Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 321 Gin, do your best and I’ll give you a new boss next year.

London, outside Heathrow Airport, and the environment near the airport are all good, the sky is high and the grass is long and the birds are flying.

The green fields make people feel happy. Of course, Lupine may not think so, but who knows?

Gin, vodka, two big men in black. Fortunately, it was a rainy day and in London, a country that seems to have a special liking for black. They stood beside the airport path and they were not very conspicuous.

They were really old acquaintances, but Koji Shimizu had never thought before that their second official meeting would be like this.

At the same time, he was also glad in his heart. When he first met and rescued Akemi from Gin, he was smart enough to be fully armed, except for the pair of Sharingan, and now, the Sharingan , thanks to that unknown witch, it is no longer a flaw in his identity.

I opened the door and stepped out of the car. Before I even got close, Gin's cold voice reached my ears.

"Belmod, and——, are you Sacco?"

Gin frowned deeply. Even though Koji Shimizu looked taller and more mature than the average high school student, he was still a first-year student after all. For an expert like Gin who had a keen eye for understanding people, the unique youthfulness of his age was not something he could tolerate. Maybe it was hidden from him.

Too young, this is the first impression of Gin, not bad, but definitely not good either.

"Sacco, this is gin, this is vodka."

Belmod briefly introduced Shimizu Koji. At the same time, he was also telling Gin that this was her person.

"Ah hello."

Shimizu Koji nodded and took the initiative to extend his hand to Gin, but as expected, he was ignored.

But he was also acting, in order to deepen the feeling he gave Belmod just now in the car.

In fact, Shimizu Koji had already made some guesses before, but without Belmod's personal confirmation, he did not dare to make a judgment arbitrarily before.

But now, it's easy to handle. Belmod's purpose has been determined. All he needs now is to perform step by step.

But you must also pay attention to the scale. Shimizu Koji feels that he really needs to improve his acting skills. He obviously feels that the acting skills he secretly learned from Yukiko last time are no longer enough.

Gin was as cold and cold as a real flower of the high mountains. If it were an ordinary person, he wouldn't be able to bear the cold murderous look in his triangular eyes.

Vodka, as Gin's loyal younger brother, also had his nostrils turned upward at this moment, not giving Koji Shimizu a good look at all.

Because they also knew that Koji Shimizu was the kendo boy who killed Gin with a killing blow in the National Arena.

Although that mission was an error, and Shimizu Koji was only trying to protect his classmates after investigation, but they were sent to Europe anyway, and Shimizu Koji was responsible for it.

"Why is the atmosphere so tense from the beginning? It's not like we're enemies, or are you, Gin, concerned about that miss?"

Belmode was obviously trying to make a fuss, and even Koji Shimizu could clearly feel it. As expected, women are fickle.

Naturally, Gin has long been accustomed to Belmod's cynicism. Although he was sent to Europe for three months, he didn't do anything. He successfully uncovered more than a dozen traitors and killed them all. One execution.

"Where's the stuff?"

"Oh, let me look for it. Wait a minute. I seem to have forgotten it in the car."

Belmod symbolically flipped through his satchel, then smiled apologetically, turned and walked towards the car on the side of the road.

Shimizu Koji stood on the spot, facing Gin and Vodka. The wind was strong and their clothes were blown violently. Cold rain occasionally dripped. Gin's eyes were cold and he stared at Shimizu Koji without blinking. .

"I heard you're very capable, rifle, eight hundred yards."

"Oh? News spreads so fast? But, I guess that shouldn't be my limit."

"With a good gun, anyone can shoot 800 yards." Faced with Shimizu Koji's pretentiousness, Gin said disdainfully.

Of course, he couldn't take Qingmizu Koji's words seriously, especially when he looked at Qingmizu Koji's young face.

Gin couldn't explain why, he was simply unhappy.

Well, it kind of smells like a traitor.

"Oh, anyone can, then I really don't understand."

Shimizu Koji decisively "gives up". There is no point in arguing about this kind of thing. After all, looking at Gin's eyes that are higher than his head, Shimizu Koji feels that he is much more knowledgeable than Belmod.

"Hmph, kid."

As expected, his resignation resulted in even more disdain from Gin. Gin did not hide his disdain, turned around and took out a pack of cigarettes from his windbreaker pocket, and a scene that surprised Koji Shimizu appeared. .

Like a burly man, Vodka suddenly fawned and took out a lighter from his pocket. His diligent and neat movements made Shimizu Koji stunned.

Is this still prevalent in the organization?

No wonder when Xiao Ai talked about the organization with him, when he mentioned vodka, he only gave him a stupid comment.

In her eyes, it's hard for such a guy to be anything other than a fool.

"Kid, you'd better not sleep too hard at night, lest you talk in your sleep and leak the organization's information."

Gin said to Shimizu Koji again while smoking.

Shimizu Koji's expression remained unchanged, as if he was letting Gin mock and despise him. However, when Belmode came back from the car after getting something, he suddenly said: "Are you worried that I will leak the secret? That shouldn't be the case. I am now I usually live with Belmode."

"But you are really good at catching moles as Belmod said. Come on, do your best."

Belmod came back, and everything Koji Shimizu said fell into her ears word for word. However, she did not refute, let alone make trouble.

Her eyes flashed, and an intriguing smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. Instead, she handed the list she took down to Koji Shimizu.

"The organization is so lucky to have a pillar like you. This is the list of undercover agents we investigated in Japan. Take the gin. This arduous task will be left to you and vodka."

Koji Shimizu is serious and serious. If Belmode had not known him well enough, it would be difficult to see Koji Shimizu's true thoughts at this moment.

Just like the vodka beside him, he was already frozen in place. He was indeed slow to react. He just felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't explain it.

And looking at the warm and sincere look on Shimizu Koji's face, he even felt a little embarrassed.

This newcomer is actually pretty good——.

As for Gin, he didn't hide the murderous intent in his eyes at all, but Koji Shimizu just smiled and looked at him without any fear.

After a moment of silence, just when Vodka was about to finally notice something was wrong, Gin reached out and took the list handed over by Koji Shimizu, then took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Belmode who was standing aside.

Gin didn't get angry because he couldn't tell whether Shimizu Koji was really innocent or fake, and he didn't want to waste time, because if the delay continued, their plane would be missed.

He can stop buses, but not airplanes.

After taking a deep look at Koji Shimizu, Gin turned around and left with the vodka. Although this meeting was brief, there was no doubt that Koji Shimizu left a deep impression on him.

"Sako, it turns out that you have the potential to be evil. I really can't see it at all."

"Huh? You are being shady. I am very serious. Belmod, you see, in this short period of time, Gin has even planted a hidden stake on the M16. He is not a pillar of talent. "

Koji Shimizu is indeed telling the truth at this moment. He is really a pillar of talent. The organization cannot survive without Gin, but it is possible to change the boss.

However, Belmode just shook his head and chuckled, obviously not taking it to heart.

After all, no one in the organization has ever been so bold or ambitious. Even if there are overt and covert struggles for power, they are all done under certain tacit understandings and rules.

In short, no one would have thought that a new person joining the organization would actually come to be the boss.

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