Great Novelist

Chapter 79

You won’t regret it.

That awkward feeling.

When I enjoyed reading with my book in my hand and my back against the chair, I didn’t feel it.

Like an actor who is too immersed in the role, he can’t control the feelings that come into him.

As I tried to open the bookshelf mechanically, I heard a voice.

“Here it is. Crying.”

At a glance, this time, two men and women who looked like elementary school students stood in front of each other. The girl found the sound of crying and made a happy face.

He stopped thinking and focused on both of them.

“This is amazing. You should read it. ”

“Keep reading. ”

The girl said, and the boy spoke loudly.

“You know the writer by accident. This is a new book. ”

“Oh, I’ve heard of him. You said you were in high school.”

“He’s my favorite writer. I read it as soon as it came out. You read it, too. A real recommendation. ”

“Why would I? I hate books. ”

“If you read this, you’ll cry like crazy. ”

The boy laughed in ridicule.

“I’ve never cried since I read a book. ”

“I never read your book by accident, either. ”

It was a girl who won the long haul. The boy still listened to the girl with a dark face.

“Coincidentally, the writer is a genius. I want to be like him. When I read the bird trail, I thought there was no more perfect book than this, but it changed my mind. ”

He was a little worried when he heard a compliment close to the girl’s praise. The sound of crying isn’t really appropriate for elementary school students.

“What’s so good about it? ”

“I’m not gonna live like this guy. ”


The boy looked at the girl with a face that he didn’t understand.

“I will raise my child with all my heart. I will never smoke. If he needs help, he’ll ask for help, and if someone needs help, he’ll go and help. ”

“I asked you what’s good about it, what’s the big deal? ”

“It’s good for me to know what I want to do. ”

The girl said with a sparkle in her eyes.

“I read the birdstream. I wanted to write, and that’s when I bought the notebook from the stationery. I never thought about it before. Writing was just boring. But I read a book and changed my mind. Incidentally, you’re amazing. I want to be a writer like you. ”

“What are you talking about? ”

The boy looked strangely at the girl speaking with a loud twist of her hands. And I picked up a book.

“Well, my mom paid me to buy a book. I’m hungry. Let’s go eat. ”

“I’ll tell you more while I eat. ”

The two elementary students went to the bookstore like that. He thought as he calmed his mind for a little excitement. I don’t think it would be bad to show up at a bookstore.

He saw the children who had just left. Both of them were short, and the boys were taller than the girls.

Perhaps the purest eyes can see the writing. It was advantageous to be able to look forward to what was to come, not to look at the statements and think about the experience.

Since then, many people have bought books.

I saw the hands that decorated my nails beautifully. The jewel that was placed on his hand was shining more with a grey cover as the background. Even the short hand with the thumbnail and the bandaged hand grabbed the book.

Some people wore suits and put a badge around their neck, and some dressed in dusty clothes to see what they were doing.

If I pick up the hot stone without studying the book with an ignorant face, a group of high school students rushed to the group and made a loud commotion, and took it to the pile.

A woman who appeared to be a college student also put her earphones in her ears, listened to the music, read a few pages in front of her, and added them to the other books she was holding in her hand.

Age, gender, nails, clothing, behavior, everyone else went to the bookstore to pick out the sound of crying.

He was staring at it dazed.

“Hold on. Coming through. ”


An employee who was dragging the cart next to him asked for his understanding. He stepped aside. On the cart he pulls, there’s a lot of crying. He looked at each bar. A tall stack of books suddenly opened up the floor.

It was lunchtime one day. There were more and more people in the bookstore. There were long lines in front of the register.

He looks at the rapidly growing number of people and steps back a little.

“Wait a minute.”

But I heard a familiar voice. I wasn’t talking to myself. It was the sound of crying near the hawk.

He slowly turns his head to examine the protagonist of his voice.

“I’ll take the book. ”

There was a distinctive, distinctive tone of voice that separated people. When he securely holds the gray book, he stands right behind his back.

He turns to go to the register and eyes meet with him.

“Here I am. ”

He said hello. A thick eyebrow twitches small.

“Are you here to buy a book, too? ”

He asks. He shakes his head empty-handed.

“I was just passing by to check it out. Do you think you’ve already chosen? ”

“Yes, the crying. It’s the next book by chance, of course. ”

“Of course I do. ”

“That way we can catch up a little faster. ”

I forgot for a moment. He was an accidental rival with a strong sense of rivalry.

“You already bought it, right? ”

He asked with a serious look. He thought for a moment and said.

“I didn’t buy it. ”

I didn’t buy it. I got it from the publisher. The thick eyebrows flinched again.

“So you’re here to buy. ”

“Didn’t I tell you? I’m just here to watch. ”

“I like to read. You write. ”

“Not really. There are more writers than coincidences. ”

“Then I’ll read the whole book and lend it to you. ”

That’s not true. It was awkward to talk to him.

“You won’t regret it if you read it. ”

I guess he doesn’t see the big handwritten copy on the front. A book that brings regret.

He smiled bloody and asked him.

“Why don’t you let me borrow it? Do you want to go grab some food? ”

He nods, keeping a serious look on his face.

“Yes. I was hungry. ”

“I’ll be out there, calculate and come out. ”

So the scroll stood at the end of the long line, and he rushed out through the crowd.

He and his pen came into a nearby snack bar and sat down. He recalls even the water of his share and says,

“Can I read this book now? ”

The book he was talking about meant the sound of the writer’s cry by chance. He considers for a moment and shakes his head.

“I’m bored. ”

In response, the pencil put the envelope with the book next to it, making a sad stain. His foolish eyes turn toward the book, weakening his mind.

But he was not used to someone reading his book in front of him. He avoided his eyes as much as possible, raising a glass of cool water. After a few sips, I put down my cup, and the scroll held a book in its hand.

“Why did you ask? ”

“Oh, I was wondering if I could take a look while I drink water. ”

He laughs in vain as he covers the road book. I lost. I raised my hands and said.

“Read, read. ”

“No thanks, then. ”

Quickly open the book and bring it close to your face.

The scroll was reading the sound of crying. He looks up at his chin and then turns his head to the television in the store. Unfortunately, only the advertisement was showing.


The bookshelf flips over. You’re a fast reader, and you wait for food to come out.

I looked out the window. A lot of people were busy moving.

The book is out in the world. There are people who buy the book, and there are people who read it.

I wonder how long it’s been since I’ve felt it. At the depths of the stomach, I am moved by hunger and confusion.


I looked up at the sound. There was a black bird. I felt threatened by the foam sitting on the branch.

He recalled a bird in a cry. She confesses to her son that she killed a bird. And he says he saw the bird come back to life. The bird spreads its wings again and flies across the sky to travel the world.

He doesn’t believe the story and doesn’t believe it, leaving it in his middleweight. And the only son who sees the fall of the mother will know how things have changed.

I examined the branches. There were no crows.

For a while, I only heard the sound of handing over the bookshelves at the Australian table.

After a while, the lady brought Tteokbokki and Sundae. He took the food and took out his chopsticks and called for a scrawl. The scroll did not answer. The eyebrows were narrower.

He picked up a Tteokbokki and took it to his mouth. It was quite spicy.


Jehovah’s emotions floated through the air. I couldn’t hear it from the scroll. He moved his hand in the order that it was by his side.

“Sundae is delicious. ”

There was no answer. He chewed face to face and looked at the scroll. He was reading his book hard. It was a serious expression. I wondered which part he was reading. It’s probably still early. But their fall begins with the first sentence.

I understand that you have such a serious face.

While he was eating another Tteokbokki and another Sundae, he read the book. I think I’ll eat it all by myself. He kicked the other person’s foot lightly.

He lowers his head slowly and examines his feet.


“Someone kicked me. ”

“It’s me.”


The scroll finally raises its head. He put another sticky rice cake in his mouth and said.

“Food’s out. ”

“· · · · · · · Yeah? ”

I looked at Tteokbokki and Sundae occupying the table with a surprised face. He said while eating hard.

“You have a lot of concentration. ”

He twitches his thick eyebrows once and shakes his head.

“No matter how much I like the book, I don’t know about the food. Normally, he would have noticed. ”

“You didn’t know this time. You seem to be getting more focused. ”

“What’s great is this book. ”

He blinked silently.

“You’re really getting people involved. Don’t let him sell a single eye. ”

The scroll sweeps the book with an impressive look somewhere.

“What a coincidence. ”

He picked up two stripes without saying a word and put them in his mouth.

“I’m going to eat all this. ”

As I watched the food shrinking, I put down my book and lifted my chopsticks. I put fish cakes and Tteokbokki in my mouth together and chewed it.

“But I’m a little surprised. ”


“Coincidence. ”

He looked at the book and said,

“I never thought I’d write something like this again. ”


“I feel a lot different. ”

He asked with a slight prick in his heart.

“· · · Where has it changed? ”

You won’t regret it. The end.

lim Han-baek

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