Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 18 Kaiwen Road, Dielianhua

Lin Su gently patted him on the shoulder: "Second brother, don't worry, there is no grass anywhere in the world?"

"There are no fragrant grasses anywhere in the world..." Lin Jialiang's eyes widened: "Third brother, this is also a poem, right? It's really full of charm. Have you written a complete poem?"

Lin Su chanted casually: "The flowers have faded and are red, green and apricots are small. When the swallows fly, the green water is surrounded by people. There are few willows blowing on the branches. There is no fragrant grass anywhere in the world!"

Lin Jialiang chanted silently, his eyes bright...

"Third brother's poetic talent is really unparalleled! Although this poem does not conform to the rhythm, it is fresh, transparent and has endless charm. It seems to be a new perspective and opens another window of poetry... Third brother, you write Come down and write on precious paper!"

"Second brother, write it!"

"How can that be done? This is Third Brother's original poem. Wouldn't it be the most shameful plagiarism for a literati to write it for brother? Third Brother, come on, write it down!"

Lin Su sighed inwardly.

Second brother, you said that I am under great pressure, I have been plagiarizing!

I wanted to leave you a colorful poem, but you are too pedantic to break through the bottom line of literati. Okay, I'll do the work that breaks the bottom line! Anyway, I am the J girl who picks up customers. I pick up customers every time, and pick up customers ten times...

The precious pen is in hand, and the precious paper is spread flat on the rocks...

Lin Jialiang clutched the corner of his clothes tightly. There was no such poem in the world. This was a pioneering work.

People in the world say that it is easy to find a literary heart, but it is difficult to find a literary path. Why is it so difficult to find a literary path? It is because the so-called opening of a literary path is to find your own new path. There are many new paths, but each one is as difficult as reaching the sky. For example, giving Give a new interpretation to the saint's comments, for example, create a new literary genre...

The latter is even more difficult than the former. There are thousands of literati in the world. How many of them can create a new literary genre?

It is difficult for even a great Confucian-level figure to create one.

For example, Deng Xianchu, a great scholar of the generation, what he wants to do most right now is undoubtedly to create a new literary genre, but he cannot create it and is stuck in the extreme state of literary mind.

What is the third brother doing now?

He wants to create a new literary genre!

What does it mean if it succeeds? This means that if he one day steps into the Wenxin Realm, he can directly enter the Wenlu Realm in one step.

The natural chasm that others cannot cross does not exist here!

How terrifying is this?

The question now is whether to recognize this new literary genre or not!

Lin Su picked up his precious pen and began to write:

"The flowers have faded to red and green, and the apricots are small. When the swallows fly, the green water is surrounded by people. There are few willows blowing on the branches. There is no fragrant grass anywhere in the world!"

On the treasure paper, the ink stains are flowing, but this is only the original color of the treasure paper, and there is not even a trace of floating light.

Lin Jialiang's clothes were scratched by him, and his heart felt a little cold.

It’s over, I don’t recognize the Holy Will!

The holy will does not recognize this genre, so the treasure paper with the saint's will directly classifies this poem as a cursory poem without giving it any light.

Lin Su himself was actually a little puzzled.

Damn, there's not even white light. Saints and old men, are you really not afraid that Mr. Su will jump up and hit you on the knees?

Ignore him and continue: "There are swings in the wall, and there are people walking outside the wall. The beauty in the wall laughs, but the laughter gradually disappears and disappears, and the sentimental people are annoyed by the ruthlessness!"

Lin Jialiang sighed longly: "Third brother, although this poem does not fit the rhythm, it is so fresh and refined, and unique and unique. Why does it just..."

"Second brother, I don't call it poetry, I call it Ci! The Ci brand is called Dielianhua."

As soon as he finished speaking, the ground suddenly shook!

In the clear sky, a golden light suddenly lit up across the sky. At the same time, the poem manuscript in Lin Jialiang's hand shone brightly, and the colorful rays of light illuminated the river beach in mist.

On the golden avenue in the void, a line of large characters appeared:

Butterflies love flowers. In Baijiyuan, the flowers have faded to red, green and apricots are small. When the swallows fly, the green water is surrounded by people. There are few willows blowing on the branches. There is no fragrant grass anywhere in the world...

The sacred music sounded: On the Wen Road, a new door was opened, named: Ci, and the opening Ci brand: Dielianhua.

Lin Su's mouth opened wide, and Lin Jialiang suddenly knelt down, holding the manuscript in his hands with both hands, tears streaming down his face.

Thousands of miles across the sky, the holy sound instantly spread throughout the nine countries and thirteen continents...

On the top of a mountain, two people were playing chess, and one of them was Deng Xianchu.

He suddenly raised his head and looked up at the sky...

"Butterfly loves flowers. In Baijiyuan, the flowers have faded to red, green and apricots are small. When the swallows fly, the green water is surrounded by people. There are few willows blowing on the branches. There is no fragrant grass anywhere in the world..."

With a click, the chess piece at his fingertips shattered into powder.

"Who opened the great road of literature and art?" The road of literature is also divided into large roads and small roads. The holy music spreads hundreds of miles on the small road, and the holy music spreads throughout the nine countries and thirteen states on the big road. There are small roads every year, but how many times are heard on the big road?

"Du Tiange? Jin Yekong? Xu Jiangke?" The old man next to him said three names, all of which were great Confucians who had already entered the realm of literary minds.

"Die Lianhua. Baijiyuan! No matter who he is, he must have been in Baijiyuan just now! Go..."

A strong wind blew up, and the two of them soared into the sky.

On the outskirts of the capital, a beautiful woman was holding a silent Yaoqin in her hands, staring blankly at the sky.

"The flowers have faded to red and green, and the apricots are small. When the swallows fly, the green water is surrounded by people. There are few willows blowing on the branches. There are no fragrant grasses anywhere in the world... Who is it? Who can write such beautiful words? Who can penetrate the void thousands of miles away? My regards?……"

"Third brother!" Lin Jialiang hugged Lin Su tightly and spun around three times.

Lin Su sighed again, the second brother is really powerful.

"Third brother, you have not yet entered the literary world, but you have pioneered the path of literature first, and it is a road that is attracting attention from all ages... Let's go home, and mother has to worship our ancestors again... Hahahaha..."

He was as happy as a child.

Lin Su quickly stopped him, "Second brother, have you noticed a problem?" The Holy Sound only spreads the new path of literature to the world without mentioning the names of people. What is the reason?

No saint wants me to become famous in the world!

Glory is a double-edged sword. At this moment, I cannot bear the weight of fame.

Lin Jialiang stopped suddenly.

Yes, what a terrifying thing it is to open the road to literature. It has never happened in the entire world for hundreds of years. The third brother is currently just a small role, insignificant. With such a great reputation, it is difficult to live up to it. If he is opened to the road of literature, If something spreads all over the world, how many people will be dissatisfied? What is even more frightening is that the demons and monsters, which have been in opposition to the human race for a long time, do not want another literary genius to emerge from the human race, and will try every possible means to strangle him. The other eight countries don't want this genius to appear in the world, and will also want to destroy him.

"Third brother is right, this matter must be kept secret! Let's go home immediately..."

"That's not necessary, let's continue our journey."

The two picked up the bags and continued on their way.

Just after they left, two old men appeared in the sky, looking down at the surroundings. They were Deng Xianchu and his chess friend Wuyue Shanren.

"In Baijiyuan, there is no chance for a great scholar to appear." Deng Xianchu said: "There is also Baijiyuan in the ancient country of Nanyang. I heard that there is a mysterious great scholar who has lived in seclusion there for ten years. Could it be him?"

In a circle of rays of light, the two of them disappeared at the same time.

Just as Lin Su expected, the high-ranking Confucian figures had no eyes for the little ants underground. They would never have thought that the mysterious figure who opened the way for literature and spread the holy message to all directions would be a person under Baijiyuan. A person who has just gained his literary roots.

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