Great Power Technology.

Chapter 62 Starting from Road Repair

Chapter 62 Starting from Road Repair

Ye Zhou followed Chen Hao into the conference room, and he recognized many familiar faces among the participants, including Wang Qinsheng, a figure at the level of the patriarch of the domestic semiconductor industry.

Seeing him coming in, everyone stood up and motioned to him. Ye Zhou stood there in embarrassment, not knowing what to say for a moment.

In the end, it was Wang Qinsheng who broke the silence.

"Young and promising! I couldn't believe it before, but after listening to the transcript of your conversation these two days, no matter in terms of thinking or technology, you have surpassed us old men by a lot. You can't accept your old age!"

"Lady Wang flattered me"

Ye Zhou quickly said politely.

"It's not a flattery! We pay attention to seeking truth from facts in our research. Our group has been working on the things you come up with for almost a lifetime, but we haven't come up with a complete technology until now."

"Since you took it out, you can stand up to this honor!"

"However, having said that, I think there are still many incomplete places in your vision. Come, sit down, and let's have a good chat."

While talking, Wang Qinsheng pointed to the seat next to him and signaled Ye Zhou to come over. Ye Zhou couldn't refuse, so he went to sit beside him.

"The design concept you proposed in the manufacturing process of the lithography machine to replace the traditional double synchronization with the synchronization of six platforms, I think it is very novel! However, I have not understood part of the cooperation algorithm of the one-way three-cloud platform, and now I don't understand it. I just did it according to your idea, but I don’t know if it’s practical or not, can you tell me a little bit about it?”

The so-called synchronization actually refers to the synchronization of the two worktables inside the lithography machine. The two worktables must always move at the same speed, and the error must be controlled within 2nm. When entering sub-nanometer level etching, The synchronization rate is required to be less than one hundredth of a nanometer.

The idea Ye Zhou extracted from the simulator is to change the traditional mode of double worktables and use six precision gyroscopes to realize the synchronization of six gimbals. Very small errors caused by pauses.

However, to achieve this, the cooperation between each gimbal is required to be extremely precise, and an independent control code must be set for each gimbal, and the six sets of control codes need to be related to each other, which places extremely high requirements on the algorithm.

Fortunately, after absorbing the relevant knowledge of EDA, Ye Zhou's understanding of the algorithm has reached a certain level. At this time, he picked out a few key points in the design and explained them clearly to Wang Qinsheng, who made him nod repeatedly.

"To be honest, I don't really understand it very well. I'm really a layman when it comes to algorithms, but according to your explanation, it should work theoretically. Let's try it."

"That's right, today's topic is not that. The main thing we want to discuss is the rapid construction and commissioning of factories. Come on, Xiao Chen, organize a meeting."

Hearing Wang Qinsheng's words, Chen Hao nodded, turned on the projection screen in the middle of the conference room, and said:
"First, let me introduce the current progress."

"After 16 days of preparation, we have basically completed the preliminary preparations for the key components of the chip, and the remaining difficulties will continue to be improved during construction. Now we need to do two things."

"First, expand the existing production capacity, produce key equipment including but not limited to lithography machines, etching machines, and ion implanters, and complete assembly."

"Second, use these equipment to build a fab at a specific address and complete the production and inspection of the first batch of domestic chips."

"These two goals must be completed within the next 20 days, and no more than 30 days are allowed at the latest."

"So, from now on, we need to start infrastructure work, and a series of infrastructure including plant facilities needs to be completed within 6 days. This infrastructure will be constructed in a modular manner. Several large domestic infrastructure companies have received emergency Order, after we confirm the site selection, we will gather the team to break ground immediately."

"What we need to determine today is the issue of site selection."

"The previous materials on the difficult points of site selection have been sent to everyone, so I won't repeat them. Now we have three potential options. Next, please discuss these three sites."

Ye Zhou looked at the materials on the table, which described the pros and cons of the three sites in detail.

The first one is located near the largest hydropower station in China, with abundant power resources, tight security and high security.

The second one is located in a small southwest city with limited power supply, but there is an independent hydropower station that can be requisitioned, and it is also located in the [-] mountains, which is extremely concealed. The only disadvantage is that the traffic is too closed, which has a great impact on efficiency.

The third is construction in urban areas, where there is a high risk of leaking secrets, but there are abundant manpower and equipment resources, which can greatly improve efficiency.

After briefly reading the materials, others have already started discussions.

"I think it is more appropriate to choose the vicinity of the Sandouping Hydropower Station. There are abundant power resources, high security levels, well-developed transportation, and convenient transportation of various materials. After the completion of the first stage of construction, there will be no problem with subsequent expansion."

"Although the Sandouping Hydropower Station has advantages, you have to know that other people's satellites are staring at that place all year round. Once we make a large-scale move, the other party can easily guess our intentions, which will trigger a chain reaction of leaks. I My personal suggestion is to build in the urban area, as long as the confidentiality work is done well, basically there will be no major problems.”

"It is definitely not possible in the urban area. The project team has already had a leak risk incident before. The scale of this project is too large, and the participants must be limited to a small geographical area for unified management. There is this project near the Miyagi Hydropower Station. condition."

Everyone debated for half an hour, but they still couldn't reach an agreement. Chen Hao pointed to Ye Zhou and signaled him to give a suggestion.

Ye Zhou pondered for a moment, then said:
"First of all, we have to make it clear that our fundamental purpose of this project is not mass production, but technical verification, so we don't need to consider the issue of subsequent expansion, but confidentiality is the first need. This One point, do you agree?"

Everyone in the conference room nodded, so Ye Zhou continued:

"In my opinion, the Sandouping Hydropower Station is the first to be ruled out. The reason has already been mentioned. We cannot block the eyes of satellites. Urban construction is also not feasible. People are the most complicated animals, and the more people involved , the more difficult it is to control the risk of leaks.”

"So, my point of view is the same as this, uh, this comrade, we must choose the Miyagi Hydropower Station in Shiwandashan!"

After hearing his words, one of the people present asked:
"Your idea is right, but the location of Miyagi is too remote, and the transportation is inconvenient. This time, the infrastructure is modular. So much heavy equipment has to be transported in, and the road capacity can't bear it at all."

"Look, especially the last 16-kilometer rural road is only 4 meters wide. Our heavy-duty vehicles are likely to be blocked on the road. If the time is delayed, the efficiency will be very low!"

Ye Zhou nodded. This is indeed a practical difficulty.

However, this is not too difficult a difficulty to solve.

All of you here are experts and scholars. They all consider problems from the perspective of objective facts. When faced with such problems, they occasionally fall into blind spots of thinking.

like now.

They see the factor of inconvenient transportation, but they don't realize that inconvenient transportation is not an unchangeable condition.

"My idea is this. In fact, the biggest difficulty in building a factory in Miyagi is only the last 16 kilometers of rural roads, so that's the case."

"Why don't we start by building roads?"

The venue fell silent instantly. After a brief silence, Chen Hao said to the conference secretary beside him:
"Convene an expanded meeting, get involved in the infrastructure team, and immediately evaluate the feasibility of the plan!"

(End of this chapter)

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