Great Novelist

Chapter 162

You in the Book (2)

“How was the preliminary? ”

Spring asks. After school, he looks at her without lowering his bag. Spring was looking forward to it.

“Of course I did. ”

He lived up to that expectation. Spring smiles widely and texts someone right away on her cell phone.


“Yes. And jewelry there. I asked you to let me know, because you’re the first one, and you have to put the first button in. ”

Suddenly, I became the first person to go to a pertussis again. Australia was a result of last night’s work. No contact from the bibliography. I thought maybe it fell off, but I kept it quiet. Spring said, lowering her phone.

“Gems were especially looking forward to it. ”


“This is the first time. ”

He remembered that day. Teacher Moon asked jewelry. Are you going to be in a pertussis? The jewel thought for a moment and replied. Yeah, I’m going out. That was all. She made a simple choice. No one threw up on her choice.

“Have you decided where he’s going? ”

“Not yet.”

“There’s no rush. ”

“I don’t think I have a good feeling about this. We know it’s confusing at first. ”

Australia was relatively sure of its selection criteria, but others did not. Spring said as if she knew the heart of jewelry well.

“He said he’d never go where you’re going. ”

At the end of spring, he laughed.

“That’s awful. Everyone’s avoiding me. Don’t you think you’re overreacting to bombs? ”

“I’m sorry, but I don’t want to run into you by accident. ”

It was a lightweight sentence, like a code. Spring said with a big smile.

“So you come home with the gold statue and cheer for the jewels. ”

“It has nothing to do with gold and jewelry. ”

“Well, of course it does. I want to be able to stand up for myself when I see the proud appearance of my respected senior. ”

“I admire you. ”

“Every time I look at you, the jewels sparkle. ”

At that point, he looked at spring.

“Why don’t you do your part? ”


“Yeah, you guys are close. The cheer of a close friend won’t be more powerful? ”

Spring is a little embarrassed. Then he replied with a smaller voice.

“· · · · · · Don’t burden yourself. ”


I didn’t mean to burden you. It was spring when I asked him to name one of the most prolific writers in the book. You must all keep your mouths shut so that you may answer. She is now ready to write with all her heart. This pertussis will give her confidence.

Hopefully, he asked her.

“You’re a Qualifier now, aren’t you? ”

“Yes. It’s my turn if you come at all. It’s the second time.”

“Where did you go last year? ”

Spring nods quietly. She’ll be preparing her own way.

“Easier than last year, right? ”

“A little bit. A little bit. ”

Spring said, showing the very tip of the nail. He tried to show me a little bit of what he said. It was a straighter face than before.

“Guys, I’m going to walk the phone. ”

At the voice of the small captain, a small number of children came to the front desk to pick up their cell phones. He also got up from his seat and a small vibration rang. I looked at the screen. It was a notebook. I realized that was the news I had been waiting for. I checked the contents with quick movements. There.

Only two letters were written. Passed.

“What’s the matter? ”


Spring, who gave up her cell phone first, looked at him and asked.

“Why are you smiling? ”

He said, staring at the screen.

“I have a friend who meets my expectations. ”

He made an appointment with him.


“I see a field. Is that fertilizer? ”

It wasn’t far from Seoul, but it was a rural atmosphere. Especially this university. The smell of collected fertilizer vibrates. Australia and Seongpil entered while looking inside a large university. In addition to Australia and the Bible, there were students.

He appeared to be a student who came to participate in the same monologue. The gathering place was a cathedral called the Garland Convention.

“The air is good. ”

He said, taking a deep breath. After breathing such clean air, you realize how frustrating it is to swallow air.

“This is a good school. I like it.”

The scroll asked what Lord had said.

“How are your grades? ”

“That’s a very realistic question. ”

I passed the bank trees standing side-by-side on the road.

“Are you going to college? ”

The conversation that I thought was over continued. The scroll looks at the approaching giant building and asks. A university that is a natural target for students. The student was able to understand his voice when he asked with confidence.

“I don’t know.”

“Aren’t you coming? ”

This time it’s a speech that weighs on a vague possibility. Australia also looked up at the huge university building.

“I haven’t decided yet. ”

“You haven’t decided yet. You mean you might not want to go? ”

“Maybe not. It’s not mandatory.”

“They say it’s mandatory, but not mandatory. ”

He looked at the scroll.

“Why do you ask if it’s necessary? ”

“That’s it.”

“Isn’t that because you have a choice? ”

I looked around. It’s a peaceful university. A university in the sport. The gaze of seeing this university will be different. So there’s a collision. Conflicts arise. Anyone who wants to go to college, anyone who doesn’t want to go, and anyone who doesn’t want to go but needs to go. Everybody’s coming up with something.

I was fighting.

He was living a second life, but was still often confused. No one knows the consequences of choice. So you don’t have to be afraid to criticize your choices. You don’t have to be afraid of their ridicule.

“Then what should we do? ”

“What difference does it make? I just keep thinking about it, and then I make a choice, and then I’m responsible for it. ”

“What if something goes wrong? ”

“It’s okay. We can go back out there. ”

He said in front of other buildings.

“It wasn’t a scaffolding, it was a public office. ”

“· · · · · · · You came in wrong. ”

“Let’s go back.”

“Do you have a minute? ”

He checked the time and said.

“Yes, there’s plenty. ”

The two of them eventually looked around at the large university and barely entered the garbage can.

“I would like to announce the topic of the seventh edition of The Hundred and Hundred Pages. ”

A middle-aged woman who introduced herself as a literary and professor said, one of the college students sitting next to her manipulated the computer. Soon, three topics came to mind on the screen that was down in the middle.

“Challenge, umbrella, courier. ”

The topic was recited in her mouth again. He looked at those words for a moment. Let’s take a theme and write. I was thinking for a long time, but I felt a hot look behind me. I turned my head slightly. Behind the diagonal, there was a notebook. It was the opposite of last time.

“Then you can write anywhere in the university. ”

Then I heard a strange sound. I shouldn’t be writing here. He quietly cheered for the fact that he could escape the diagonal line.

“Two hours from now. You can write and come back here. Please note that the handout you just handed out has directions to the university, a precise time and place of submission. ”


Some children responded reflectively. The professor started talking to the assistant instructor, and the children left the garbage can. He saw the manuscript and handouts in his hand. The handout contained detailed directions, end times, and place of submission, as the professor had said. Awards Ceremony Time and

I also saw a place. A few lines of caution were written down below. As I was reading it, the scroll spoke behind my back.

“Use it here? ”

He raised his head.


“I’m going with you.”

It’s a direct thing.He woke up from his seat.

“Now that you’ve got all the space in the world, you need to get out. ”

“Where are you going? ”

“We went to the wrong place. Bank tree path.”

Sometimes the wrong way in helps like this. I read it once, so I learned how to get from there to the fork tube. I know how long it takes to move.

The scrawl nods strongly to see if you like the offer. Even though he was a burden, he left the Garlic Tube with a narrow piece of paper and penmanship.

“I knew there was no one here. ”

The bank tree comes to the end of the road, which stands side by side. The air is clear. I can barely smell the fertilizer I smelled on the way in. Most students would have turned their feet towards the intense aroma in the middle. Thanks to this, it was only Lord and the scroll as if it had been rented. You can see it across the street.

No one came out of the building that was mistaken as a ram tube.

“There’s an octagon or something. Let’s go. ”

He walked to the garden inside. Flowers were planted on the flowerbeds. It seemed like a resting area. There were several benches as well as octagons. He and the bible took their place. He chose a bench in the middle of the walkway. Near

It was not too far away. Through the grass resembling a reed, I could see the face of the scroll. He thought he could concentrate this much.

“Then let’s use it. ”


That was the end of the conversation. The scroll moved diligently for a moment, studying the Lord, but soon it came to centuries. He was someone who couldn’t do two things at once. He recalled the topic he had received, feeling liberated from his gaze. Challenges, umbrellas, couriers. Do what?

Let’s see, what kind of story do you want to write?

The scribe said he would make himself a character in the interview. He sensitively recognized the difference. Very little difference between you in the interview and yourself in the face of him. The scroll found a very small difference. Like he said, maybe you’re closer to the author in the interview.

I think I would have. The man who resembled the monkey was the writer’s favorite.

The bibliography read its own articles. It’s not a coincidence, but it’s a coincidence. Moon Ye’s deputies chose a path away from the same contest as themselves. But he’s excited to be one. When I saw the coincidence, my goal was to become a rival. Unwarranted Confidence in Australia

God has answered. Even if he knew he was a coincidence, he would accept himself for who he is. I want to meet him as a writer and a great writer. The Lord empowered his hand with a pen. Then all you have to do now is write. Focus. With all your heart.

“Let me use him, too. ”

Challenges, umbrellas, couriers. He chose a challenge. It was a word that resembled the scroll that the other person was moving forward without any fuss.

I imagined a bank tree. A tree with a huge base. A tree that climbs without knowing the sky. Do not avoid thunder and woodcutters. It is a tree that keeps its place and survives to the end to become a resting place for people. And the tree that feeds on the earth.

Always standing there with dignity. There are people running regularly in front of that tree every morning.

They get angry at the trees. Ignores and leans. I admire it and envy it. Trees realize that when they are born as one human being, they form groups, give birth to children, and eventually die. Walk in front of trees regularly every morning

It was a challenge for them. Living a day itself was a noble challenge. I realize that the tree itself is taking on the challenge.

He moved his hands calmly. I wrote the letter down. The octagon is quiet. No cars, no people pass by. Flowers were planted on the flowerbeds. Next to him was a row of bank trees. I thought while writing. Maybe now the bank tree is over its shoulder.

You may be reading.

I focused. No one interfered with my writing until I finished it all. It’s probably because of the trees surrounding the area.

The End of the Book (2)

lim Han-baek

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