The specific situation will be determined after the detailed understanding of the meeting. “They asked us to meet tomorrow in Boston at three o’clock.”

Universal Music is one of the top five record companies in the world alongside Warner Music. Unexpectedly, after missing Warner Records, they ushered in the God-given opportunity of Universal Music, and they are going to sign with the whole band, which is really good news for the melancholy mood. No wonder, even Bruce Sterwood, who has a facial paralysis, is beaming with joy.

“Okay, we must seize this opportunity!” The firmness in Gu Luobei’s voice made the three teammates excited again. Following Jacob-Tibo’s line of sight, he was facing Gu Luobei’s room. I didn’t expect Eden Hudson to have this role in suppressing noise.

Today’s first update, hula la, which one is the favorite, which one is recommended!

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