Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 91 Wen Zhan Piaoxiang Tower (3)

The third one, Zhao Ji!

"On the side of the Yangtze River is the Piaoxiang Tower, where the pipa enters Zhongzhou..."

Lin Su's heart moved, yes, poetry is the most afraid of saying nothing, and Zhao Ji's poem describes the location and iconic events. In the future, the pipa will be popular in Da Cang, and this poem will follow him all the way. , in line with the characteristics of colorful poems. The so-called colorful poems have popular elements.

But it's a pity that the last two sentences of his writing collapsed!

The poem is completed, and the golden light shines!

A poem of golden light cannot become a color!

Jin Guang's poems were also good. The whole audience was in an uproar. Zhao Ji's face was red. Who would have thought that it would be him, Zhao Ji, who accomplished today's grand event in the poetry world? Under the spotlight, poetry has a golden light, and he can finally defeat Lin Su. As long as he suppresses him today, the haze of losing to him that day can truly dissipate, and his sky will be clear.

Four months later, he finally saw a glimmer of hope!

"What a poem!" Qiu Zixiu, who was as calm as spring breeze, also gave a rare high evaluation.

As soon as the golden poem came out, everyone below began to worry about Lin Su, but there was no trace of fear on this kid's face...

"Not bad!" Lin Su said lightly: "Go on!"

The next song is by Qin Muzhi.

"The autumn light enters Qamdo..."

Good poem, the poem is white light, it is another white light poem.

As the organizer, Qin Muzhi only wrote his own poems in white light, and was mercilessly crushed to death by Zhao Ji. He looked a little embarrassed, but Lin Su didn't speak, not even "continue".


The poems were read one after another, and the atmosphere below had already reached the G tide. Quzhou is really a place of outstanding people. In just half a day, ten good poems were written. Except for two that were slightly inferior and did not receive the Holy Light, the other eight They are all extremely wonderful, and the pipa is written from all sides, one poem with golden light, one poem with silver light, two poems with three white lights, and four poems with one white light.

A person below sighed deeply: "I only got to know Pipa noodles today, but I haven't had any Pipa poems in ten years!"

This caused everyone around to admire: "Young master, you should also come on stage. Your poem is quite good, maybe it has the Holy Light..."

He really felt it. Even though the pipa just appeared today, so many talented people are vying to write poems and write all the characteristics of the pipa, so that later generations will have nothing to write about when faced with this wonderful new instrument. Isn't it ten years? No more pipa poems?

"Have you finished reciting?" Qiu Zixiu said: "Only Mr. Lin and I are left. Do you recite first or me?"

"You go first!"

Qiu Zixiu said: "The temple is full of Buddhist music, and the pipa is busy in the city. How can I know calmness before I enter the world of mortals?"

As soon as the voice fell, golden light filled the ground. Suddenly, the golden light turned into colorful light, and the multicolored light enveloped the entire high platform.

There is a loud bang below, colorful poems!

There was actually a colorful poem!

Lin Su's calm expression finally changed, and he looked at Qiu Zixiu quietly.

The young man who just commented on the poem below sighed: "The temple is full of Buddhist music, and the pipa is empty in the bustling city. One is full and the other is empty. It is truly full and transcendent. It has emerged from the world and is in the mortal world again. It is worthy of a generation of prodigies and a generation of divine monks. Colorful As soon as the poem comes out, who can compete with me? I am lucky today, I am indeed lucky!"

Lin Jialiang's whole body stiffened. He once again experienced the charm of colorful poems.

For the first time in his life, he hoped that there were no colorful poems in the world at all.

He also saw the expressions on his brothers' faces on stage. His third brother was going to lose...

Lin Su said: "What a poem!"

Qiuzi Xiu said: "You shouldn't have roped me in."

"Yes, maybe you shouldn't!" Lin Su said: "With your talent, you can discuss poetry with me, why do you have to be my enemy?"

"Because you are too crazy!"

Ha ha! Lin Su laughed heartily: "Crazy? Can I be more crazy?"

Lin Jialiang raised his head suddenly...

Thousands of people in the audience focused on...

Lin Sudao: "Your poetry is good! But... no matter how good your poetry is, you can never compete with me!"

"Oh? Read it!" Qiuzi Xiu said.

Lin Su opened the paper in front of him:

"Beyond the Great Wall, the sound of autumn enters the Zechuan River. After several storms, I finally see you in front of the stage. I am still holding my pipa half-hiding my face. The three or two sounds of the strings are plucked by the rotating shaft, and there is emotion before the melody is formed. The strings cover up the sound and thoughts, as if He complained about his failure in his life. He lowered his eyebrows and continued to play the formalities, saying all the infinite things in his heart. He picked it up lightly, slowly twisted it, and picked it up again. It was prosperous at first and then disappeared. The big strings are noisy like the rain, and the small strings are like whispers. They are noisy. Miscellaneous bullets, big and small beads falling onto the jade plate. The orioles are saying something in the slippery bottom of the flowers, and the quiet springs are flowing under the ice. The ice springs are cold and the strings are condensed, and the condensation can never make the sound stop. There is no sadness and hatred at this time. Silence is better than sound. When the silver vase is broken, water slurry bursts out, and the cavalry protrudes with swords and guns. At the end of the song, the strings are carefully drawn, and the four strings sound like cracking silk. The East Tower and West Tower are silent, only the autumn water in the heart of the river is white..."

On the high platform, the folding fan in Qin Muzhi's hand stood motionless for some time.

Qiu Zi showed her always smiling face, but the smile suddenly disappeared.

The people below were so intoxicated that they seemed to be listening to the pipa music again from his poems.

This long poem has emotions, scenery, descriptions, and the poet's extremely keen insight. It can be said that it is truly a poem that writes all the pipa music. There is no other poem after this poem.

At the end of the poem, the colorful light bloomed from the high platform!

Poems become colorful!

Lin Jialiang jumped up: "Colorful poem!"

Countless people jumped up at the same time, tens of thousands of people went crazy.

The curtain suddenly opened, and the pipa girl hugged the pipa and bowed in front of Lin Su: "Pipa's meeting the young master is like a pearl meeting a beautiful woman by chance. Green Yi didn't know the young master before, but today she has a close friend!"

Lin Su helped him up with both hands: "We are both fallen people in the world, so why should we have known each other before when we meet?"

As soon as the two lines of the poem come out, they draw a clear picture!

The paper in front of him suddenly had a faint green edge...

"Oh my god, what did I see?" Everyone was shocked.

"Cyan luster, a poem handed down from generation to generation?"

Poems include cursive poems, white light poems, silver light poems, gold poems, five colors, seven colors, and seven realms handed down from generation to generation. The poems handed down from generation to generation are almost legends. Currently, there are only more than ten poems that have been handed down. Today, Lin Su’s poem " "Pipa Play" actually turned cyan when he responded to the Pipa girl's words with a poem.

The color of the eternal blue sky, the symbol of poetry handed down from generation to generation.

The poem was handed down to the world, and the earth was shaken and the sky was shocked!

But there is no holy light filling the sky as imagined, just because this poem only has a bit of cyan color and has not completely turned green, which shows that this poem has not really reached the level of being handed down from generation to generation, but has only stepped on the threshold of being handed down from generation to generation.

Stepping onto the threshold of being handed down from generation to generation is also a legend!

The whole place exploded.

Lin Jialiang's eyes widened and he held his thigh firmly with one hand. Was this a dream? The third brother almost passed on to the world...

In the Piaoxiang Building above, the fourth lady chanted softly: We are both fallen people in the world, why should we know each other before we meet?

This poem makes me want to cry. When you enter Huichang, you really feel lonely and degraded. I know you are my family’s biggest enemy, but why do I feel sad...

On the periphery of the crowd, a woman dressed as a man was also in a daze. She was the third young lady Zhou Yueru.

In the most high-end poetry competition, he defeated eleven people by himself!

He is the brightest star in Huichang.

He was once her husband-in-law...

Lin Su slowly raised his eyes and stared at Qin Muzhi.

Qin Muzhi had just returned from this poem when he suddenly saw these eyes, and his heart skipped a beat...

"Everyone, today's literary battle is over! Sorry, I won!"

Under the high platform, thousands of people cheered!

On the high platform, it's like mourning a heir!

No one could have imagined that today would end like this.

No one can accept this ending.

When they made the bet, how often did they think they would lose? In their cognition, it is impossible to lose. They write poems in advance, they choose things that they don’t know at all, and they have multiple insurances... In this case, they should definitely be foolproof!

So, their bets are all based on them winning.

They won, how to make him worse, how to make him unable to stand up, how to squeeze out his value to the maximum extent...

Their vision was beautiful, but unfortunately, the reality was so cruel, they lost!

Even the superb performance of a peerless master like Qiu Zixiu could not block his edge.

If you lose, you will be in big trouble.

The whole city was running wild and they were told to shout "I am a waste" ten times. How could they survive in Quzhou?

How else can they embark on the literary path?

"Everyone! If I shout three times, you will start to take off your clothes and run away. When the time is up, the literary world and the literary world will be destroyed. I hope you will not destroy your own future! One..."

"No!" Qin Muzhi shouted. As soon as he shouted, his literary world and literary world were suddenly shaken. Qin Muzhi was so frightened that he flew out of his wits. With a cry, his clothes were removed and he rushed out. After rushing out, the shaking in the literary world stopped. There was no damage, but a black mist enveloped him, and his brain was confused.

"I'm a waste..." Qin Muzhi's scream came from under the high platform, his voice hoarse.

Everyone on the high platform changed color at the same time and took off their clothes...

Some of the people below were amused, and some were horrified, watching helplessly as such a group of proud men who were supposed to be standing in the clouds turned into a pile of jokes.

In the blink of an eye, there were only two people left on the high platform, Lin Su and Qiu Zixiu.

Qiu Zixiu smiled faintly: "I once said that this bet is not fair. Brother Lin, do you know why?"

"Because you have nothing in common! You don't care about Ben."

Qiu Zixiu smiled: "Because I have nothing to say to others! It doesn't matter what you ask me! These two big bets are dispensable for me."

He slowly took off his clothes, folded them neatly, and walked down the high platform step by step with elegant steps. The beauties above all screamed...

Lin Su was stunned. Monk, he had to take a closer look. It was really amazing. All the four elements were in vain! Such people follow the saying of later generations: If a person has no shame, he is invincible.

On the high platform, Lin Su ruled the world alone.

He stood on the edge of the stage, with thousands of people below looking up at him, while on the street, eleven people were running at the same time, saying "I am a waste" one after another.

The talented woman below is crazy.

The students below sighed.

The girls in Piaoxianglou, who were used to seeing things in the mortal world, were intoxicated.

Today’s Huichang is named Lin!

Zhizhou Mansion, Qin Zhizhou's face was as sinking as dirt.

In the Zhou family, Mr. Zhou smashed the coffee table in front of him with a slap. Several girls stood far away, not daring to come over...

In Piaoxiang Building, a student looked at Lin Su quietly. His expression was normal, but a cold sweat broke out on his back.

He is Li Yezhou.

Li Yezhou took the high school entrance examination twice but refused to advance. He threatened to reject Hui Yuan. He has long been a legend in Quzhou. He and Qiu Zixiu could discuss poetry and essays all night long. They were mutual friends and their poetry was naturally outstanding. If he had been on stage just now , can also attract the cheers of countless people, and may also turn the poem into a golden light or even a colorful poem.

Just now, when Qiuzi's poems became colorful and became the center of the audience, to be honest, he felt a little regretful.

But now, he is extremely lucky.

Fortunately, he did not come to power. If he had come to power, at this moment, he would also be a member of the army running around the city.

He doesn't have the same state of mind as Qiu Zixiu. If he goes around like this three times, his literary world will be dusted. This time, he will lose the test before he takes it.

The position of Huiyuan that he aspires to win will miss him again.

The scientific examination is held once every three years. How many three years can there be in life?

If he fails again, he may never be able to realize his lifelong ambition.

It’s so dangerous, so dangerous!

Lin Su turned around and looked down: "Zheng Hao!"

Zheng Hao actually kept staring at him until his eyes finally focused.

Lin Su said: "I have said before that after the civil war, it is your turn! Come up!" Lin Su lightly hooked his fingers.

Everyone was shocked, what do you mean?

Anything else?

People who had dispersed on the periphery gathered again.

The relief in Lin Jialiang's head was instantly shattered, and he became nervous again...

With a roar, Zheng Hao soared into the sky. This shot went directly over the high platform. He turned in the air and landed on the high platform. He stared at Lin Su: "Does Lin Jieyuan want to compete with Zheng?"


"Haha..." Zheng Hao looked up to the sky and laughed: "Zheng is not a scholar of literature, so there is no need to compete in poetry. If you are interested, you might as well wait for me for a while. There are also people of literature in Yaoshen Valley. I will let ten of my family How about a competition with you, a young girl?"

Lin Su's suggestion to compete with him was inappropriate in itself, because you are a scholar, while he is a martial artist, and you, a scholar, are comparing poetry to a martial artist, which is purely self-deprecating.

And Zheng Hao refused to give up an inch of ground, even cutting and beating, and used his own ten-year-old girl to severely damage Lin Su.

Lin Sudao: "The reason why I fought with Qin Muzhi and Zhou Liangcheng in literature is because they are best at literature. When I fight with you, I will naturally choose the martial arts that you are best at."

Zheng Hao could hardly believe his ears.

"You... want to... compete with me in martial arts?"

The tens of thousands of people in the audience were all stunned!

In the Piaoxiang Building, the fourth lady suddenly turned sideways and looked at Xiaochu. Her eyes were extremely shocked, and Xiaochu was also dumbfounded: "Miss, he said he wanted to compete in martial arts!"

Zhou Yueru, who was on the periphery, frowned suddenly...

What's the meaning? What is this hateful person playing at?

"Zheng Hao, take a look. This is the contract I drafted. If you have no objection, sign it!"

Zheng Hao's eyes fell, and he saw a piece of gold paper in front of him, and wrote a few lines of large characters with a treasure pen: ...The two sides will fight with force, and each will live and die according to his destiny. The families and friends of both sides are not allowed to retaliate afterwards. Otherwise, if you violate the holy way, you will be punished by heaven and earth!

Lin Su has already signed. As long as he signs, the contract will take effect!

Zheng Hao held hands together and signed directly!

As soon as the words were signed, the gold paper shone brightly, and the words on it were revealed to the public, showing every detail.

The whole place was in an uproar.

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