Great Power Technology.

Chapter 627 Carnival

Chapter 627 Carnival
Yaoyao's treatment was very successful - in fact, until now, Chinese medical staff represented by Xuan have not figured out the exact pathogenic mechanism of lupus erythematosus, but this is not important.

The essence of immune reconstruction therapy is to overthrow the body's immune system and build a new immune mechanism. After replacing the old with the new, the disease caused by the abnormal immune system will be cured naturally.

This logic is extremely simple and crude. In essence, it is not much different from bone marrow transplantation.

But no matter what the specific mechanism is, it is enough to cure the disease.

Not long after, a report titled "The First Case of Cure of Lupus Erythematosus in China" was released, and public opinion almost reached a climax that was detonated in an instant.

On various forums, there are overwhelming discussions about this matter, but unlike previous doubts when new technologies were born, although there are differences in the discussions this time, most of them focus on one point:
When will such immune reconstruction technology become popular?
If it can be popularized, can the technology based on in vitro cultivation and replacement of genes achieve...immortality in a certain sense?
"I think there is still a long way to go before this thing can be applied on a large scale, otherwise the official will not establish such a large project with great fanfare."

"The report said that although there were seven patients in the first batch, you must know that the treatment of these seven patients can be said to have concentrated the top medical forces in the country."

"This should be a zero-stage experiment before the project's cold start—at best, it can only be counted as a laboratory result, and it cannot be regarded as a real technological breakthrough."

The reply was from a doctor from a top domestic hospital. His point of view was very objective, but it was a bit harsh to say it at this time.

"What do you mean can only be regarded as laboratory results at best? Are laboratory results not results? Just say that these patients are not cured!"

"That's right, so what if the road is still long? Why don't you do it? What kind of ostrich sent a doctor!"

"Be rational upstairs. People reply to comments that are popular on a large scale. Do you think he said that this technology is not good? Don't attack every day when there is a little trouble."

"What era is this? With the advancement of technology, why can't self-confidence be improved?"

"Yeah... I didn't say that this technology is not good, I just said that the current discussion on this technology is a bit too much..."

"What are you overdoing! Can't say something good? I just like to watch this. If we don't discuss it, who knows how there is such a result!"

After reading the comments on the Internet, and forwarding several news to Moments and scarves, Liu Yong, the owner of the barbecue restaurant, happily put down his phone.

When the news first came out, he was just an ordinary melon eater like most people. He thought it was good, but it didn't seem to have much to do with him.

However, the turning point came at 11 am.

At that time, he was still sleeping in bed, but the phone calls one after another directly disturbed him.

He didn't plan to pick it up, it's his habit.

Every night until four or five o'clock in the morning, turning day and night upside down is bad for health, so even if the sky falls before 12 o'clock in the daytime, he still needs to get enough sleep.

So, he just glanced at the phone casually, and when he saw that the call was from a friend, he turned off the mute and continued to sleep.

It wasn't until 12:[-] that he finally got up to look at his phone.

Seeing this, his heart immediately lifted.

Several phone calls, a lot of WeChat messages.

And those messages all said one thing:
Adjacent dimension futures.

It's over, did the futures crash?
His brows were twitching, and he opened a few groups created by his old buddies in fear, and ruthlessly flipped through the chat records, but suddenly found out, why are red envelopes being given out in this group?
Looking up again, his mood brightened instantly.

It is indeed a matter of adjacent dimension futures, but it is a good thing.

Today's earnings have exploded.

In just one day, the growth rate of this investment portfolio reached an astonishing 9%, that is to say, the comprehensive growth rate of the invested stocks, futures and other wealth management products almost all reached the daily limit.

what's going on?
He couldn't wait to call his old buddy, and only then did he know the cause and effect.

The first immune reconstitution surgery was successful and the report was released today.

That's right, this is news that he has known for a long time, but what does it have to do with adjacent dimension futures?
"Old Liu, you didn't read the detailed analysis."

"This technology is disruptive, and its logic is different from all our previous medical methods."

"Let's put it this way, if the previous human beings were tinkering with the existing genes, then this time they really started to touch the field of 'customizing genes'."

"If you still don't understand, let me give you the simplest example."

"Some people say that by relying on this technology, we are likely to achieve... immortality!"

eternal life? !
That is immortality.

Even though Liu Yong has no education and doesn't understand the technical details, he also knows how significant this technology is if it can bring such "expectations".

Even if it is just the expected value, it is enough.

No wonder the adjacent dimension futures rose sharply.

In fact, not only the adjacent dimension futures are soaring, but the entire financial market is jubilant, but compared with the adjacent dimension related projects that the government has invested a lot of resources and policies, the increase in other fields is not so exaggerated.

"Then what should we do? Should we sell it now? Or continue to hold it?"

"Old Liu, are you crazy? Sell it now, don't you want the free money?"

"Hold it honestly, I guess, it won't be long before our little money will double..."

Putting down the phone, Liu Yong's heart was pounding.

He has invested a total of 22 yuan in this fund, of which [-] yuan is the remaining change in his own payment software.

In just one day, he earned [-] yuan.

And, this is not the end.

Just open any forum, and you can see the optimistic comments of those commentators on this surge.

In their view, the successful realization of immune reconstruction technology is likely to trigger a chain reaction, bringing a wave of explosive development of technology.

What followed was naturally a bull market.

And it's an unprecedented bull market.

The wind is coming again.

Liu Yong hurriedly called his wife, and the latter had obviously received the news, and she was even more excited than Liu Yong.
This is not surprising, who does not like to make this kind of money?
The country benefits, they make money, and the patients are saved.

No one's interests are harmed, and everyone is happy.

The two agreed to buy some good food in the evening to celebrate. After hanging up the phone, Liu Yong generously transferred 2000 yuan to his son, and the whole family enjoyed themselves.

After finally calming down, he remembered to go online to check the details of the adjacent dimension futures.

However, he found that there are not many netizens who care about the details of this technology...
(End of this chapter)

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