Great Power Technology.

Chapter 39

Chapter 39

Still from God's perspective, what Ye Zhou saw was a conference room with the imprint of the times. Through the simulator's information, Ye Zhou finally knew the real name of the scholar he simulated.

Tian Zhenguo, a name that also bears the imprint of the times.

The two sides of the small rectangular conference table made of rough wooden planks are already full of people, and Tian Zhenguo is sitting in an inconspicuous corner on the side of the conference table.

"About this meeting, our topics have been introduced, and now we will start the free discussion session."

As soon as the voice of the abbot of the meeting fell, Tian Zhenguo said:
"I still insist on my opinion. If we want to develop it, we must develop turbofan engines. Now the development of turbojet engines is almost at the bottleneck of development. No matter in terms of thrust, durability and fuel consumption, they cannot compare with the new generation turbofan engine."

"The current direction of development in Western countries is generally turbofan engines, and as far as I know, some turbofan engines have been applied to a new generation of fighter jets. Although they are only experimental models, once they are mass-produced, their impact on Our oppressive power is not insignificant!"

"In the battle formation 10 years ago, we relied on the assistance of Big Brother to fight back and forth with them, but now it is 10 years later. When the latest generation of F-series fighters is born, if we still With an old turbojet engine, what are you going to use against them?"

Tian Zhenguo's words were impassioned, but everyone in the venue reacted flatly.

After a long silence, an old man with gray hair said:
"Zhen Guo, we all know that your idea is good, but the question is, don't you know our current conditions? The turbojet engine alone has already wiped out all the money. Let's build a turbojet-5 verification model. After 10 years, it finally came out, and as a result, accidents continued.”

"The most important thing for us now is not to aim too high, but to create something that can be used!"

Everyone nodded, Tian Zhenguo stood up and walked anxiously around the venue, saying as he walked:
"Comrades, this is not a question of whether it can be used. Let me give you an example. Your enemies are all using guns, but you are still thinking about how to make a good knife. Is it useful? Your knife is better, Can it pass other people's guns faster? So no matter how difficult it is, we should"

"What should everyone do? Should everyone make guns? The question is can we make them?"

"Not to mention that the principle of each component is not clear enough, just one point, you just said that you can manufacture turbofan blades, but can you [-]% guarantee that there will be no problems? If there is a problem and resources are wasted, who will be responsible? You know How difficult has the country been in recent years?"

Ye Zhou nodded sadly at the side. The people in the venue might not know the specific situation, but he did.

This is the critical period for the development of the atomic bomb. A lot of resources and manpower have been invested in the desert in the northwest. The resources that have been mobilized to develop the aircraft engine have indeed been squeezed out from between the teeth. It is really unbearable. cause further losses.

"I can guarantee that if I take the lead in researching the material of turbofan blades, I will definitely give everyone a satisfactory answer. I don't need salary! Just take care of the food!"

"It's not a question of whether to eat or not to eat"

Seeing the tense atmosphere in the venue, the white-haired old man hurriedly stood up and wanted to smooth things over, but the middle-aged man who refuted Tian Zhenguo was not hesitant.

"Comrade Tian, ​​if you don't want salary, I don't have to. Now is not the time to talk about dedication, but now is the time to talk about technology!"

"You can guarantee to make turbofan materials, but how do you let us believe that your plan will not go wrong? How long have you been in the countryside, and your memory is still clear? If you know the technology, why didn't you bring it up in the morning? Want to wait until now?"

Tian Zhenguo's face was flushed with anger, and he pointed at the other party with his tongue gaping, his body trembling slightly.

"Do you think I don't want to write? Do you know what kind of environment I was in there?!"

"Write it down? Not to mention the experimental equipment, it is difficult for me to find a pen or a page of paper! How do I write it? Tell me how to write it?"

"Have you ever been to the countryside? Have you ever held a hoe in your hand? I responded to the call to exercise, but you sat here and accused me of not writing it down!"

The white-haired old man rushed forward to support Tian Zhenguo, but his strength was too strong, and he accidentally touched Tian Zhenguo's wound that had been scalded by the warm stone before. A burst of pain hit Tian Zhenguo, and Tian Zhenguo squatted down.

"Old field, old field! Are you all right?"

Enduring the pain, Tian Zhenguo waved his hands and replied:

"I was burned before I was fine, a small injury."

"Why is it scalded here?"

The white-haired old man was shocked.

"Cough, it's not for the journey. The road is too cold. I carried two hot stones. I didn't grasp it properly, and I got burned."

Tian Zhenguo briefly described his journey in one sentence, but Ye Zhou knew how much hardship and despair he had experienced along the way.

"You, you! What if it's a few days later? The decision of the meeting can be changed!"

The white-haired old man had a look of mentality on his face, but there was a kind of helplessness deeply hidden in that look.

His words were just comforting. In fact, he also knew that if Tian Zhenguo failed to catch up this time, then he would never catch up again.

After a while, Tian Zhenguo stood up again. He took a breath and said to the middle-aged man:

"Comrade Zhang, I am not targeting you personally. I just put forward my suggestion——no, this is not just a suggestion, but my decision. If my suggestion is not approved at today's meeting, I will continue to apply. Until everyone agrees!"

The middle-aged man stood up suddenly, pointed at Tian Zhenguo and cursed angrily:
"Tian Zhenguo! Do you still look like an intellectual? Listen to yourself, do you still speak like a scholar? Are you a bandit? Or go to the kitchen and get a knife and put it on my Force me to agree on the neck!"

"I'll tell you, no matter who comes today, if you don't agree, you don't agree. If you have the ability, chop me up!"

"What do you say!"

The white-haired old man stopped drinking, and other people also stepped forward to persuade them to fight. All these disputes were just because of the different choices of technical routes, but both sides of the debate were too stubborn. resorted to force.

In a country that has just experienced war, even frail literati wearing glasses have the courage to fear death.

Ye Zhou couldn't help feeling a little emotional. He lived in peace for a long time. He always said that the Maoxiong country in the north was a fighting nation, but in fact, the extraordinary people he saw in this era are the real battles. nationality.

Those are the people who will pounce on the ugly country that is invincible and crushes everything in the world.

But this seems to be a different kind of scenery?

Ye Zhou looked at everything in the venue with a smile. He knew in his heart that the dispute between literati is actually a dispute between gentlemen. After a fight in the conference room, maybe the two turned around and gave in to each other at the same table There are not many wild vegetables left.

Just as the people in the meeting room were arguing, the door of the meeting room was suddenly pushed open, and then a deep, angry voice sounded.

"What nonsense?!"

Everyone turned to the door, and after recognizing the figure of that person, the corners of Ye Zhou's eyes instantly became moist.

(End of this chapter)

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