Great Artist

Chapter 64

Chapter 64: Freedom Of Choice

When the song finished playing, Elaine Brook discovered that the corners of her eyes were already wet. The melody, which was so cheerful that it could become a nightclub song, touched her so thoroughly that tears could not help but run out to join in the fun.

Look at Elaine Jia Siming, she was already in tears, but the bright smile on the corner of her mouth illuminated Elaine Brook’s heart. This man is indeed worthy of Elena – Jia Siming has been crazy for him for half a year, his singing explains everything. His talent made this man named Evan Bell shine brightly.

Of course, for now, Evan Bell, who is only 18 years old, still has a long way to go on the road of music, at least for now he is just an unknown independent musician. But Elaine Brook is willing to believe that as long as he is given a chance, he will be a blockbuster! And Evan Bell, who has infinite development possibilities in the future, may also achieve more brilliant than imagined.

Unlike Elaine Brook’s inner confusion, Elena Jia Siming has long been convinced by Gu Luobei, and the song “Just a Dream” only strengthened her inner fanaticism. Almost without thinking, Elena-Jia Siming wrote in the blank tourist comment column on the right, “I’m crazy for you! Your music makes people feel the most sincere emotion, that passion, that passion , that touch, I’m crazy about it!”

This is the first message on Gu Luobei’s personal music blog. Just less than a week after the website was established, this blog was discovered by Elena Jia Siming. And the song “Just a Dream” can be regarded as the real world. At this moment, the blog of Eleven Music Studio is like a small fire, taking root on the Internet, the big network that spreads all over the world. It will spread little by little until it forms a prairie prairie. That day was the moment when Gu Luobei shone.

The rapid development of the Internet has made the Internet play an increasingly important role in people’s lives. Before the car accident in the previous life, the digital music sold on the Internet was already able to compete with traditional albums. More and more young people like to buy digital music directly on the Internet, and then download it to their own computers and music players for enjoyment. Both vinyl records and cassettes have withdrawn from the stage of history one after another, and the market share of CDs, which swept the world in the 1990s, has also been eroded by digital music little by little. In Gu Luobei’s memory before his rebirth, digital music and CD albums competed against each other, and together they supported the global music market. In 2011 and 2012, traditional records only had a slight advantage.

But if you look closely at the rise of digital music, you will find that the development time of digital music is much shorter than expected.

At this point in time, the blog had not yet become prosperous at the scene. Gu Luobei clearly remembered that the first time the blog became prosperous around the world was after the “911 Incident” that shocked the world in September this year. At that time, someone announced it through the blog. With this terrible news, the phrase “everyone can be a news source anytime, anywhere” has become synonymous with blogging. And YouTube, Tudou, Youku and other video sites, as well as video-based podcasts, will have to wait until 2005.

Although digital music has been born since the mid-1990s, with the rise of a series of free online music download sites and the emergence of portable music players, digital music has gradually entered the public’s field of vision. When Gu Luobei established his personal music blog, the number of people who downloaded music online in the United States had already exceeded 100 million, but at present all of them are free downloads, and digital music websites are profit-making through the traditional mode of advertising clicks. The business model has not yet been established.

But Gu Luobei knew that the business model of digital music was about to develop.

At the beginning of last month, at the beginning of January, Apple launched the portable music player, the iPod, which will become the world’s first-selling portable music player, and bundled it with the iTunes online music store. However, Apple’s iTunes online music store is still in the beta stage, and all downloads are still free.

Gu Luobei clearly remembers that it was not until early 2003 that the business model of the iTunes online music store was officially perfected and the opening was announced, which also opened the prelude for digital music to divide up the traditional record market.

Apple buys a large number of digital music rights and provides genuine downloads in the iTunes online music store. This model fully protects the interests of music copyright owners, and charging 99 cents to download a song is also acceptable to American consumers. Therefore, the iTunes online music store quickly achieved commercial success, which is also the first successful business model in the history of digital music. Producers, Internet service providers, etc. see the feasibility of selling genuine music online through the Internet. In the next few years, this model was copied all over the world, and digital music entered the stage of industrial development.

No matter what, Gu Luobei, who has a clear understanding of network functions, is undoubtedly at the forefront. Gu Luobei’s personal music blog can currently publish online music, and when the video uploading technology is mature, he can also publish videos of self-playing and singing. Of course, if the channels for releasing traditional records are not found, Gu Luobei does not mind seeking a cooperation plan with the iTunes online music store to directly provide online paid downloads of digital music.

Therefore, the launch of the “Eleventh Music Studio” webpage has played a very important role in Gu Luobei’s path as an independent musician.

Only a week after the three songs “Broad Ocean”, “Last” and “Just a Dream” were uploaded, Gu Luobei saw the comments from Elena-Jia Siming, which made him feel very surprised, after all, now Before blogging and digital music really caught on, someone was paying attention. In addition to Elena Jia Siming, Gu Luobei also saw the comments of Reza Rosie – they all commented with their own names as footnotes, and there were nearly 30 comments in the right column. For Gu Luobei, this is definitely a very important affirmation.

What Gu Luobei didn’t know was that, including Elena-Jia Siming and Ruisha-Rosie, his fan base was not too small. Thanks to the vigorous promotion of several original fans, from the Internet to life In , the blog visits of “Eleven Music Studio” are getting higher and higher, and the number of visitors displayed in the upper right corner has exceeded 1,000 astonishingly.

Knowing how to open the email inbox, Gu Luobei started sending and receiving emails. The start of the spring semester is getting closer and closer, and the busy second half of the junior year is also coming. After replying to the emails of several professors one by one, Gu Luobei clicked on this one from Sean Mayer. s mail.

“Dear Bell, I don’t think the lyrical version will sound better. Although the lyrical version brings out the hoarseness in your voice, it also undoubtedly loses the contradiction between the sadness and the middle plate in the hip-hop version. As for the jazz version, believe me, you won’t want to try this. For the hip-hop version, I think you should try the application of electronic elements, such as changing the acoustic guitar to an electric guitar, the sense of conflict will be stronger. From Mayer who admires you.”

After Gu Luobei read the email carefully, a smile naturally appeared on the corner of his mouth, but he did not reply immediately, but took the notebook beside him and rummaged on the table, but he could not find a carbon pen. , I didn’t see the 2B pencil I used to draw the sketch, so I just held the needle pen for the graduation design of the architecture major in the palm of my hand.

This black hardcover notebook is obviously not a random notebook, but bound with four-fold paper for art majors. The four-fold paper is different from the A4 paper used for printing. The four-fold paper is almost twice as large as the A4 paper. In Bell’s house, Catherine Bell occasionally draws design drawings and cuts clothes for her two sons; Gu Luobei also draws architectural drawings and sketches; so you can see traces of four-folded paper everywhere, Thai Di-Bell simply bound the quartet paper into a booklet, and kept one or two copies in various places in the house for everyone to use. Even when he was writing his own papers and drafting, he was accustomed to using quartet paper. Although the four-fold paper is very large and inconvenient to carry, the Bell family is obviously used to it.

Opened the notebook, Gu Luobei only flipped it twice, and found the page of “Just a Dream”, and wrote all the notes on The sender of the email is Sean Mayer. A freely chosen agent, he was the one who contacted Melancholy the last time. After that, he and Gu Luobei had two phone calls, just chatting briefly. Accidentally, Sean Mayer found the website of “Eleven Music Studio”, and heard the song “Just a Dream” for the first time, which was amazing, so he sent an email to Gu Luobei, comminicate.

Unlike large record companies, as the free choice of independent music companies, they really love independent music. Sean-Mayer remembered that Gu Luobei had no plans to sign a music company for the time being, so he didn’t mention it at all, and just sent an email from the perspective of discussing music.

After that, Gu Luobei had several e-mail contacts with Sean Mayer, and the two musicians who had never met each other had a great conversation. Gu Luobei is still learning about the arrangement. Although Sean Mayer is not a creator, as a senior manager, his musical taste is also very good. So I gave Gu Luobei a lot of pertinent opinions. What they discussed in the email was the arrangement of “Just a Dream”.

After Gu Luobei took notes, he started to reply to the email.

“Dear Mayer, I have made the jazz version, you can go to the website to listen to it. Good luck.”

Sure enough, it’s Gu Luobei’s style. Since you’ve thought of it, let’s do it. Why not try it. Just like the lyrical version, only by trying can you know your own shortcomings, and you can continue to learn new things in arranging. It is estimated that Sean Mayer will be amazed when he sees this email.

Second update today. recommend! collect!

In addition, I have something to go out tomorrow, the update is estimated to be after eleven o’clock, please understand!

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