Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 1256 The ever-changing array

Jin He said: "Lin Su, there is a third point, do you want to hear it?"

"Go ahead!"

Damn! Still talking slowly here...

Ji Yuechi's voice entered Lin Su's ears: "I think the situation is very wrong. A large number of people and horses have appeared behind us. We have to... retreat!"

Ji Yuechi has always been sensitive to the abnormal situation of heaven and earth, and he is particularly sensitive today.

Lin Su did not answer.

Jin He said: "The third point you ignored is momentum!"

"Momentum?" Lin Su narrowed his eyes slightly.

Jin He smiled and said: "You have lured the tiger away from the mountain, but it's just a lure. The tiger has already started to return! And you, sandwiched between millions of troops and the ancient formation, are already a real ambush from all sides!"

As soon as his voice fell, the distant horizon was like a dark cloud.

The heavy murderous intent covered the sky and the earth.

A siege was formed on all sides.

A real siege.

The Lotus Heart Saint stood in the void, looking at the lush tree in the direction of the formation platform, looking at the allied forces of various tribes coming in overwhelming numbers, and murmured: "Everything is under control, do you really have a way to break the situation?"

Lin Su smiled up at the sky: "Jin He, I asked you to say one, two, three, I just want to tell you a basic truth! There is no unchanging rule in the world. Some things seem to be a dead end, but in fact, I only need to snap my fingers, and you will die!"

He raised his hand gently...

This time, the two fingers intersected in the air...


A snap of fingers!

With a light bang, the ancient formation suddenly disappeared!

Jin He's eyes widened suddenly: "What's going on?"

Silently, the big tree on the formation base suddenly shook, and a branch crossed half of the city, like a punishment from heaven, hitting Jin He.

Jin He stood up suddenly: "Chief Mu, you..."


A black-clad guard beside him flew up into the sky, raised his hand, and grabbed the branch, and the whole city was shocked.

Lian Xin staggered: "Mu Qianshan, is he his man?! Is this his real trump card?"

God is my witness, she suspected that there would be problems with the array base, and she also checked it, but when she saw the head of the Mu tribe sitting in front of the array base, she ruled out all the variables about the array base.

Because of the special nature of the Mu tribe leader...

But now, the person who should not be suspected the most has become his man!

The most solid defender of the array base has become the destroyer of the array base!

The top master beside Jin He took the attack from the Mu tribe leader, and Jin He escaped a disaster. He suddenly raised the big flag in his hand: "Even the defenders of Xihe have rebelled. I have to admit that your methods are unpredictable! Now... no need to calculate, fight!"

Lin Su waved his hand: "Repair the plank road in the open, and secretly cross Chencang!"

Jin He's eyes suddenly became illusory, and the traces of hundreds of warships disappeared.

As his heart trembled, the sound of killing suddenly shook the sky outside the city wall in front of him!

"Kill!" Jin He roared wildly, and the flag of the Purple Qi Army, which had been waiting for a long time, pointed diagonally, and launched the fiercest battle with the enemy outside the city.

However, there were no casualties after killing and killing, and Jin He suddenly raised his flag: "Stop! This is the art of war!"

Yes, this art of war is "encircle the dark and save the lone"!

The real Lin Su, a million troops have entered the city!

As soon as they entered the city, they faced another Purple Qi army, with a total of 400,000!

Suddenly seeing Lin Su's flying dragon flag, the Purple Qi army was very excited: "Kill!"

Countless military formations crushed over.

This was the first head-on confrontation between the two armies.

It looked like a battle of equal strength.

However, Lin Su waved his hand lightly: "Go up the roof and pull out the ladder!"

Among the thirty-six strategies, the most mysterious one was deployed.

The connection between all the flags of the Purple Qi Wen Dynasty army was cut off at the same time, and the Purple Qi army was restored to individuals, while the Flying Dragon Corps formed a thousand battle formations and slaughtered unilaterally!

Jin He finally freed his soldiers from the illusion of "encircling the dark and rescuing the lone" military strategy, and heard the sound of killing from the city. He was shocked, and saw the unilateral slaughter of the Flying Dragon Corps with the flag as his eyes.

His heart suddenly twitched: "Over there! Rescue!"

His soldiers rushed over frantically, and Xihe City was in chaos.

Outside the city, the great elder of the Tian clan led a large group of people and horses in a thousand warships and came quickly.

When he learned that Lin Su did not interfere in the chaos of the Xuan clan, but sneaked outside Xihe City, he immediately came up with a second plan, using the ancient formation to block Lin Su's way and gather millions of troops to copy Lin Su's retreat.

Unexpectedly, before the army arrived, Lin Su had broken through the ancient formation and entered Xihe City.

The encirclement plan was shattered on the spot.

However, no matter what, in today's battle, Lin Su and his million-strong army must be buried collectively in Xihe City. If they cannot be buried outside the city, they must be buried inside the city.

Jin He's army in the city can't hold on at this moment. Why?

Others are in a military formation, while his military flags have all been sealed, turning into scattered soldiers, and this war can't be fought.

Fortunately, he also sensed the arrival of reinforcements outside the city, and shouted: "All troops fight, reinforcements have arrived!"

At this moment, there was a light buzzing sound, and a layer of golden light suddenly appeared. The reinforcements outside the city crashed into it, and hundreds of warships were destroyed.

The great elder of the Tian clan almost crashed into it, and stopped urgently. Only in an almost impossible situation, he stopped his steps and watched the army he brought crash into the ancient formation. He couldn't be so angry: "Emperor Master, what's wrong with you? You don't stop Lin the thief, but stop me?"

Jin He looked towards the formation base, and he almost collapsed. On the other side of the formation base, Lin Su stood on the formation base and laughed: "Jin He, this is my way. I will open the formation first, enter the city to kill you, and then close the formation to block the reinforcements outside the formation! How is it? Is it exciting? Is it a surprise?"

Lin Su's laughter spread throughout the city.

The morale of the Ziqiwen Dynasty army plummeted.

And the morale of the Flying Dragon Corps returned to their homeland, but it was directly sky-high.

What's more terrible is that the fuse that Lin Su lit when facing the elders in the city at the beginning really exploded at this moment!

There are human beings in Xihe City, and they are the first to feel the human brilliance of Lin Su's "Xihe Law".

If they need to trust an official in their long, miserable and stupid life, Lin Su is the only one they trust.

Because only Lin Su can let them have the dignity of being human.

Unfortunately, once Lin Su left, the light of hope that had just emerged was extinguished, and they plunged into a fire pit that was ten times or even a hundred times more miserable than before.

The army of Ziqiwen Dynasty occupied their house.

The foreigners bullied their wives and children.

If they dared to complain, a big knife would fall from somewhere on their heads and kill them like grass.

For more than a year, they have lived worse than dogs.

For more than a year, they have been struggling in the coldest hell every day.

Today, the person who once brought them the only ray of hope in their lives has come!

And he has entered the city!

The first shout came from nowhere: "Human folks! Lord Lin has arrived, our hope, we will fight for it with our own hands, kill the foreigners, kill the invaders, kill these beasts, help Lord Lin, and recover our homeland!"

"Help Lord Lin, recover our homeland!" Boom! The Taoist temple that was silent as if no one was there in the past, the light of Taoism soared to the sky!

"Help Lord Lin to recover his homeland!" In the old study, an old scholar stepped out of the study, and with a stroke of the giant pen in his hand, a team of foreign soldiers in front of him turned into ashes.

"Help Lord Lin to recover his homeland!" On the Xihe River, flowers were flying, and the flowers of late spring turned into a splashed ink painting in the hands of a woman, tightly surrounding several warships in the Xihe River.

"Help Lord Lin to recover his homeland!" Shouts arose everywhere, and the civil strife in Xihe City was officially formed.

Those who were oppressed, those who saw hope but watched hope go away with their own eyes, either picked up a golden pen and started from the study, or raised a boat and started from Xihe, or retired from seclusion and returned to the world, or picked up a kitchen knife and used the smallest power to change their own destiny...

In the commander's mansion, Lianxin stared at the street outside in a daze.

Beside her, the girl also stared in a daze.

On the streets, countless ordinary people picked up hoes and kitchen knives, with anger in their eyes, shouting the slogan that swept the whole city, "Help Lin Hou, Recover the Homeland"!

They killed the aliens around them madly and resolutely, and killed the army of Ziqi Wen Dynasty.

When adults died, children also rushed up, men died, women also rushed up...

Lianxin closed her eyes gently, and her eyelashes trembled slightly...

"Miss, are we... are we so hated?" The words of the girl next to her seemed to penetrate Lianxin's bottom line.

As a saint of the Tian clan, her eyes have never paid attention to her feet.

The peace in the city in the past also concealed some of the most basic truths.

Today, Lin Su entered the city and the whole city was in riot. She seemed to have really touched the truth that she had ignored for a long time, that is: justice and evil...

In the conflict between forces, who cares about justice?

Only when the people sacrifice their lives, only when women and children go forward one after another, only when blood is spilled on the streets, and only when there are cries of grief, will the world be told that some things go beyond the struggle for power itself, and should lead to a new meaning...

The whole city was swept away.

The two armies really collided with each other.

The flags of the Flying Dragon Corps rose up and rushed straight into the sky. Lu Tiangao roared: "Brothers of the Flying Dragon Corps, thousands of comrades' souls are watching us on the Xihe Heroes Monument. What should we do?"




Three roars resounded throughout the city!

The Flying Dragon Corps rolled up its battle flag and pounced on the Ziqi Wen Dynasty army.

The Ziqi Wen Dynasty army originally had more than two million soldiers, but after a fierce killing in the early stage, only one million were left. These one million people were stripped of the military formation under Lin Su's peerless military strategy "Climbing the Roof and Pulling the Ladder", and turned into scattered individuals. Facing the murderous Flying Dragon Corps, their morale had already collapsed.

What's more, the people of the city were in a state of uproar, and endless hatred was growing. The situation of the world had reversed.

Jin He's hands were shaking as he held the big flag.

"Emperor, retreat!" A military advisor next to him was trembling with fear.

Jin He's eyes were full of fierceness: "I am ordered by His Majesty to attack the East Region. Anyone who says to retreat will die!"


The military advisor in front of him turned into blood mist.

Jin He roared: "Kill!"

He was ordered by His Majesty to lead an army of five million people, and he fought his way through the battles and traveled day and night for almost two years. His Majesty's desk was already full of victory reports, and he had received many awards.

If he retreated at this moment, wouldn't it all become a joke?

He, Jin He, the supreme ruler of the Empire Cangqiong Pavilion, how could he be defeated at his most powerful time?


The morale of the whole army was inspired by his beheading of the military advisor.

However, the situation of the war did not change because of his inspiring morale!

In terms of morale, the Flying Dragon Legion was even better than him!

Because this is Xihe City!

This is the home of all the generals of the Flying Dragon Corps!

Their relatives are buried here.

The spirits of their comrades are engraved on the Xihe Heroes Monument.

He Paiyun's last words on that day are still in their hearts.

Returning to their homeland and fulfilling their vows, each of them does not care about death...

This is just morale theory.

And the theory of combat power!

The military formation was a one-sided massacre of individual soldiers!

A quarter of an hour, two quarters of an hour...

The army of purple energy was like cutting grass, filling one street, two streets, ten miles long street, East City, Middle City, West City...

Finally, the million-strong army defeated only 200,000 people. Their gold and hats all fell off, and their hair and beards were all messed up.

"Master Imperial Master, it's time to retreat!"


A general covered in blood knelt in front of him.

Jin He's eyes suddenly bulged, and before he could speak, the general tilted his head and fell down.

Jin He slowly raised his eyes, looking at the rain of blood flying behind him, looking at the terrifying military formation of the Flying Dragon Legion slowly shrinking, looking at the West City wall behind him that had no retreat...

For a moment, sadness came from it...

The expeditionary force was defeated again!

This time, the defeat was no longer due to Lausanne, but to himself!

Your Majesty, I have tried my best.

If God doesn't help me, what can I do in vain?

"Withdraw!" Jin He sighed...

Two hundred thousand troops withdrew from Xihe and fled madly towards Muyang Mountain.

Muyang Mountain is where the rear army is located.

Tie Zhengming, the commander-in-chief of the rear army, stood quietly at Muyang Mountain Pass holding a big flag. In front of him, thousands of war beasts suddenly raised their heads...

"Master Imperial Master, return quickly!" As soon as these eight words were spoken, tens of thousands of war beasts separated, and Imperial Master Jin He led the remaining troops to rush into the gap.

Just when he breathed a sigh of relief, he suddenly saw the army of war beasts behind him.

Jin He's expression suddenly changed: "Commander, collect the war beasts quickly, quickly..."

"What did the commander say? The flying dragon army has already caught up with them, just in time to give them a taste of ambush..." Tie Zhengming waved the flag in his hand: "The war beasts are surrounding us!"


Thousands of war beasts suddenly surrounded them, blocking the way forward for the flying dragon army.

Jin He's heart skipped a beat. Using war beasts to intercept the flying dragon army was indeed a clever strategy on the battlefield. However, the sound of the flute must not appear. Don't...

At this moment, a wisp of flute sound broke through the air!

Cover the tens of millions of war beasts in front!

The war beasts turned at the same time and pounced on Jin He and the millions of troops behind him!

Tie Zhengming's face changed drastically: "This..."


The tide of war beasts has annihilated the 200,000 troops brought out by Jin He desperately.

Jin He rose into the sky, his face turned black and blue.

Whatever you fear most will happen.

War beasts are originally the most effective weapons in the army. They are not afraid of losses or pain. They are overwhelming when they appear. Why are they not used in Xihe City? Why not use it during the Xuan clan crisis?

Just because of Lin Su's beast-taming skills!

The people in Xihe City knew about this, the people from the foreign race knew about it, but the rear army did not know about it.

In the last battle when the battle was already defeated, you, Tie Zhengming, actually gave Lin Su such a big gift. You thought I would die too quickly...

The war beasts were like a tide, covering the rear army.

The poor rear army suffered a disaster without even being alert.

Being charged like this by the war beast, the whole army was in chaos.

The battle has reached this level, and all military formations, strategies, and grand plans for invasion are all gone. Run away!

Millions of troops galloped together.

However, how can they outrun the war beasts without activating the warship?

Ten miles of land, hundreds of miles of land, thousands of miles of land...

Countless corpses were left along the way, both human and animal...

In front is Xiaoxiangjun.

The real dividing line between the Ziqi Wen Dynasty and the Eastern Region Immortal Dynasty.

This is the "Xiaoxiangjun" in the poem written by Lin Su at the Magpie Bridge meeting that day, "Originally a poor palace maid, with painted horns and eyebrows in admiration, returning to Xiaoxiangjun, why is it so sad to dwell on it?"

Stepping into Xiaoxiangjun means that the Ziqi army in this expedition has returned to the Ziqi Wen Dynasty.

It also means that this expedition to labor the people has all failed.

Jin He was thinking a lot. He waved the broken military flag in his hand, and the last 100,000 remaining soldiers fled towards Xiaoxiangjun.

Suddenly, on the boundary wall in front, a figure in white appeared out of thin air.

Jin He, who was on the flagship, suddenly stood up. Next to him, the second prince Ji Yue's face was pale, and all the generals on the battleship were also pale.

Lin Su!

He stepped on the boundary wall that separated the Ziqi Wen Dynasty and the Eastern Region Immortal Dynasty, blocking the return path of a hundred thousand troops.

As he stepped down, the vegetation in front of the one hundred thousand army suddenly grew wildly, locking the one hundred thousand army firmly.

This recruitment method is not his method of war.

This is the method of the Sage of Soldiers in the Da Cang Realm, and its name is: All grass and trees are soldiers!

Plants and trees are all soldiers. According to its principle, the power varies from place to place. In the Great Cang Realm, the people locked may be ordinary soldiers.

Here, even if it is a small boss at the level of Yuantian, he will still be locked up!

Following this lock, the flying dragon army behind them got closer and closer, and this 100,000-strong army was already unable to escape.

Even the flagship in the air had to face Lin Su's direct obstruction.

"Jin He, come whenever you want and leave whenever you want. Where do you think the Eastern Region Immortal Dynasty is?" Lin Su said coldly.

As soon as his voice fell...

In front of him, suddenly there was a long river of spring water!

He seemed to be infinitely far away from the flagship!

Lin Su's eyes were focused, staring at the stream of light that looked like a ribbon or a butterfly wing in this long river of spring water: "Brother Jian, you finally appeared!"

The butterfly wings trembled slightly, and a person appeared on the butterfly wings.

It was Jian Wushuang in the past and Tian Wushuang today.

Jian Wu held a small bag in both hands, which was the same bag when he and Lin Su met for the first time. He slowly raised his eyes and said: "Brother Lin, you and I met in Xihe, and there was no hard feelings when we first met. "

"If life is just like the first time we met, why is it sad to draw a fan in the autumn wind? It is easy to change the heart of an old friend, but it is easy to change the heart of an old friend!" Lin Su chanted in a manly voice.

Four lines of poetry, behind him, green light filled the air, and under his feet, greenery abounded. The poems caused the green waves of heaven to turn into a fan. With a gentle fan, the long river of spring water created by Jian Wushuang in front of him seemed to be fanned away.

An extremely cruel battlefield.

The battlefield of life and death.

The boundless cultural scenery emerges.

This extreme turn of events made another person in the flagship feel confused again...

This person is Lian Xin.

She has faced thousands of enemies in her life, but there is one strong enemy she is a high-ranking counselor. However, she has never seen such an enemy.

Jian Wushuang sighed softly: "We are enemies this time. Zi Qi Wenchao admits that it has failed. Brother Lin, please be merciful and merciful! Please open a wide net and allow me to escort the emperor's master back to the purple capital."

Lin Sudao: "The invasion of purple energy has caused hundreds of millions of people in the Eastern Region Immortal Dynasty to be robbed. It is difficult to calm down the anger in the heart, and the souls of the dead are resentful. I would like to borrow a piece of the emperor's head to relieve my boundless resentment. I also hope to see Brother Jian." Don’t do something you know you can’t do!”

Jian Wushuang slowly raised his head: "Irreconcilable?"

Lin Sudao: "It is indeed irreconcilable!"

A smile slowly bloomed on Jian Wushuang's face: "Then I can only take Brother Lin as my opponent for the fourth battle in my life."

Lin Su smiled: "Brother Jian also said frankly that day that you lost all three battles in the past. Zhu'er once joked that you shouldn't be called Jian Wushuang, you should be called 'Jian Wusheng'. You must be on the road to victory." Start the fourth battle?”

The thousands of lights in Jian Wu's eyes merged into one point, staring at Lin Su: "You should have heard the famous saying in the world: Nothing can be done more than three times! I have three defeats, just because I want to achieve what I will achieve after three defeats... no more defeats in this life!"

After saying this, his fingers rested on the small bag in his hand.

With this combination, the whole world seems to have completely changed.

Lin Su's eyes were firmly fixed on the small bag: "That day when you and I met for the first time, I was thinking about what is in your bag that would make you rather kill the elite disciples of the Earth Clan than expose it. Look, Come on, it’s time to show up today!”

"A hundred years of blood sacrifice, never in ten lifetimes! The sword soul, enlightenment!"

At the word eleven, Jian Wu suddenly opened the cloth bag in his hands.

At this moment, a kendo crack seemed to suddenly open in front of Lin Su.

There is nothing in the crack, only the sword!

A sharp sword spirit that makes the heaven and earth eclipse and make the stars tremble, with a peerless murderous intention that is unparalleled in the swordsmanship, slashes out!

This bag has not been opened for a hundred years.

When this pocket was opened, Jian Wushuang seemed to be completely sublimated.

Long Er, who had sneaked to the side of the flagship and was ready to launch a fatal blow at any time, was shaken all over. His invisibility technique was completely useless at this moment. This overwhelming and irresistible sword will completely tore his invisibility technique apart, and it seemed that His spiritual altar was torn to pieces.

He only suffered a little bit of the aftermath.

Lin Su's expression also changed slightly: "The sword's heart is based on the heart, and the sword's soul is sacrificed on the sword's journey. It really has a trump card!"

As soon as the seven words came out, the sword in his hand suddenly lit up, and an extremely beautiful sword light emitted from his hand.

Time is so beautiful.

Space, divided at will.

Cause and effect are full of unpredictability,

Reincarnation, everything changes.

"Last night's stars! The integration of the four laws of heaven is indeed exquisite." Jian Wushuang also had a ray of red on his face: "It's a pity that there are no rules in the face of absolute power!"

Sure enough, this sword soul traveled through time and space, passed through reincarnation, and approached Lin Su's body.

Hidden in the void, Ji Yuechi's expression changed. She had already launched her most powerful move. However, this move was the same as Long Er's. As soon as she got close to the sword, she was torn apart by the incomparably sharp swordsmanship and lost her original form. face.

"Really?" Lin Su said two words.

The sword light in front of him suddenly disappeared, and the four laws merged to form a strange force field.


With a soft sound, it turned into a black hole!

The sword soul entered the black hole and disappeared without a trace.

The blush on Jian Wushuang's face disappeared instantly: "This...this is not the star last night!"

"It's not good to be human in this mortal world. This place of peace of mind is my hometown!" Lin Su sighed: "This move is called...'This place of peace of mind'!"

As soon as his voice fell, the black hole suddenly expanded!

Once expanded, it will be thousands of times!


The upper half of the flagship seemed to be swallowed silently by an invisible giant mouth. The black hole sank like lightning, expanding every moment.

Jin He's expression changed drastically: "No..." (End of this chapter)

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