Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 1248: Sweeping the field with war beasts

With a bang, a giant python by the Nenjiang River suddenly raised its head, and its fierce eyes penetrated the fog and locked onto their warships. Almost at the same time, countless beasts flew up and rolled back!

The sky was like a sea of ​​beasts, and the ground was like a tide of beasts. A terrifying aura that could destroy the world directly blocked the void for thousands of miles. The faces of all the people on the hundreds of warships changed at the same time.

At this time, on the mountain in front, the giant trees were towering and long. In a moment, all the space in front was crowded.

And from the deep valley on the right, there was a roar, and rocks fell one after another. Countless giants stood up at the same time. Each giant was at least a hundred feet tall, and there were also terrifying Dharma bodies of thousands of feet.

The valley was hundreds of miles long, and tens of thousands of giants almost filled the valley.

That momentum really made people tremble in their bones.

"Form a formation!" Lu Tiangao gave an order!

With a buzzing sound, a layer of hazy blood light appeared on the hundreds of warships at the same time.

This is the elite soldiers who have fought in hundreds of battles. They gather all their blood and energy, and exude the murderous intent of the battlefield with the military formation.

Trapped in a siege, there is no life or death!

But Lin Su smiled: "The tide of war beasts is really troublesome. I will come to see how they can solve this trouble by themselves!"

As soon as the voice fell, another mysterious military strategy was issued.

This military strategy is called: Li Dai Tao Jiang!

As soon as the military strategy was issued, the magical power of the heavenly way rolled up, and the hundred warships under Lin Su suddenly arrived at the valley where the giants roared, and those giants changed positions with them!


Under the first wave of beast tide, hundreds of giants fell down at the first time.

The giants thought that this was an attack by the East Region Army on them. One by one, they took out fists that were a hundred times bigger than the father of the casserole, and smashed them in one breath without thinking twice.

However, this smash was wrong. Why was it not hitting people, but beasts?

When did they fall into the beast group?

Thousands of miles away, in the central army tent of Ziqiwen Dynasty, Luo He's face suddenly changed: "Sneak past the beasts and casually exchange positions with the enemy. Such a magical military method is simply unheard of! Beastmaster!"

"Here!" On the mountain where the Wood Clan is located, an old man bowed to the northwest.

"Stop the beasts immediately!"

The beastmaster raised his hand, and a strange flute appeared in his palm. He blew it violently, and the sound waves rolled across the battlefield thousands of miles away.

Wherever the strange flute went, the beasts stopped suddenly.

Those giants who were fighting with the beasts and were confused, but couldn't think, opened their eyes one by one, and stared at the battlefield in front of them in surprise.

Ji Qianling said: "It's bad, the beastmaster stopped the beast tide..."

Lin Su smiled: "Beastmaster, good, I just want to try another piece of the puzzle in my Tao!"


See puzzle again?

What does it mean? Ji Qianling's heart was moved, but no matter how clever she was, she could never guess what Lin Su meant by the word "puzzle".

As soon as Lin Su's laughter fell, he stretched out his hand, and a familiar jade flute fell into his palm.

The flute was horizontal, and a wonderful song came out of the flute, infinitely joyful and infinitely mysterious...

In the sky, green lotuses were blooming, and the green lotuses were flying like birds, as if they were attracted by some magical force...

Ji Qianling's eyes were straight, she liked her husband's song very much, but she felt that this was not the time to play the song...

However, her heart suddenly beat wildly!

Countless flying beasts flew up at the same time, and the beast tide on the ground was generated again!

Ji Qianling suddenly understood the meaning of the word "puzzle".

His music was just music before, and at best he could use the power of heaven to interpret thousands of forms, and even form a "ten-sided ambush" with thousands of troops.

However, in the end, he did not get rid of the original appearance of music.

Today, a new door was opened in his music: beast control!

This is another piece of the puzzle in his music.

But how is this possible?

The beast control master who has arrived at the front line changed his face: "Control beasts with music?"

He urgently put the strange flute in his hand to his mouth again, and a wave of sound waves burst out like a mountain torrent. However, the beast control technique that was always effective in the past became ineffective today. The sound of beast control was almost deafening in Lin Su's music.

The beast group that had been stopped really rose up...


An incomparably large giant python that reached the level of a demon appeared out of nowhere and smashed hundreds of giants rushing towards the mountain into blood mist. When the blood mist filled the sky, all kinds of fierce beasts below went crazy and rushed towards the giants!

Even though the giants were as tall as mountains, tens of millions of beasts rushed, and even mountains would be pushed down on the spot.

In a blink of an eye, tens of thousands of giants were all annihilated by the beast tide.

The whole world was a sea of ​​beasts.

Incomparable madness...

In the midst of the earthquake, even the Eastern Region warriors around Lin Su turned pale. They had never seen such a tragic beast tide.

This was simply beyond human resistance.

In just a moment, the beast tide tore apart the 10,000 giants.

At the same time, they pounced on the mountain in front. That mountain belonged to the Wood Clan!

The faces of tens of thousands of Wood Clan members changed...

Although the Wood Clan was best at defense, it also depended on what they were facing. Facing a completely crazy beast tide, no matter how solid the defense was, it was useless...

The second elder of the Wood Clan urgently called for help: "The beast tide is rioting, crazy, all crazy... Damn it, what's going on?"

In just one sentence, thousands of Wood Clan members had died tragically.

Even if they turned into giant trees, they would be torn apart by the beast tide. Even if they went underground, they would be pulled up by the beast tide.


The elder of the Wood Clan soared into the sky, breaking through the sky.

But above the sky, there were more beasts, overwhelming and pressing down, fearless of life and death...

In the back, at the Ziqi Wenchao Command Headquarters, the military advisor's fingers trembled slightly: "He is also proficient in the art of controlling beasts..."

Luo He's face was dark blue: "All beast masters listen to my order!"

"Here!" The eight old men bowed at the same time.

"Go to the front line immediately and take back control of the beasts!"

Eight beast masters who have reached the Wanxiang realm took a step a thousand miles away, and arrived at the front line in two leaps and bounds. They raised the strange flutes in their hands at the same time, and eight waves rolled towards the out-of-control beasts.

The front row of beasts stopped suddenly.

However, a soul-piercing voice came from the flute on the opposite side, and it was a voice saying: "I'm waiting for you!"

The voice went straight into the eight people's spiritual platform and turned into a mysterious murderous intent.

This killing intent was so terrifying and irresistible that even though they were all in the Wanxiang realm, there was still no room for resistance, because this mysterious technique was not the law of heaven at all.

"Sub-mystical technique! You... you are actually proficient in sub-mystical technique..." One of the elders still retained a little bit of intelligence and discovered the biggest mystery.

The beastmanship is essentially mental control.

Derived from the sub-mystical technique.

Please remember, it is only derived from...

In other words, the sub-mystical technique is the ancestor of this faction's cultivation!

They are only proficient in the beastmanship, but not the sub-mystical technique. They don't have the Lost Lotus, and they can't open the door to the sub-god at all.

At this moment, when they encountered Lin Su's authentic sub-mystical technique, the eight Wanxiangs fell silent at the first sight - in fact, it was only a thought for Lin Su to kill the first beastman. Even if this beastman hid well, he could not escape his sub-god lock, but he did not kill him immediately.

He knew that there was more than one beastman like this on the battlefield.

He also knew that in a war of this scale, war beasts could not do without beastmasters. He wanted to take this opportunity to find all the beastmasters in this army and destroy them all at once.

So, he showed a little weakness at the beginning, and fought with the first beastmaster for the control of the beast group. The battle was back and forth, but he did not have an absolute upper hand.

In this case, the other leader would definitely gather more beastmasters to suppress him absolutely.

In this way, Lin Su's victory came!

At this moment, there were no more beastmasters on the battlefield, only Lin Su, with a jade flute as a medium, controlling 30 million war beasts, sweeping the battlefield, annihilating the giants, annihilating the wood tribe, annihilating the fire tribe, annihilating the stone tribe...

No matter how crazy the 30 million war beasts were, they were still flesh and blood. They were quickly reduced in the crazy attack.

10 million, 5 million, 3 million, and the last 1 million war beasts were killed by the gold tribe and turned into blood mud.

The elder of the Jin clan raised his eyes and looked at the blood and flesh flying in front of him for thousands of miles, and his eyelids twitched slightly...

The location they were in was already east of Donghe River, thousands of miles away from Nenjiang City.

Lin Su went out to fight, and in just one day, he pushed thousands of miles, and eight races and tens of millions of war beasts were wiped out in one battle.

Most of these races did not see the shadow of Lin Su until they were all extinct, and they only saw endless war beasts!

In fact, this thousand-mile bloody road was not caused by Lin Su, but by the tens of millions of war beasts they brought themselves.


This is too terrible!

This is not a place for people to come...

At this moment, hundreds of warships suddenly appeared in his sight, and on the warships, huge battle flags were like blood-stained sunsets...

"Kill!" Lu Tiangao roared, and on the hundreds of warships, the big flags were raised, and the battle formation with the combat power of millions of troops was launched.

The hilltop where the Jin clan was located was flattened on the spot.

The elder of the Jin clan took dozens of elders and flew up at the same time, but when they flew up, a sword light appeared on the flagship!

The sword light has the beauty of time, the unpredictability of space, the mystery of cause and effect, and the murderous intent of destruction...


Dozens of elders of the Wanxiang level were annihilated together!

"Smash the 100-mile camp on the east bank!"

The Flying Dragon Corps officially took action. The millions of troops, with the most fierce battlefield momentum, poured all the frustration, all the anger, and all the fighting spirit into the 100-mile camp of the Jin clan...

At the moment when the sun set, millions of troops gathered in the east of Donghe. On this side, within a thousand miles, there were no alien races, no purple army, only the setting sun, like blood!

Lu Tiangao stood on the highest embankment, his eyes full of eagerness.

After decades of fighting on the battlefield, he was the most proud only under Lin Su.

That day, Xihe followed Lin Su in a series of battles. The comfort and heroism were the only source of confidence that supported him in the life-and-death battles for more than a year.

Today, he once again followed Lin Su in the battle, and once again experienced what it meant to sweep across the world like a whirlwind!

Long Er stood by the East River, quietly looking at the river in front of him, and silently observing the two figures a hundred feet away.

He has been in Longyuan almost all his life.

His lifelong mission is to protect the Immortal Emperor.

When the Immortal Emperor asked him to protect the White-Robed Marquis, he felt lost in his heart. He felt that he had become the most useless type among the Qianlong Guards, and was only worthy of protecting a marquis, but now, his mentality has completely changed.

He felt that he was very lucky.

If he followed His Majesty, how could he see such a heroic battlefield unfolding in front of him?

A million-strong army left the last line of defense of the Immortal Dynasty in the Eastern Region and swept across thousands of miles. In just one day, they regained lost ground thousands of miles away. The purple-qi army, the alien army, and the overwhelming war beasts that frightened all the immortal capitals were all captured by this young commander. His subordinates are nothing at all!

He witnessed a legendary man!

He witnessed the history of the Immortal Dynasty in the Eastern Region!

He must protect him!

Protect this unparalleled genius who is destined to be famous for eternity and return to the immortal capital safely!

And the person he wants to protect seems to have no awareness of being protected at the moment...

He actually walked along the river with Ji Qianling, turning the front line of the two armies into a willow-lined embankment by the lake.

Just when Long Er frowned slightly, Lin Dafengliu took another step forward. A willow leaf boat appeared under his feet, and he and Ji Qianling stepped onto the willow leaf boat.

Moreover, a wisp of red clouds floated on Ji Qianling's jade-white face.

"Commander! Don't go into the river!" Long Er stepped forward and stopped him urgently.

"Okay!" Lin Su waved his hand gently: "Pay attention to the situation on the Nenjiang River. You don't need to worry about my safety!"

The situation on the Nen River side...

Long Er's face was quite tangled...

He still feels that the instructions Lin Su gave him when he left Nenjiang were extremely excessive...

But what can be done?

The Immortal Emperor's decree is: Whatever Lin Shuai says, you do it!

Okay, anyway, this river looks normal now, so I will pay attention to the Nen River first...

The willow leaf boat has drifted a long way in the East River.

The sun sets in the west, and night falls.

There was a soft buzzing sound, and the night lamp was on the bow of the ship.

It's like a wind lantern on a fishing boat returning late.

"What's going on with today's song?" Ji Qianling had wanted to ask for a long time, and only now had the chance.

Lin Sudao: "This song is "A Hundred Birds Pay Attention to the Phoenix"."

Ji Qianling glanced at him: "Who asked you about the name of the song? What I'm asking can you be proficient in the art of taming animals?"

"This is really a secret!" Lin Su smiled: "I promise, you are the first and probably the only person I tell!"

Ji Qianling's heart skipped a beat...

Lin Su's eyes moved over: "Do you know where I have been for more than a year?"

Ji Qianling said: "Everyone in the world probably knows that you risked the world's disapproval and entered the Fengtian Road. Isn't it right?"

"Half right!"

Ji Qianling's eyes widened: "Half of it? What do you mean?"

"One me did enter the Sealing Road, but the other me is in another mysterious place!"

"Distraction technique?!" Ji Qianling's voice trembled a little.

"Yes! Distraction!" Lin Su gently held her hand: "Do you know why I want to show you this trump card?"


"Because you are my wife, and I don't want you to worry that I will kill myself. I want you to know that no matter which tightrope I dance on, there is actually a layer of insurance, so you can rest assured!"

Ji Qianling's heart was filled with frenzy...

The art of distraction cannot be separated without a perfect foundation.

Even in the great world of Immortal Realm, the art of distraction is a legendary secret art. For thousands of years, no one has been heard to be proficient in it.

The most powerful thing about this secret technique is that the practitioner is almost unkillable.

This is the biggest secret to him.

He told himself.

Just because he knew how much he cared about him, he confided his biggest secret in order to reassure himself.

This man is really worthy of her using the "method of heaven's calculation" on him several times...

Thousands of thoughts flow through my mind, some are sweet or warm or shy...

It finally turned into the ultimate question: "Where is the other you?"

Lin Su also asked her a question: "Where is the root of the art of animal control?"

Ji Qianling's eyes suddenly opened: "Wujianmen!... You... you sneaked into Wujianmen!"

"Yes, for more than a year, the two of me have been working separately. One me has entered the Fengtian Road and my cultivation has improved a lot. The other me has been a bit useless. For more than a year, I have only been messing around. I just learned a little skill by disrupting the situation.”

"In your opinion, the art of animal control is just a small skill?" Ji Qianling murmured.

"Yes, on the battlefield, I actually have a bunch of techniques that can win the battle. The beast-taming technique only makes the war easier. It's nothing extraordinary."

Ji Qianling slowly raised his eyes and looked into the depths of the night sky: "I have figured out some things, but there are some things I still don't quite understand..."

"Tell me about it!"

Ji Qianling said: "Since you have sneaked into Wujianmen, then Wujianmen should be a tool in your hands. Using the power of Wujianmen to eradicate the Qinglian Sect, even if it is not your conspiracy, it is obviously what you want to see. It is ”

Lin Su smiled: "I have known for a long time that you can understand this big chess game."

Ji Qianling said: "Then why do you want to openly break the laws of the Sutra of Immortality?"

When she heard that Lin Su had sneaked into Wujianmen, she naturally thought of Wujianmen's recent big moves.

Wujianmen came to the front from behind the scenes and started the battle to regain the Mist and Rain Dynasty. They swept and pushed all the way, and the war with the Qinglian Sect was about to break out.

Wujianmen is his enemy, and so is the Qinglian Sect.

In fact, these two major sects have always been the biggest haze over the hundreds of billions of people in the Great Cang Realm.

And triggering a battle between hostile forces has always been what Lin Su is most happy to do.

Therefore, she clearly saw the big chess game behind this.

However, she couldn't understand the chess piece Lin Su had just made in the flower city.

Since you use the Infinite Gate as a chess piece, the way to crack the "Sutra of Immortality" is the knife you stabbed yourself.

The "Sutra of Immortality" is the most powerful law of protection for the three undead legions of Wu Jian Sect. With the existence of this law of protection, Wu Jian Sect is invincible.

Now that you reveal the method of cracking it, wouldn't it mean that you are destroying your own chess pieces?

In response to this question, Lin Su smiled: "The so-called chess game is a good chess game if we are evenly matched. The Wujian Sect is a little too strong under the command of the fifth prince, King Jiang. I'm worried that the Qinglian Sect will be defeated by him in a single meeting. Therefore, I need to make some subtractions on my side to make the battle more balanced and let the masters on both sides die more!"

Ji Qianling looked at him for a long time: "Have I ever said before that you are a bit scary?"

"I said it! But that was before you became my wife..."

"You mean, after I become your wife, I should only remember your cuteness?"

"Well, tonight the wind is clear and the moon is quiet, and you and I are reunited after a long absence. Shouldn't it be under the bright moon, on this spring night in the East River, letting the river flood and ripple?" Lin Su's hand moved to her ribs.

Ji Qianling's heartbeat quickened: "It's wartime now, isn't it good..."

"It's a big battle, a combination of work and rest."

"But I...but I have always been looking forward to the sense of ceremony..."

"How about I ask the Flying Dragon Legion to raise the flag and shout, Commander, come on?"

"Smelly bastard, you are so shameless, um..."

Lin Su stretched out his hand and pulled her into his arms.

Ji Qianling's face was red and his heart was pounding. He had lost his sense of proportion. He finally made up for the passionate indulgence last time. After tonight, he would have to make up for it again tomorrow. It didn't matter, but this was a war. The east bank of the East River was The Flying Dragon Legion, the west bank is the enemy, we are making a fool of ourselves in the middle?

At this moment, Lin Su's movements suddenly stopped.

In fact, with a gentle push from him, the two people were sitting apart.

Silently, a black shadow appeared at the head of the boat, Long Er!

"Commander, something is wrong!"

Ji Qianling's eyes dropped, his heart skipped a beat, and the world completely changed.

The starry sky in front was blocked by a layer of thick fog.

The water in front was blocked by a layer of thick fog.

The sky was invisible, and the water surface was as dark as ink.

And there seems to be a pair of invisible giant hands pushing behind.

Push this thick fog and this deep darkness from the west bank of the East River to the east bank.

The light in Lin Su's eyes flickered slightly: "It seems that the aliens from Xihe really don't remember to fight."

There seemed to be endless scales flying in Ji Qianling's eyes. She slowly looked back from a distance: "Yes, this is the Scale Clan!"

Scale tribe, a race in the swamp.

Under the water is their world.

The land is their world.

Although the sky is not their world in theory, they have various magical techniques that can easily turn the Jiangnan water town under the clear breeze and bright moon into a swamp and quagmire with eerie undercurrents and indistinguishable east, west and north.

The East River just now had a clear breeze and bright moon.

But now the East River is like a swamp.

This is the protection of the West Bank at the moment.

A river was originally not enough to stop the army. Traveling thousands of miles through the clouds, you could easily cross any river. However, when this river was completely occupied by the Scale Clan, the sky, the ground, the river and the river below became a forbidden area on the human world.

"Commander, the Scale Clan is also famous among the foreign races. They are best at creating battlefields that are beneficial to them. In this case, it is not appropriate to cross lightly..."

Long Er's voice stopped suddenly and he stared at the Donghe River in front of him.

There was murderous intent in his eyes.

This is the standard look of Qianlongwei. The professional instinct of Qianlongwei is: everyone has evil intentions.

What's more, at this moment?

What's more, the person coming is so weird?

Ji Qianling's heart skipped a beat.

And Lin Su, his eyes brightened...

The surface of the East River is very strange at the moment.

On the left, the wind is clear and the clouds are light, and the bright moon is in the sky.

Black waves rolled on the right, and everything in the sky and under the water was strange.

All creatures in the water are also uneasy.

And there was a woman in white, who seemed to be stepping on the moon, stepping on this dividing line with bare feet, floating over.

Her expression was infinitely peaceful.

Her hair was gleaming with moonlight.

The moon in the sky seemed to be a projection behind her head.

She is the elf under the moon... (End of chapter)

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