Chapter 1683: A Worthy Foe.

Chapter 1683: A Worthy Foe.

Against all odds, she succeeded in becoming a titan of law. It was a miracle that she did. But now she is plagued with the repercussions of her actions. She can't control her concept, so she will die. It won't be a quick death like Ghoto's. Hers will be slow and painful. But even that is not good enough for her.

She wants more. She wants to become a Sovereign. It is not a spur of the moment decision. It was what she planned to do when she decided to add the law of creation. She thought she would survive the breakthrough to become a titan of law, and she did. Now she thinks she will gain control of her concept, so she must.

That's a dragon for you. They are too proud to envision failure. Unfortunately, she met failure at the hands of Ragnarok. He destroyed all her years of hard work. He even almost killed her. Now, she is at it again. That's why she is in the immortal lands. She is looking for a way to reinforce her inner world and gain control of her concept.

Her wings beat rhythmically as she flew through the void. It was silent all around her. But it was not silent in her head. She is constantly complaining and grumbling.

"Damn that Ragnarok. He ruined my plans. Who would have thought he was the clone of some Origin god? What bad luck! I will pay this Legion back for their transgressions one day."

Now she knows that her failure at Ragnarok's hands was not without a justified reason. It was impressive that the clone of an Origin god managed to ruin both her plans and those of a demon god, but she also thinks that it was impressive of her to manage to keep her life against such a clone.

At the very least, the information circling around about Legion has helped her regain her confidence. After all, she didn't lose to some young mutt. She lost to the clone of an Origin god.

Her confidence has returned and even soared to greater heights. She now believes that she will be able to defeat Legion in due time. Not even the rumor that Legion is responsible for the destruction of the dragon home plane is enough to deter her. Her quest for revenge is one of the greatest motivations for why she hasn't given up on her plan to become a Sovereign of law.

"Just you wait Legion. I am coming for you."

Unfortunately for her, things are far more difficult now that the realm of high heaven is no more. She can't take up lodgings in a plane and manipulate it to create the Life crystal that she needs to strengthen her dragon heart. She has to work with her life on the line to acquire what she needs to gain control of her concept.

The fountain of life is currently on a mission for the Dragon Alliance. It is an organization created by a dragon to help dragons in the immortal lands. They give her jobs and missions to do. Then they pay her for her services.

She is a large beast spanning 10 kilometers in wing length alone. But she has reduced her size to just 100 meters. It is to make her stand out less in the immortal lands.

She is not an apex predator anymore, so it is best to make herself a less visible prey. But she is not going to admit that. What she will claim is that she reduced her size to make her gems denser and more beautiful.

If anyone doubts her, which many have done recently, she will tell them that she is not weak and has fought many Origin gods before.

That boast always end with her saying, "Isn't it just Origin gods? I have killed many of them before."

She is not lying. She has indeed defeated and killed Origin gods before. It is an impressive achievement for a titan of law. It is still impressive even though she managed that in a realm where the Origin gods were suppressed.

She conveniently leaves that last part out and also ignore the fact that Origin gods are immortal. She never truly killed them. But she knows that the immortal lands is dangerous and it is best to make herself look smaller. After all, prevention is better than cure.

But she is indeed very strong. The fact that she is swimming through the void without protection is enough to show just how strong she is. Most creatures have to become Sovereigns of law to be able to protect themselves in the void.

Only Origin gods can brave the void with their bodies. She is not an Origin god yet but she can already match them in power. One can imagine just how strong she would become when she becomes an Origin god. But for now, she must hide.

She said to herself, "My time will come. I will rise again and above all my enemies." She was thinking about Legion when she said that. She has many enemies just like every dragon, but only one enemy makes her unstable heart burn with the fire of vengeance.

The fountain of life believes that her situation is only temporary. She will be able to become an immortal easily since she is a dragon and can refine Origin essence on her own. All she needs is to become a Sovereign successfully, and then she will be able to fight Origin gods without fear of death. At that time, Legion will find a worthy foe in her.

It is a good thing to look forward too. It is another reason why she must get a life crystal for her dragon heart.

She could have chosen to give up on her concept and fused with the seed of power of another Sovereign of law. That would save her life and grant her eternal life. But she wouldn't be able to become an Origin god with the seed of power of another entity. That option would rob her of her chances of revenge, so she didn't take it.

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