Great Novelist

Chapter 77


And Xian came from the head of the ball today.

A total of two cyans used one with a red background and two with a grey background.

The words “the cry of coarse writing” were written at the top.

The team leaders of each department gathered in the meeting room took the issue seriously. I couldn’t help but worry that it was a coincidence. In a somewhat tense atmosphere, the editor spoke first.

“I think I’ll be okay in one. The red color is intense, so it’s noticeable and matches her mood. And the white cloth in the illustration. ”

Nam-Kyung was thinking the same thing, so he nodded quietly.

Then the chief of sales opened his mouth.

“I’m throwing a vote in two. The most intense emotion I felt when I read this book was regret. A lonely aftertaste. I think gray is better than red. As long as the name is coincidence, I think the cover is a little calm. ”

Hearing his words, Nam-Kyung nodded again. He had a point.

“I like it better inside. ”

Song said.

“She’s the protagonist of the book. I like the implications of her ending. Stand out. ”

“That’s right.”

The editor agreed. It was important to stand out. The marker should stimulate vision. Even though the difference in coverage was soon a difference in sales volume, it was not a big deal.

In that regard, is within one better? When Nam-Kyung was thinking that way, the blind editor raised his hand.

“I like the inside two. As Chief Seo said, the title” The Next Incident “will suffice. I think it’s more gray than red. ”

“Yes, but the main character in this book is her. Overall, what’s closer to the center of the story is something like eye one. ”

Song’s editor protested. The blind editor pondered and looked at the two cyans sitting in the middle of the desk.

Meanwhile, the editor and the chief of the book opened their mouths.

“Wouldn’t loneliness be enough just for the content? The role of the cover is to lead the reader to loneliness. In that way, the first one is better. ”

“You should not ignore the ability to represent the atmosphere of the book. ”

“Isn’t red enough to represent her role? ”

“People matter, but you can’t ignore the feeling of regret. ”

“Still, I think catching the eye is red. Illustration and harmony. ”

“Coincidence is already catching on. ”

“But you can’t do it with a plain cover. ”

“It’s not as irritating as the red one, but it’s hard to concentrate. ”

We exchanged words, raising our fever. The landscape was familiar.

The penis takes a nervous glance at the two cyans. Inside, a white cloth flares against a red background. Inside, there was an empty chair and a bird on a gray background.


Birds appear in the sound of crying. The meaning of the bird depends on the interpretation. Nam-Kyung saw the bird as her hope. Wings that give birth to the hope of meeting a baby. A long, large wing that can hold both children. Wings she never had in the end. Maybe that’s it.

Like the editor, Nam-Kyung wanted her image to be painted on the cover. The protagonist of crying was charming.

Nam-Kyung wondered, could that bird remind me of her?

Nam-Kyung opened his mouth in a noisy conference room.

“I think. ”

“Yes, let’s listen to the party editor. ”

Chief Seo stretched his palm and pointed to Namgyeong. Nam-Kyung opened his mouth in a slightly overwhelming atmosphere.

“I think I’m okay in two. ”

The editor listened to Nam-Kyung’s words without any disturbance.

“I interpreted the bird as a symbol of her. It’s not necessarily the same interpretation, but if you look at a bird, what she thinks is possible for someone who reads a book. because that’s what it is.”

“That’s right. I thought it was maternal love. There’s a difference in interpretation, but it’s possible to think of her. ”

The song editor who pushed the first act said. The editor who thought for a moment nodded quietly. It was an atmosphere that everyone accepted.

A moment of silence comes and the editor opens his mouth.

“Then do it in two. It only takes a second. ”


The editor replied.

“What does the handwriting look like? I’d like to change that. ”

What he said was the writing of a cry. It was a rough design.

The chief questioned.

“Which part? ”

“That rough feeling. I didn’t see it that way. No one’s actually crying. The writer, by chance, wrote it with confidence. Shouldn’t that cry be a gentle gesture? ”

The blind editor agreed with the editor.

“Yes, no one cries in the book. Readers like that kind of rough stuff. I wanted to read it and scream. ”

“So did I. ”

Chief Seo empathized. The same was true of Nam-Kyung. The rough handwriting was closer to the reader’s mind than the work. No one cries out in the sound of crying. Do not shout out loud. It just goes quietly inside. But I could tell by reading it. They were crying. Apparently, they were crying somewhere.

“Then I’ll ask you to correct it in a more orderly fashion. ”

Namkyung said, the editor nodded and asked me to think of a copy of the text that would go into the crossbar. So the cover meeting was over. The editor asked me on the way out of the conference room.

“Oh, Im Hyun also asked you to write a letter of recommendation, right? You got it?”

It was an unpredictable voice. Nam-Kyung shakes his head with an awkward smile.

“No, you have politely refused. ”

“I knew it. ”

“I thought so, too. Just in case.”

I just brought it up just in case. However, I was seldom surprised by the manuscript. The reaction of such a great writer made me more confident about the next one.

Nam-Kyung said he had to work harder for a publication that was just around the corner.

A few days later, a testimonial came from a writer on the street.

Nam-Kyung was satisfied that the clear, clean sentence that was unique to the author was a good match for this coincidental writer’s work.

Examining his testimony, I thought there might be a hint in the copy.

Nam-Kyung wrote down some prominent phrases.

Threatened text.

Tell me I’m guilty, too.

I didn’t have the courage to adapt the clean calculated sentence and use it as a copy.

Nam-Kyung asked the editor-in-chief who was working on a statement for the back cover.

“Can you think of anything? ”

“If not, I’ve been thinking about what I’m going to publish and there’s nothing to use here. ”

“That’s right.”

“Did you find anything in the affidavit? ”

“Yes, it’s very tidy. ”

“Well, it’s a co-author’s crest. ”

Nam-Kyung thought as he rotated the pen with his hand. Copy. I need a main copy to decorate his book.

Nam-Kyung thought again, opening the finished copy of the calibration. Main copy.

“I hope it feels intense. ”

The editor nodded his head. I hope it’s as intense as the writer’s.

“That’s why I pushed the red. Now that I think about it, gray might look better on you. It’s like a smoke image. ”

“Oh, that, too. because the smoking scene was particularly shocking. ”

The scene of her smoking was very detailed and precise in her writing. It was a scene that allowed me to know her life at the same time as expressing her mother’s smoking at the point of view of her son.

It was a meaningless and bitter life like smoke.

“I read that description, and I thought you were an adult at the time. ”

The editor fixed his eyes on the computer screen and said: So did you.

“So did I. ”

It was not from the mouth of Nam-Kyung.

The chief joined the conversation when he went out and came back. He told me about his busy schedule under his delightful eyes. The closer you get to publishing, the busier the publishers get.

He had to plan promotions, advertisements, and events and introduce books in person before and after the day of publication.

The chief said with a tired face.

“That’s how vivid you are. Like a 10-year-old Finn smoking a cigarette. ”

He was right. That’s how vivid he was. Accidental writing is vivid. That’s why her life is coming as a shock.

Nam-Kyung asked him.

“Can you think of anything? Chief Seo, you’re good at pulling these out. ”

As a publisher who deals with books in a bookstore, he sometimes made copies with flashing ideas.

“I can’t feel the urge this time. ”

But this time it was wrong. Instead, he mutters:

“Do you have any cigarette-related phrases? ”

“A cigarette?”

Chief Seo nodded.

“I felt something like that. Feels dangerous as a cigarette. The coincidence of your writing is dangerous. If you know the taste of a sip, you can’t stop knowing your lungs are rotting. ”

Danger. Nam-Kyung felt something in his hands.

“Goodbye, then. Take care.”

Chief Seo stepped forward. Nam-Kyung kept thinking. Cigarettes and hazards. Maybe a warning phrase.

It harms your health. Do you still want to smoke?

It usually feels like this. And people who will smoke read that sentence.

Nam-Kyung put his hands on the keyboard.

A book that brings regret. Would you still like to read it?

Nam-Kyung only left one sentence behind and then came up with nine more phrases.

Two of them were drawn and became copies of the front band and the back band.


“I can’t sleep. ”

He was lying in bed, muttering. The reason he is sleeping now is because it was published tomorrow. Tomorrow.

After this night, the next book comes out.

You can worry and look forward to it. Strange feeling wrapped around the whole body. The non-strong tremor did not calm at all, even when I closed my eyes and breathed deeply.

He opened the window. The wind doesn’t blow. The sun had already disappeared and there were no stars. It was a sky with only darkness.

Cover end

lim Han-baek

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