Chapter 1671: The Awakening.

Chapter 1671: The Awakening.

Monarch High Heaven said to her, "In that case, you should be very happy. It is finally going to happen. I'm guessing you are here to make sure I complete the awakening or to take advantage of the situation while I complete the awakening. Which is it?"

She gave him a nod. "You are right to guess. But whatever my aim is, it doesn't matter to you. You are about to die anyway."

The realm lord shook his head and said, "I can't do anything to you, but I hope the first one will not be so useless."

She laughed. "How interesting. The hopes of a dying man. I will use this against the first one when he wakes up."

The three of them returned to silence as they waited. The change they were waiting for happened soon. Mother High Heaven finished with her work, so the link between the realm lord and the realm became permanent and strengthened.

Power coursed through Monarch High Heaven and broke the shackles of the light side. He officially became a world god. It was at this point that the realm began to sink to the dark side.

But more was going on in the realm tree. The strengthened realm lord closed his eyes. It was as if he was sleeping. But he never woke up again. It was another entity that woke up in his place when his eyes opened again.

He opened his eyes to reveal blazing orbs of fire. His eyes were so bright, they were like stars. But they continued to grow brighter. They didn't stop until he exploded.

Light and energy gushed out of him like a fountain. The explosion expanded rapidly and shook the whole realm. Then it expanded into the void universe outside of the realm to envelope the whole realm tree.

The form of the realm tree was warped and destroyed by the explosion. It lost its shape as a tree and became a ball of light. The realm became a small object in the middle of this explosion of fire and light.

The explosion, on the other hand, continued to expand as if it would cover the whole void universe. But it couldn't. There was backlash for the changes it had brought to the realm. This backlash stopped its expansion in its tracks and even caused it to shrink.

The explosion shrank until it was the size of the realm tree. The original realm tree has now disappeared within the explosion, so the explosion is the realm's new body.

The explosion became more like a body as its features began to smoothen. Soon, a large man with a single eye appeared around the realm as its new form.

The skin of the man is transparent, so one can see the explosion going on within it. It is as if the man is made up of one giant explosion after another. But his features are clear. He has a head with a face on it, two arms, and two legs.

He doesn't have hair, so his head is bald. He doesn't have a nose, ears, or a mouth, so his eye is the only thing on his face. All in all, he looks like a naked white statue sculpted out of light.

But soon the surface of his body rippled as armor formed on it. This armor is golden, unlike the white firery explosion that makes up his body. The golden armor covered his figure from head to toe. But it allowed space on his face for his single eye.

The only entities who saw this and could marvel at his handsomeness were the world gods chasing after the high heaven realm.

These world gods saw this figure and paused. They could feel danger from him, so they chose to pause their chase.

The first one saw them and eyed them greedily. He asked them, "Are you food?"

World gods don't have hair or scalps, but if they did, their hair would stand on end and their scalp would tingle right now. The level of threat they felt was unprecedented. It turned out that it was a stupid move to pause. They should have chosen to run instead of gawking like fools.

The first one snorted in displeasure. They had disrespected him by not answering his question, and they were even doing more by leaving his presence without his permission. It was all unacceptable.

He stretched one of his hands to them and said, "Come to me."

Cosmic force exploded out of him in the direction of his hand. His hand was pointed at them, so the Cosmic force smashed into them and bound them.

The world gods were surprised rather than afraid. This was because both they and their inner world had been bound and frozen. That Cosmic force was so powerful and so large that it sought to freeze their entire existence. It is something that they never thought was possible.

They managed to struggle with all their might and freed their inner world, but their physical form in the world above was still bound. It held onto them tightly regardless of their struggle and went along with the motion of the first one.

One of the world gods warned him, "You mad man. Have you lost your mind? Do you think you can make enemies of us and get away with it this time around? You don't have the protection of the void universe anymore. We will chase you to the ends of the void universe. We will destroy you eventually."

The first one knew what they were saying and why they were saying it, but he didn't care. He gave them free advice instead. He said, "Food shouldn't speak."

The world god laughed, "You are drunk on power. It will be your ruin. I will laugh when your world is destroyed and you have been rendered low."

That made the first one angry. He increased his output of Cosmic force to the maximum. Cosmic force yanked on the world gods and pulled them backwards when the hand of the first one was withdrawn.

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