Great Voyage: I, The Treasure Of The King Awakened At The Beginning!

【14】Understanding The Geographical Division Of The World

The next day, after the court meeting, a new policy quickly spread throughout the kingdom of Helios.

[According to the proposal of His Royal Highness, His Majesty the King and the ministers have decided to enter into the national cultivation stage from now on. 】

[In the schools all over the kingdom, the non-commissioned officers of the kingdom army will set up practical teachings such as taijutsu, haki, and swordsmanship. 】

[In these turbulent times, the kingdom does not want any of its people to be bullied. 】

[Therefore, in the kingdom, we have entered the stage of national cultivation, and I hope that all the people can actively participate. 】

[In addition, those with outstanding talents can make an exception to enter the Kingdom Army, and those with outstanding talents can get personal instructions from His Royal Highness the Prince! 】

As soon as the new policy came out, the entire kingdom became a sensation.

After the previous opening of the military zone, many people in the kingdom knew something about the kingdom's army.

Find resources, clear pirates, deal with sea beasts, maintain law and order, expel Sea Kings

One after another, one thing after another, countless people know the greatness of the Kingdom's army.

Without their protection, without their hard work, the kingdom would not be so safe and sound.

Seeing a lot of pictures of the blood and sweat of the Royal Army, countless people had a super shocking vision.

It was also from that moment that countless people wanted to join the Kingdom's army and want to protect their families and the country.

However, due to lack of strength, all were rejected.

After all, the Royal Army now has 2 million+ people. If it were to increase without limit, it would be a huge financial drain.

Moreover, Yi Si didn't want to make Helios a kingdom of war, so he never expanded his recruits.

But this time, it has been clearly stated that those with outstanding strength can join the Kingdom's army.

As soon as this matter came out, the people of the entire kingdom were very happy.

After waiting for so long, I finally found a way other than the army conscription period.

For a time, the cultivation enthusiasm of the entire kingdom people was ignited.

At the same time, the Royal Army also made a slight adjustment.

Today, the Royal Army has a total of four armies in the south, east, and northwest.

After fine-tuning, the work of the Fourth Army of the Kingdom has also been assigned more clearly.

Every three months, one of the legions of the Royal Army will enter a state of rest and adjustment.

During the rest period, this legion can go home to visit relatives, practice on their own, travel and so on.

It will not be merged into a legion again until three months later, and then after a week of training, he will take over the tasks performed by other legions that need to rest.

And the other three legions,

The first one is responsible for guarding, guarding the Crown Heights, guarding the safety of the royal family in the palace, and protecting the safety of the kingdom's treasury.

The second is responsible for the territory, scattered into various schools in the kingdom to teach the people, and is responsible for the security and patrols throughout the kingdom, picketing out spies from other forces.

The third one is responsible for overseas, part of patrolling the waters of the kingdom in the Grand Line, killing those pirates and other forces who want to invade the kingdom.

In addition, this legion will also be responsible for a series of operations such as island exploration, resource collection, and sea beast hunting in the Calm Belt waters.

The above is the adjustment of the Kingdom's Fourth Army. As a result, the work distribution of the Kingdom's Fourth Army has become more and more clear.


On the other hand, just when the kingdom entered the stage of national cultivation.

At this time, Yi Si had already brought the four Dylans to the military area where the Calm Belt of Crown Island was located.

"I have seen Your Highness."

At this time, Abner, the commander of the Confederate Army, came to Yi Si.

After the fine-tuning of the Fourth Army of the Kingdom, it is now the South Army of the Kingdom that is responsible for all overseas activities.

"Commander Abner, long time no see." Looking at Abner, Yi Si smiled slightly.

In the past two years, because of the relationship between Dylan and the four, Yi Si has often seen the army commander of the Fourth Army of the Kingdom, so they are already very familiar with them.

After hearing Yi Si's words, Abner also chuckled lightly: "It's been a long time indeed, so I would like to thank His Highness once again for raising the dog."

Hearing this, Yi Si waved his hand: "I don't need to talk about this kind of thing. You always say that every time you see me, and you're tired of hearing it."

"Okay, tell me something about Calm Belt. Although I have a little understanding of it before, I still need you to clarify it."

"I'm going to practice on the Calm Belt for a while, and then I'll be sailing around the world to practice."

"Huh? Is Your Highness planning to go to sea..." Hearing Yi Si's plan, Abner nodded but didn't ask more.

"If that's the case, then please go to the barracks with your Highness first, and your Highness will explain the situation of the Calm Belt to His Highness."

Later, under the leadership of the Confederate Army Commander Abner, Yi Si, Dylan and the others came to a spacious and strong military camp.

Walking into the barracks, all the way to a war room where the barracks is located.

At this time, there is no one else in the war room here, but only a world map, and the rest is a round table and a few stools.

"Your Highness, take a seat, and then I will explain to His Highness the Calm Belt, Grand Line, and the four seas."

Abner came to the world map posted on the wall, motioned Yi Si and the others to sit down, and said.

"If Your Highness wants to go to sea, then you can't just understand Calm Belt."

While pointing at the map, Abner quickly entered the state of explaining.

At this time, Yi Si and Dylan also found a place to sit down and listened to Abner's explanation quietly.

"First of all, according to the world's recognized, the world we live in is a spherical world."

"The reason why we stand on land and not fall is because of the gravity and gravity of the planet."

"For the specific and detailed reasons, His Royal Highness can know these things by going to the Kingdom Library to find books related to the world overview."

"Now, let's talk about some branches of our world."

Having said that, Abner pointed to the four huge sea signs on the wall in turn.

"These four divided sea areas are the four seas, namely East Blue, West Blue, South Blue, and North Blue."

"Then, from south to north, the one that circles the planet vertically is the Red Line."

"This line from east to west, horizontally encircling the planet is the Grand Line."

"And in the vast junction of the Grand Line and the four seas is the Calm Belt."

"The Calm Belt doesn't have any wind, so normal sailboats cannot sail within the Calm Belt."

"Not only that, but within the Calm Belt, a large number of Sea Kings live and operate in the Calm Belt, so the Calm Belt is also a place that people fear."

"Also, although the Grand Line is the general name for this waterway, it is divided into two sea areas by the Red Line."

"Grand Line also divides the two different names of Paradise and New World."

"The first half of the Grand Line, that is, the passage from Upside Down Mountain to Sabaody Archipelago, is called a paradise. The specific reason is that the pirates in the first half are generally not as powerful as the second half."

"And the second half of the Grand Line, that is, after passing through The fish men island to the other side of Upside Down Mountain, is called New World."

"In the New World, there are countless strong people, and there are strong people with Master Haki everywhere."

"And the above are some general divisions of our world's geography."

Having said that, Abner pointed to the position of the first half of the Grand Line again.

"Now, tell me where our kingdom of Helios is."

"The Kingdom of Helios, located in the first half of the Grand Line."

"Also, the location of the kingdom is very remote. The Crown Island, where the kingdom is located, is half in the Calm Belt and half in the Grand Line waters."

"Among them, on the other side of the Calm Belt where we are located, after investigation, it has been confirmed that it is East Blue."

"And the legendary Daughters Island is located in the Calm Belt on the other side of the first half of the Grand Line."

"They're in the Calm Belt near the South Blue area."

"Therefore, the waters adjacent to the Calm Belt on both sides of the first half of the Grand Line are East Blue and South Blue respectively."

"As for the two sides of the second half of the Grand Line, North Blue is on the north side and West Blue on the south side."

Having said this, Abner started talking about sailing on the four seas with the Grand Line.

"After you understand the location of Helios Kingdom, let's talk about some things about navigating this sea."

"First of all, within the four seas, basically as long as you have a compass and a chart, you can navigate."

"However, on the Grand Line, the compass is useless. If you want to go to other islands, you need a permanent pointer and a recording pointer."

"The permanent pointer, the permanent pointer will always point to an island on the Grand Line forever and never change direction."

"The recording pointer, the recording pointer can record the magnetism between the islands of the Grand Line, and correctly let people get to the next island."

"Because the magnetic force of each island is different, the recording pointer needs to be recorded locally for a period of time, and it will point to the next island after the magnetic force is full."

"If it does not reach the island pointed to by the recording pointer and reaches another island, the magnetic force will be replaced."

"It takes too long for some islands to be full of magnetic force. If you don't want to wait, you must use the permanent pointer to reach the island pointed to by the permanent pointer to replace the magnetic force, and then move on to the next island."

"But that's only the first half of the Grand Line, and the second half of the Grand Line, New World, is a different story."

"The permanent pointer of New World remains unchanged, but the record pointer has changed somewhat."

"The magnetic field in New World is more chaotic than the magnetic field in the first half of the Grand Line, so the recording needle used in the first half is useless in New World."

"New World needs to use a new record hand, which is an upgraded version of the record hand, with 3 course hands on one dial."

"This kind of record pointer points to three different islands, and then the pirates can choose the safest, that is, the most stable route for the pointer."

"Also, in addition to recording the pointer and the permanent pointer, the navigator is also very important."

"The weather in the first half of the Grand Line is changeable, and the New World is even more severe. At this time, navigators are very important."

"With navigators, most severe weather can be avoided in advance, and with pointers, people can reach the islands safely."

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