Great Expert Ninja Recruiter

Chapter 787 - Ignorantly surprised (Fan Wai ending)

Chapter 787: Divine Marvel (Extraordinary Finale)

Under the personal leadership of the Zero Fan Team, the entire Jingling Court was running like a fuel-filled engine.

In less than a week, Shudoro Chitemaru completed the construction of the new Central Sixty-four Room, and the two houses Wang Yue also formally contacted with Barvent, and more than half of Barvent were grateful. Joined the corpse soul world.

At the same time, the Kirin Temple Tianshilang and the soldiers’ main body one soldier and the two soldiers also formed teams to the virtual circle and the present world, and began to send people into the two realms.

And Takazuki Kiryu was not idle. She was originally from the Twelfth Team. With the help of the science freak Nie Yingli, she has initially determined the spatial coordinates of the invisible empire, and began to move nearby people away.

All in all, although things are very complicated, with the “Leader” of the Zero Fan Team, everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

A month later, the Zero Fan team has initially completed the goals set by Zhang Miao, and has completed everything that can currently be completed. As for those that cannot currently be completed, they have also made every effort to prepare.

For example, Takazuki Kiryu, although she did not accurately locate the space position of the invisible empire, but she moved people in that area, and let the ghosts set up an intercepting enchantment to prevent others from entering.

After doing this, she returned to Ling Palace again and reported to Zhang Miao that she was ready to complete.

“Her Majesty, I haven’t found a way to enter the invisible empire, and I can’t even determine their exact location, so I can only follow your instructions and remove as many people nearby as possible.”

“Well, that’s fine.”

After listening to Tongzhou Tongsheng’s report, Zhang Miao nodded instantly, and her lips were also raised.

“As for the rest, leave it to me!”

After speaking, he stood up from the throne and whispered.

“Turn on Charm Two!”

With this thought together, the surrounding spirits quickly gathered towards him, and at the same time his body began to emit a dazzling light, just like a giant welding rod burning all over the body!

Seeing this scene, Tingzhou Kiryu, whose eyes were stinging, quickly covered his eyes with his hands, and at the same time showed a look of horror.

“This power … is even a few times stronger than Her Majesty the Spirit King … No, it should be tens or even hundreds of times!”

Tongzhou Tongsheng didn’t guess wrong. At this time, Zhang Miao, who was in the second state of the curse, was turned on, and his strength was indeed hundreds of times that of the Spirit King.

But Tongzhou Tongsheng didn’t know that it was not Zhang Miao who controlled this power, but Zhang Miao’s other consciousness!

At this moment in Zhang Miao’s inner world, one looks exactly like Zhang Miao, but her two eyes are blood red Zhang Miao, laughing loudly.

“Ha ha ha ha, I finally came out, Zhang Miao, Zhang Miao, do you know? You are a garbage, a waste!”


Zhang Miao didn’t speak, but just looked at the unrestrained self calmly in front of her.

Seeing him like this, the “Zhang Miao” standing opposite him seemed to have been insulted, and immediately reached out and grabbed his collar.

“You don’t know how stupid you are. You who own the system are the masters of the world. The purpose of the recruitment system is to eliminate the unbearable world. Just kill those stubborn guys and let them be recruited instead They can directly grasp the entire world of Naruto.

But what did you do? You obviously have the help of the system, but you have been shrinking your head. You did n’t even dare to kill Uchiha with soil. Is n’t that what you think? “

Having said that, he loosened Zhang Miao’s collar again and grinned.

“But it ’s different now, because I ’m here, as long as I kill you, I can replace you, and with the help of the system, let those who dare to resist me scream and mourn in the flame of destruction, Finally burned and burned, this is a refreshing life, ha ha ha ha! “


Hearing what he said, Zhang Miao still didn’t speak, her eyes were still calm, her complexion was still ancient.

Seeing him like this, he was laughing at another “Zhang Miao”, his smile gradually became awkward … and then gradually turned into anger.

“Damn, aren’t you afraid that I will kill you? Uh?”

Looking at his picture of shame and anger, Zhang Miao finally couldn’t help but laughed at the sound of “噗嗤” and at the same time worshiped him.

“Bajie, don’t make trouble!”

“Damn, who is the Eight Commandments?”

“Then … two dogs? Donkey eggs? Feces balls?”


Hearing Zhang Miao’s alternative name, “Zhang Miao” with blood in her eyes took a breath of cold air, and her trembling finger pointed at Zhang Miao.

“You … you bully me too much, I want to die with you …”

Just when he was about to say “endlessly,” Zhang Miao stepped forward and hugged him before he could finish speaking.

“Sorry, brother!”


After being hugged by a warm bear from Zhang Miao, “Zhang Miao” with blood in his eyes suddenly froze, and his original angry expression froze on his face.

At this time, Zhang Miao opened her mouth again.

“I was originally a helpless orphan. The only honor was the craftsmanship that my father taught me, and a little bit of cleverness, so my heart was really disturbed after crossing.

But I do n’t know why. Whenever I want to be lazy or give up, a courage rises from the bottom of my heart. I did n’t know what it was, but now I know, it ’s you, my brother who is always with me Thank you! “


After hearing Zhang Miao’s words, it was now “Zhang Miao” with blood in both eyes.

As another consciousness of Zhang Miao, he knew very well that Zhang Miao was telling the truth and sincere words, so for a while he didn’t know what to say, and could only remain silent.

But Zhang Miao had a lot to say, so she opened her mouth again.

“When I watched Naruto Anime before, when I saw Naruto’s last beastization training, didn’t he see his inner self in front of the waterfall? That is, his dark side. Actually, I went there secretly. I I want to see you, but I do n’t see it. To be honest, I am a little disappointed. “

Having said that, Zhang Miao smiled suddenly, and then exhaled a long breath.

“Whew … but now I’ve finally seen you. It’s really a pleasure. Whatever you want to destroy, feel free. Don’t tell me. I can accept it, why can’t I accept you? Well, because we are one, good brother! “


As soon as Zhang Miao said this, the **** “Zhang Miao” face changed again, but this time it was not anger or surprise, but a look of relief.

“Sorry brother, I’m afraid I can’t do this. You have passed the test of true God, so I should disappear.”

At this point, his body began to become transparent quickly. After a while, he became confused and even his voice became intermittent.

“So … this last blow of destruction, it’s up to you … for me … finally … to …”

With the last voice falling, he had completely disappeared, and Zhang Miao, who was in the palace of the spirit, opened his eyes and opened his mouth slowly.

“This blow was done by us together … good brother!”

Speaking, the light on him suddenly became more dazzling, and a huge light cluster with a diameter of one meter was condensed on his chest. This light cluster was still brighter than the light emitted from him, just like a small sun!

And when the center of this “little sun” began to produce black spots, the entire spirit palace began to shake violently, and it seemed to be on the verge of collapse.

Seeing this scene, Tongzhou Tongsheng suddenly showed a frightened expression, and both legs began to tremble slightly.

“Only by the gathered energy, the Spirit Palace is on the verge of collapse. How could there be such a terrible move? What the **** is this?”

When Qiu Tongtong’s face was full of despair, Zhang Miao had also completed the final movement and sang loudly.

“Spirit King’s Amazing!”

This trick was actually a flash of Zhang Miao after she reached the level of Shenxu, and her real name was “The Shock of Shenxu,” but Zhang Miao felt that she was shouting like “a shock of kidney deficiency,” and felt very ashamed.

In addition, now that he has become the Spirit King, he changed the name and changed it to “The Amazing Spirit King”, so that it sounded imposing and did not cause misunderstanding.

As he sang loudly, the “little sun” that had stayed in front of him suddenly turned into a comet with golden flames, broke through the space barrier of the spirit palace, and fell towards the quiet courtyard below.

Because the power is too strong, when it falls, the surrounding space is shattered, and wherever you see it, all are black cracks. Obviously at this time, the space of the corpse soul is in a state of collapse.

And just because of this state, a huge, frost-filled palace also appeared from the shadow of the quiet courtyard at this time.

Seeing this, Yamamoto Motoyuki, who stood in the distance, suddenly widened his eyes.

“Muffy, is this the Ice Palace of the Invisible Empire that Her Majesty the King is looking for?”


Hearing this question, one of the soldiers in the main body of the soldier standing next to him laughed immediately, “but it will soon disappear … with the destruction of the division division!”

It seemed to be responding to the words of a soldier in the main body of the soldiers. His voice had just fallen, and the “maze of the spirit king” that fell from the sky, like a little sun, directly hit the sky above the invisible empire.

“Hmm … click …”

With the sound of bubbles bursting and glass shattering, the space hidden in the shadow of the quiet courtyard instantly turned into pieces and disappeared.

In addition to this, Yamamoto Motoyagi’s heavy country did not hear any sound, as if everything he had seen before was an illusion.

However, he knew that this was not an illusion, because Tong Sheng Tongsheng had told him that in this ice palace of the invisible empire, there still existed the forces of Youhabach, the Knights of the Star Cross.

This is a combat team composed of 26 destroyers who have surpassed the captain’s death force. According to Kiryu Kiryu, they can easily destroy the quiet hall or the virtual circle.

However, such a powerful organization was destroyed in an instant along with the space in which they were located. Such a method made Yamamoto Yuanliuzhai heavy country feel cold all over the body.

“Is this … the power of the King of Death, the Spirit King? It’s scary!”

Even the mountainous Yuanyuan Zhai Zongguo had such an idea, let alone the others, all of them had their eyes widened, and many even stood unstable and sat down on the ground.

However, Zhang Miao didn’t know all of this. When he launched the “Wonder of the Spirit King”, the sound of the system sounded in his mind.

“Ding … Congratulations on completing the last step under the crown. The world will now obtain 100% of the world’s will. The world of Naruto and the world of death will begin to merge, and you will return to the world of Naruto before you came to the world of death. The countdown starts now. 7 … “

Listening to the countdown of the system, Zhang Miao’s mouth suddenly flew up, and her face also showed an excited expression.

“Finally, you can go back. You must advance the time of return. Don’t let me miss my own wedding. I also want to have a couple of beautiful wives with me!”

“No problem, rest assured, leave it to me!”

Zhang Miao grinned again when he heard the system’s “three safe combos”.

“Hey Hey……”

Just when he was overjoyed, the countdown to the system reached zero, Zhang Miao just felt that the eyes were dark, and the whole person instantly lost consciousness.

When he woke up again, he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

I saw a pair of men and women covered in blood standing in front of him. A huge claw penetrated the two bodies directly. Who was it not the whirlpool Sinai and the Wave Fengshui Gate?

Seeing Zhang Miao’s eyes widened, the whirlpool Xin Nai’s face suddenly showed a hint of guilt.

“I’m sorry … Ryunosuke, Naruto, mom woke you up, sorry …”

Zhang Miao:”……”

Sorry for your sister, it should be the system!

System your uncle, I asked you to set me the return time before marriage, but did not let you set the time for Jiuwei to attack Koba!

Hasn’t Hina been born yet? Are you mentally retarded?

When Zhang Miao scolded the system as a dog in her heart, Vortex Sinai also opened her mouth again.

“Ryunosuke, Naruto, ca n’t picky eaters in the future, eat full every day, grow strong, remember to take a hot bath every day, and ca n’t stay up late, keep a good sleep every day, have a full sleep every day, and try to make friends Friends, it does n’t matter if you do n’t have many friends, it ’s enough to have a few trusted partners … ”


When he first came to Naruto, Zhang Miao’s mentality exploded when he heard these words, but now he heard it again, but the corner of his mouth could not help but twitched twice, and then commanded toward the system in his heart.

“System, I want to return!”

“No, under the crown, return is not what you want to return, you can return when you want!”

Facing Zhang Miao’s request, the system immediately rejected him.

“And now it is a period of integration between the two worlds, all actions that interfere with time and space are prohibited, so under the crown you should be back, I am going to sleep, maybe wake up again in ten or eight years, I wish You have a good game, bye! “

“NO !!!!!”

(End of this chapter)

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