Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 1239 There is a person who is very suitable to take the blame

The elder moved his two fingers up and down.

It was like lifting a curtain.

A mountain appeared...

His voice came, explaining...

It was a mountain named Qianye Mountain.

It was not within the sphere of influence of Qianling Mountain, and Qianling Mountain had never paid attention to it.

However, three hundred years ago, Dao Zong acquired the ownership of this mountain and planted a Bodhi tree on the mountain, maintaining it with Dao Zong's secret method.

At the beginning, the people of Qianling Mountain were still indifferent.

However, just three months ago, something strange happened.

A mountain in Qianling Mountain suddenly lost its spiritual energy.

The spiritual energy of Qianling Mountain is the foundation of Qianling's survival and the basis of cultivation. How shocking it is that it suddenly lost its spiritual energy?

The leader of Qianling Mountain came out in person, and all the elders came together to trace it through the "Zhoutian Tracing Source" law of the demon clan, and found that the root of the disaster was on this Bodhi tree.

This Bodhi tree is not an ordinary Bodhi tree, but the "End of the Road Bodhi Tree" of the Zhoutian Spirit Tree.

The Bodhi tree of the end of the road is born with Buddha nature. It was born in the land of the end of the road and absorbs demon roots, devil roots and all spiritual roots.

Dao Zong bought this mountain three hundred years ago and it is protected by the laws of the dynasty.

This Bodhi tree of the end of the road was planted, and the aura was blocked with a unique formation, which also prevented people from approaching, but its roots have already connected to the nine ancestral roots of Qianling Mountain.

With a small test, it easily seized the spiritual energy of a peak.

Next, this Bodhi tree took away the Qi of one peak every day. After trying for more than two months, Qianling Mountain was in chaos in an instant. The elders knew that Dao Zong had drawn his sword to Qianling Mountain...

The peach monster's eyes suddenly widened: "A month ago, my Taofeng also had a day when all the peach blossoms fell and the spiritual energy was lost. It turned out that it was the trick."

"That's right!" said the elder: "Every day, the Bodhi root moves, taking away the Qi of one peak, but returning it the next day, in order to tell Qianling Mountain that the foundation of everyone in your Qianling Mountain system is under the control of Dao Zong. Therefore, facing the next request from Dao Zong, Qianling Mountain really... has to respond!"

The peach monster was furious: "As early as Three hundred years ago, they set up such a sinister plot, which shows that this sect really has no bottom line. Great Elder, why can't we go directly to that mountain and destroy the end of the Bodhi?"

"That peak was legally acquired by Dao Zong, and it has been turned into a royal holy land. That Bodhi tree has also been turned into a Buddhist holy tree, and there is a large formation for defense. Once it is moved lightly, it will inevitably bring triple pressure from Dao Zong, the dynasty, and Buddhism. How can Qianling Mountain resist the three super forces with one mountain alone?" The great elder said: "Therefore, we can't resist it head-on, we can only compromise."

The peach demon's heart was cold...

You can say that Dao Zong is insidious, but you can't say that their methods are not high.

Set up a plot three hundred years ago.

Buy a mountain outside Qianling Mountain and plant a tree.

After three hundred years of growth, it becomes a super controller that can control the entire Qianling Mountain system.

You want to destroy this controller, but people have set up many defenses.

The mountain was purchased legally.

The mountain was turned into a royal holy land.

This tree was turned into a Buddhist holy tree.

There is also a large formation to protect.

You talk about the law, but the law is in their hands.

You talk about fighting, but they have already colluded with the Western Region Dynasty and even the Buddhist sect.

Qianling Mountain can only admit defeat!

Let it do whatever it wants.

This is the Dao Sect. Their chess and wisdom are also outstanding.

Just like the Tiandao Island that day, didn't they easily control the three thousand sects in the Great Cang Realm in a mysterious way? Let these sects' proud sons of heaven be sent to their hands?

How to solve this problem?

Tao Yao raised her eyes and cast them at her young husband.

Although she had heard Lu Yi and Sister Chen say many times that all the problems in the world can be solved by her husband, but today, she still lacked confidence. Facing this problem that the Dao Sect has been planning for three hundred years, can he solve it?

Even if he can solve it, it may not be solved overnight.

And he only has half a year left, and this half year is his most critical half year. How can he have time to slowly waste it in the Western Region Ling Dynasty?

Lin Su smiled lightly: "This is not difficult! Tonight, I will solve it for you tonight."

The wine pot in the hands of the elder suddenly flattened.

He raised his head suddenly: "You solve it? ... Tonight?"


"How is this possible?"

"Maybe or not, we will know tomorrow!" Lin Su smiled lightly.

The elder stood up slowly, looked at the sky, the ground, and Lin Su...

Lin Su raised the wine pot in his hand to him and smiled slightly.

"Then tomorrow, I will visit you again!" The elder bowed slightly, stepped into the air, and disappeared.

Lin Su held the pot in the air and respected it, his eyes slowly fell back, and met a pair of shocked eyes.

These are the eyes of the peach demon.

"Tell me, what are you going to do tonight?"

"Just do it!"

"Just do it! Do you think they are like me? If you want to do it, just do it!" Tao Yao glanced at him: "If it is so easy, there are a lot of demons in Qianling Mountain, why don't they do it?"

Lin Su said: "Then tell me, why don't they do it?"

"Concerns! A lot of concerns!"

Lin Su nodded: "That's right! It's not that difficult to do that Bodhi tree. The difficulty is that there are a lot of concerns. However, the wonderful thing about things is that under certain circumstances, you can have no concerns."

"What kind of situation?" Tao Yao was a little nervous. She suddenly felt that her husband seemed to be telling the truth.

Lin Su said: "When they found out that the person who took action against them was someone they couldn't afford to offend, all their concerns were no longer concerns!"

"You...what's your trump card? Why can't they afford to offend you?"

Lin Su smiled and said, "Of course I'm nothing, but there's another person, this person is particularly suitable to be used as a scapegoat!"

At night, the sky was full of stars.

On the fifth day of March, wild flowers on Qianye Peak were already dotted with stars.

The wind blew, and the fragrance was faint.

On the top of the mountain, there is a Buddhist temple, quiet and leisurely.

Next to the Buddhist temple, there is also a manor, which is a royal garden.

Among the royal children, several have lived here for many years, and there are also a large number of high-end talents who hold poetry gatherings here in their spare time. Over time, the reputation of Qianye Villa has spread all over the world.

There is also a banquet tonight, but it is not a poetry gathering.

Even at the banquet, no one mentioned the word poetry.


Because the fourth prince invited guests today, and the person invited is not convenient to hear the words of poetry.


The person invited is Zhou Huaisu, the son of Dao Zong.

In the past, wherever Zhou Huaisu went, he was greeted with poetry, but today, he was temporarily allergic to poetry, just because he was defeated by someone with poetry in Fanhua City yesterday, and was slapped in the face.

The Holy Son of Dao Zong, with the title of Daohai, is famous all over the world.

Wherever he goes, flattering and fawning are the norm.

How many times has he been slapped by others?

But, fortunately, he was slapped by Lin Su twice...

So, the basic guiding ideology of the Fourth Prince at today's banquet is to appease!

The maids came and went with fine wine, and the Fourth Prince held up the wine glass and raised it: "Brother Zhou, don't worry, anyway, the jade body of Qianling Saint Girl will eventually not escape Brother Zhou's arms, so-called good things take time."

"Yes, Brother Zhou, how can a light cloud stop the flow of a long river?" Another scholar also held up the wine glass. This scholar was the Master Li who was sitting on his right at that time.

The other young master frowned slightly: "Brother Zhou, I really don't understand. The elders of your sect are clearly in Fanhua City, why don't they kill the thief on the spot?"

The young master surnamed Li said: "Brother Li, don't think too much. The elders of Dao Sect act by observing one thing and three things. How can they be at the same level as you and me? How can they have this kid in their eyes? They just want to lure out the forces behind this kid and catch them all in one fell swoop. These high-end games are not for you and me to discuss. Come on, Brother Zhou, have a drink..."

"Brother Li is really smart!" Zhou Huaisu raised his glass with a mysterious smile that seemed to reveal infinite mysteries...

This smile, this answer, is also the only fig leaf he can use.

Through Brother Li's mouth, tell all the partners.

Lin Su is actually not worth mentioning. Dao Sect did not touch him because there was a bigger plot.

The actions of big forces are not something that ordinary people can understand.

However, this is just his appearance.

His heart is full of dissatisfaction.

Because of the time and space envoy Wu?

The legendary person became this kid's amulet?

It's a joke!

You can look back three thousand years in the sect's classics and find out when Wu has ever been someone else's babysitter?

You are so timid, you have completely lost the face of Dao Zong!

Suddenly, his wine glass was suspended in the air, and his face suddenly changed...

The faces of everyone in the room changed at the same time...

Because they saw a strange sight...

A long river, as if coming from the sky, carrying endless historical vicissitudes, carrying the boundless desolation of the passing of time...

"The long river of time and space!" A voice sounded from the Buddhist temple, full of disbelief.

Silently, the long river of time and space covered the entire Buddhist temple.

The Buddhist temple's Zen bell rang, but only half of it, and the remaining half of the bell was involved in the turbulence of time and space.

There are countless Buddha lights in the long river of time and space...

Each Buddha light is the magical power of a master of this Zen temple. Then, a sword light illuminates the night sky, carrying endless mysteries of time and space, and all the Buddha lights that appear are annihilated together...

Then, there is no then...

The long river of time and space flows again, flowing through this manor...

The wine table is still there.

The wine glasses are still there.

The fourth prince, Zhou Huaisu, Brother Li, and Brother Li turned into blood mist, leaving four blood flowers in the long river of time and space.

There are hundreds of blood flowers like them.

Hundreds of blood flowers, hundreds of people, were washed by the long river water and gently taken away, without leaving a cloud...

"Ah..." A maid stepped into the living room, screamed, and the tray in her hand fell to the ground, and the cups and plates were broken.

The shrill cry awakened this Qianye Villa...

The clouds moved in the sky, as if the immortal master of the sky had descended.

Two figures broke through the air and landed on the top of the Buddhist temple. Their eyes fell on the courtyard and their whole bodies were shocked.

In the courtyard, the strongest protective formation of Dao Sect was shattered into pieces, and the end of the Bodhi tree in the formation was nowhere to be seen.

In the Buddhist temple, the three hundred monks that Dao Sect had placed for hundreds of years all disappeared.

"How dare you!" The elder on the left roared: "I want to see who the thief is!"

His eyes suddenly opened and traced back!

This time, he saw it!

A long river of time and space...

His eyelids jumped suddenly, and his heart seemed to stop beating.

The anger on the face of the elder on the right disappeared, replaced by endless fear: "The long river of time and space... It's him! Wu!"

The news was immediately transmitted to the headquarters of Dao Sect. The leader of Dao Sect suddenly raised his head, and the jade throne under his buttocks was shattered into pieces. His face was pale: "You... Are you facing Lin Su head-on?"

"No!" The elder in the Buddhist temple knelt down: "I remember the teachings of the sect master and will never lose the big picture for the sake of small things. Even though Lin Su, the thief, insulted the Holy Son in public, I did not hurt him."

"Then why... why did he attack our sect again?" The sect master said.

"This... this is really unknown. Could it be that the Holy Son still couldn't help but attack him and caused a big disaster? No... The Holy Son is going to a banquet at Qianye Villa..." The elder stepped to Qianye Villa and faced a wine table.

The dishes on the wine table were still there, and they were even hot.

The hot steam coming out was like a shrinking long river.

The long river interpreted the entire situation at the time of the incident, clearly and clearly.

The long river of time and space clearly recorded that it was this long river that swallowed up the fourth prince and the Holy Son of Dao Sect. The hundreds of blood flowers represented the ironclad evidence of the killing in the long river of time and space.

Dao Sect leader Zhou Tianhe's eyelids twitched slightly...

The long river of time and space can easily erase all traces.

It can make all taboo murders without evidence.

However, today's long river of time and space did the opposite, clearly and clearly placed all the scenes in front of everyone, probably worried that others did not have the magical power to trace, and took the initiative to preserve the killing scenes with supreme magical powers.

This is propaganda!

This is Wu telling him, telling the Western Region Ling Dynasty, that I did it!

To offend Dao Sect and the royal family of the Western Region Ling Dynasty to death, and to kill without restraint, for anyone, it should be an act of seeking death, but there is an exception.

He is Wu!

Wu is a person who truly ignores all rules!

The people killed by him have no other choice but to think that they are unlucky in luck.

"Master, this matter is obviously for Qianling Mountain. Should our sect target Qianling Mountain..." The voice of the great elder stopped abruptly, because the master stared at him with a sullen face and a fierce look.

The master closed his eyes gently, and then slowly opened them: "Order the whole sect, everyone, withdraw from the thousand-mile radius of Fanhua City!"

As soon as the voice fell, he left with a wave of his sleeves.

The sect's saint son died, the sect's treasure was lost, and the sect's three-hundred-year plan was broken. Any of these things would be enough for the Dao Sect to come out in full force and destroy the world. However, tonight, everything was endured.

Because the one who took action was Wu!

As long as it was Wu, it must be endured!

The explosive news was also transmitted to the palace of the Western Region Ling Dynasty at the first time. When the emperor heard that his favorite fourth son was dead, he was furious, but suddenly heard the second half: He died under the long river of time and space, and it was the former "Wu" who took action personally, no doubt.

His anger was completely gone, and he was stunned.

After a long while, the emperor raised his hand and said, "Block the news!"

So, no one knew about the death of the fourth prince.

His Majesty was also afraid. He was even worried that the news would be leaked. Some people in the outside world would say that the royal family of the Western Ling Dynasty was targeted by "Wu". As long as this rumor started, the government and the public would be uneasy.

This is a person who transcends all rules and forms a deterrent to this world.

The deepest part of Qianling Mountain.

Two figures stood in the night sky, looking at Qianye Peak from afar.

The bodhi tree was no longer in sight. The Buddhist temple was still there, but there was no one inside.

The old man on the left moved his eyebrows: "Wu, the special envoy of the Temple of Time and Space, he... he can actually invite this..."

The old man on the right was the elder. The elder exhaled a long breath: "I have an appointment with him and I can see him tomorrow. Clan leader, can you make another request to him?"

The clan leader's eyes suddenly lit up...

On Taoshan, peach blossoms bloomed at midnight.

The peach demon stood under the peach tree, gently stretched out her finger, and a bright red flower flew back through the clouds and mist and landed on her fingertips.

The peach blossom petals on her fingertips performed the scene that just happened in Qianye Mountain.

Even the demon saint who traveled across the two worlds, no, the demon master, was completely stunned.

The time and space envoy, nothing!

This is what he said, the person who is suitable for taking the blame...

Huh? Why do you say suitable for taking the blame?

A hand reached out from behind to hug her, and she slowly turned her head: "Is this your way of solving problems?"


The peach demon gently closed her eyes: "You are a little subversive. I thought you would go to Qianye Mountain and enter that damn Buddhist temple, use your Buddhist attainments to shock the Buddhist temple, and use your wisdom to play Infernal Affairs with them, but I didn't expect you to bring out a god and turn the table over with them."

"Maybe I'm a little lazy now."

"Maybe you are not lazy, but you don't want to waste such a beautiful night. To be honest, I think if you cut the Qingying Saint now, the clan leader should not break your legs. After all, the problem you helped Qianling Mountain solve is worth the jade bodies of seven or eight saints..."

As she was talking, Lin Su looked at her quietly, with a strange look in his eyes.

"Why are you looking at me like this? Don't you believe that I am sincerely building a bridge for you? Under normal circumstances, it is really unlikely, but isn't the current situation unusual..." said the peach demon.

Lin Su said: "I'm thinking about something very subversive."

"Subversive? What?" Tao Yao became more serious. As her voice fell, the night fluorescent light lit up.

Lin Su said: "When you entered the Great Cang Realm, you fought with Master Zhishan for a full thirteen years, and then you were trapped in Lingyin Temple for a thousand years. Maybe you have some Buddhist foundation in you."

"What do you mean? I don't understand!" Tao Yao blinked.

"It means, if you merge that Bodhi tree with you, what kind of wonder will it create?" As soon as Lin Su's voice fell, a miniature Bodhi tree appeared in his palm.

The peach demon was shocked and stared at the Bodhi tree...

The Bodhi tree is a species of heaven.

It absorbs all kinds of spiritual energy and completes its own nirvana and transcendence.

This Bodhi tree was obtained from a small world by Dao Zong. It is almost the fruit of the Dao of Heaven in that small world. After three hundred years of painstaking cultivation, various spiritual objects have been fed, and it has absorbed the essence of Dao Zong, Buddhism and even the demon clan. It has been fully mature, so it can affect the spiritual energy of the entire Qianling Mountain with a wave of its hand.

Such a treasure, planted in Qianye Mountain, can achieve a comprehensive suppression of Qianling Mountain.

What does it mean if she inherits it?

"What do you think it will be?" The peach demon exhaled lightly.

"I think... we can give it a try!" Lin Su's seven methods of the Heavenly Dao have all reached the Purple Mansion Realm. He deduced it with the law of cause and effect of the Heavenly Dao, and the result... was quite thrilling.

"Buddhism and my demon race are originally incompatible." The peach demon licked his lips.

"Buddhism emphasizes cause and effect. The catastrophe you had in the Great Cang Realm was caused by Buddhism. Maybe Buddhism owes you a reward!"

"If you want me to fuse, I will fuse. The dead will definitely not die. It's just that it's difficult to deal with one thing."


The peach demon said seriously: "I fuse the Buddhist treasures. What if I become a nun and can't mess around with men? Then your trip tonight will be in vain?"

Lin Su comforted her: "You are also an old man in Haining West Courtyard. You should know me very well. I have a good habit and I am really not pretentious on this issue. Don't worry! Being a nun is not a big obstacle for me."

"That's right!" The peach demon pondered for a moment: "If I have Buddha nature and don't treat you well, you don't have to care whether I cry or shout, just force it! Use all your invincible hands on me. Even if I am empty, I will definitely be filled with your lace."

Lin Su stretched out his hand and pointed a finger at her lower abdomen.

The peach demon trembled all over. At this moment, she seemed to have become a small peach tree. The next moment, she became a bodhi tree. Later, everything seemed to be an illusion.

The pretty peach demon reappeared in front of her.

Lin Su took a deep breath: "This aura has really changed a bit."

The peach demon leaned on Lin Su's arms and snuggled: "I feel that there will be a big change in me, and I may need to go into seclusion..."

"Go!" Lin Su nodded: "I should also talk to the elder."

On the peach peak, the peach demon disappeared.

Lin Su raised his eyes and saw the elder walking in the flying green wings.

The elder's face was a little ruddy: "The pot of wine that the young master sent yesterday was really strong and wonderful."

It was strong and wonderful.

These words are also full of charm.

Lin Su smiled: "So the elder is still drunk and his face is red?"

The elder also smiled: "I am sober, but I am still drunk, so I asked to see you in the morning and drink three more cups."

He waved his hand gently, and a tea table appeared in front of him and Lin Su. On the tea table was a white jade pot. This was the best wine of the demon clan.

The elder personally held the pot and poured a cup for Lin Su: "The clan leader already knows everything about Qianye Mountain last night. I asked me to tell you. Thank you!"

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