Great Power Technology.

Chapter 42 The rain is coming

Chapter 42 The rain is coming
Ye Zhou made a few perfunctory words to Ye Lan, and then returned to his bedroom. He said that he would go to bed early when he was tired, but in fact, as soon as he entered the room, he immediately turned on his computer. After connecting to the Internet, he recorded it as before. The address entered into the private network.

What came into view was a simple to almost crude interface, which was not a message sending interface, but an operation guide.

Instruct Ye Zhou how to find the military network access point nearby, and then access the military network through the dedicated WiFi in a limited area.

According to the guidance, the nearest access point to Ye Zhou is two kilometers away, with a coverage range of 500 meters --- the operation guidance also intimately pointed out that there is a coffee shop near the access point, where you can search to the frequency band of the private network.

Ye Zhou put the computer on his back and walked out the door. Ye Lan watched his movements and asked strangely:

"Brother, what are you doing?"

"The company is working overtime."

Ye Zhou replied.

"Hua Ji is really ruthless. Remember to bring me some supper when you come back."

". Order takeaway by yourself!"

Ye Zhou walked out of the door without looking back, took a taxi and went straight to the nearby access point, and then carefully chose to sit down in a small square nearby. After that, he connected to the private network according to the instructions, and logged in. specified site.

What pops up now is the real information interface.

Ye Zhou thought for a moment, then typed a message on the keyboard.

"Confidential matters related to chip manufacturing technology may have been leaked. Huaxin Group's stock is being manipulated. It is suspected of insider trading. Please pay attention."

Less than five seconds after the message was sent, Ye Zhou received a reply from the other party.

"Hello, 'Suiren', your information has been received, and we are transferring 'Tinder' for you."

Ye Zhou was taken aback for a moment, his official code name was Suiren, and this kindling should be Chen Hao.

Even if it wasn't him, he should be a dedicated contact person.

A moment later, the second message came.

"Comrade, I have reported your information to my superiors. The relevant departments will launch an investigation at 0200 tomorrow, and give you feedback before 0900 tomorrow at the latest. Please continue to use this account to contact us."

According to standard military speaking habits, it seems that the person opposite is not Chen Hao.

Ye Zhou replied "Yes", then immediately cut off the network, got up and returned.

He has already done what he can do, and the next step is to see if the official response can be faster than the speed of the leak.

Once the process of information leakage breaks through 0, the follow-up will continue to expand exponentially, reaching an uncontrollable level.

The chain of leaks must be cut off as quickly as possible.

At the same time, in the joint headquarters of the chip project team, Chen Hao just received the latest information from his secretary about the latest information provided by "Suiren".

"Information leak. Isn't our investigation thorough enough?"

He frowned and asked the subordinate in charge of keeping secrets.

"There is no way. Too many people are affected this time, and too many people need to participate. Even if we devote all our manpower, it is impossible to be strictly foolproof."

"Our monitoring team has already been overloaded, and we haven't found any leaks so far. The information provided by 'Suiren' is more likely to be a coincidence."

Chen Hao slapped the table violently, and the water glass on the table jumped.

"Is this a matter of coincidence? Can we believe in coincidence for something so important? What nonsense are you talking about!"

The man opposite him straightened up abruptly, and replied loudly:
"Understood! 5 minutes ago, I ordered the monitoring team to conduct a comprehensive investigation, and the results are expected to be available in 4 hours!"

Chen Hao took a deep breath, took out a tissue to wipe off the water stains on the table, and then said to the man:

"Notify the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the Banking Regulatory Commission immediately, and ask them to send two experts to analyze the current Huaxin Group's stock, and give me a conclusion within two hours. I want to know whether the stock price of this stock has any value. People are manipulating, who is manipulating!"

"Understood! Feedback within two hours!"

Chen Hao waved his hand to signal the person to hurry up, and he began to nervously contact his superiors one by one through the dedicated phone. Leaking secrets is an extremely dangerous thing in their project this time. If they are not well controlled, the subsequent benefits may be huge. Greatly reduced.

Of course, this was not a fatal mistake, because before the implementation of this project, they had already anticipated that there would be a risk of leaks.

After all, with so many people involved, it is impossible to keep it completely secret.

Therefore, they have actually made sufficient plans to deal with this situation-or not sufficient, but sufficient.

There is only one word at the core of the whole plan: fast.

In the world of martial arts, the only thing that can't be broken is fast. What they have to do is to make the greatest efforts to complete all the key steps before the impact of the leak is completely spread.

Simple and rude, but it is also the most effective solution under the system of this country.

Before two hours had passed, when he was still on the phone to urge various departments to implement emergency plans to speed up the progress, the secretary who sent the letter before pushed open the door and walked in.

"Mr. Chen, I'm sure. It's indeed manipulating the stock price. This stock has been on the China Securities Regulatory Commission's monitoring list before, but their risk control personnel don't know about the chip, so they didn't get in touch."

"Consistent with the information provided by 'Suiren', the other party should be suppressing the stock price at all costs under the condition of having some special information, preparing to pave the way for large-scale buying later!"


Chen Hao asked indifferently and seriously.

"The other party used all the newly opened mouse warehouse accounts. The source came from the elderly in various rural areas. They should be specially purchased. The amount of funds they have used is not large at present, about 1.2 million in total, but the 1.2 6000 million in funds, has shrunk to [-] million in the last two days."

"The method they use is to roll and smash the market, buy bottom positions and do T+0 transactions, buy cheap and sell cheap, forcefully lower the stock price, and mobilize the emotions of retail investors."

The secretary read the records in his notebook word by word.

"This method is not a standard institutional operation. Under institutional operations, more attention will be paid to the rate of return, and the loss of early fundraising will be controlled within 10%. According to the judgment of experts, this should be a speculation by a small domestic non-institutional or private group. organize."

"These people may come from professional companies, or from within securities companies, or they may be private investors. At present, we can only draw a rough range, and there is no way to determine the specific participants."

Chen Hao took a sip of tea and asked:
"How big is this scope? How many people are involved?"

"There are more than 240 people in the list initially provided, and the list is still being improved. According to the China Securities Regulatory Commission and Banking Regulatory Commission combined with the bank account flow analysis, the total number of people who may be involved is about 600 people. A complete list will be provided in one hour."

"Understood. Notify the confidentiality department, the Banking Regulatory Commission, the Securities Regulatory Commission, and the national economic investigation system, and immediately mobilize a team to prepare to arrest people."

There was a look of embarrassment on the secretary's face, and he asked:
"Mr. Chen, we haven't identified the specific person who leaked the secret. To be honest, we don't know whether it is a leak. If we want to analyze it, it will take at least two days. If we go now, who will be arrested?"

A smile appeared on Chen Hao's face.

"Arrest who? Of course they are all arrested. Let them come to our place to drink tea and eat. After two days, if there is no problem, let them go. If there is a problem, they will never go out again."

"Understood, do it immediately!"

The secretary turned and left, and afterward, orders were issued from this small headquarters.

At 8:[-] a.m. the next morning, local economic investigation departments moved upon hearing the news, and for a while, the stock market was about to rain.

(End of this chapter)

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