Great Expert Ninja Recruiter

Chapter 785 - Spirit King

Chapter 785 Spirit King

In the shocked eyes of everyone, Shudoruo Qianshoumaru knelt toward Zhang Miao, and also shouted “Her Majesty the Spirit King”.

From this angle, her behavior has been betrayed.

But what made the remaining four members of the Zero Fan team puzzled was that the betrayed Shudoruo Qianshoumaru was not punished by the power of the spirit king. Instead, they were loyal people, but they were tortured to death and survived.

what is this? Could it be that we are wrong?

Seeing to feel their doubts, Zhang Miao smiled and opened her mouth towards Shudoruo Chitemaru.

“Shudoro Chitemaru, don’t be polite, get up, and tell these four guys by the way, lest they be killed by themselves!”

“Uh … yes, Your Majesty the King!”

After hearing Zhang Miao’s remarks, Shudoruo Qiantemaru quickly agreed, and then stood up.

After getting up, she said a word to the four people who were crushed by the power of the spirit king, “The former spirit king disappeared!”


Although it was only a short seven words, when the words of Shudoruo Chitemaru came out, the four team members kneeling on the ground couldn’t help but take a breath.

As the guards of the Spirit Palace, they know many secrets about the Spirit King. One of the most important is that the Spirit King cannot die, let alone die!

The spirit king does not die, because as long as the corpse soul world and the spirit king palace are okay, the spirit king will not die. Conversely, once the spirit king dies, the spirit king palace and the corpse soul world will be destroyed.

That is to say, the existence of the spirit king is linked to the corpse soul world and the spirit king’s palace, and their relationship is all glory and glory, all damage.

But the current situation is that the spirit palace is still there, but Shudoruo Qianshoumaru tells them that the spirit king has disappeared. In this case, there are only two explanations.

The first explanation-the spirit king is still alive, Shudoruo Qianshoumaru lied, she betrayed the spirit king!

The second kind of explanation-Shudoruo Qianshoumaru did not lie, the spirit king has died, and the young man in front of him is the new spirit king!

Obviously, the current situation will certainly not be the first, because it is not Shudoro Chitemaru who is kneeling on the ground, but the four of them!

“Although unbelievable, as it stands now, this person should really be the new Spirit King!”

Thinking of this, the four immediately put away hostility to Zhang Miao.

Strange to say, as their mentality changed, the huge pressure that had been on them also disappeared, which also made them more convinced of their ideas.

After the pressure on them completely disappeared, the four stood up slowly.

Immediately afterwards, a large, bald-headed, bald-headed man opened his mouth towards Zhang Miao.

“I have a question. What do you mean by” the recognition of the will of the world “?”

Zhang Miao recognized that the person who spoke at this time was a talker in the Zero Fans team, who was responsible for forging a soldier’s main unit of the “Baida”.

So after hearing his question, Zhang Miao immediately laughed.

“Oh, I shouldn’t have told you this problem, but I happen to be in a good mood now, let me tell you!”

Having said that, Zhang Miao’s expression gradually became serious.

“The so-called world will, in plain words, is ‘God’s will.’ How much world will you gain means how much one can go and how much you can achieve. Like you, you probably get one thousandth. The power of the world! “


Upon hearing Zhang Miao’s words, the members of the Zero Fan team presenting a surprised look.

But Zhang Miao didn’t pay attention to their expressions, but kept talking.

“Don’t feel less, even the former Spirit King has only 20% of the world will. I have more world will than him, so when I appear, he can only disappear.”


As soon as Zhang Miao said this, the members of the Zero Fan team were all silent, and seemed to be digesting what he just said.

About ten seconds later, one of the soldiers in the main body took a deep breath, and then knelt down on one knee toward Zhang Miao.

“One soldier in the main body of the soldiers, the royal family code: the real name calls the monk, sees His Majesty the Spirit King!”

His kneeling represented his recognition of Zhang Miao, and with him taking the lead, the remaining three also kneeled down towards Zhang Miao.

“Kirin Temple Tian Shi Lang, royal code: Lei Xun Tian Shi Lang, see His Majesty the Spirit King!”

“Wang Yue, the royal family code name: God of the sword, meet His Majesty the King of Spirits!”

“Dragging boat Kiryu, royal code name: King Valley, meet His Majesty the King!”

Looking at the four people kneeling down again, Zhang Miao smiled slightly and raised her hands towards them at the same time.

“Well, let’s all get up!”

“Yes, Her Majesty the King!” After hearing Zhang Miao’s remarks, the four agreed, and then stood up.

After they all got up, Zhang Miao turned her head and opened her mouth towards the stunned blue dye.

“Now you should know, why would I say that I am not here to attack, but to receive here?”

“Uh … I see!”

Hearing Zhang Miao’s words, Lan Ran who responded suddenly made a slap, and knelt toward Zhang Miao.

“Sinner Lan Ran, meet Her Majesty the Spirit King!”

“Hahahaha …”

Looking at Lan Ran, who was kneeling on the ground with a look of sincerity and fear, Zhang Miao couldn’t help laughing, and waved at him while laughing.

“Well, as the so-called emperor and emperor, you betrayed the former spirit king, but now that you are loyal to me, you can’t be guilty, so feel your changes now!”

As Zhang Miao’s words came out, Lan Ran felt a powerful force swarm into his body, and began to transform his bones. At the same time, his density of pressure increased.

Feeling his own change, Lan Ran could not only widen her eyes, but her face was full of shock and ecstasy.

“This … this is …”

After a few minutes, this change stopped, and the data of blue dye changed dramatically.

Life: Blue Dye

Sex: Male

Level: Zero Fan Team

Fighting power: 100 million

Note: A seemingly majestic, but in fact a captive poor worm that cannot leave the Spirit Palace.

It turned out that when using the power of the spirit king to transform the blue dye, Zhang Miao deliberately set restrictions for him, so that he had the same power as other zero-fan teams, but he could never leave the spirit palace.

Lan Ran himself found this out, but he didn’t mind, because for him, the Spirit Palace was already the apex and end of his life, and there was no need to leave.

So just after the transformation, he immediately opened his mouth to Zhang Miao with reverence.

“Thanks for the gift of Her Majesty the King, Lan Ran is willing to offer loyalty and everything to Her Majesty!”

“Haha, that’s good!”

After hearing Lan Ran’s words, Zhang Miao smiled again and waved at him.

“Go, as I said before, give the first order to the Jingling Court in my name!”

“Yes, Her Majesty the King!”

Hey, it ’s time to end. Each chapter is hard to write. There are two more chapters!

(End of this chapter)

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