Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 51 The blinded girl


A piercing sound suddenly sounded, breaking the dark silence in the alleyway.

Koji Shimizu, who had just walked out of the back door a few steps, his eyes narrowed slightly and he stopped.

A bamboo knife, just like he once pointed at Takahashi Ryoichi indifferently, the girl in front of him, Tie Zhuyu, also pointed at him.

His hands were as white as snow, his straight arms, and the bamboo sword pointed straight at his face. Only an inch of the sword's edge could be seen in front of Koji Shimizu.

This is?

Shimizu Koji raised his eyebrows, a little confused.

If he remembered correctly, three or four hours ago, he and this beautiful kendo girl had a nice get-together.

But when he saw him coming out, Tie Zhuyu on the opposite side had no intention of explaining anything, and just said coldly: "Draw your sword."

After that, she threw it casually, and a bamboo knife flew towards Qingshui Koji.

Shimizu Koji stretched out his hand and caught it steadily.

Although it was incomprehensible, facing Tie Zhuyu's sharp and vague aura with murderous intent, he didn't talk nonsense. He grasped the hilt of the sword and waved it casually, and his aura changed instantly.

Tie Zhuyu didn't care at all whether Qingshui Koji was holding the bamboo sword firmly. In an instant, he flew forward and stabbed straight in like an afterimage.

The blade of the sword was pointed directly at Koji Shimizu's throat. Even if it was a bamboo sword, one blow would definitely kill him.


The sword was blocked, but Tie Zhuyu didn't care at all. Instead, his attack became more fierce and he bullied him again.

Shimizu Koji thought that with his recent improvement in all aspects, he should be able to win easily this time.

But within a few moves, he realized that he was wrong.


Another heavy blow, Shimizu Koji even felt his palms numb.

The girl opposite seemed to have entered a certain state, focusing solely on attacking. Whether it was skills or strength, she was not even a bit stronger than the last time they fought.

The sword never comes back, its moves are sharp and full of killing intent.

If Koji Shimizu is not strong enough and has not been strengthened by the Sharingan, he may not be able to get angry on the spot if he is not careful.

Faced with such an offensive, even an honest person would be angered, not to mention Koji Shimizu, when the battle started, he had no intention of holding back.

Repaying kindness with kindness, stopping killing with killing, Koji Shimizu is waiting for the opportunity to win with one strike.

Battles are often silent fights.

In just a few seconds, the two of them exchanged dozens of blows without being able to see clearly the movements of their swords.

The bamboo swords clattered and collided, and in the dark alley, it seemed like some monster was eagerly waiting for blood, constantly clicking its teeth.

After a short blow to widen the distance, Shimizu Ko's two bamboo swords crossed, and a black magatama gradually rotated in his pupils, and the moving blood appeared again.

But Tie Zhuyu didn't notice anything unusual about him at all, his expression was cold and focused, his eyes were locked on Qingshui Koji, and he rushed forward boldly in an instant.

The girl moved like an arrow from a string, and in the dark alleyway, the naked eye could barely capture her afterimage.

But for Koji Shimizu, who had opened his Sharingan, he could see Tie Zhuyu's every move.

Including her subtle movements at the next moment, he knew everything.

Tie Zhuyu may be very strong, but compared to the previous Gin, he still seems too immature.

Whether it is strength or the ability to capture changes in the battle situation.


In the alleyway, the sound of the last bamboo sword clashing was heard.

This sudden kendo duel ended with the sound of "pop--" and a bamboo sword falling to the ground.

Also falling to the ground along with him was Tie Zhuyu himself.

In just a split second, Qingshui Koji's bamboo sword passed through her attack like lightning and landed on her right hand and abdomen without any mercy.

"Is this your true swordsmanship—?"

Qingshui Koji was neither angry nor happy, his expression was calm and terrifying, and the bloody magatama in his eyes slowly turned, looking strange and coquettish.

Although he didn't understand why this girl came, the other party did attack him with murderous intent.

The edge of his bamboo sword pointed downwards, resting on Tie Zhuyu's head like a finger.


Tie Zhuyu endured the severe pain, gritted his teeth, and covered his lower abdomen with one hand. He firmly denied it in his heart, but remained silent as death.

Cold sweat caused by the pain slipped from her forehead, and she seemed not to care at all whether Koji Shimizu would ruthlessly take her life at the next moment.

At this moment, she only knew that she lost, quickly, miserably, and completely.

She lost to this guy, and she was kind of—no, she couldn't accept it at all.

She practiced day after day, even against her mother's prayers and wishes. Even if she was found to be severely punished, she kept practicing hard.

No matter spring, summer, autumn or winter, no matter severe cold or heat, strong wind, blizzard or heavy rain

Her swordsmanship existed only to kill people, and it was filled with hatred from the beginning. She thought she would grow rapidly until she personally killed the enemy she had never met.

But, this isn't fair——

Why, why would she lose?

Why, her sweat, her sacrifice, all her efforts and effort, are they really worthless?

Talent, turns out to be really an insurmountable gap?

Jealousy and reluctance, the invisible flame blazing in Tie Zhuyu's heart was beating and shining crazily. The firm belief that had always supported her growth and progress had been shaken like never before from this afternoon until now.

There was some confusion and doubt in Shimizu Koji's eyes. Of course, he was not a cold and ruthless machine, although he was merciless to the beautiful girl.

But as a normal human being, it was hard for him not to be confused by Tie Zhuyu's behavior.

Why was this? Shimizu Koji felt that the two of them had known each other for a long time before, and there was no reason for them to meet each other in life and death.

Also, why did Tie Zhuyu appear here?

What surprised him was that Tie Zhuyu did not seem to be seriously injured at the moment.

According to Shimizu Koji's own estimation, even if that blow did not take half of her life, it would at least make the girl lose consciousness directly.

But thinking of this world that was not quite right, yes, since human force can be increased in an unscientific way, the strength of the human body should naturally be improved accordingly.

This problem was soon temporarily solved in Shimizu Koji's mind.

But. Shimizu Koji turned his eyes and attention back to the girl lying on the ground.

"Woo woo."

The first sob of the girl sounded, and Shimizu Koji thought for a moment that his ears were blurry.

"Why. Wow."

The alley behind the club was very dark and long. Qingshui Koji dragged Tie Zhuyu to the back door of a closed shop and let her sit on the steps.

There is a kind of despair called the collapse of faith, and Tie Zhuyu is like this now.

She saw Qingshui Koji walk into the club in the afternoon. She just shook her head and planned to leave.

But for some reason, she took a step back and became more and more angry.

She has been practicing so hard during this period, but she has only gained an improvement that is difficult to detect with the naked eye, but Qingshui Koji has become so much stronger as if he eats and drinks water.

She can't say that she doesn't understand Qingshui Koji, but judging people by swords, Qingshui Koji is definitely not the kind of person who is devoted to kendo, especially when he comes to such a place.

Familiar with the road.

It's simply unacceptable!

Her heart has been blinded by hatred and the desire for power, and her thoughts and mentality have inevitably entered a certain extreme.

After a fierce and short fight, she was beaten and woke up.

Tie Zhuyu suddenly felt a little ridiculous. She had imagined countless times that one day she would point her sword at that man and use his blood to justify her deceased father's name.

For this reason, she kept working hard, working hard, regardless of spring, summer, autumn, winter, severe cold and heat, wind, frost, rain, and snow. She gradually became a kendo master admired by countless peers.

Countless boys of the same age, and even adult swordsmen in the dojo, were defeated by her.

She has reached her limit, as a girl. At least, three dojo owners have told her so.

But even so, she lost just facing Shimizu Koji, a guy with top talent but no growth at all, and lost quickly, so fast that she didn't react at all.

But she was never willing to admit that she might not be able to catch up with the man who was known as the strongest swordsman in her life.

So, she wanted to fight Shimizu Koji with all her strength, she wanted to win, she wanted to prove her own - kendo.

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