Great Power Technology.

Chapter 78 The beginning of the world

Chapter 78 The beginning of the world

As the sun set, Ye Zhou sat on the edge of the high water delivery channel of the Zhengshan Hydropower Station, looking at the misty lake below.

Sitting next to him are Chen Hao and Ye Lan.

"Now the matter of the Xinghuo factory is basically settled, and the rest is to switch to mass production after a long test. What do you think, should you stay here, or go back to Shencheng with me?"

With a cigarette in his hand, Chen Hao sat far away from Ye Lan.

After the first wafer rolled off the assembly line, Chen Hao brought Ye Lan to Miyagi County, and had already lived in Miyagi County for two days.

"I'll go back with you. Basically, I don't need me anymore. In fact, even if I are needed, I think it would be better to let them do it."

"The accumulation of technology takes time and experience. Instead of relying on my knowledge to help them solve all problems from the beginning, it is better to let them hit the wall and suffer, so that the accumulated talents will be more solid."

Hearing Ye Zhou's answer, Chen Hao nodded.

"Then go back with me. It's just about the matter of letting you set up a personal research institute. The above is almost coming to a conclusion. You can go back as soon as possible to prepare for the poaching. It's time to purchase and purchase. 1 years is too short , seize the day."

Ye Zhou hummed and continued to ask:

"when are you leaving?"


"Tomorrow? So anxious?"

Ye Zhou looked at Chen Hao in surprise. According to the information he had learned before, Chen Hao originally planned to stay in Miyagi County for more than a week, and he would not leave until the Xinghuo Factory completed the preliminary acceptance inspection.

Now that he suddenly changed his decision, could something unexpected happen?
As if seeing through Ye Zhou's doubts, Chen Hao explained:

"The waves caused by Zhiwei lithography machines are faster and wider than we expected, and many strategies that need to be deployed have to be launched in advance."

Ye Zhou frowned and asked tentatively:

"Tell me?"

Chen Hao glanced at Ye Lan first, and the latter wanted to leave tactfully, but was stopped by Chen Hao again.

"It's okay, listen to it too. You and Ye Zhou are on the same boat, so we don't have to deceive ourselves and others to keep it a secret from you. Another thing, I guess what I'm going to say later, you will be better at finance It's easy to understand, if Ye Zhou doesn't understand later, you can explain it to him."

After pausing for a moment, Chen Hao threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, then turned his body to Ye Zhou's direction, and asked solemnly:
"Ye Zhou, when you handed over that hard drive, did you know what this Zhiwei lithography opportunity would bring us?"

Ye Zhou pondered for a moment, then replied:

"I have thought about it. Our own lithography opportunity will completely break the monopoly of international high-end chips, impact the lithography machine market, and promote the development of domestic semiconductors and downstream industries."

"There will be great development in all aspects including mobile phones, TVs, artificial intelligence, and telemedicine."

"The biggest significance I can see is in the field of artificial intelligence. If we can combine the current chip technology with artificial intelligence technology, the subsequent development will be unimaginable, and it will even bring about earth-shaking changes to the existing industry ecology. "

After hearing Ye Zhou's words, Chen Hao nodded slightly.

"These things you mentioned are technical impacts, or single-level impacts. This is determined by your personal technical background. Just like if I ask Ye Lan, she will definitely answer me that it is similar to economic conflicts. Financial wars, economic hegemony, stuff like that, right?"

Seeing Ye Lan nodding, Chen Hao continued.

"However, at the national level, we must not only see the technical level, nor can we only see the economic level. What we see is the significance of the strategic level."

"The meaning of this is much broader than pure technology or economics."

"There is a saying in the West that a butterfly in the tropical rainforest of the Amazon River Basin in South America, occasionally flapping its wings, can cause a tornado in Texas two weeks later."

"Similarly, the emergence of the Zhiwei lithography machine is like the butterfly flapping its wings—no, it's not just a butterfly, it's a giant eagle. Therefore, its impact is also greater than that of a tornado Much more violent."

"Maybe you can't see any signs of wind for the time being, but in our eyes, after collecting a lot of information, I can definitely tell you that this storm has already begun to brew."

"A very simple example: in the domestic offices of various companies in the Western chip industry chain, there has generally been an unusual wave of employee resignations, and these resigned employees have been absorbed by our local companies."

"Do you know what that means?"

Ye Zhou thought for a moment in silence, then replied:
"This should be the beginning of the decline of the Western chip industry, but it should be more than that."

"Those who leave will take away a lot of technical experience, which will have a huge impact on Western companies, resulting in a sharp decline in corporate profits. Then there will be unemployment, reduced consumption power, and economic contraction."

"financial crisis."

Ye Lan on the side added.

Chen Hao glanced at the two of them approvingly, and then continued:

"The world has not had an economic crisis for nearly 10 years. According to the laws of the capitalist market, this economic crisis is just around the corner, and it will be different from every previous one."

"Because of this economic crisis, the impact of strategic technology replacement will also be superimposed."

"Using history as a mirror, we can know the ups and downs. The last economic crisis was superimposed on technological replacement. Do you know what the consequences are?"

".World War II."

"Wrong, it was World War I and World War II. I won't go into details, but you should know, what is the most obvious technological change in these two wars?"

"...internal combustion engine, oil."

"That's right. The second industrial revolution actually revolved around oil, electricity and the internal combustion engine, and oil is the foundation of the foundation."

"Now, we are facing the same situation."

"Today's world is built on the basis of electronics and information technology, and this foundation is built on semiconductor technology. Now, the top strategic technology is changing hands, and the economic crisis is about to happen. What do you think will be the consequences? ?”

Ye Zhou looked solemn, and after thinking for a moment, he shook his head firmly.

"It is unlikely that there will be a third war. The deterrence of the doomsday system is too strong. No one will take this risk. I think there may be chaos, but there will be no large-scale hot war."

"Yes, this is also our judgment. Therefore, our focus is on how to obtain the greatest benefit in these fierce conflicts."

After pausing for a moment, Chen Hao sighed with emotion, and then continued:

"The impact of Zhiwei will first crush the Western chip industry, and then, under the domino effect, all industrial sectors except basic industrial sectors will be affected."

"Industrial output will fall, and the decline will last for several years."

"Then, after reaching breaking point, the entire industrial system in the West will be dragged down."

"A large number of industrial enterprises will close down, and the prices of industrial products other than chips will skyrocket, and then inflation will spread to all economic fields, including automobiles, ships, furniture, clothing... and finally food."

"The Western economic system will eventually be completely emptied, leaving only the tertiary industry to sustain life."

"At that time, this whole world will be a hunting ground."

"Of course, the basis of all this is based on the premise that we have to take the initiative."

"The self-healing ability of capitalism is very strong. If no one gives them fuel, maybe they will recover soon."

"So, now, do you know what we're going to do?"

Chen Hao's eyes shone with breathtaking light under the setting sun, and Ye Zhou seemed to see the sparks of the impending prairie fire in his eyes.

"I understand."

Ye Zhou nodded solemnly.

Chen Hao took out the cigarette from his pocket again, lit it and took a deep breath.

Smoke surrounded several people, and sparks floated in the air.

After a moment of silence, Chen Hao said in a very low voice:
"The moment this Zhiwei lithography machine is released is the beginning of our exploration of the world!"

 There was a problem with the VIP chapter today, so it was delayed. It was released at 12 o'clock when it was put on the shelf, and I didn't send it until 12:40.

(End of this chapter)

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