Greatest Marine in One Piece Universe

Volume 3 Chapter 9

Soldiers from the kingdom's army could be seen marching with a large crate being pulled by horses.

“Clear the way, we are on important business, orders of the King” the guards yelled as they shoved civilians out of the way.

“Release the substance” the guard instructed his fellow guards.


The guards drew their swords and struck the bag that was pulled all this way by the horses. Right above the bags rain clouds started to gather, eventually leading to a downpour of rain.

“Thank you” the people thanked the guards

“Don't thank me, Thank the King” the guard replied with a smile, which turned rather evil as he looked away from the crowd. ‘Mission accomplished’

This was the scene that occurred in every town and city in Arabasta Kingdom today.


Alubarna Palace.

“Your Majesty” Pell, the Head Guard of the palace, dropped to his knees. He had a purple line under each eye that ran down the sides of his face, giving him a resemblance to a falcon. He wore a long white robe with brown star-like motifs on it and a matching hat. He also carried a sword on his right hip.

“What is it Pell, is Vivi up to no good again?” King Nefertari Cobra asked lovingly, his daughter was his weakness as a King. She looked like a spitting image of her mother the late Queen Nefertari Titi and got away with everything because of this. He was a man of average height, wrinkled face and a tied-off beard. His hair was long, curly and black in colour. He was wearing a green robe with yellow edges, an orange and beige sash around his waist and a purple coat. He has a necklace on his neck and sandals on his feet.

“I bring terrible news, Your Majesty, some organisation has either infiltrated our army or has somehow managed to get hold of their uniform. They are posing as guards under your orders, with this cover they are releasing Dance Powder all over Arabasta.” Pell reported the incident to the King.

“WHAT!” King Cobra was so shocked his arm which was resting on the throne slipped off it.

“The people are currently celebrating, praising you their King for bringing the rain, Your Majesty I think this is someone's scheme” Pell spoke with his face to the floor

“Yes, I believe it is so. In the past year, the dry season has lasted a lot longer than normal, it is as if someone is controlling the drought.” King Cobra said while he thought. “Inform the guards to be on high alert, we must find them before things get too late. Also, find Vivi, she will be restricted to the palace until we know what and who we are dealing with.”

“Yes, Your Majesty” Pell said as he rushed out of the palace.

“Titi what should I do? This all started when I turned down the request of Warlord Crocodile; Stopping him from visiting The Tomb of The Kings” King Cobra spoke looking at the empty seat of the Queen.


“Captain, we have caught up with the ship that is carrying the fruit. It is a pirate ship with a smiling face with a line drawn across it as it's jolly roger.” Shields reported

‘Donquixote Pirates, the fruit cartel’ Ezra thought

“Shields, stop them,” Ezra instructed

“Bari Bari no Mi (Barrier Barrier Fruit): 4 Walls”

“Captain, we seem to be caught in some type of shield.” A crewmate reported

“I can see, who in their right mind will stop a ship belonging to a Warlord of the sea,” the captain said proudly

“I am Commodore Atlant, you are an unidentified vessel in this part of the sea, prepare for boarding and inspection.”

“No way, we are vassals of the Donquixote Family, we will rather fight than let you on our ship,” the captain replied

“Ok then, You are under arrest, each of you will be coming with us to base!”

“Hahaha, The marines are actually coming out of their shells, give them hell,” the captain laughed 

“Ay Ay Captain” the crew replied

Bang! Bang! Bang!

3 gunshots sounded out from nowhere, 3 people fell limp on the floor of the ship. 

“GET DOWN, TAKE COVER They have a sniper! Have you seen their ship!” someone asked 

“No” another pirate replied

“Then where are they shooting from?” a pirate asked

Ute Ute no Mi (Shoot Shoot Fruit): Sniper

The commotion caused by the 3 pirates on the floor was enough for 30 frogmen to board the ship.

“Put your weapons down and come with us,” an Atlantean Frogman behind his scuba mask said slowly. “ Don't try anything funny, if you don't want to lose more men”

“Don't listen to …” before the pirate could finish his rallying sentence.


“See I told you,” the Atlantean said as he shrugs his shoulders


Inside the prison cells of the Atlantis, the pirate captain was yelling, “Marines, this is not the end of this matter. Doflamingo will be hearing about this. Your bosses will have to give an explanation and compensation for your actions”

“Okay, we will take note of that. But honestly, we don't care. Our job is to keep people like you away from civilians. I have a few questions to ask you, I hope you can cooperate with me. Before we start I want you to know whether you choose to cooperate or not, I will still find out what I want to know” Brains said to the pirate captain.

“Captain, there are two fruits inside that chest,” Brains said as he unlocked the chest for Ezra. “The captain was not really helpful, so I read his mind. Captain Arabasta is in the middle of a power struggle.” Brains reported

“Tell me all you know”, Ezra replied

Captain, all the information I could gather from this person was he was tasked with delivering two specific items to Arabasta. One was the Devil Fruit which was going to the Royal Palace, the second was an illegal substance, Dance powder! This is going to the leader of a bounty hunter organisation. I still can't help but think, why will they be buying Dance Powder if they know the effects of it, and also how can a bounty hunter organisation have connections with the Donquixote family.

The two fruits are Mizu Mizu no Mi (Water Water Fruit) and the second one is Tori Tori no Mi: Model Eagle.” Brains made a full report.

“Interesting. We will be visiting Arabasta on this trip. Since illegal substances have been used. It affects the lives of the civilians on the sandy island. It is our duty to make sure the correct justice is served. Inform the others of this, and set a course to Arabasta” Ezra instructed “Also call me No. 10, The Eagle fruit suits him best”

After a while No. 10 was seen walking out of the captain's room, with some distinctive changes. His eyes were now sharp and fierce, it was as if he could see even through anything. If though he was in human form, he had a large feather sticking out of his head. His appearance wasn't the only thing that changed. His codename also changed from No. 10 to Eagle.

Ezra, who was now left alone in the captain's cabin with the Mizu Mizu no Mi fruit in his hand, could not help but cower. It is general knowledge that a person can only eat one Devil Fruit, eating a second one will cause the person to overload and explode. But meeting Uranus has also been outside of common sense, he has trusted Uranus up till now and he has not been let down.

‘Uranus was not clear, am I to gather the 3 fruits then head to the last Island, or can I eat the fruits and then head to the island.’ he thought ‘what am I thinking, if Uranus wanted to kill me, he will not have sent me on a mission to kill myself’ with that train of thought Ezra toss the blue apple looking fruit into his mouth. As soon as he bit into everything in front of him faded into darkness.

All he could hear was a voice sounding in his head.

“It is a good thing I left my essence for you to absorb. That is the only reason you are alive now is that your body has been transformed internally to handle the power of 2 Devil Fruits. Don't eat the third one until you arrive at the palace on the last island…” the voice spoke before fading out.

The hustle and bustle on Atlantis continued, no one knew their captain had just survived a near-death experience and was currently transforming into something beyond human after eating 2 compatible Devil Fruits.


What will happen to OUR MC? What will happen in Arabasta? So many questions.

Might need some time to fully work out this Arc before the next chapter is out.

Comments and Feedback are always welcome

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