Great Artist

Chapter 8

Chapter 8: Road Trip

This is an endless plain. On the left side of the road is a barren rocky mountain. The red rocks are like hot flames. Dry shrubs and plants grow unyieldingly in the sandy soil, and there are a few green spots in the barren sandstone. , and then the endless yellow sand and red soil. On the right side of the road is a valley bottom, and the red land is obviously more green. Behind the rocky land, you can even see the green trees at the end of the horizon, the pressing green and the blue sky. Connected together, it is spectacular.

At this moment, the highway that has been extending indefinitely and disappeared into the sky seems to split the sky in half. The sky on the left instantly turns blood red, with some brown depth, and the wind and sand are raging on the barren plain. , the sky is in jeopardy, and there is a danger of collapse at any time; the sky on the right is still as blue as a wash, the cloudless blue is clear, transparent and tranquil, and you can even feel the smell of idle clouds and wild cranes on the tulle-like clouds of the plane. .

The extreme gloom and the extreme brightness are eerily bounded by the road, and are clearly distinguished, but the junction of the two is so clear and clear, just like the black and white of the Taiji map, the contrast is strong but there is no gap. fused together. This situation makes people sigh at the magic of nature. Even Gu Luobei, who has been a man of two generations, can’t close his mouth in surprise.

It’s more than four o’clock in the afternoon, and Gu Luobei is driving his old and tough Chevrolet on Interstate 70. He slows down and Blake Lively takes Gu Luobei’s fool The camera is taking pictures like crazy. When they saw this magnificent scene just now, the two of them were stunned, until Gu Luobei reacted first, and then turned the camera out and let Blake Lively take a photo.

After starting from New York, they saw endless farms, passed by quiet and comfortable towns, saw the remnant snow in the midsummer on the top of the Rocky Mountains, and walked through the poetic and picturesque villages in the valleys, from the shady mountains and forests. , drove into the barren desert, experienced the loneliness of the desert, and experienced the desolation of the valley bottom. This road trip is definitely the best experience in Gu Luobei’s life.

There is a line in the classic movie “Paradise Cinema”: If you don’t go out for a walk, you will think this is the whole world. Gu Luobei was convinced of this.

Even though the scenery along the way was beautiful, the spectacle in front of them still made Gu Luobei and Blake Lively completely convinced by nature. As if at a certain moment, the magical landscape suddenly disappeared and was left far behind before the two young people found their voices.

“Did you take it?” Gu Luobei didn’t seem to know what to say, just asked dryly.

Blake Lively didn’t answer, bowed her head, probably confirming how many negatives were left in the film, and after a while, she burst into an excited shout, “Wow, Bell, can you believe it? Do you believe it?” Even if you saw it with your own eyes and even took a photo, it’s still unbelievable.

Blake Lively pulled Gu Luobei’s right hand, shouted incoherently, and kept expressing his sighs, but it was just those few words that were repeated over and over.

Gu Luobei screamed and cheered with Blake Lively excitedly at first, but within a few seconds, Gu Luobei realized that the car was out of control, and he quickly calmed himself down, “Wait, wait.” But Blake Lively, who was beside him, was kneeling on the front passenger seat, still dancing, Gu Luobei couldn’t help but shouted, “Lively, we’re going to overturn the car.”

Suddenly, the steering wheel of the car turned, and the car suddenly yanked to the right. Blake Lively lost his center of gravity and fell on the seat. Gu Luobei hurriedly grasped the steering wheel and slammed it to the left, but with a little more strength, the front of the car rushed to the left for a while. If you change to someone who is not calm enough, you will be too scared to know what to do at this time, or else the brakes and the accelerator will be confused, then it will be a cup. Fortunately, Gu Luobei’s mind is very clear, his hands are tightly holding the steering wheel, and the slender knuckles have already turned white and blue. He didn’t move the steering wheel first, and after seeing the car rush out a few meters, he turned the steering wheel slightly to the right, and the direction returned to the original direction. The right hand quickly shifted the car from fourth gear to third gear, and then to second gear, and the speed stabilized.

When the car finally stabilized and galloped in the given direction, Gu Luobei realized that his back was already covered in cold sweat. He turned his head sideways and glanced at Blake Lively, who was lying on the front passenger seat, very embarrassed.

After passing by the **** of death, the burst of adrenaline made Gu Luobei’s back swish cold, but soon, he burst into a series of bold laughter. It is the joy of escaping from the dead, and it is also the thrill of excitement. For Gu Luobei, he has already died once. In this life, he just wants to let go of himself and experience a life that he yearns for but cannot experience. He wants to live like summer flowers and die. And no regrets. Therefore, the danger just now was not much different from riding a roller coaster to him.

After a few seconds of silence, Blake Lively laughed too. She struggled to sit up, although her hands and feet were shaking. After all, she was only fifteen years old, but what happened in just a few minutes: life first A rare spectacle, and then the car scramble of a near-death experience, still allowed Blake Lively to experience the most exciting three minutes of her life.

It wasn’t until the adrenaline wore off that Blake Lively felt that the T-shirt was soaking wet. If it wasn’t for Gu Luobei being calm enough, if it weren’t for the fact that there were no other cars on the road, and if the two sides were not plains but cliffs, I’m afraid this would not be the case now.

This kind of fear caused Blake Lively to be silent for a while, he laughed dryly, and then stared blankly at the front of the road. Gu Luobei looked back at Blake Lively, the confusion in her eyes was clearly visible, as if her cheeks had lost weight in an instant. This made Gu Luobei sigh, no matter how brave this girl was, she was only fifteen years old, and the excitement on the line of life and death just now scared her.

Looking back, Gu Luobei didn’t know what to say. After all, he and she had only known each other for less than two days. He could give her a warm hug, but a fifteen-year-old friend, he really couldn’t make it happen. other ideas. According to the memory of taking care of Luobei, Blake Lively should be only thirteen years old at this time, but after asking, Blake Lively said with certainty that she was fifteen years old, born in 1985, Gu Luo Although Bei is strange, it can only be regarded as his own two lives, and some errors have occurred in his memory.

“Do you feel cold and helpless? You create hope in vain, but futility is all you have. Remember all this sadness and frustration, and let go, let go!”

Gu Luobei’s voice is very moving, the clear and clean voice is very recognizable, and there are some faint hoarse voices in the processing of the tail. The midsummer sunset has slowly set, and the color of blood is sprinkled all over the earth. Although it is not as spectacular as the scene just now, it is also magnificent beyond words. The appearance of Gu Luobei’s voice was not abrupt at all, as if it was the background sound of this majestic scene.

Blake Lively’s ears received the moving voice, and it seemed like a warm current poured into his heart, which made all the negative emotions such as dullness, fear, and tension in the bottom of his heart disappear little by little, replaced by wisps of light. And warm sunshine. When Gu Luobei sang the last sentence “Let.It.Go”, miraculously, Blake Lively’s hands and feet no longer trembled, the cold in his blood disappeared, and everything recovered normal.

“What song is this?” Blake Lively asked out of his mouth. After a pause, he added, “Your singing is so beautiful.” He added, “Sincerely.”

“I don’t know.” Gu Luobei didn’t look back, but the corners of his mouth drew an arc, “I just hummed, it’s called ‘Iridescent (it can also be translated as: rainbow)’. I saw that magnificent scene just now, don’t you? Do you feel like the skylight projected by God? Maybe everyone who sees the skylight will be blessed.” Gu Luobei laughed lightly after he finished speaking, his tone vaguely revealing ease, and the tense heart relaxed involuntarily. down.

“Skylight?” Blake Lively recited the word lightly twice, it was really appropriate, the darkness in her heart was irradiated by the skylight, “Did you create it just now? It’s amazing, can you write the whole song and sing it for me?”

Gu Luobei shrugged and said casually, “There are only these two sentences in my head at the moment. After I write it out completely, I will sing it to you again.” Since he tried to steal other people’s famous songs After he failed to sell the money, he knew that there was no shortcut to music. Even if he knew the melody of a song destined to become popular, it would be useless if he could not compose a score or match the appropriate lyrics.

Even if he has written a song in its entirety, every song, like every movie and TV, has its success related to the background of the times, when it was released, what trend did it conform to, and why it was popular with the public , are all reasonable. It doesn’t mean that he wrote a song at will, such as plagiarizing the song of Lady. Gaga, who will be a big hit in the future, and it would definitely not be successful in 2000, that’s the reason.

Therefore, Gu Luobei began to learn to compose music and write lyrics by himself. The experience of being a human being in two lives, listening to countless high-quality and good songs in previous lives, and perhaps adding the talent of this deity in this life, these capitals have allowed him to have a good development in song creation. Self-taught from the age of six, he has gradually entered the rhythm of a creator. Participating in the Eagle Rock Music Festival is his dream as a musician.

“Hehe, this song sounds very atmospheric. Without the inspiration just now, can you complete the creation?” Blake Lively has returned to normal, first a song of nature, and then Gu Luobei’s gags, which made her heart sink. The last bit of darkness disappeared, and the tone became lighter.

“Is this questioning my ability?” Gu Luobei raised his eyebrows, and the ruffian smile at the corner of his mouth appeared again, “Darling, don’t fall for my charm then.” Gu Luobei was narcissistic. The tone made Blake Lively giggle in the passenger seat.

Today’s first update, please collect and recommend, hehe.

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