Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 16 Read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles

Lin Su has been in this world for a few months and has some understanding of this world. What can I say about this world? Some places are very advanced, such as tea. There is no difference between the way tea is made in the 21st century. Probably because the spiritual energy of heaven and earth here is more abundant, the taste of tea surpasses the tea in the original world, and the production technology is also quite similar. Advanced, to what extent it is advanced, it has almost reached the level of automation.

How is it automated? Quite speechless.

Tea generally grows in deep mountains and old forests, which is the territory of the demon clan. Therefore, tea is also the main product in the demon clan market. When the demand increases, manual production becomes a bit difficult. The demon clan comes to automate it. How to do it? For example, in the finalization process, the demon clan wraps a fire-type demon snake around a large iron pot to keep the iron pot at a high and constant temperature. The tea leaves are rolled several times from here and then it is completed. Is it automated?

But some places are lagging behind, such as wine.

The wine here has no concept of distillation at all, it is just the most primitive fermentation.

Wine makes the grapes rot, and fruit wine makes the fruits rot. You can think about it, what does this taste like?

Even for monastic sects that are like gods, their wine is actually mixed and added randomly. Whatever has a nourishing effect is added to it.

Distillation is like a layer of paper. Once it is broken, the technical content is very low. But before it is broken, it is a barrier. This barrier is called "obstacle of knowledge".

The wine of the 21st century comes from the breakthrough distillation technology of the Song Dynasty. Before the Song Dynasty, there were thousands of years of history and countless people who were good at wine. Who really broke through this barrier of knowledge?

Li Bai is said to have written hundreds of poems about fighting over wine. Do you want him to drink a cup of distilled wine? He is really cruel if he can write even one word.

Baoshan stared at Lin Su for a long time.

Lin Jialiang also stared for a long time.

Lin Su faced him with a smile.

"What special materials are needed? Just tell me!" Baoshan said.

"A thousand catties of white rice, a thousand catties of white flour, a hundred catties of husked rice, a big iron pot, a... no, a large piece of thin iron sheet." He originally wanted to say a sealed container, but after thinking about it, his "secret recipe" "It seemed that he couldn't keep any secrets, so he changed it. He only needed a large piece of thin iron sheet. Anyway, he was very handy now. It was not difficult to make a thin iron sheet into a sealed container by himself.

"Is it that simple?" Baoshan couldn't believe it at all.

"High-end food often comes from ordinary ingredients." Lin Su answered with a classic line from "China on the Tip of the Tongue".

High-end food comes from ordinary ingredients... Baoshan read it twice, it makes sense! Quite moral!

As soon as he raised his hand, the word "Feng" appeared, and with a roar, he disappeared from the courtyard.

Lin Su looked at the direction in which he disappeared and nodded. There was still a distance between him and Deng Xianchu. Deng Xianchu was called "wind" and the whole building was filled with wind. It sent him directly into the clouds and disappeared without a trace.

And what about Mr. Baoshan? Just send yourself to a height of more than ten meters above the ground, and then jump out like a rabbit...

Lin Jialiang's voice came: "Third brother, do you really know how to make wine?"

"Know something."

“Do you really only use common ingredients like white rice, white flour, and paddy?”

"The white rice and noodles are what we eat ourselves. This old man comes to eat eight of my steamed buns and three bowls of noodles. Is it in vain? Let him bleed. Anyway, people like him are not short of money at all..."

Lin Jialiang's eyes bulged and he couldn't say a word...

About ten minutes later, a strong wind blew up in the air, and a mountain fell from the sky. A bag was handed to Lin Su. As soon as Lin Su opened it, her eyes widened. Thirty bags fell from the small mouth of the bag. The bag fell to the ground and turned into Normal size, at least 1,500 kilograms of rice, 1,500 kilograms of white flour, 200 kilograms of rice, a large pot that is unusually big for people to take a bath, and a large piece of thin iron sheet, Lin Su No matter how you look at it, it looks like a big iron door that has been pressed thin, and it's just pressed...

"Are the materials enough? If not, you can tell me later!" Baoshan said.

"That's enough, that's enough...thank you, sir!"

Baoshan was relieved after hearing the first few words, but suddenly he felt uneasy when he heard the next four words: "Boy, why did you say thank you? Did you... have a premonition that this will be difficult to do?"

"Sir, please don't worry too much. This will definitely happen. It just costs you money and makes you run away again. This..."

Baoshan smiled and said: "It turns out it's just this, which shocked me. If this happens, I owe you... This is the treasure paper I gave you. It has my mark on it. You can write whatever you want." I can receive anything."

A stack of precious papers was handed to Lin Su's hand. There were hundreds of them!

No longer staying in Baoshan, after confirming that there was no shortage of materials, he wrote the word "风" and left.

He really didn't dare to stay longer because he was afraid that Lin Su would regret it.

It’s about the love of his life – wine.

It was related to what he wanted in life - the ultimate state of literary mind.

Merely low-end materials are really not worth mentioning to him.

As for Lin Su, he was overjoyed.

With these three thousand kilograms of grain, the Lin family's food crisis can be truly overcome.

After they had gone to hug the mountain, Mother Lin, who had been waiting anxiously but could not come over, immediately came over. As soon as she came over, she saw a pile of rice noodles on the ground, piled up into a small mountain.

She was shocked, what was going on?

Gift from Mr. Baoshan!

ah? Mother Lin's mind was filled with ecstasy. God testified, she was really not ecstatic about these rice noodles. Her ecstasy was that her son had finally succeeded in becoming a master. Only the relationship between master and apprentice could make Baoshan care so much about the Lin family.

Thank God!

Xiaotao, take out the incense and candles and worship your ancestors...

Lin Su lowered his head and entered the ancestral hall. "Mom, if you keep doing this, I will "lie down" again. To do something serious, you can sacrifice your ancestors. Are you really not afraid of making your ancestors "three highs"?"

After worshiping the ancestors, the sun rises three poles.

Mom spoke again:

"Get a bag of rice, a bag of noodles, and give them to... Girl Xue!"

ah? Come to help the world again?

Lin Su glanced at the second brother, who didn't react at all. Xiao Tao's reaction was bigger: "Madam, I will never say a word if you give it to someone else, but Xiaoxue... she deserves to starve to death!"

Why so much hate?

Because Xiaoxue and she were originally two girls who served the wife, and they had a pretty good relationship. They were the kind of best friends in modern society.

Great changes occurred in the Hou Mansion, all the servants ran away, including Xiaoxue.

Xiao Tao had no problem with others trying to climb a higher branch, but Xiaoxue's escape made her feel depressed for a long time, because in her heart, Xiaoxue should share the difficulties with the Hou Mansion. She could accept others running away, and Xiaoxue running, in her heart He was an out-and-out traitor, and she couldn't accept it.

The lady sighed: "Xiaoxue had no choice but to go back to take care of her father when he was about to die. She didn't want me to worry about her, so she hid it from me. Do you still remember the bundle of vegetables placed outside the door half a month ago? ? That was what she gave as a gift, and at that time, her father had just passed away, and she was still thinking about the Lin family..."

Xiao Tao was stunned.

Lin Su was also stunned. When the Hou Mansion was in trouble, he was used to seeing the world being cold and the people being cold and warm, but there were still some people and some things that warmed people's hearts.

"Mom, I don't know anything about Xiaoxue..." Lin Jialiang said, "I will deliver this bag of rice to her personally."

"It's better to find someone else to send it over!" Mother Lin said: "Erlang, Sanlang, from now on, you can study behind closed doors. If you need anything, let Xiaotao send it to you."

ah? Can't? This is a solitary confinement. Lin Su immediately used all his brains to think and quickly found a reason: "Mom, where will the second brother find someone at this time? Let me and the second brother deliver these rice noodles to Xiaoxue. "

Mother Lin's face suddenly sank.

Lin Su immediately added: "Children's knowledge is different from that of ordinary people. If you stay in a room and study, you won't progress much. If you walk around, you will progress faster. As the saying goes, it is better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books."

Mother Lin was silent. When it came to family law, she was the authority, but when it came to knowledge, how could a woman like her dare to speak?

Therefore, she has a good habit. As long as anyone speaks in an intellectual manner in front of her, she will agree with it. She is not very knowledgeable, but she particularly respects knowledgeable people.

Lin Jialiang murmured: It is better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books. The meaning of what the third brother said is profound and boundless. Mother, just follow him, and the child will come with him.

Well, you two, you must be careful. The Zhang family is very powerful. The Zhang Xiu literary world was destroyed yesterday, and they will definitely take revenge.

"Mom, don't worry about this. The child can carry the treasure paper given by Mr. Baoshan. If something happens, Mr. Baoshan will appear in just a moment."

Mother Lin frowned and smiled. How could I forget that my child is already a disciple of Mr. Baoshan? What a happy start today, Xiaotao...

Xiaotao took a step forward.

Mother Lin hesitated for a moment, oh, I just paid homage to my ancestors, but I forgot about it.

Depend on! Are you planning to pay homage again? Lin Su pulled his brother, picked up a bag and ran away.

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