Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 31 Dajiang kills the dragon

"Thousands of people are crying blood to look at the king's master, and the princes in the court are wagging their tails like Luo City... The sorrow of the four countries, the sorrow of the people, the sorrow of the princes, the sorrow of the king, the sorrow of the country and the country!"

The writing ends here!

Lin Su slowly raised his head and put away his pen.

"On the Four Kingdoms" has 1013 words in total, written in one go.

There may be flaws in the writing, but he doesn't want to change it. This article may expose people's wounds, which is exactly what I want!

Lin Su gently raised his hand, grabbed the rattle above, and shook it gently to indicate handing in the paper.

The rural examination time is twelve hours.

This is worthy of three hours.

In the imperial examination room, there may be some people who submit their papers in advance, but there are almost no people who submit their papers in just three hours.

Because the imperial examination is so important, every word may lead to your failure. Who dares not to check for a long time to confirm that there are no flaws before handing in the paper? Even if the article itself is flawless, if you write it several times, you can still write it better.

There is no one like him!

The bell rings, the streamer rises, and two of his poems and one essay rise into the sky and disappear.

The door to the examination room opened, and Lin Su strode out and went down the mountain.

A hundred miles away, within Zhenjiang Prefecture, lies Thunder Mountain.

There was an explosion, a black shadow rose into the sky, and a monster covered in black armor sprang out of the ravine. The surrounding woods were shattered into powder at the same time, like a mountain collapsing and the ground cracking.

There was a flash of light in the sky, and a lyre appeared.

The strings of the piano merged together, and thousands of rays of silver light suddenly merged into one, turning into a huge sword that stabbed the man in black armor.

With a chirp, the man in black armor fell into the abyss, accompanied by a shrill roar: "Young lady, you are so brave. Do you know who I am? You dare to chase me across the Hundred Thousand Mountains!"

Suddenly there was a woman under the piano, it was Zhang Yiyu, the Daoist Flower of the Bishui Immortal Sect.

Zhang Yiyu said coldly: "I don't care who you are. If you dare to massacre twelve villages, even if you are the gods and Buddhas of the gods, you will become the dead souls under my piano!"

As soon as the sound fell, the piano shadows all over the sky suddenly changed, glowing with golden light.

Thousands of golden nets roll down into the abyss.

Under the abyss, the stream gushed out like an angry spring, colliding with the phantom of the golden strings, but it was divided into countless pieces under the golden strings. The golden strings reached the bottom of the valley, and the man in black armor roared again, crashing through the gap in front with a bang. , going down the river, there were traces of blood in the river. The blow just now obviously injured him.

But not fatal.

Zhang Yiyu took one step forward, and the lyre in the air fell at her feet, carrying her through the forest and chasing after her.

In front is the Yangtze River.

As soon as the black shadow entered the Yangtze River, it stirred up a huge wave of hundreds of feet. Zhang Yiyu arrived on the piano. Suddenly, a huge black dragon head protruded from the river. He opened his mouth and screamed. The powerful air wave instantly shook her far away.

Zhang Yiyu did ten somersaults in the air and suddenly found her position. Her eyes became as bright as swords: "It turns out to be an evil dragon!"

"Exactly! How can you control the dragon when it enters the water? I will keep you as my seven hundredth concubine!"

Zhang Yiyu's face suddenly darkened.

This evil dragon went on a killing spree in Shiwan Mountain, destroying twelve human villages and killing countless people. She chased it all the way, gaining the upper hand but could not really kill it. Now the dragon entered the water and borrowed the power of the water. His strength has increased greatly, making it even more difficult to kill him.

Torrents poured in from all sides, and the soft water turned into a mountain of swords. Zhang Yiyu shouted: "Dragon Domain?"

Dragon Domain is no small matter.

Only the royal family in the Sea Clan can use it. Once he uses the power of the Dragon Domain, the domain will be his home court. He can take life and death and no one can stop him.

This Jiao is just a Jiao and has not transformed into a dragon at all. Why can it use Dragon Domain?

The black dragon laughed wildly: "So, you have no idea who I am! Come on!"

The Dragon Domain suddenly closed.

The phantom piano at Zhang Yiyu's feet was in pieces.

Suddenly, she pointed her finger between her eyebrows and shouted: "How do you know who I am?... Yao Qin Wonderful Realm, open!"

A circle of colorful light centered on her eyebrows, spreading out like water. Wherever it went, spring flowers bloomed, and all the icebergs and ice swords in the Dragon Domain turned into spring water...

The black dragon roared wildly: "Flower of the Avenue!"

The power of the domain can be used by the sea royal family.

Experts in human cultivation can also use it.

The lowest starting point for exerting domain power is to break through the five realms! The realm of Daohua!

Lin Su had arrived at the riverside, and an old man looked at him blankly: "Young Master...Young Master, are you the student taking the exam today?"

"Yes, after the exam, old man, can you drive me across the river?"

The old man said: "The golden bell has only been ringing for three and a half hours since the exam started..."

"Yeah, that's a topic. Who can bear it for twelve hours? Anyway, I finished it early, handed in the paper early, and went home for dinner... What, is there a rule not to leave before going home?"

"How is that possible?" The old man said quickly: "Sir, please get on the boat. I will take you across the river right now..."

He roughly understood that the kid in front of him didn't want to take the exam seriously at all, just cope with it easily, or he didn't know how to do the questions at all. Anyway, he couldn't figure out the answer after staying there all night, so he might as well just leave the stall...

We see a lot of people like this, and most of them are from ordinary families. They can't bear the hardships, can't study, but can't stand the arrangements of the elders in the family, just pretending and coping.

The man in front of him was well-dressed, which basically matched his prediction.

After getting on the boat and leaving the shore, the boat rowed all the way to the east of the Yangtze River with the afterglow of the setting sun on its back...

Suddenly, Lin Su's eyes narrowed: "Old man, there seems to be a big wave ahead. Is there any other river beast?"

The old man stared intently. With his eyesight, it was obvious that he couldn't see that far: "Don't worry, young master, the Sea Clan and the Human Clan have always made an agreement that sea beasts will not enter the inland rivers, but ordinary river monsters, who dares to run wild under the Qiankun Academy?" ? It’s just Jiang Wu over there..."

"You are an expert in this!" Lin Su nodded: "Let's go."

He believed the old man, and the old man believed the old rumors. In the end, the boat rowed straight across the middle of the river. Lin Su lay on the boat, looking at the sky. The boat was sailing on the blue waves, and people were swimming in the painting. This Yangtze River is different from the Yangtze River on earth. The Yangtze River on earth is turbid, but the Yangtze River is picturesque...

Suddenly, the old man shouted: "What is it?"

Lin Su jumped up suddenly and saw a huge black dragon head in the river in front of him...

I C!

Dragon, who on earth sees a dragon?

Not a dinosaur, but a real dragon...

The black dragon head spit out black flames, like a sword of doom, piercing the sky. A woman in white flew away in the sky, spurting blood like rain.

A circle of the black dragon's tail stirred the clear water of the river, and the clear water suddenly turned into a river of black water. The night came early, and the small boat suddenly reached the top of the waves, and below was the bottomless abyss...

One moment, Lin Su was lying on the boat, watching the setting sun comfortably. The next moment, he was facing life and death.

His feet were fixed, like a nail firmly nailed to the ship's plank.

Even if the boat goes straight up to the top of the ten-foot wave, he will not move!

His hands moved together, and a precious pen and precious paper appeared in his palm!

Lift up the pen and start writing:

"How do you feel today? Starting a business is difficult and full of battles!"

The silver light from the pen rose and fell, and a desolate atmosphere suddenly enveloped the river.

"I'm going to Quantai to recruit old troops..."

The colorful rays of light suddenly covered half of the river, and in the rays of light, countless warriors suddenly appeared.

Zhang Yiyu, who was flying away, was shocked. War poem?

Who wrote war poetry? Or colorful?

The black dragon in the river was even more surprised. He suddenly found that his tyrannical aura was completely suppressed by the spirit of this war poem, and could no longer disturb the spring water of the river.

"Behead Yama with a hundred thousand banners!"

As soon as the last sentence came out, the atmosphere was endless, the colorful glow turned into seven colors, and a hundred thousand ghosts merged into one, raised the shocking giant sword, and slashed on the top of the black dragon's head with one sword. This sword, going forward indomitably, took the gods to block the gods and Buddhas to block them. The unparalleled domineering power to destroy the Buddha...

There was a loud earthquake, and the black dragon flew ten feet away, and black blood flowed across the dragon's neck.

It flicked its tail, and the boat Lin Su was riding in shot up into the sky and shot into the distance. He held on to the side of the boat tightly, feeling dizzy in his mind.

He verified two points. First, Marshal Chen's poem is also a thousand-year-old poem.

Second, his current strength is too low, and even with the colorful war poem, he still cannot truly kill powerful enemies.

If there is a third point, it is that the war poem is very overbearing. As soon as this poem came out, it affected his literary and military roots. His whole body was as limp as mud, and his brain was extremely painful...

The next moment, Lin Su's boat hit the shallow water of the river heavily. The boat was scattered in all directions. Lin Su and the old man fell into the water at the same time. When he emerged from the water, he saw the black dragon rolling and roaring in the middle of the river...

Oh my god, I really pissed it off, run away!

Not knowing where he got the strength, Lin Su ran all the way and finally landed on the shore and entered the woods. The grass behind him moved, and the old man with disheveled hair like a water ghost followed him. It's panic...

"Old man, what is this?"

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