Great Power Technology.

Chapter 57

Chapter 57

The weekend was easy for Ye Zhou. In the past two days, he spent most of his time in the simulator. The talents in the mall were updated, but there were no talents he needed. With 62 energy points that went out, he couldn't help but sighed deeply.

Is this the same feeling as having money and no place to spend it?
It seems to be different. Not being able to spend it does not mean that the talents in the mall are useless. On the contrary, because the talents will inherit the attributes in reality, most of the talents are very cost-effective. For example, the previous master of structure, As well as the "absolute focus" with only 30 energy points, the "quick response" with 60 energy points, and the "mathematician" with 300 energy points in the shopping malls, they all have to be replaced after they have surplus energy points.

But now, the simulation Ye Zhou has experienced is still limited, and there are few sources of energy value, so he has to save the energy value first to deal with problems that may not be solved in the simulation later.

This is just like starting a business. When you have surplus funds in the early stage of entrepreneurship, the first thing you should do is not to enjoy yourself, but to prepare for the expansion of the company. After the company enters the stable expansion stage, you will consider the use of the surplus funds. .

Ye Zhou put away his thoughts and re-entered the simulation.

[Dragon Heart Stage [-] plot simulation begins]

He opened his eyes, he was still above the Moho interface at this time, and less than one kilometer further down, he was about to enter the influence range of the Pantieri cave effect.

Immediately, Ye Zhou turned on the intercom and shouted to the command above:
"This is Tu Xingsun, this is Tu Xingsun, emergency, I need to stop sinking immediately! Repeat, I need to stop sinking immediately!"

A few seconds later, the reply from the command above came through.

"The Earth Temple has received it and agrees. Please report the situation."

"At present, my mental state is unstable, and I have mild hallucinations. I am going to restrain myself. Please take over the remote control system of the probe!"

"Received. Do you need to return immediately? Please judge the danger level of the current situation. If it reaches the second level risk, we will terminate the mission according to the plan."

Terminate the mission?

This was the first time Ye Zhou heard this option in the simulator, and his mind instantly became active.

According to past experience, there are basically no conditions to complete a simulation in the simulation, unless it is faced with an extremely urgent situation like the first simulation.

But obviously, the Jiuyou plan this time is not urgent.

He can return to the ground first, report the situation encountered to the expert group above, and then sink again!

Thinking of this, he opened his mouth and replied:

"I judge that I have lost my autonomy in the hallucination, and I have tried to perform dangerous operations. The risk level has reached level two and I need to return!"

"Received by the Earth Temple. Return immediately."

The voice of the headquarters fell, and all the operable interfaces in the detector were extinguished. Then, the thrust reverser engine was started, and the detector broke away from the safety hook lock and began to rise rapidly.

Ye Zhou felt a huge overload, and the watch data of the load suit showed that the overload had reached 3 G at this time.

A depth of 10 kilometers is only a distance of 2 minutes for a thrust reverser engine running at full speed.

He gritted his teeth tightly, constantly planning in his mind what he would do when he returned to the ground.

First of all, of course, it is necessary to clarify the effect of the underground Pantili Cave, let the headquarters find experts, and start the formulation of the plan.

Secondly, I have to chat with the headquarters about the details of the plan to see if it is possible to use artificial intelligence to replace myself and go underground—after all, this is the safest plan.

At 1 minute and 40 seconds, Ye Zhou saw the round hole through the monitor screen of the detector.

As if looking at the sky from a well, the hole is only the size of a palm, but Ye Zhou knows that above the surface, it is actually a huge pothole with a diameter of more than two kilometers that gradually shrinks.

At 1 minute and 50 seconds, the hole has expanded to be larger than the probe, and the thrust reverser engine enters the terminal acceleration stage. The probe will use up the last power to launch the leaf boat into the sky at an altitude of 5 kilometers, and open it there. parachute.

This is because the probe's shackle lock has been disengaged, and there is no other way to slow down in the hole.

At 2 minutes and 15 seconds, the probe rushed out of the ground, and then continued to fly into the air at an alarming speed.

In 3 minutes, the main parachute failed to open.

At 3 minutes and 15 seconds, the backup parachute failed to open. At this time, Ye Zhou was still 4000 meters away from the ground.

At a height of 4000 meters, considering the limit speed caused by air resistance, he has less than 80 seconds to fall to the ground.

Not even a minute and a half.

There is no doubt that he will die.

Ye Zhou sighed, the communicator was already full of anxious shouts.

"Tu Xingsun, it's an emergency! Please stay focused!"

"Listen to my instructions! Supercomputing team! Calculate the speed at the end of the fall immediately!"

"How much? Got it!"

"Ye Zhou! The thrust reverser engine of the probe still has the last 2% of fuel. Please restart the engine manually at the last moment of the fall to reduce the falling speed!"

"Your terminal velocity will be...forget it! Now test your reaction time! Press the communicator button as soon as you hear the siren!"

Ye Zhou listened to his instructions. After a few seconds, the alarm sounded, and he immediately pressed the button.

At this time, there are 40 seconds left before falling to the ground.

"The reaction time is 176ms, and the supercomputing team will solve it immediately! I will send you the same alarm sound at a certain time, and you must keep your full attention for the next time!"

"Put your hands on the console, and start the thrust reverser engine manually as soon as you hear the alarm!"

"The countdown is now 20 seconds, all radios are silent!"

The call was cut off abruptly.

Ye Zhou could only hear the sound of the mechanical countdown sent by the headquarters.

He took a deep breath.

10 seconds.

His fingers didn't tremble at all, which was the effect of the "courage" talent he had awakened before.

5 seconds.

Ye Zhou began to count down unconsciously.

1 seconds.

The probe has fallen to a distance of less than 50 meters from the ground.

The command center nervously commented on the detector in the sky. If it goes well, the descending speed of the detector will be reduced to below 30 meters per second by the thrust reverser engine.

At this speed, even if it falls straight down, it will not be fatal.

The alarm sounded, and Ye Zhou pressed the button of the thrust reverser engine as quickly as possible.

The engine burst into flames.

The majestic reverse thrust came from below, Ye Zhou's load suit made a strange sound, and he even felt his heart compressed into a ball under the huge overload.

Are you going to succeed?
Ye Zhou couldn't help showing a bit of unbelievable joy.

However, in the next second, the entire detector began to rotate rapidly.

The probe itself was prepared for landing, and it didn't have an attitude control system like other aircraft—the jet direction of the engine was offset.

Turn around.

The last image in Ye Zhou's eyes was that the detector hit the ground heavily, and then rolled over.


[Dragon Heart Stage [-] plot simulation ends]

【Score for this simulation: E】

【Clue Discovery: A Journey Without Return】

[Reward: 10 energy points (clue reward)]

【Go deep into the ground, but die in the sky, this is the fate of a hero】

Ye Zhou looked at the settlement interface, but he didn't feel disappointed that the simulation failed.

Instead, it's all emotion.

Even at the last moment, the headquarters called Earth Temple never gave up on their rescue.

In the case of a sudden emergency, they even worked out a coping strategy in less than 2 minutes, and even almost succeeded!
Make every effort to turn the tide!
Ye Zhou really wanted to know the name of the person who gave him the command, but the simulator didn't respond.

Presumably only by the time the conclusion of the simulation is completed, the answer will be obtained?
He rested for a moment in the void and began to ponder the status quo.

First of all, it has been proven impossible to return to the ground. Because of the special design of the detector, this huge object that goes deep underground cannot be lifted by the sling, but it is also an established fact that the parachute cannot be opened. For Ye Zhou—or for that researcher, the trip to the bottom was doomed to never return.

Therefore, all problems can only be solved underground.

Ye Zhou had to solve the problem of the Pantilli Cave effect underground.

However, the life support system of the probe can only continue to operate for less than 8 hours, so it is impossible for him to wait for the remote technical support from the command above.

Only on your own.

A possible solution was blocked again.

(End of this chapter)

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