Great Power Technology.

Chapter 597

Chapter 597
"The medical industry is still not immune? The power of capital is still strong."

"Blessing and misfortune? Why can't key technologies still be out of the control of foreign capital?"

"Another big game? Experts revealed that the official introduction of capital this time may be related to the follow-up development strategy."

With the announcement that Simcere Pharmaceuticals entered the short list of immune reconstruction projects, domestic public opinion was in an uproar, but without exception, they were all critics.

After several years of education, the domestic people's understanding of capital has already reached a higher level, and they all know what it means for technology itself to introduce a group of companies heavily controlled by foreign capital in such a key technology field.

Disappointment swept over, even Ye Zhou, who knew the inside story, thought it was completely understandable.

To give a very simple example, suppose one day the domestic hybrid rice technology is controlled by international grain merchants, what does that mean for the domestic people?
Now, the immune reconstruction project is facing the same situation. The people who had been looking forward to it originally hoped that after this technology was officially launched and applied, they could enjoy the benefits they deserved, so that those lesions that could not be cured or could not be cured Everyone has the ability to deal with it, but when the Liu family came, such hopes were obviously shattered.

Capital is inherently evil, let alone capital that is rooted outside.

How can they let the people live well?The sweetness thrown out occasionally is just a bait, and harvesting benefits is the ultimate pursuit.

Therefore, the voice of opposition reached its peak in a short period of time, but the official has never responded.

"Do you want to add more flames? Seal the top names who made the voices or something? Since you want to play a show, it's better to do it more realistically."

In the office, Ye Zhou looked at the staff of the public opinion department opposite and asked.

"That's not necessary. We have considered this point in the early stage, but after weighing it, we think that if we fight against public opinion, it will make the Liu family feel that we are using too much force. If they realize that something is wrong, we will succeed again. Difficult."

Ye Zhou nodded slightly when he heard the words, and then continued to ask:
"What about the confidentiality work in the early stage? I remember in your report that the General Technical Office communicated with the main decision-makers of several acquired companies. Is there any risk of our strategy being leaked?"

The staff member shook his head and replied:

"It should be said that leaks are inevitable, but when we communicated, neither side actually told the truth."

"On the side of the SUT supplier, they think that we will attack the Liu family and compensate them, so they cooperate with us with confidence. On the side of the Liu family, they think that we chose the plan to maximize the benefits, and the explanation to the SUT supplier is just a lie .”

"To put it simply, the General Technical Office has acted as a double agent. Both sides think that we are on their side, but what about the specifics? I guess when the results come out, some people will be frustrated."

Hearing this, a teasing smile appeared on Ye Zhou's face, and after a while, he asked again:
"How are the preparations for the banking and financial departments doing? They are the main department for the subsequent encirclement and suppression of the Liu family, and there must be no problems."

"It's ready, all the funds have been transferred, and the accounts have been sorted out. At present, the Liu Family Group still has a total of 110 billion in debts in domestic banks, and the rolling debt is more than 600 billion. As a bullet, it is basically enough. used."

"That's good."

Ye Zhou didn't ask any more questions, but closed the materials on the table and signaled the staff to leave.

After he left, Chen Hao, who had been sitting beside him, stood up, stretched himself, yawned and asked:

"I'm done with my work, how about going out to eat?"


Ye Zhou was a little amused. He pointed to the mountain of materials on the desk and pretended to complain:

"Look at the materials on my desk, do they look finished?"

"...Rome wasn't built in a day, and you can't finish your work in one night. You have to do things one by one, and you have to eat one bite at a time."

"Okay, okay, don't talk about your big principles. Let me ask you, how is the progress of the fusion project?"

Chen Hao sighed, turned on his computer to cast the screen again, and then replied:
"The current bidding has been basically completed. The countries that made troubles in the early stage have been kicked out. I haven't seen them jumping too hard recently."

"In addition, the Tongtianhe project has officially started. There are currently 16 pump stations under construction. Most of these pump stations are powered by fission reactors. If everything goes well, they can be upgraded to fusion reactors through module replacement."

"Also, the food project in Yindu has been fully rolled out, and it will enter the self-circulation stage later. Our personnel are preparing to withdraw. It is expected that all the staff who have passed in the previous period will be able to return for the New Year."

"As for the adjacent dimension, the monitor has been built to the city level, and the next step is to continue to lay it in counties and townships. Unlike our previous estimates, the cost of this project is actually not that high - the field survey found that, In sparsely populated places, energy fluctuations are relatively simple, and the coverage of a monitor is much larger than that in energy-dense areas."

"Uh, what else is there? What else do you want to ask?"

Chen Hao talked about all the recent progress in one mind. Ye Zhou frowned and thought for a moment. Before he could speak, Chen Hao went on to say:

"Oh, yes, there is also the BCI project. At present, the pilot transformation of workers in the traditional energy field has been completed, and the effect is very good. The education port will soon be rolled out on a large scale, starting from the remote mountainous areas. Now the cost of equipment is low. Probably It can be covered in two or three years, and as for the details, if you need them, I can ask the executive staff to report to you."

"No, I can't care too much now."

Ye Zhou sighed, and said with some emotion:

"The things we are facing now are really complicated. Each project is closely related to the whole. If there is a problem in the middle, it will slow down the progress of all projects-at this juncture, the affairs of the Liu family must be Can't go wrong."

"As you know, the actions against them are not only aimed at themselves. This is a signal. If it can be sold out, our domestic capital resistance will be swept away. If it can't be played out."

"That's a serious problem."

Chen Hao nodded solemnly and replied:
"We have developed to this point, and sooner or later we will wipe out the internal enemies."

"In the past, they always said that our actions were thunderous and rainy, and they always said that we were paper tigers. This time, they should also see who is the real paper tiger."

(End of this chapter)

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