Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 1224: Chess moves on the board, unintentional clothes

When the other humans saw this, they felt something was wrong. If you do this, wouldn't Daohai, the treasure house with the most complete rules of heaven, become the private land of the evil phoenix clan?

Then wouldn't our human race be suppressed by the alien race?

So, the three thousand immortal sects and the nine great immortal dynasties held a joint meeting and selected geniuses from various fields to form a new sect together, called Dao Sect.

The so-called Dao Sect, the sect of the great way, has no region or position, and suppresses Daohai in the name of Dao.

Yes, its basic function is to compete with the evil phoenix clan and the alien race.

To keep a basic base for the geniuses of the human race to enter Daohai for cultivation.

These things actually happened before the destruction of the Temple of Time and Space.

The Temple of Time and Space boasts its unique status. It doesn't care about these separations and reunions on the road of cultivation. Anyway, in their dictionary, it doesn't matter what is in Daohai. The evil phoenix clan does not pose a threat to the Temple of Time and Space. The Dao Sect built by the three thousand immortal sects of the human race is also not a threat to them. Perhaps in their view, the three thousand immortal sects in the human world joined forces to compete with the alien races on the Dao Sea, which was in line with their imperial mindset: the way of checks and balances - if they really regarded themselves as emperors.

For a long time, the Temple of Time and Space played the way of checks and balances to perfection, and with a casual touch, the Dao Sea was in turmoil, and the human race and the alien races all flattered the Temple of Time and Space in various ways.

However, it was precisely their carelessness that ushered in their disaster.

The Dao Sect was established, and the major immortal sects were highly integrated. A wave of rebellion slowly formed in the long-term integration...

In the end, 1,400 years ago, the biggest rebellion in history was launched, and the Temple of Time and Space was destroyed overnight.

Once the Temple of Time and Space was destroyed, the forces of all parties were reshuffled.

At this moment, the three thousand immortal sects and the nine immortal dynasties suddenly discovered that the dragon-slaying boy of the past had become an evil dragon!

Who is it referring to?

Dao Sect.

Dao Sect was originally established by the best seeds selected by the major immortal sects and dynasties.

The fundamental purpose is to suppress the alien races.

In fact, this is just the purpose it puts on the table.

Another hidden purpose is to form a link between the major immortal sects and jointly rebel against the Temple of Time and Space.

In other words, when Dao Sect was first established, it was a chess piece with a string behind it, playing a game on the same chessboard.

However, over time, people have selfish desires.

After thousands of years of evolution, those chess pieces of Dao Sect have become high-level or top-level officials of Dao Sect. Who would still be willing to have a string behind them?

So, they began to cut the string behind them.

They are the only one in Dao Sect!

At this point, Dao Sea, the treasure house of heaven, is actually divided by two major forces. Dao Sect occupies the entrance and controls the three thousand miles of sea within the entrance, while the evil phoenix clan occupies the inside.

It is also very difficult for other immortal sects and major immortal dynasties of the human race to enter Dao Sea. They need to have a good relationship with Dao Sect and need Dao Sect's approval. Therefore, the old talents of the major immortal sects said that the dragon-slaying boy in the past has now become an evil dragon.

This can only be said that the world is too complicated...

The warm winter sun shines through the window.

The white jade teacup in Lin Su's hand shines charmingly in the sun.

The soft contours on his face also have a charming luster.

At least, the lady on the viewing balcony of the next cabin is a little obsessed.

At this moment, Lin Su raised his head and looked at the sky.

Above the sky, a cloud shuttle flew through the sky, and where the clouds floated, a unique imperial majesty pierced through the sky.

The royal shuttle.

The people on the deck also looked up.

There were discussions...

"The Cloud-piercing Shuttle of the Central Region Dragon Dynasty!"

"The Cloud-piercing Shuttle of the Eastern Region Immortal Dynasty just flew over yesterday. It also belongs to the royal family. What happened? Why are the royal families of the immortal dynasties flocking to the Dao Sea?"

"Don't you know yet? Five days later, it will be the opening day of the Dao Sea. The major immortal dynasties attach great importance to this and hope that more children of their dynasties can enter the Dao Sea. Therefore, the major immortal dynasties have sent important officials to Dao Sect in person."

"Dao Sect has strangled the throats of the major immortal sects because it occupies the entrance to the Dao Sea. This advantage is too great."

"What can we do? People say that Dao Sea has been occupied by the Evil Phoenix Clan for thousands of years. The kingdom that Dao Sect has conquered from the hands of foreign races is now shared with the major immortal sects. You have to pay some hard work..."

Above the sky, another royal shuttle passed through the air.

It looks like purple air coming from the east.

Lin Su raised his eyes and stared at the purple air logo on the side of the shuttle. A smile slowly appeared on his face.

The next moment, Lin Su stood up, and the next moment, his figure disappeared.

No one on the boat knew that someone had just left the boat.

The Wanli Piercing Cloud Shuttle of the Ziqiwen Dynasty passed through the void, and the purple air around him was extremely luxurious.

However, inside the Piercing Cloud Shuttle, it was like the misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River.

A long row of houses, all of which were closed.

These were the Tianjiao children of the major immortal sects of the Ziqiwen Dynasty, a total of more than 700 people, from 300 immortal sects.

They had different origins, different cultivations, and different skills, but they had only one thing in common: they were not calm.

They knew that they were facing the most important hurdle in their lives: the opportunity to break through in their cultivation.

If they could enter the Dao Sea to practice, their cultivation would advance by leaps and bounds.

This opportunity was not easy to come by.

They were all selected from the countless Tianjiao of their respective sects. It can be said that they were almost all the best disciples of their respective sects.

In order to cultivate them, the sect paid a huge price.

For example, they paid tribute to the royal family with all kinds of rare treasures, completed tasks for the royal family, and won the favor of the royal family. The royal family would stand up for them and send them to Dao Sect to seek a place for them to enter Dao Sea.

The disciples showed goodwill to the sect master and got the favor of the sect master.

The sect showed goodwill to the royal family and got the royal family's recommendation.

The royal family showed goodwill to Dao Sect and got the admission of Dao Sect...

This is the path of cultivation in this world.

It is similar in various worlds.

Of course, this is not the only way to enter Dao Sea.

If the major immortal sects are already on good terms with Dao Sect, they don't need the royal family as a contact point. They can go to Dao Sect on their own and still enter Dao Sea for cultivation.

In other words, if a sect gets such treatment, it is quite superior.

Over time, Dao Sect's status in the world is high.

And those practitioners are in a difficult situation.

No matter how strong your cultivation qualifications are, if no one takes you to play, you can't enter Dao Sea at all.

It is difficult for a poor family to produce a noble son. This logic also applies to the cultivation world.

Because the opportunity is rare, this group of geniuses are particularly well-behaved.

There are even many fairies at the saint level who have made many small moves. What kind of small moves? Showing goodwill to the second prince led by the royal family.

As long as they get the favor of this second prince, they will enter the gate of Daohai and it will really open.

Yes, although they are on the road and are almost at the gate of Daozong, it is still unknown whether they can really enter Daohai.

Daozong does not buy all the accounts of the royal family.

Not everyone can enter once they buy the account.

Daozong never gives enough quotas, and 30% to 40% are good.

Therefore, among this group of 700 people, no more than 300 people can successfully enter Daohai.

Most people will go back and forth in vain.

The royal family has also made this clear to all the major immortal sects.

The major immortal sects have also told their disciples to do their best to win the favor of the prince to ensure the success of entering the sea...

The flying boat is like a mountain and a river, and the room in the center is undoubtedly the palace.

The second prince Li Yi in this room looks like he is only in his twenties, but he is actually thirty-eight years old.

In his thirty-eight years as a prince, his biggest hobby is playing chess.

At this moment, he holds a white piece in his hand, leans against the cushion, and quietly watches the clouds in the sky.

On the flying boat, the clouds are rolling and flying more quickly, because the flying boat itself is moving.

Perhaps the old monk who is on good terms with him in the Buddhist sect is right. It is not the clouds that are moving, but your heart that is moving.

How many princes in the world really have the state of mind to play chess leisurely?

On the contrary, their chess is actually outside the chessboard.

The same is true for Li Yi.

Originally, he was not outstanding among the princes, and he had no idea of ​​the Eastern Palace. He only wanted to gain some political benefits for himself as the "King of the West".

However, an incident not long ago gave him a great opportunity.

That is, the fourth prince was killed by Feng Changsheng across the border.

The fourth prince was a person who had a strong desire to compete for the throne. After years of operation, he also had a lot of resources under his command.

After the fourth prince was inexplicably killed, his resource allocation became a feast for the other princes.

He also wanted to share this share, but his father issued a transfer order, asking him to lead the team to Dao Zong.

Leaving Zidu at this critical time point?

He missed the opportunity to allocate resources, and his heart was full of depression.

However, before leaving, someone told him something that made him feel a little different.

This person was the imperial teacher Jin He.

Jin He told him: "Those with power should take advantage of it, and those without power should run away. Those without power who refuse to leave the chaos will bring disaster upon themselves!"

The truth is very clear.

Although you can gain benefits from chaos, you must also weigh yourself.

You can only take those results if you have the ability.

You are not that capable. The best way is not to take it by force, but to avoid it!

He didn't know whether Jin He's words were meant to comfort him or to have other meanings, so he was in a mess...

A colorful cloud floated across the sky.

As soon as the cloud appeared, there was silence all around.

A unique Taoist power broke through the air and came down.

A voice floated down from the highest attic: "Dao Zong Daoyun appeared, and the flying boat landed!"

This is the customary rule.

Remind the guests who visit Dao Zong not to be rude.

You cannot drive the flying boat directly into the mountain gate of Dao Zong. You need to stop the flying boat, cross the river, rest in the Dao City ahead for one night, and then walk on the Dao Bridge to enter Dao Zong.

This river is called Qianliu.

It means "thousands of great roads, converging all things".

The flying boat landed on the Qianliu River, stirring up countless waves.

There are not only one of them, but countless others in front.

Some are also royal flying boats, but more are various ordinary flying boats, and even local fishing boats.

Daocheng attracts numerous high-level people every year, which also makes this small city high-end.

Riding a boat through thousands of rivers and watching the lights of Daocheng at night have been given various meanings by people all over the world.

There is a poem to prove it:

Thousands of years, thousands of rivers, thousands of lights, one sea, one road, halfway through, I enter the galaxy and you enter the sea, from now on, the world is no longer a neighbor.

In the span of thousands of years, the night lights on the Qianliu River flickered, reflecting how many people embarked on different paths? Some people entered the right path of cultivation here, and from then on, they became famous; some people met their life partners here, and from then on, they accompanied each other in the rivers and lakes; some people took a wrong step here, and died; some people changed their lives here, and their faces were completely changed...

Li Yi was traveling on the Qianliu River, which gave different people different destinies, and his thoughts were in a mess.

Suddenly, his eyes fell and stared at the river in front of him.

There was a small boat on the river.

The small boat was less than a foot long and only one foot high, just like a piece of boat plank on the river.

On the small boat, there was a man, handsome and extraordinary, dressed in white. He knew this man!

He was a person that the emperor teacher valued very much.

This man's surname was Luo, and his name was Wuxin!

Luo Wuxin, he actually came to the outside of Daocheng, and was standing on the river waiting for him.

At this moment, Li Yi's heart was beating very fast.

If anyone can change the situation on his future path, it should be the Imperial Master!

And in the entire Zidu, if we talk about the influence on the Imperial Master, this Luo Wuxin is second to none!

No one knows how Luo Wuxin impressed the Imperial Master, but no one doubts this conclusion...

The people on the flying boat did not know the young man on the river. After all, Luo Wuxin was in Zidu and lived in seclusion in Luanhong Temple, and had never been involved in Zidu's major events.

Only those who are in the power center or those who are infinitely enthusiastic about the power center will know him and understand him.

Therefore, Luo Wuxin was greeted by the angry rebuke of a captain of the guard on the ship: "Who dares to block the way?"

Luo Wuxin bowed slightly: "I want to see His Royal Highness the Second Prince, unknown..."

Before he finished speaking, a figure suddenly came out of the most central room and stepped onto the deck. It was the Second Prince.

The Second Prince bowed deeply: "Sir, you are here in person, how dare Yi take it? Please come quickly!"

The captain of the guard looked at the second prince hurriedly putting on the royal clothes that were obviously not tidied up, and his heart was pounding.

Who is this person?

How could he make the Second Prince so excited and treated him so politely?

The talented people in the training room nearby were watching the young man floating on the boat through the windows, through their souls, and through various methods, and their hearts were also beating.

Who is this person?

Why can he be treated so politely by the Second Prince? Could he be a senior figure of the Dao Sect?

Oh my God, if so, wouldn’t it be a great fortune for us on this ship?

For a moment, the whole ship was excited.

The Second Prince was really excited.

But his excitement was in two directions from everyone else’s excitement.

He forgot about the Dao Sect at this moment.

He was excited because of his great cause in Zidu.

And what about Luo Wuxin?

He was also a little excited in his heart, but his excitement was an excitement that no one could have imagined, because he was not Luo Wuxin, he was Lin Su.

Today, it was his game of chess.

This game of chess, with Luo Wuxin as the starting point.

Luo Wuxin, you copied my ci tune, you copied my calculation, and you copied my big-character poster (he really invented the big-character poster). Today I will copy...your face!

You played a killer move on me, revealed your trump card, and killed me with every move.

Then, you should also see how I, Lin Su, play chess.

Lin Su entered the top guest house of Chuanyun Shuttle. The second prince Li Yi sat in the main seat, and Lin Su sat in the guest seat. Opposite him was a middle-aged man. This man was also gentle and elegant. He looked like an old scholar, but his cultivation was also above the Saint level.

He was Deng Yeweng, the second prince's palace teacher.

Two maids served tea with courtesy.

They served tea to Lin Su and bowed to leave.

The reception room was completely quiet, which was also blocked by the formation.

"I heard that Mr. Luo went to the Eastern Region Immortal Dynasty some time ago. When will he return?" The second prince raised the teacup and asked with a smile.

Lin Su's mind turned slightly...

Luo Wuxin went to the Immortal Dynasty some time ago?

What was that for?

Wasn't it just to post a big-character poster to attack Lin Su?

To post a big-character poster to attack Lin Su, in fact, you only need to come up with an idea, but Luo Wuxin came in person, what does it mean?

Lin Su remained calm: "After the matter in the East Region is over, I will naturally return to Zidu. I heard that Your Highness was away from the court on official business, so I came here to accompany Your Highness for a while."

The second prince sighed softly: "Mr. Luo came all the way from a distance of 100,000 miles to comfort the king. How sincere is this? Thank you, Mr. Luo."

"Comfort?" Lin Su smiled: "I have never said to comfort Your Highness. In fact, Your Highness does not need to be comforted at all."

The second prince was slightly startled.

The Deng Yeweng on his right was also slightly startled: "The chrysanthemums in Zidu are just right. It is a pity for someone to go to Beijing alone, but in Mr. Luo's eyes, don't you need to care?"

He said it very obscurely.

But standing in their position, they also understood.

At present, it is the most critical juncture for the princes to compete for the throne. The fourth prince was killed, leaving behind a rich political legacy. Whoever is in Zidu will benefit.

However, the second prince was sent by His Majesty to the Ziqi Wen Dynasty.

Not only did he not get this inheritance, but he also received a subtle hint from His Majesty - suggesting that you should forget about the things left by the fourth prince.

Isn't this enough to make a prince discouraged?

Lin Su smiled: "Sir, you love chrysanthemums, and I also love chrysanthemums. How about writing a chrysanthemum poem for you to appreciate?"

The second prince said happily: "I have heard that Mr. Luo's poems are peerless. Today I am lucky to have you."

Deng Ye Weng smiled and said: "Mr. Luo, please!"

Lin Su raised his hand lightly and wrote in the air...

“Flowers bloom and there are no flowers in the bush,

The fun of independence and thinning fences is endless.

I would rather die with the branches holding the fragrance,

Never blown down by the north wind. "

As soon as he retracted his hand, there was a sudden buzz in the sky, and the colorful rays of light illuminated the Qianliu River without any warning...

People all over the river turned around at the same time and stared at the sky in surprise.

Oh my god, colorful Tiandao Wenbo!

Which poetry master appeared on the Qianliu River?

Write a peerless poem, stir up the literary waves of heaven, and interpret the proud character of a chrysanthemum?

The starting point of Tiandao Wenbo is the royal shuttle of Ziqi Wen Dynasty...

Who is inside?

Suddenly, everyone on the boat in the river raised their heads.

Everyone on Lin Su's boat was even more shocked. This is a team with cultivators as the absolute majority. Although there are occasionally talented people in the cultivator team who have entered Taoism through literature, they can't do it without raising their hands. It is almost impossible to write colorful poems.

The second prince's eyes were wide open, staring at Wen Bo flowing in the sky, staring at the Qiuju garden created by Wen Bo, his heart beating faster.

Lift your pen to write colorful poems.

This is Luo Wuxin’s literary heritage!

People who want to compete for reserves are ambitious people and discerning people. They know who is helpful to them, powerful people, powerful people, talented people, and wise people. .

Luo Wuxin has the power with the support of the emperor's master.

All his wise masters admire him for his wisdom.

Now he actually showed off his legendary literary talent - yes, Luo Wuxin's literary talent is just a legend. No one has ever heard of one of his famous poems, but he has the title of a heavyweight Confucian scholar. Luo Wuxin's poetry background is extremely legendary. These great scholars were the literary and Taoist masters who participated in the White Jade Civil War. After being defeated by Lin Su, the Immortal Dynasty of the Eastern Region, they returned to the Purple Capital and reached a consensus in a very small circle: Lin Su's way of poetry is extraordinary and refined, and among the Purple Capital , there is probably only one person who can rival him, and that person is Luo Wuxin who is hiding in Luanhong Temple. No one knew where this incredible conclusion came from, but the second prince had heard of this rumor.

In the world of the prince, is poetry useful?

Very useful!

The Ziqi Wen Dynasty was named after literature and highly respected literature. Anyone who excelled in literature would have natural appeal and influence among the people.

If such a person could be used by himself, it would be more than an army of one million!

Deng Yeweng had a different expression. He looked at these four lines of poetry that seemed to be engraved in the room in a daze: "If the flowers don't bloom together with a hundred flowers, the fun of being independent is not endless... If you don't bloom with a hundred flowers, you can be independent." , which means...infinite?"

The second prince suddenly lowered his head.

Staring at Deng Yeweng...

This poem is a poem about chrysanthemums.

Different people have different feelings when reading it.

What most people see is integrity.

I would rather die holding the fragrance on the branches than blow it down in the north wind.

This is the integrity of the chrysanthemum, not to follow the trend.

Therefore, these two sentences should be where the poetic eye lies.

However, Deng Yeweng, who was also a master of literary studies, repeated the first two sentences.

The first two sentences were mentioned by him, which means a lot.

At this time, all the disciples in the Purple City were vying for supremacy, just like a hundred flowers blooming.

As for him, traveling far away from Beijing, he was independent.

Infinite meaning...

Lin Su held up the teacup and said leisurely: "A hundred flowers are blooming. It seems lively and prosperous. It would be a pity to miss it. However, when the season is over and the remaining flowers disappear, who will remember this lively and prosperous scene?"

This answer is even more meaningful.

The struggle for supremacy among scholars is just the scenery of a certain season. Once the season is over, all the remaining flowers will disappear!

So thrilling!

The second prince's heart completely returned to its original position, and at this moment it returned to what the prince should focus on: "Mr. Luo, what do you mean, the flowers are so distracting that they only need to enter the eyes, not the heart?"

"At least, Your Majesty doesn't care which flower blooms more beautifully in this garden."

The second prince frowned slightly: "Sir, what do you think your father cares about?"

"Your Majesty stands on the top of the Purple Capital, and what you pay attention to is the entire Purple Capital. It is easy for flowers to bloom under your feet, but it is difficult for a tree to bloom in the Immortal Dynasty." Lin Su said: "For example, His Highness left the capital this time. Who knows that it is not a fate?" Window?"

"The window of destiny... the window of destiny..." The second prince stood up slowly: "Sir, please enlighten me!"

Bow deeply.

Lin Su also stood up and stretched out his hand to grab the second prince's arm: "Your Highness, the Ziqi Wen Dynasty is an immortal dynasty. The increase in the strength of the immortal dynasty will be an undefeated flower in your heart. If your highness can bloom in Daohai, At the time of the sea, we will strive for extraordinary benefits for the Zi Qi Wen Dynasty and promote the improvement of the national power of the Zi Qi Wen Dynasty. I believe that no matter how many purple flowers are blooming at this moment, all the flowers will bloom for His Highness on the day when His Highness returns to the capital! "

The second prince sighed with emotion: "Sir's words are also the words of the country's scholars! Improving the strength of our dynasty is naturally the greatest joy in my father's heart. If we can take the lead in the opening of the sea, my father will naturally be very happy. However, …”

His voice stopped abruptly.

He wanted to say that this kind of thinking can be found in every sect and dynasty that comes here, but who can achieve extraordinary results? (End of chapter)

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