Great Expert Ninja Recruiter

Chapter 1 - Nine-tailed chaos

“Wow … wow …”

A loud cry of the baby suddenly sounded, suddenly waking Zhang Miao in her sleep.

“How could a baby cry?”

The baby’s cry was so loud that Zhang Miao’s ears were a little painful. Listening to the cry coming from his ear, he frowned suddenly and opened his eyes slowly.

But he just opened his eyes and was shocked by the sight in front of him.

I saw a pair of men and women covered in blood in front of him. A huge claw penetrated the two bodies directly, and the front end of the claw was less than ten centimeters away from himself!

In other words, as long as the giant claw moves forward a little bit, the person being penetrated includes himself!

“What the **** is this? What the **** is this?”

While Zhang Miao was full of shock because of the scene in front of her, a girl with a crying voice suddenly heard in her ear.

“I’m sorry … Ryunosuke, Naruto, mom woke you up, sorry …”

Hearing this voice, Zhang Miao lifted her head slightly involuntarily, and looked at the other person’s face.

And when he saw the face of the other person clearly, his heart was filled with shock again.

“The wave wind and water gate! Vortex meets Sinai!”

As a loyal Naruto fan, Zhang Miao recognized the identities of the two in front of him at the same time. At the same time, he was familiar with Naruto’s plot and also knew his current situation.

Nine-tailed chaos!

In the 48 years of the wood leaf, the nine-tailed person was born in the column of the vortex vortex Sinai. When the nine-tailed seal was the weakest, Uchiha suddenly came with soil, and took the nine tail out of the vortex sinai body and wrote it in a kaleidoscope The round eye controlled it, intending to use the power of nine tails to destroy the Konoha Ninja Village.

Just when the situation was extremely critical, the four generations of Naruto stood up and performed the banned “ghost seal” at the cost of their lives, sealing Nine Tail in the body of his son Naruto Naruto and calming down Nine Tail. The chaos saved the village of Momiji.

This plot is both the opening chapter of “Naruto” and one of the later tears. Zhang Miao is naturally very familiar, but what he didn’t expect is that he now seems to be one of the parties.

Zhang Miao’s eyes were full of shock and fear as she looked at the huge claws near Jiuwei, and the wave wind gate and swirl swirling Xin Nai who had been stained with blood.

“They … this is to save me? But … why is this?”

As an orphan, Zhang Miao has suffered too much, so he understands the warmth and warmth of people better than anyone else, looking at the two desperately protecting himself in front of him, he is puzzled.

However, time did not stop because of Zhang Miao’s doubts. At this time, the intermittent sound of the wave wind gate also sounded.

“Yin Xinnai … It seems that we can not last long, it is almost time to launch the gossip seal. I also want to seal Chakra as far as possible on Ryunosuke and Naruto. I have to separate for a while. Any thoughts? Tell them what they are doing now! “

After hearing the words of Fengfeng Shuimen, Wu Xinnai looked at Zhang Miao again and spoke.

“Ryunosuke, Naruto, ca n’t picky eaters in the future, eat full every day, grow strong, remember to take a hot bath every day, and ca n’t stay up late, keep a good sleep every day, have a full sleep every day, and try to make friends Friends, it does n’t matter if you do n’t have many friends, it ’s enough to have a few trusted partners … ”

At her words, Zhang Miao’s eyes suddenly turned red, and two lines of tears flowed down the corners of her eyes.

As an orphan, Zhang Miao had never met his parents, and no one would whisper these words of concern in his own ears, so now listening to the words of care that Xin Xinna sent from his heart, this made his whole heart They all trembled.

“It’s just a virtual character in anime, it’s just a big pit dug by Kishimoto. It’s all fake, but … but why can’t my tears stop?”

Although Zhang Miao kept telling herself that her eyes were fake, they were all fictitious, and they were all tricks of anime to lie to tears. He even told himself that everything in front of him was just a dream, but at this moment, his tears were Like a dyke, can’t stop it.

Looking at Zhang Miao with tears in her face, Xin Xinnai, who was whispering, couldn’t help crying.

“Ryunosuke, Naruto, no matter how bitter or painful you will be in the future … you will experience a lot … keep your own pace … and have your dreams in mind, then put your dreams into practice, and have confidence in yourself, I still have … and … and … there are really many things I want to tell you, I really want to live with you … I love you … “

Hearing this, watching Miao Xinnai, who was still crying, Zhang Miao felt that her heart was shaking even more. While she was crying, she couldn’t help but clenched her fists.

Zhang Miao belongs to the kind of other people who treat him well, and he will take heart to others. The true feelings of Chen Xinnai made him feel a kind of affection he had never felt before, but this hard-won affection. , But it is about to be taken away, which makes Zhang Miao’s heart both sad and angry.

“Abominable Nine Tail … abominable land … abominable mass … abominable … abominable …”

The strong anger suddenly aroused Zhang Miao’s temperament. He forgot the fear at this moment. A pair of eyes slammed into the huge Nine Tail opposite him, and opposed it with four eyes. An angry look seemed to be going to tear a piece of meat from it.

Jiuwei also felt Zhang Miao’s gaze, and his blood red eyes flashed a little surprise.

“Sadness, anger, hate, is this the look a newborn child should have?”

Not only Jiuwei was surprised, but even Bo Fengshuimen couldn’t help moving after seeing Zhang Miao’s gaze.

“Yin Xinnai, the teacher from Talai also said Naruto will be the destiny of saving the Ninja world, but I think Ryunosuke is a very special child, but I can see from his eyes that he has something in his heart. Dark, and Nine Tail is a collection of hate, so I can only seal Nine Tail on Naruto, then I start. “

Hearing the words of the Feng Shui Gate, Sinai suddenly nodded while wiping her tears.

“I see … I’m sorry Watergate, as far as I can talk …”

Looking at the tearful cricket Xin Nai, Bo Fengshui Gate shook his head.

“No … it’s okay …” With that said, Bo Feng Shui Men smiled at Naruto and Zhang Miao, and said, “Naruto, Ryunosuke, what Dad wants to say is the same as your uncle’s mother -Gossip Seal! “

As the voice of the wave wind and water gate fell, the jutsu was instantly activated, and the huge body of Jiuwei turned into a huge red chakra under the effect of the seal. It was squeezed into the side of Zhang Miao like a torrent. In the young body, a black swirling seal was left on his belly.

The gossip seal is complete!

Jiuwei was sealed, and the wave of wind and water that had exhausted the last trace of power fell to the ground, losing its last breath.

At this time, the ape flying sun cut and other people waiting outside the enchantment quickly ran over, his face full of anxiety.

“How are you, Sinai?”

Looking at the anxious ape flying in the sun, Sinai suddenly burst out a smile.

“Three generations of adults, the red-haired is the brother, called Ryunosuke, and the blond-haired Naruto, they will entrust you.”

Hearing the words of Xin Xinnai, Ape Flying Sun Cut nodded immediately.

“Are Ryunosuke and Naruto? I see. I’ll call the medical class!”

Watching the ape Fei Ri cut, who was about to greet the hands, Sinnai shook his head, and then said intermittently: “No … no need, and … Watergate said that Ryunosuke has a dark heart in his child, so he works hard. You bother, thank you … thank you … “

The words fell, and people have lost their interest.

To this day, Zhang Miao also understands the “Dragon Nosuke” in the mouths of Bo Feng Shui Men and Xun Xinnai, and she is talking about herself. Because of this, she still remembers herself before she died. Zhang Miao I felt a cramp in my heart, and tears ran down like water.

“Are you still worried about me before dying? This **** dream is not to lie to my tears enough, enough … I don’t want to continue anymore, this **** dream, wake up quickly!”

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