Great Novelist

Chapter 154

Nothing lasts forever (1)

He was at sea. It was the sea that came on the subway. A small seagull passes overhead. It may be the seagull’s offspring that you saw last time you were young. The water was out there. I wanted to see the water fill, but it was a little late.

He walked a little closer to the sea. Being late is not only bad. Thanks to this, I could see the little crabs coming out of the hole and moving around. In the passage of the crab, a round block of sand covers the ground. It’s a trail of crab meals.

I picked and ate the organics in the pearls and laid them near the habitat pit. The lobster has the nickname “janitor.” The clumps that looked like poop from something were actually cleaned sand. I was jealous that the act of eating and spitting had a very good effect on the planet, unlike myself.

C. Just eating and spitting can create this beautiful circle.

I stepped on a bunch of sand for no reason. Crabs didn’t care at all. It reminded me of a conversation I had with South Africa a few days after sending a translation manuscript in Australia. As soon as he called, he said:

“Very good. ”

Over the phone, a smile of gratification rang out for a while.

“I had a whole meeting today. Your translations were very good, as were the rest of the department. ”

“Is that so?”

Nam-Kyung said in a commotion.

“How the hell did you do this coin translation? Their culture feels very close. It’s like Bibimbap in tacos. Just my taste! ”

Bibimbab-flavored tacos. It was an ugly metaphor. I was doubtful that the compliment was right.

“This translation will be compared to the translation of Kelly Coin forever and ever. If you want to feel Kelly Coins, check out the coincidence translation! I’ve already made the main copy. ”

“It’s so glamorous. ”

“No. Perfect. ”

Nam-Kyung said decisively. Then, I barely got to the point.

“So, I originally decided to publish four books earlier, which were supposed to be the last of Kelly’s Coin Collection. ”

He replied that he knew because it didn’t matter whether it was late or fast.

He comes out and sits on any rock. He was currently writing six volumes of divine language. It’s only a matter of time before they meet God.

He recalled the words of Hyundai. He said it was new, that he was reading his own book. I was completely unconscious. I wanted to write better. So I came here. Check start and end.


You hear a greeting. He looked back. Under the rock, I saw an old woman with a lot of waist. She was a grandmother selling sounds.


Later, he also greeted her. She said.

“Get me some conch. ”

She didn’t seem to remember her. He nods in a familiar mood.

“Yes, please. ”

“I’ll give you a lot. Student.”

“Thank you.”

You take the paper cup. It’s full of conch. I picked one up and took it to my mouth. Boom. There’s the egg blind. The old lady walked past the rocks looking for another customer. He glanced at his waist and was relieved. Changed, but not changed. Sky

The sea was still separated from the sea, and the grains of sand were small. It was before the beginning of the story, but now it stands where the end is visible.

Boom. I ate a conch. The phone rang. I was wondering if it was the penis again, but this time it was from a rose. I wanted to have a peaceful time, but the world was still busy.

He picked up the phone with a paper cup in his hand.


“Forever is the writer. ”

It was calm but an unstable voice.

“What’s going on? ”

“Well, I don’t know where to start. ”

Somehow, it was giving off an embarrassing color. No, it seemed more urgent than embarrassing.

“I got a call today. The phone call for you. ”

It was nothing special. There are many people in the world who are curious about coincidence and eternity. What made her so urgent?

“He said he was a middle school student. ”

Rose told me who the other person was.

“My brother is sick. He’s got leukemia. He’s in a lot of trouble. ”

The relationship with the parties and the specific cause of illness were also disclosed.

“But he’s your reader. ”

“Coincidence? Eternity? ”


The language of God. The voice of the rose is a little lower.

“My brother wants to know the end of the book. It’s my brother’s wish.”

“Is that so bad? ”

“I don’t know the details, but he doesn’t have the time. ”

We are running out of time. He looks at the water of the sea that is far away.

“I think I should talk to the writer first. ”

Roses silently asked the doctor. There is a reader about to die. The reader wanted to know the end of the article. He remembers his manuscript. It was the end of the road, but not the end. The most recent issue was language support. Meanwhile, meet Kelly Coin and translate

Focused on the task. Now I’m writing the next book. Books take time to make. A brother who has no time will probably die without reading the last book.



“I’ll go deliver the manuscript myself, since I don’t have it. I’ll tell him the end of God’s language. Please make an appointment.”

Even now, the rose quickly regained consciousness due to the Lord’s swift decision.

“Yes. I’ll contact my guardian and make an appointment right away. ”

The phone is disconnected. He wakes up. I walked to the subway station. I had to go back to make a promise I wouldn’t know when I’d be caught. I recalled the story I just heard.

A middle school student called the publisher. Roses would have answered the phone as always. Yes, hello. I’m Dongbaek Publishing. How can I help you? The other said my brother is in danger. I need help.Rose is embarrassed. The other said again. My brother.

is a fan of writers forever. I love the language of God. I’m obsessed with the people out there and the world. While I was reading, I had hope. He said he would never die until he read the language of God. And then yesterday it got worse. My brother…

I want to do something for my brother. Forever tell the writer. Listen to my brother’s wishes. Roses feel a sense of urgency in their voices. I asked for the guardian’s number. The student recited the number. Seriously, the student was doing it for her brother. Opponent

The room said we don’t have much time.

He runs. He’s out of breath. While translating, the exercise I had put off writing caught my ankle here. He thought about the weakened lung function again. Let’s start running again every morning when we get back.

I came to the subway station. I thought it might be quicker to take a taxi after coming. He had to think and choose which path to take to get there faster. It’ll block the way, but the cab will be faster. No one told me the right answer. What choice do you have?

It doesn’t tell you if it brings God’s desired outcome.

The phone rings. He swallows a dry saliva and answers the phone. Roses.

“I’m sorry, Writer. ”

My heart beat violently. I’m running out of time. I hear voices I’ve never heard before. It reminded me of the sea that disappeared. It was a little late, but I could see a different scenery. It was not a bad scene. How about this time?

“He’s lying.”

I don’t have time. I heard voices at that moment.


“I should have checked first, I’m sorry. ”

“· · · · · · · Yes? ”

“The student lied. I just got off the phone with my guardian. ”

I finally heard the voice of the rose. Her voice was different than before. There was no embarrassment or urgency. You feel no tremor. Just panic and sorrow remain.

“A lie.”

The truth slowly came out of his mouth.

“Yes, you and your grandmother live together. I called him, but he didn’t answer at first. I just got off the phone with him, and he’s dead and his parents are gone. ”

The rose blurred the end of the horse. No, not time, my brother and my parents. A lot of swinging has gone down. You hear the wind falling from your lungs. It’s ridiculous.

“I’m so sorry for the confusion. Writer.”

“No, that’s okay. ”

If it weren’t a lie, her swift delivery might have illuminated. It was an unfortunate result, but I was not angry. I calmed down the rose that repeatedly apologized with a slightly dazed mind and hung up the phone.

It’s quiet. People walk down the street, not looking at it. The smell of the salty sea fades. I stood there for a while, then I got on the subway and returned home. After washing, I came into the room and lay down in bed. It was time to sleep.

“That’s weird.”

I’ve been thinking about it ever since I was on the shaking train. Strange. I lied and left a number. It’s not a fake number, it’s the phone number of your real guardian, your grandmother. I confess, I lie on purpose, I confess on purpose. Because you want to get mad? I was wondering if you were interested.

Then there must have been another way. Why did he have to be a publisher? Forever? A question mark floats in my head. Sister. Grandma. And a mysterious opponent.

I stared at the ceiling dazed. I couldn’t sleep. So I got up. I didn’t try to sleep under the influence. I kept thinking. I kept guessing. I picked up a paper and pen. I wrote down what I thought until the day came. One, two. The paper was filled up. His head was that lighter.

Early in the morning, he called Rose.

“Yes, sir. ”

Rose got a call shortly. He immediately got to the point.

“What happened to the student? ”

“Oh, I was going to call you. ”

Rose told me what happened after that.

“My grandmother wanted to come and apologize in person. ”

“As a publisher? ”

“We, if you don’t mind, would like to move on. ”

Of course, the publisher doesn’t want this to go to waste. The incident was neither prolonged nor materially damaged. Prank calls are common and the writer was not angry. It would be nice to make a noise around coincidences and eternity to win.

There was no.

Normally, it would have gone away, but this time there was something I wanted.

“I’ll take it.”


“Apologize. I’ll take it. So make an appointment. ”

“· · · · · · · Yes? ”

Rose was embarrassed and apologized.

“I’m really sorry again. I should have been more discreet, but I was embarrassed and I showed you a bad picture. I’m not going to do this again. ”

I spoke lightly to her who misunderstood and apologized.

“I told you it was okay. I just want to talk to the students. I don’t feel good. ”

It was a decision I made after thinking about it all night. Let’s just meet in person and ask.

“So tell your grandmother it’s okay. I’m sorry for making you come all this way for nothing. If I can meet the person on the phone, I’m satisfied. What can I do? I can talk to him myself. ”

“Uh, yeah. I understand.”


I got out of bed after I got off the phone. It was time to go to school.

Nothing lasts forever (1) The end

lim Han-baek

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