Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 1264 Rewarding according to merit

Among the ministers below, some were secretly observing.

Xie Dong's excitement caught their eyes and gave them a lot of reflection. A few days ago, a shocking event happened in Xiandu. That is, the former Prime Minister Guo Hong, the Minister of War Li Da, and the Imperial Tutor Nangong Mingren were robbed at the same time. Xie Dong, who had a grudge against them in the past, has since been the only one to hold the title of the emperor's favorite, which gave everyone some bad guesses. They think that the deaths of these three big men may have been planned by Xie Dong.

But today, hearing about the great victory in the East Region, Xie Dong's excitement that could not be concealed made them reflect that Xie Dong was really excited.

No matter what, he has invested all his emotions in the East Region Xian Dynasty.

He is really a loyal minister.

Then what about His Majesty?

His Majesty is also so excited...

But is there something else in the excitement?

As a senior official in the court, no one is a fool.

They sensitively guessed whether His Majesty would have any alternative thoughts about this world-famous general who was so powerful that he shocked the emperor?

When the birds are gone, the good bows are put away; when the foxes are dead, the hunting dogs are cooked.

This is a proverb that is circulated among the people.

The proverb can be spread among the people and be believed by people because it is supported by countless cases.

Lin Suzhi's strength was fully demonstrated in the Western Expedition. Such a person is really not suitable to be a high-ranking official in the Immortal Dynasty. He is more suitable to be the "bow" in "When the birds are gone, the bows are put away" and the "dog" in "When the foxes are dead, the dogs are cooked"...

The Immortal Emperor slowly stood up: "How can such good news be enjoyed by one hall alone? Publish it and inform the world, so that hundreds of millions of people in the Eastern Domain Immortal Dynasty can feel the scenery at this moment together!"

"I obey the order!" The chief eunuch stepped out of the hall.

Once the news from the Immortal Palace was released, the whole Immortal City became a sea of ​​excitement.

The distant cheers came into the Golden Palace, and the atmosphere in the Golden Palace became relaxed.

The Immortal Emperor said: "The White-Robed Marquis has made such a great achievement. What do you think should be rewarded?"

This question made the Zhengde Hall freeze for a moment.

How to reward?

The mature and prudent think that a title with more honor than content should be given.

The conspiracy theorists think that a cup of poisoned wine should be given.

But can these be said?

One person stood up: "I think that in this battle, the White-Robed Marquis really turned the tide with his own strength, and he should be rewarded heavily!"

This person is the Minister of Rites.

Another person stood up: "I think that although the Purple Qi Wen Dynasty lost this battle, the evil will not die, and they will definitely come back in the future. If the meritorious officials are not rewarded, who will be willing to fight for the court in the future? Therefore, this reward must be heavy!"

This person is the Minister of Personnel.

When these words came out, everyone in the court was moved.

That's right. Although the Purple Qi Wen Dynasty army and internal rebellion were defeated in this battle, the Purple Qi Wen Dynasty is still there, and their evil will not die. Sooner or later, they will invade again.

Even if Lin Su is no longer there on that day, there will always be a new hero to emerge.

Therefore, rewarding Lin Su is not only about rewarding the meritorious officials at the moment, but also about whether there will be military morale willing to fight for the dynasty in the future.

The third person stood up, the assistant minister of the Ministry of War: Please reward!

Four or five people in a row all asked for rewards, and the people who came out were quite mysterious, almost all of them were assistant ministers.

No one from the nine ministers stood up.

The old man in the court did not stand up.

Because Lin Su was still quite sensitive, everyone could not figure out the intention of the Immortal Emperor, so it was not convenient to speak.

The Immortal Emperor raised his hand lightly: "Reward for merit, this is where the Immortal Dynasty has established its law. Great rewards for merit are also related to the morale of the people in the Immortal Dynasty for thousands of years. The reward of the White-Robed Marquis is a must, and there is no need to discuss it. What I ask is, how to reward it!"

His words really set the tone.

The Immortal Dynasty has established its law, and rewards for merit!

In order for people to be willing to fight for the Immortal Dynasty in the future, rewards for merit are also needed.

This does not need to be discussed.

Reward is a must, be more specific, what is the reward...

After a pause of about ten seconds, a man stood up, it was Du Dongliu.

Du Dongliu bowed deeply: "Your Majesty, Lin Su was once the King of Wen of Da Cang. It was because of the trust of the King of Da Cang that he fought against the powerful enemy alone when the Black Bone Demon Clan was ravaging Da Cang, allowing Da Cang to be preserved. The hundreds of millions of people in Da Cang said that the king's mind saved Da Cang. Today, General Lin defeated the powerful enemy and showed his true strength in an impossible place, which is similar to the survival of Da Cang in the past. Your Majesty is far-sighted and magnanimous, why not... make him a king?"

Make him a king?

The whole hall was shocked.

To be honest, Lin Su really can't be made a king.

A marquis is hard to control, and you are not afraid of your Majesty sweating on your back if you make him a king?

However, the example given by Du Dongliu still deeply touched everyone.

I know what you are worried about.

Worried that Lin Su would become the master.

But you can look at his past.

On that day, he was named King Wen, the King of Da Cang. Did he pose a threat to the king? No! Not only that, when Da Cang was facing life and death, he suddenly appeared and saved the throne of the king of Da Cang.

These things are the contents of the big-character posters in the capital in the past.

Originally, it was to publicize Lin Su's ability to turn his hand into clouds and rain, and to give everyone the greatest shock, but at this moment, it was interpreted by Du Dongliu in another way, which instantly gave everyone a different impression.

The Immortal Emperor's eyebrows trembled slightly, and his eyes moved to the front row of the team: "Xie Qing, what do you think?"

Xie Dong stepped forward and bowed: "Your Majesty, I believe that although this battle is won, the surrounding neighbors are still eyeing them. If Lin Hou is crowned king, he can send a strong signal to the hundreds of millions of people in the Eastern Region to fight for the dynasty and fulfill their mission. It is glorious that the Immortal Dynasty appoints people on their own merits and deserves the support of talented people. Therefore, I agree with Scholar Du’s proposal and please grant him the title of King Wen!”

The Immortal Emperor's eyes flashed: "King Wen?"

Xie Dong said: "That's right! Lin Hou became famous in the first battle of Wen Dao. His writing is unparalleled in the world, so he was named King Wen. First, he can correct his name, and second, he can tell him that the Eastern Region Immortal Dynasty is also his second hometown. ”

"The Immortal Dynasty of the Eastern Territory is his second hometown! He is willing to travel thousands of miles for his first hometown, and he is also willing to fight against powerful enemies for his second hometown. How wonderful!" The Immortal Emperor gave a long laugh: "Just as Xie Qing said. , seal...King Wen!"

There were noises and discussions in the Golden Palace, but in the end, it calmed down.

The messages conveyed by Du Dongliu's words and Xie Dong's words are extremely mysterious...

Quietly smoothing away the confusion in everyone's minds about whether the "Fox" was dead and whether the "Dog" should be killed.

In fact, the fox is not dead.

The dog cannot be killed right now.

Since he can't kill him right now, wouldn't it be good to give him a heavy reward to reassure him first?

Anyway, there are only five months left for Wuxin's catastrophe. After five months, Lin Su may not be able to come back at all, and since Wuxin's catastrophe is imminent, he will not think of any crooked ideas to seize the throne at this time.

Even if they use this crooked idea, it is not something that the ministers should worry about at all.

The Immortal Emperor himself doesn't care, so why do others care?

Even if one day Lin Su seizes your throne, he still needs ministers. If we change our jobs and remain high officials in the court, I'm afraid it won't have any real impact.

If Guo Hong, Li Da, and Nangong Mingren were still in the Golden Palace, they would definitely have questions as to why His Majesty had undergone such a drastic change.

It's a pity that they are no longer here.

The six people who originally made the plan to kill Lin after the war, except for the rebellious boy Xie Dong, all the others went to the Nine Nether Hells. People who are currently alive don't know that the former Immortal Emperor actually had a plan that he didn't have time to implement. , complete strategy.

Initial intention reached.

Waiting for Lin Su to return to Beijing.

The ministers left...

Li Xiong, the Minister of Personnel, and Li Yan, the Minister of Rites, walked last...

"The fragrance of April in the world has ended, and the peach blossoms in the mountain temple are beginning to bloom. In front of Guiyuan Temple in the West Mountain, the peach blossoms are blooming. Mr. Li, would you like to visit?" Li Xiong said.

"Master Li is so elegant, how dare I disobey you?" Li Yan said with a smile.


Li Xiong held hands together, a small boat came out, and the two big men set off on the boat to the west mountain.

The peach blossoms in Xishan are indeed in full bloom, which is exactly what Lin Su wrote in Jiuzhai Lake on that day.

Under the peach blossom forest, the two elders were walking. On the shoulders of Li Xiong and Li Yan, there was a soft silver light each. This silver light came from a special substance, a kind of bark cloth from the Ling Dynasty in the Western Regions.

The fruit of this tree is a night lamp.

Its bark also has a shielding effect.

It's just that the effect is not as good as the night fluorescent lamp, but it is more elegant and elegant. Once spread, it has become the standard equipment of the official bosses. It is not visible on weekdays, but at critical moments, it will be activated, making it easier for the bosses to talk.

"Your Majesty seems to really intend to make you king." Li Xiong said.


"But why is this? You and I have already concluded that if Lin Su wins, Your Majesty will definitely kill him to eliminate future troubles."

Li Yan stepped on a piece of bluestone and said, "You and I had this common opinion back then. In the final analysis, it originated from Prime Minister Guo's judgment that day. But now it seems that the basis of Prime Minister Guo's judgment is wrong."


"The basic point of Guo Hong's judgment is that if the Lin family wins, they will definitely attack the Immortal Palace, seize the imperial power and mobilize the troops of the Eastern Region to help him fight against the unintentional catastrophe. In fact, this basic point was when His Majesty issued the first imperial edict. Already deviated.”

Li Xiong also stopped and slowly raised his eyes: "Your Majesty's first imperial decree has made it clear that if Lin Su really defeats the rebels, the army of the Eastern Region Immortal Dynasty will be used by him. As long as your Majesty really intends to fulfill this imperial decree, Lin Su actually has no need to seize the throne."

"That's right!" Li Yan said: "Lin Su's seizure of the throne was at best to make the Eastern Region army available to him. Since His Majesty has agreed to hand over the army to him, why would he bother to do so? It can be seen from this that Guo Hong's sentence on that day was He really has the intention to disrupt our Eastern Territory, and His Majesty’s ambition is beyond his ability to predict.”

Li Xiong suddenly realized: "Your Majesty has been on guard against Lin Su for a long time, so when the first imperial edict was issued, he hid the secret and quietly eliminated this hidden danger. Your Majesty's foresight is really impressive!"

All of a sudden, both officials realized it.

During this night, all the major court officials thought of visiting, and as long as they analyzed this level of analysis by these two adults, they all understood.

Everyone admired the Immortal Emperor so much.

When the Immortal Emperor's first imperial edict first fell into the ears of everyone, everyone felt that the Immortal Emperor was a little impulsive. How could there be any imperial edict in the world like the "National Covenant"?

But now, they realize that this imperial edict, which is like a "national covenant", is of no use.

It clearly tells Lin Su that the Immortal Dynasty's army can be used by you, and you don't need to rebel.

With Lin Su's intelligence, how could he not understand?

Therefore, he really won't resist.

The most difficult problem in the world was actually solved during Lin Su's first step into the immortal dynasty.

This is their Immortal Emperor, he is so far-sighted! (End of chapter)

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