Great Power Technology.

Chapter 76 Your People Are My People

Chapter 76 Your People Are My People
On September 9, the third day after Zhiwei lithography machine was officially announced.

A small chip design company in China, Shuofang Company.

Their procurement supervisor and founder, Liu Quan, is sitting at his desk, facing the person in front of him arrogantly.

That is Synopsys account manager, He Wen.

The other party's demeanor changed from the previous domineering, but became extremely humble.

"Mr. Liu, based on the current situation, although your company has purchased Yinglong EDA from Micro Fusion, it has not actually started to use it. Therefore, according to the agreement on the rejection list, your company can still use our EDA. "

"I have already applied to the company's leaders before, and I have made greater concessions to the business that can be given to you. Now, you need to spend less than 50% of the original price to use the full set of functions of our company's EDA."

"I believe that this price is very competitive even in front of Yinglong EDA. Do you need to think again?"

Liu Quan listened casually to the other party's words, secretly feeling a little funny in his heart.

Just two days ago, when he met with this person, the other party still did not shy away from questioning that his choice of purchasing Yinglong EDA was a stupid choice. Like something outrageous.

Are your Synopsys products really that easy to use?

Pure fart!

Compared with Yinglong EDA, Synopsys EDA is a younger brother.

Who would want to buy an expensive and difficult-to-use Synopsys EDA if it weren't for the rejection list?

Yes, it is true that when I first came into contact with Micro Fusion and Yinglong EDA, I also bowed my head and admitted to being cowardly, and I also rejected or even slandered Yinglong and Micro Fusion in order to keep my company, but as a As a businessman, the thing I am best at and proud of is that I know that I am wrong, and I can correct it, and I can correct it without hesitation.

After seeing so many large manufacturers choose Yinglong, I already understood the official meaning.

At that time, the officials actually had a showdown, but it was difficult for those who were not familiar with the domestic environment and the official way of doing things to understand the deep meaning of it.

But he is an old fritter, and every step of his fortune is not because he guessed the official rhythm correctly.

When has the official ever fought a war without preparation? ——
Except the property market.

So follow without thinking.

If you don't trust Huaji, don't you still trust the official?
As it turned out, his experience once again helped him.

In just one month, the Zhiwei lithography machine was born, and the rejection list became a joke overnight.

Won't let us use your lithography machine?Who cares, brother?

Even if the production capacity of lithography machines can't keep up in the short term, it's enough to wait another two months. Anyway, the subsidy is still issued, so can't it last two months?

If it doesn't work, ask Wuling to change the production line and make some accessories that can be made.

After all, Wuling can make whatever the people need, even masks can be made, so it’s not difficult to make some special bolts, casings and the like?
We don't want too much, just [-] or [-] units a month, which should be enough for domestic use.

Thinking of this, a playful smile appeared on Liu Quan's face.

After clearing his throat, he said:
"Old He, the two of us are old friends. Since I started the company, I have been in contact with you. Let me ask you, what are your plans for the future?"

He Wen was taken aback by his words, and then became confused involuntarily.


What are my plans for the future? ?

Unlike other yellow-skinned and white-hearted second devils, the reason why He Wen works in Synopsys China is indeed to earn a living. After all, he has a child to raise at home, and Synopsys' high income can give him a stable life.

But now, such a stable life obviously no longer exists!

Synopsys is no longer a monopoly company, and Huaji has come in again, and it has come in with the threat of a lithography machine!
Let alone Synopsys, even all the EDA manufacturers in the world may not be able to stop it!
It's time to make plans for yourself!

After a moment of silence, he took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and gestured to Liu Quan:
"Come on one?"

"Let's make one whole."

The two men lit their cigarettes, and in the smoke, He Wen said:
"To be honest, I don't expect to sell anything to you when I come to you today. It's just a formality. What you said makes sense. I really should find a way out for myself, Zhi Xiaoguang Once the engraving machine comes out, it will fundamentally change the world's technological landscape."

"Although Synopsys looks awesome, it's actually just a small software company. If you can't stand this kind of shock, tell me, Mr. Liu, do you have a good place to go?"

Liu Quan smiled slightly and replied:
"Two options. Either go to microfusion, or come to me, how about it? If you come to me, I promise to pay you no less than Synopsys."

"So generous??"

He Fang asked in surprise.

"What is this? I'm not afraid to tell you that Yinglong EDA is easy to use, but it also has a disadvantage, which is the cost of learning. We urgently need a skilled person to guide our engineers to get started quickly."

"As for you, you have a technical background and have worked in sales for several years, but I know that the job in hand is not bad, and you are good at dealing with people, so it would be great if you were in charge of those stubborn engineers. But that's all."

"Come on, give me a quick word, do you want to do it or not! I can tell you clearly that taking this train will be much more comfortable than spending a few more years in Synopsys!"

The cigarette in his hand gradually burned to the end, He Fang felt the heat of the sparks, and slowly extinguished the cigarette butt in the ashtray.

After another few seconds of silence, a low growl escaped from his throat.

"Fuck, done!"

On this day, all chip design companies in China seemed to have made an appointment, and began to frantically list job recruitment information on major recruitment websites, and the information pointed to those who had already left or were about to leave their jobs from Western chip-related companies. Huaxia employees.

Just as a large number of engineers who had an accident in China changed jobs, this situation is also happening in Western companies represented by Synopsys.

The advent of Zhiwei lithography machine is a shot in the arm, and it is also a slap in the face.

These Chinese people who have committed themselves to Western manufacturers have finally found their true direction.

For a time, Western companies in the major chip industry chains were in panic.

The most exaggerated is a small EDA plug-in provider named FDD. They originally had an office in Shanghai with 7 Chinese employees. On the morning of September 9th, when their Greater China office When the office representative went to the office, he discovered an unacceptable fact.

The office of more than 100 square meters is empty!
(End of this chapter)

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