Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 73 Old Taoist on the Roadside

Lin Suhui misunderstood and patted her head gently: "When I come back, I will bring you something delicious."

Something called hope arose in Xiao Tao's heart again, and Young Master touched me. He didn't bother me, and he even said he would bring me something. However, Young Master, Xiao Tao is not Xiao Yao, and he has no interest in eating. I'm more interested in being eaten. You'd better come back and eat me.

"And me! I want to eat the most delicious food..." Xiaoyao jumped out.

Lin Su took out a small wooden turtle and handed it to her: "Here, you can chew it if you can..."

Everyone laughed...

They set out on the road in a carriage.

The carriage was designed by Sister Chen. Although she has not dared to use any tricks or really do anything for many years, due to her professional habits, she still collected a lot of strange materials. This carriage is her proud work. From the outside Look, it’s just an ordinary carriage, but the inside is extraordinary.

The chairs are very comfortable, and there are places for snacks and tea next to them, and there is even a special compartment for wine.

The wine was stuffed in by Lao Zhou. He said that going to the state capital this time was not like Haining. There had to be some entertainment and etiquette. As the producer of Baiyunbian Wine, how could you not bring wine? Therefore, bring at least ten altars, all of which are the best.

Okay, okay, Lin Su accepted it, so he brought ten jars with metal bottles and beautiful shapes. Even if the car overturned, the wine would still be there...

Sister Chen drove the car in front, heading north along the avenue.

The car is motionless and has no vibration when rolling. This is another unique feature of this car.

In ancient stories, scholars went to the exams and faced many difficulties and dangers. They had to eat and sleep in the open during the journey, sleep in lonely mountains at night, and were robbed, killed and set on fire... Such things do not exist here. Relatively speaking, they are relatively rare. .

It's not a question of whether the folk customs are pure or simple, but that in this world, scholars are not soft persimmons, so they are not so easy to control.

Scholars are not weak. Those who are qualified to participate in the examination are all scholars. Scholars build the literary world. They are ten times more powerful and ten times faster than ordinary people. Even if they are not able to perform boundless supernatural powers with the power of literature, they are still just a few little idiots. Thieves dare to covet it.

Unless the one coming is Wuzong!

And how many of the mighty Wuzong are bandits?

Although society is fragmented and chaotic, public security can maintain a balance amid extreme contradictions. The principle is the same as in the beautiful country today. Everyone has a gun. If you dare to rob, I will kill you first...

Lin Jialiang closed his eyes as soon as he got in the car and muttered something silently. He was probably practicing his skills before the battle.

Where is Lin Su? If you don't have the time to spare, look at the surrounding mountains and the valley in front of you. Why are there no robbers? I have reached the peak of my martial arts again, and my flying knives are always in vain. I am very disappointed when you all don't show up...

"Don't worry, young master, this is an official road and there are no robbers." Sister Chen in front misunderstood. She saw Lin Su looking around and thought he was afraid of robbers.

"You think I'm afraid? I'm just looking for a chance to try my flying knife..."

Sister Chen chuckled: "My young master, you are already very weird. Don't go too far on this road. You are a scholar, you are Jieyuan, and your path is literary..."

"It doesn't matter whether it's a white cat or a black cat, as long as it can catch mice, it's a good cat... As long as no one dares to bully it, it doesn't matter whether it's civil or military."

Xiaoxue spoke: "Who dares to bully you? Whoever bullies you, you should seduce his daughter..."

At this point, Xiaoxue shut up urgently, covered her mouth and coughed...

Lin Su turned to her: "Xiaoxue, it's not good for you to do this. Is my character that bad? There are some things that can't be helped. Besides, I really didn't do anything to them. Overall, I'm still a human being. Good people..."

The two women laughed at the same time.

Yes, do you dare to say that you are not a good person?

Including the girls you seduced, don't they all say you are a good person?

However, this matter is not a matter of good or bad, but...

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew, and rain and fog covered the road ahead.

Chen Si was slightly startled. Something was wrong. The sun was clearly shining just now, but why did it suddenly become so foggy and rainy? I can't see the road clearly.

Lin Jialiang also opened his eyes and looked at the rain in front of him: "Why did it suddenly start raining?"

"You two gentlemen, we can't see the road clearly now, we need to stop..." Sister Chen said.

"Okay!" Lin Su opened the curtain next to him: "There is a room over there, let's go and take shelter from the rain."

"It's better not to do it. The young master is in the carriage and can't get wet even if it rains. It's a bit desolate here and the house may not be a good place."

"There won't be anything on the side of the official road, right? Besides, it's not a problem for us to be in the middle of the road..."

This is true.

Sister Chen followed his arrangement and drove the carriage slowly towards the house. It was not an ordinary residence, but a Taoist temple.

The Taoist temple is very small and dilapidated. In the mist, it looks even more dilapidated and desolate.

Lin Su entered the Taoist temple and suddenly felt a coolness that seemed to come out of his bones. He felt extremely comfortable. The violent storm outside seemed to suddenly disappear without a trace.

On the ancient Taoist platform, there are more than ten statues, all of which look like Taoists, but the top platform is empty.

Under the Taoist platform, an old Taoist slowly opened his eyes and looked at the four people who came in.

"Taoist Priest!" Lin Jialiang bowed slightly: "The four of us, Xiaosheng, encountered a heavy rain on the road and went to Guiguan to take shelter temporarily. Is it convenient?"

The Taoist smiled and said: "Wherever you travel, there should be people traveling on the road. Is there any reason for it to be inconvenient? Laymen, please!"

The four of them sat down on the futon in front of them. Lin Su looked around, a little puzzled: "Taoist Master, I don't know which ancestors are on this Taoist platform?"

He asked this question because he was very confused. He had entered a lot of Taoist temples, and the statues inside were all Sanqing. Even if there were other people, the position would not be in the center, and the statues would be several sizes smaller than those of Sanqing. .

But this stage is very strange. There are more than a dozen people on it, but there is no one who stands out. The more than ten people are all the same size.

Lin Jialiang was a little surprised when he asked this question. What does the third brother mean?

This is a Taoist matter. Wouldn't it be rude for you to inquire about it?

The Taoist Master smiled slightly: "Of course he is the ancestor of our sect."

"They...their faces are not carved? Is there something to say?" This is also a strange thing. These statues are all just outlines, with no faces at all, but their clothes and streamers are lifelike, and the lines on them are also The eyes are clear, the carvings on the clothes are meticulous, but the really important face is blank, which is very strange.

The Taoist said: "This is the rule of our sect."

This should be the end of the conversation.

Why do you still struggle with other people's rules?

Lin Su nodded: "There is another layer at the top, but it is blank. Who was it originally dedicated to?"

"Brother, you are not a member of the Taoist sect, are you?" the Taoist leader asked.

"Obviously not!"

"That's no wonder!" said the Taoist priest: "Who in the world of Taoism doesn't want to sit on top of all the sects? But who is qualified to sit on this high position? Therefore, above all the sects, there is only the way of heaven! The way of heaven is invisible!"

Lin Su completely understood!

Daomen has not yet been integrated.

The Taoist gates of the world are still in the process of competition.

In Chinese history, Taoist sects also experienced a long integration process. Each Taoist sect claimed that it was orthodox, and fought with each other until their brains were boiling. The eventual formation of the co-governance of the Three Purities was actually the result of mutual compromise between the Taoist sects.

In this world, Taoism has not yet reached that stage.

So, each one does his own thing.

Each Taoist sect only recognizes its own ancestor, but they also hold awe of the way of heaven, leaving a blank space above the ancestor for the invisible way of heaven.

"Although the young master is not a member of the Taoist sect, I think the young master has a lot of Taoism!" The old Taoist said: "How about the old Taoist tests the word for the young master?"

"Forget it, thank you, thank you!" Lin Su shook his hands: "To be honest, the Taoist priest said, this kid doesn't believe in Buddhism or Taoism, and his heart is not sincere. You will definitely be deformed..."

He really didn't believe in what God said.

And his subconscious told him that it was best not to touch these mysterious and mysterious things.

Lin Jialiang spoke up: "Master Taoist, my third brother is about to take the scientific examination, and I don't want to disturb my mind. But I, the young student, want to ask about a hexagram. I wonder if I would like to have a good hand?"

This is the difference between Lin Su and people of this era.

People in this era are superstitious. They must respect monks when they meet them. Respecting monks also respects Buddha, right?

Everyone likes to ask divination when meeting a Taoist, regardless of whether he is accurate or not...

The old Taoist turned his gaze to Lin Jialiang: "Okay, sir, please write a word."

Lin Jialiang raised his finger and wrote one word on the ground: door.

The simpler the characters, the more difficult they are to detect. This is a common practice in character testing.

why? The simpler your words are, the less room there is for deception.

The word "men" is a very simple word.

Lin Su was secretly amused. Second brother, you are not that pedantic. The old Taoist is going to give me a calligraphy test. I don’t know what his intentions are. Come and try his skills...

The traditional Chinese character for door is written as: 门.

"Gate!" The Taoist said: "The two peaks are opposite each other and they rely on each other. It turns out that the young master brothers are one civilized and one military. Their civilized power can determine the country, and their military power can stabilize the world. Congratulations!"

Lin Su and Lin Jialiang looked at each other and saw something strange in each other's eyes.

"That's not right, Taoist Master, my two young masters are both studying literature." Xiaoxue said.

Yes, even Chen Si at the door must be thinking like this.

Third Young Master Lin, Xie Yuan, is naturally a scholar of literature. If he does not study literature, the whole world will be dissatisfied.

As for the Second Young Master Lin, he doesn’t even have martial arts roots and can only go to the dark side on the road of studying literature. What does it have to do with martial arts?

The Taoist smiled slightly: "Wen Dao is naturally the one who measures calligraphy, but martial arts is not here in front of us. Young Master, but there is still a brother on the battlefield?"

All four members of the Lin family were shocked.

The two masters of civil and military affairs refer to Lin Jialiang and the boss Lin Zheng.

Nothing happened to Lin Su at all.

"So, where is this young master?" Xiaoxue was full of dissatisfaction. Mr. Lin, you actually ignored him. Do you know who you ignored? Saying it will scare you to death, Mr. Jie Yuangong!

The Taoist smiled and said: "Civil and military forces stand side by side, and there is still some space left behind. This young master must be the one who has left the space behind!"

There is indeed a blank behind the word "door", but the blank is also full of charm. Lin Su and his second brother had a strange feeling when their eyes met.

Chen Sida said at the door: "Taoist Master, can you test the good and bad luck on this road?"

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