Great Artist

Chapter 58

Chapter 58: Sunset

Now that I have decided to participate in the ‘sniper phone booth” interview, I naturally have to work hard. After Gu Luobei came back from Salt Lake City, he spent a lot of time reading the script, piecing together the hero’s life in his mind bit by bit, carefully figuring out the hero’s psychological and emotional changes in times of crisis, and striving Find a fit with yourself in this role.

But this afternoon, Gu Luobei was not at home. He wasn’t reading the script or preparing the thesis. Instead, he went out with the guitar on his back. Both Catherine Bell and Teddy Bell knew that Gu Luobei was going to perform on the street. On the one hand, street performance is an exercise for live performances, and it is also the accumulation of stage performance; on the other hand, it is also a means of making money. Gu Luobei is now running an independent music studio by himself, and he needs money everywhere, and he has no plans to take money from his family at all.

In New York, the streets have always been full of talented performers. Times Square, Union Square, Central Park, and various subway aisles are all gathering places for street performances. The conventional wisdom would be that these performers chose this style of performance because they were homeless or penniless. But in fact, on the contrary, these artists who hope to perform on the street must apply to the New York City government, and only after review and approval can they ‘set up a stall” on the street and earn a living through the small coins thrown in the hats by the audience. . Thousands of artists apply every year, but only a tiny fraction of them actually pass the review.

As early as in the seventh grade, Gu Luobei applied for the qualification of street performers in New York City. After entering college, Melancholy was also qualified to perform on the streets of Boston. Over the years, Gu Luobei can be regarded as a veteran among street performers. . After getting off the bus on Fifty-ninth Street in Manhattan with his guitar on his back, Gu Luobei walked towards Central Park with ease.

Although Gu Luobei was the center of attention in Park City a few days ago, it was only natural that no passersby recognized him at this time. Before “Death Illusion” was officially released, Gu Luobei was now a complete passer-by. Of course, his tall figure and handsome appearance still attracted the attention of many women.

Gu Luobei put down his guitar in the corner of the street. There must be more people going to Times Square at this time, but today Gu Luobei didn’t want to go there. In the past two days, he devoted himself to the script of ‘sniper phone booth”, which made Gu Luobei’s emotions a little depressed. He is still in the initial groping stage on the road of acting, and he cannot control his proportions in the role very well. Therefore, Gu Luobei came out with the guitar on his back, entered the world of music, and let himself relax.

Holding the guitar, Gu Luobei sat directly on the ground with a round top hat in front of him, plucked the strings lightly, and began to tune it.

The left hand pressed the strings, the right hand played the rhythm lightly on the acoustic guitar, and then the slender fingers of the right hand plucked the strings, and the brisk melody flowed out. “Although loneliness has always been my friend, I am willing to give my life to you.” Gu Luobei’s moving voice has a hint of laziness in the afternoon sunshine. This song was released by Backstreet Boys in 1997. The classic track “As long as you love me (As.Long.As.You.Love.Me. Gu Luobei did not choose his own original song, but sang such a popular song, which easily attracted the attention of passers-by around him.

Although it is a highly sung golden song, Gu Luobei still made an adaptation and re-interpreted it according to his own style. The brisk melody remains the same, but because it is played by the guitar, it is more fresh, and the clear voice like the blue sky jumps in the lyrics, making people involuntarily beat the beat with their body.

Gu Luobei’s singing made passersby stop, and the smile on the corner of his mouth raised slightly. At this moment, the pedestrians passing by Central Park are still in a hurry, and the traffic on the street is still flowing. In the center of Manhattan, New York, Central Park was originally a habitat to slow down time, but on this street corner, the pace of time is Extraordinarily slow. Gu Luobei’s slender fingers seemed to have magic power, flying up and down between the strings, making the rhythm of life slow down involuntarily.

Passing pedestrians may slow down, or keep their heads down, or stop to watch, or the corners of their mouths draw a pleasant arc. There are at most a dozen people around Gu Luobei, and at least there are pedestrians passing in front of them. He dropped a coin into his hat, paused for two or three seconds, and then left contentedly.

Blake Lively was a little disappointed today. She had already transferred schools twice in the spring semester and fall semester last year. Today, she learned that she will transfer again this spring semester. This is her eighth time. This is indeed a very depressing thing for her. Not being able to stay long at a school meant that it was almost impossible for her to make friends, which was frustrating to her.

After arguing with the family, Blake Lively left the house and walked down the street bored. Stopping and going all the way, Blake Lively didn’t know where she had gone. She looked sideways at the scattered trees around her, and she knew that she should be near Central Park. There is such a large green space in New York City. It is here.

Amidst the noisy car voices, there was a ding-dong guitar sound, and Blake Lively walked in the direction of the music involuntarily. In the faint, the notes seemed to be attracting She went forward.

I walked forward less than ten meters, turned the corner, and saw a young man leaning against the corner, sitting flat on the ground, with the guitar in his arms, and a black bowler hat in front of him. Apparently it’s a street performer’s outfit.

“I’m home alone again tonight, I’m turning on the TV, the innocuous voice, the wine bottle, and the pictures that belong to the two of us are all over the wall, so it overflows into my heart.” The string of the guitar was soft in the air. With a slight shock, the man in front of him lowered his head and couldn’t see his expression clearly, only the voice with a touch of sadness sang in a low voice in the dim yellow sunset.

At four o’clock in the afternoon in January, it was almost dusk. The sunlight was blocked by high-rise buildings in Manhattan. At this time, because of the openness of Central Park, it poured down recklessly, and the air was dyed an old yellow. The setting sun slanted down the whole street, turning all the scenery in front of you into another color. The man in front of him had an angular profile, which became more and more profound under the reflection of the setting sun, and the figure sitting on the ground was pulled to the elder elder.

At this moment, Blake Lively’s footsteps stopped, and time seemed to be turned back, back to the long-term 1980s or 1960s, the melody of vinyl records alone melodious in the lazy afternoon Wander. The man’s singing is not spectacular and does not have too many ups and downs, but it easily captures the softest part of the heart. A figure, a guitar, a street corner, a meter of sunshine, this is a world.

“I can’t get over the pain of you leaving, I’ve never had an emotional outpouring of myself. I think being strong means never losing control, but right now I just want to get drunk so that I can I’m free from my pain, and I just want my bitter self-esteem to peel from my eyes like drifting rain. Tonight, I just want to cry.”

In the end, the man’s voice calmly took off a short ending, and the powerlessness that surged up in his heart instantly engulfed him. A song, a memory, an emotion, music can always easily hit the bottom of my heart.

After Gu Luobei finished singing, he was a little stunned. This song was written by himself in early January this year. On a lonely night, he was awakened by a nightmare in the middle of the night, only to find that he was soaked with sweat. The car accident of the previous life is always replayed in my mind and replayed again and again. Until I vented my feelings on the paper, the darkness in my heart was slowly pulled away.

“I want to cry tonight” is a symbol of weakness, but after Gu Luobei finished writing, he strengthened his belief and stopped crying for the past life, because it was not worth it. This is the last time, all the emotions are vented between the lines of the lyrics. Gu Luobei doesn’t hope that he will be blocked in that car accident forever, and he will never find an exit.

Maybe the afternoon sun was too sensational, maybe it was too long without passers-by, Gu Luobei subconsciously played this tune, but only halfway through the performance, Gu Luobei found that his emotions leaked too much, this is too It’s too scary and too dangerous. He hasn’t been like this for a long Gu Luobei quickly stopped his right hand, and the strings came to an abrupt stop, leaving some aftertaste floating in the air.

Gu Luobei looked around with the corner of his eyes, there seemed to be some pedestrians, and his right hand hurriedly plucked the strings again, but at this time his brain was still a little confused, and he didn’t know what the melody he was playing was. .

The plucking of the strings combined to create a melody that he had never heard before. Gu Luobei made his emotions a little more restrained, and the plucking of his right hand sped up. This is a very light melody, with a hint of joy, humming unconsciously, “I’m thinking about her, thinking about me, thinking about us, where will we go? Open my eyes, Found out it was just a dream. So I trekked back, and that way, will she come back too? No one knew, and then I realized, it was just a dream.”

In fact, this melody is very lively and lively, with a fast rhythm in the middle, but Gu Luobei’s thoughts are still relatively low at this time, and the accompanying lyrics actually have a hint of sadness. “It’s just a dream”, this lyric also reflects the confusion that Gu Luobei just woke up from his own thoughts. However, unexpectedly, this combination not only has no sense of conflict, but because of this sense of contradiction, the song shows a different kind of charm.

“Excuse me, what’s the name of this song?” A slightly hoarse female voice rang in front of Gu Luobei.

Gu Luobei raised his head, the dazzling sunlight made him unable to see the face of the girl in front of him, so he just subconsciously plucked the strings and sang, “Just.A.Dream.”

Finally, the new book list is on the list. This time the results are beyond the expectations of Seven Cats. It took nearly two weeks to get the first place. Thank you very much for your support, sincerely! Two more will be resumed tomorrow.

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