Great Artist

Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Ready To Go

New York is a wonderful place. There are row upon row of high-rise buildings in Manhattan, but if you land at a high place, you will find that this is the only area in New York with many high-rise buildings. Take the subway from Manhattan Island, drive southeast, pass the East River, and enter Brooklyn.

Different from the streetscape of Manhattan Island’s commercial buildings, Brooklyn is very “rural”. The six-storey buildings are very abrupt in the field of vision. Generally, they are more two-storey buildings, with independent large-scale houses in the shade of greenery, Fairytale-style spires, exquisite and practical duplex or townhouses; Colonial with veranda arches, Victorian style with bay windows and thin columns, thick and luxurious brownstone style, and so on. These old houses with different styles, colorful, neat and beautiful, most of them have a history of more than a hundred years. They are like well-dressed half-old milfs, vicissitudes and gorgeousness. Strolling in the streets and alleys, enjoying the gentle leisure, watching the safflower and green grass with distinctive personality in the front yards of every household, as well as the decorative sketches that seem to be scattered there unintentionally, it is pleasing to the eye and beautiful. If Manhattan Island is busy and noisy, then the strong atmosphere of life in Brooklyn is a little quieter.

Gu Luobei’s home is in the Bensenhe district of Brooklyn, which is also one of the areas where immigrants gather. I got off the bus at Sunset Park Station. The shabby station, the top of which can even see the appearance of the steel structure, Gu Luobei pulled his jacket. Although it was still summer, the temperature at 4:00 in the morning still made people shudder. The sleeping homeless man in the station heard Gu Luobei’s solitary footsteps echoing in the aisle, and couldn’t help but mumble a few foul language, obviously complaining that his sweet dream was disturbed.

Walking out of the subway station, walking along the street like a chessboard in Brooklyn, around three blocks or so, you can see the prominent 18th Avenue at the intersection. Although it is a little far from the Eighth Avenue, the most famous Chinatown in Bensenhe, there are many Chinese, but the most people in the vicinity are Italians. According to Gu Luobei’s understanding, his father seems to be of Italian and French ancestry, and Catherine Bell can communicate simply in Italian, but the two brothers of Gu Luobei are all knowledgeable about Italian, and they don’t know anything about it.

Although it was only after four o’clock at this time, many people on the Eighteenth Avenue were already busy. This is a small wholesale market nearby, with convenient transportation and strong popularity. Many businesses in Brooklyn come here to buy goods. Every morning from 4:00 to 6:00, wholesale suppliers will provide goods here, from famous brand boutiques to cheap discount goods, vegetables and fruits, dining hours, fashionable clothes, shoes, hats, eyes, gold and silver jewelry, flower gifts, furniture and lighting, medicines Miscellaneous work can be said to be all-encompassing. All the vendors and shop owners will come here early to batch goods, so that they can find the goods they are satisfied with as soon as possible. It’s only early four o’clock now, and the streets are already crowded with mobile vendors. They are different from shopkeepers with storefronts. They have to carry the goods back by themselves, so they must come here as soon as possible. For shopkeepers with storefronts, if the order volume is large, they can also have wholesale suppliers deliver to their doorsteps.

Gu Luobei nodded and said hello to familiar traders all the way, and walked through the alley with ease. He quickly left all the voices and excitement behind him and found his home. This is a small shop of no more than 30 square meters. There is a sign “Eleven Dry Cleaners” hanging on the door. There is still an incandescent lamp inside to indicate that the shop is still open.

Pushing open the glass door, a gust of wind rang, and a tall figure stood up immediately, “Welcome…” Before he finished speaking, he found that the person was Gu Luobei, and the sturdy man in front of him showed a naive look. Han smiled, “Bei, are you back?”

Gu Luobei closed the door gently, without answering, but gestured to the attic above his head with his eyes, as if he was worried about something. The man immediately came over and said in a low voice, “Catherine went home and slept, not in the attic.” Gu Luobei breathed a sigh of relief.

The sturdy man in front of him was his brother, Teddy Bell, who was two years and ten days older than Gu Luobei. Although it is not known whether the fathers of the two brothers are Italian and French mixed blood, it is undeniable that the two brothers are indeed good samples of mixed blood eugenics.

Different from Gu Luobei’s handsome and unrestrained, Teddy Bell is a little rougher, with blond hair cut to a flat inch, and deep facial features as if they were cut out by a knife and an axe, which is a little more aggressive than Gu Luobei, but From those blue eyes, you can still see the similarities with Gu Luobei. After careful consideration, you will know that they are definitely two brothers. Compared to Gu Luobei, the six-foot (1.83) Teddy Bell weighs 180 pounds (82 kilograms), which is obviously much stronger, and he is more worthy of the nickname “Bear”. fact. Gu Luobei’s handsome and noble temperament is more like his mother Catherine Bell, while Teddy Bell’s simple and honest temperament is more like a cheap father who has no chance to meet.

When Katherine Bell took her two sons across the ocean to New York, she started from scratch with this small dry cleaner. Miss Catherine Bell, who was born in Savile Row, went through countless hardships and gave up the family tailoring skills she inherited from childhood to run this dry cleaner from scratch. Because of the two sons, the eldest son’s birthday is November 1st, and the younger son’s birthday is November 11th. There are so many “ones”, so Catherine Bell named the dry cleaner “Eleven (11 , has won a lot of praise for its 24-hour service. And Kathleen Bell’s fine tailoring skills were not wasted, and she also ran some repair work. Until five years ago, their family of three didn’t have to continue living in the small attic above the dry cleaners, and rented a 50-square-meter house next door, which greatly improved their lives.

Savile Row, a shopping street in an upscale residential area in central London, is famous for its traditional men’s tailoring. The term “bespoke” originated from Savile Row, meaning tailoring for individual clients. The short street is known as a “tailor-made prime location”, and customers include Napoleon III and Churchill. Although Savile Row is full of tailors, even if it serves the royal family, it is not a noble after all, but after two hundred years of development, Savile Row has long become synonymous with the world’s top suits. A suit is two or three thousand pounds. It’s normal, but just the word “customization” has become a noble representative, making countless nobles and rich people flock to it, and what they pursue is this restraint.

Katherine Bell was born in Savile Row, so she can be considered a eldest lady, but the two brothers Gu Luobei have never heard of her about her family background. Even the word Savile Row was mentioned by Gu Luobei when he was still a baby. How much authenticity, I have never heard Catherine Bell admit it. It was only in the dead of night that Gu Luobei once saw her mother sewing clothes for the two brothers with her own hands. The skilled craftsmanship began to reveal that she had received professional tailoring training since she was a child.

Since the “Eleven Dry Cleaners” is open 24 hours a day, people usually keep a vigil. Today is Teddy Bell.

Teddy Bell poured a glass of water and handed it to his brother, and asked with concern, “Is the performance going well today?” Gu Luobei was able to get on the Broadway stage, which was naturally the happiest thing for a family of three. Although a ticket costs one hundred and twenty dollars, it is nothing for this family, but the level of living consumption has not reached this level after all, so I can only regret it.

“It’s going well.” Gu Luobei excitedly told Teddy Bell about today’s performance. When it came to Travie Nahn’s efforts to keep it back, Teddy Bell seemed to have expected it long ago, and he smirked. stand up.

“What are you laughing at?” Gu Luobei took a sip of water and kicked his brother who was sitting beside him.

“No, I knew your head would definitely keep you.” Teddy Bell’s tone was full of firmness, which was his trust in Gu Luobei, unconditional trust. “However, I also know that you will definitely refuse.” Speaking of which, Teddy Bell looked at his brother beside him. Although he was two years younger than him, many times, he was more mature than himself and had accidents. He even wondered if his mother remembered it wrong, he should be his younger brother. Gu Luobei is always so assertive and always so bold and direct in pursuing his dreams. Teddy Bell remembered that when Gu Luobei was eight years old and told his family that he was going to Broadway, the firmness in his eyes made him sigh.

Gu Luobei didn’t know that Teddy Bell had so many thoughts in his mind at this time, and put the water glass back on the table, “I was going to go to Los Angeles last week, and now my road trip has been postponed to help Telavi. It’s been a whole week!” When Gu Luobei said this, he touched the ring finger of his right hand, and the corner of his mouth twitched, obviously very dissatisfied with the postponement of the road trip.

Eighteen-year-old life is to join clubs you like, do things you like, play groups, road trips, and party all night. Gu Luobei hopes that he will not miss the things he missed in the past life. This road trip was planned by Gu Luobei in order to attend the Eagle Rock Music Festival in Los Angeles. Caitlin Bell had already agreed to Gu Luobei as an experience for his 18th birthday.

“Bear, are you sure you don’t want to go together?” Gu Luobei felt very regretful that Teddy Bell gave up such a grand plan. “This is across the United States! From New York to Los Angeles, it must be very exciting.”

Teddy Bell spread his hands, “Have you forgotten that I have to go to school two weeks in advance?” Teddy Bell is going to be a junior this year. In college, when professors write papers, they usually find their proud disciples. , to help find the data and write the framework. When the paper is published, the name of the student can also be published as an affiliate. Not only can this be a great addition to a future resume for a student, but it can also earn a salary from a professor. And Teddy Bell, who was selected by his professor, needed to report to the school two weeks in advance to start looking for information. “Besides, I have an internship interview in Boston next week, have you forgotten?” Gu Luobei didn’t say anything else, they had discussed this matter before.

“Bei, are you sure you want to leave today? You haven’t slept all night, so you don’t need to rest?” Teddy Bell frowned, looking at Gu Luobei with a worried expression.

Gu Luobei patted Teddy Bell on the shoulder, “If you don’t leave today, you will miss the Eagle Rock Music Festival!”

Second update today. Thank you for your reward, hehe, continue to ask for collections and recommendations, ha.

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