Chapter 1607 Too Many Advantages.

Chapter 1607  Too Many Advantages.

Not many are using the air-based fortresses since they are more expensive and will be the first target of the invaders. But Legion used them.

The Tree Father had made many death stars as a Celestial. They have since been upgraded, so they cannot be wasted. Unlike the pyramids he built when he was a Celestial, which have long been destroyed, the death stars can be summoned by him. And they will have the power of Supreme Origin gods because they are an extension of him. The clones summoned the death stars around each of them and above the defensive shell. These preparations, combined with the fact that the clones are scattered throughout the divine plane, ensure that they will not be eliminated at once. This way, they will always be able to regenerate, resurrect, and summon whatever they lost and get back into the thick of battle. Legion was among the first to finish setting up since they already had everything prepared. They were able to use the time before the fighting started to examine their surroundings and update themselves on the situation of the realm as a whole. The situation of the realm appeared within Legion's mind through their divine sense and Soverick's eyes. The Origin gods in the main plane of the realm were building fortresses on the ground around the opening of dungeons, while the divine plane is also full of a lot of actions.

One can note that the Origin gods are in a hurry. They are rushing about, trying to get their preparations done quickly. But one thing that is absent is anxiety or fear. Instead, buzzing excitement and hungry eagerness can be sensed from their actions and demeanor. Legion-1 said, "We are confident in victory."

Soverick agreed, "We have no reason not to be confident. We have all the advantages in this war. We will win."

Indeed, the high heaven realm has all the advantages here. They may be rushing to prepare, but they are not the ones that will be desperate in the upcoming battle.

As it is, the realm of high heaven is three steps ahead of the Tyrant Realm. There is a blockade around the Tyrant Realm, so they cannot receive reinforcements from their immortals. Their divine plane has been destroyed, so there is no defense for the Tyrant Realm. Last but not least, the demon gods are ravaging the Tyrant realm. The Tyrant realm, on the other hand, is just about to make an active move on the High Heaven realm since the era of conquest began. They are also at a disadvantage since they will not be able to resurrect in the realm.

Not only are they suppressed such that they can't teleport around the high heaven realm or use world fragments, they also have to face an enemy that can continuously replenish their numbers. Anyone with any good sense can tell that the upcoming battle is a losing battle for them. All of these things have happened even before the two realms have completely fused. When that happens, the dungeons will open. It is foreseeable that the High Heaven Realm will gain another advantage if the upcoming attack by the Tyrants on the realm fails. So if this attack fails, the high heaven realm will gain their seventh advantage, while the Tyrant realm will remain at zero. A normal person with all of this information can safely bet that the High Heaven Realm will win. A seer, on the other hand, can say with certainty that the High Heaven Realm will win. Soverick can see this, and so can many others. So it is understandable that no Origin god in the high heaven realm is afraid while the Tyrants are under a lot of pressure. The Tyrants have to break through the defense of the divine plane, enter the main plane, and use the dungeons to gain entry into their realm to reinforce it.

This is what they have to do to turn the tide of defeat in this realm war. The Origin gods of the high heaven realm, on the other hand, only have to defend the divine plane. They have all of these advantages, but they only have one thing to do. They just can't see how they will fail at it. As if the pressure of failure is not bad enough for the Tyrants, the repercussions of failure is also mounting pressure on them. They know that if they fail and the realm is destroyed, they will lose the support and guidance of the Will of the realm in their pursuit of the power of world gods.

Those are the stakes here. It is not death for the losers, but it might mean eternal stagnation in their pursuit of power. Meanwhile, the origin gods of the High Heaven realm are looking forward to the battle so as to earn a lot of points before the era of conquest ends. One can imagine which side has the highest morale. This is the sixth advantage of setting the battlefield. Soon, the enemies could be seen appearing in the void of the realm of high heaven. The defenders are not working together as an army, but there is someone commanding them. That person is Mother High Heaven through the mission channel. Anyone can do anything, but it is best if they go along with her instructions. They will be able to earn higher contribution points that way. They also won't have their contribution points deducted for ruining her plans if they follow her lead. Right now, the main instruction is to wait for the air fortresses to make their first move. The second instruction is for the air fortresses and their weapons to wait for invaders to get closer before shooting. So everyone was waiting. But things didn't go their way. The invaders decided to take advantage of the greed of the defenders to secure some advantages for themselves.

Some Origin gods had noticed that the enemies didn't descend to fight immediately after they entered the realm. Instead, they stalled in the void just after the barrier of the realm doing something. 

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